BSBSUS501 Develop Workplace Policy and Procedures For Sustainability

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Develop Workplace Policy and Procedures for Sustainability

Assessment Task Part A: Knowledge Questions
Question 1
There are total seven steps that follow by the organizations for the preparation of workplace
policy for sustainability. These seven steps are as follows,
Step 1: Scope of Sustainability Policy
The first step in the formation of workplace sustainability policy is to clarify the level of
importance of policy in the organization. The application of the sustainability policy within the
workplace is explained in terms of breadth and depth of usage in the daily activities of an
organization. In the same step, the areas of the business that will be covered in the sustainability
policy also highlight for the further developments.
Step 2: Collect Information
In the second step, the external and internal analysis performs to gather key information about
sustainability and related workplace place activities. The purpose of this step is to get the
guidance regarding the development of useful and effective sustainability policy. That is why
both internal and external sources use for the collection of meaningful and applicable
Step 3: Consult Stakeholders
Every policy of an organization is direct impacted on the stakeholders such as employees,
customers, investors, shareholders, suppliers, government and community. That is why the
organization consults with key stakeholders in the process of the sustainability policy making to
gain their trust on the implementations of the management.
Step 4: Inclusion of Suitable Strategies
On the basis of the collected information and responses of the stakeholders, the appropriate
strategies for the implementation of workplace sustainability policy identify and incorporate by
the organization. In these strategies, the training of staff for sustainability policy, arrangement of
required resources, monitoring, etc. requirements include to achieve desired results from an
implication of workplace sustainability policy.
Step 5: Recommendations for Workplace Sustainability Policy
The additional suggestions related the placement of workplace sustainability policy are made in
the fifth step of policy development. These recommendations are about the solutions that can be
used to enhance the effectiveness of designed policy such as reviewing of fit of policy with the
organization’s strategic plan. Besides this, the right timeline and expected cost that would be
incurred in the development and implementation of the sustainability policy in the workplace
also suggest in this step.
Step 6: Development of Policy
After all the considerations and research, the final shape provides to the sustainability policy of
an organization. During this step, the management makes sure that the workplace sustainability
policy is reflecting the intentions and commitments of the organization related the environmental
protection and enhancement. The accountability and honesty of the firm towards the
environmental sustainability should be showed in the policy.
Step 7: Implementation Methods
In the last step, the finalized policy is implemented within the workplace under the agreement of
the key stakeholders in the purpose to bring positive and responsible change in the activities and
outcomes of the company.
Question 2
These are the questions that would be used while deciding the scope of a sustainability policy,
 Does this policy minimize the environmental issues and damages?
 Does a sustainability is able to generate positive influence on all the stakeholders of an
 Is there a chance of obtaining increased customer based with the help of a sustainability
 Does the chosen policy would support in the enhancement of the business profitability
and reduction in energy costs and consumption?
Question 3
The certain and clear direction is needed in the development and execution of organization’s
sustainability policy. This direction can be obtained through the use of legal compliance. Since
the legal rules and standards have all the references and examples for the sustainability policy.
That is why the inclusion of legal compliance in the organization’s sustainability policy is
important for the companies.
Question 4
There are detailed legal standards and guidelines for the sustainability policy of the firms. In the
light of these legal directions, the companies can assure their achievement of sustainable
operations. It is because this policy is quite challenging and involved various dilemmas that can
be resolved through the use of standards and guidelines presented by law.
Question 5
The operations are the key aspect of the company that drive the final outputs which influence on
the stakeholders as well as the environment. That is why a focus on the current operations is
important to identify the needed sustainable decisions and actions. Since the sustainability of the
company generates from the improvements and eco-friendliness of the operations of the
Question 6
The managers of the firms are required to take the following measures for the management of
sustainability procedures on the regular basis,
 Improvements in the financial returns of the company.
 Reduced consumption of energy and fuel.
 Control on CO2 emissions and other harmful materials.
 Access to the existing environmental files and reports and legal information.
 Recruitment and placement of right staff for the sustainable business activities.
 Development and following of checklist.
Question 7
The below-mentioned points are the components that follows in the sustainability policy,
 Identification and describing of scope of the organization’s sustainability policy.
 Collection of important and useful information from the different sources for the
development of the sustainability policies.
 Finding key stakeholders.
 Consulting with key stakeholders about the policies related sustainable actions and
 Implementation of strategic dimensions related policies.
 Agreement of the involved and affected parties on the finalized sustainability policies.
Question 8
The implementation of sustainability policy within the organization is followed some key steps,
which are as follows,
Communicating with Actors of Implementation
All the members of the company such as employees, leaders, etc. which have role in the
implication and processing of the sustainability policies on the daily business in the business
operations are communicated about the specifications of the policies. During this step, the
coordination of the members of a firm uses to get multiple ideas for the implementation of the
policies in the workplace and business activities.
Formation of Specific Methods for the Support of Implementation Phase
In this step, the effective management system for the successful implementation of the
sustainability policy designs, so that related goals of the company can be achieved. Since the
sustainable development in the ongoing process of an organization is not easy and required major
changes. For that reason, the strong coordination within the members of the firm is needed
during the implementation process in order to avoid any failure or complications.
Including Strategies for Continuous Enhancement
This is the step which uses for the improvements in the performance of the policies for the
sustainable operations. That is why the supporting strategies that can help in the enhancement of
effectiveness of the sustainability policy find and incorporate in this key step of the
implementation process. These strategies are included monitoring and reviewing of the outcomes
generate after the implication of the sustainability policies in the workplace.
Developing Recording System
In the last but important step, the proper records of the reviews of the performance of the
sustainability policies develop for the later guidance and improvements. On the basis of these
records, the changes and improvisations carry out in the policies to make the operations more
environmental friendly and responsible.
Question 9
Life Cycle Analysis is a tool that helps to take right decisions while developing and applying
sustainability policies in the business process. Therefore, in the light of this analytical tool, the
identification, calculation and evaluation of the policies related business sustainability
throughout the life cycle of the company perform. The long-term approach of the finalized
policies assesses and defines through life cycle analysis. Thus, the scope and also objectives for
the sustainability policies of the company are found and stated on the basis of the process of life
cycle analysis. Furthermore, the constraints and opportunities that would be produced during the
implementation and practice of the sustainability policies are also learned and identified with the
help of the same tool.
Question 10
The following are common barriers that can occur during the process of implementation of the
sustainability policies within the organization,
 Legal terms and rules that can make the designed policies ineffective and potentially
 The lack of coordination from the members of an organization due to limited knowledge
and understanding.
 The communication issues between the management and employees of the company
while implementing and following the sustainability policies in the regular business
The ways that can be used to deal with these hurdles in an efficient manner is the involvement of
the legislation in the process of policies development and implication. The legal rules and
regulations should be remained center of attention of the company while working on the
sustainability policies. Alongside, the proper communication system is also needed to place in
the organization for the success of the sustainability policy.
Assessment Task Part B: Project
Task One
Minimizing Resource Use
Their policy for the environmental sustainability is clarifying that the firm is committed towards
the environmental protection. That is why the ecological balance in the business process is a key
consideration of the management, so that they can contribute in the positive change of the natural
climate. Though, the use of energy is still high in the process of BizOps, which is causing an
emission of harmful chemicals and gases in the surroundings, but the firm is committed towards
the minimization of use of natural resources and energy, which has been learned from the
mission and vision statement as well as values of an organization.
Increase Resource Efficiency
The sustainability plan of BizOps is focused on the control and reduction of those elements
which are causing the damages to the climate. That is why the efficiency in the use of resources
is trying to bring by the management of the company, so that they can control emission of
harmful elements in the environment. The replacement of the hazardous aspects is finding by the
management of BizOps to fulfil their commitments towards the environmental sustainability.
Reducing Toxic Material and Hazardous Chemical Use
In the business process of BizOps, the use of batteries is quite high, which are the key source of
damage to the climate, as the batteries produce harmful waste after expiry. For that reason, the
management of BizOps have decided to use LCD and LED screens with low-power and
eliminate the use of this tools which use batteries, so that they can reduce the production of a
waste in their operations which generates injurious and non-biodegradable substances in the
Employing Life Cycle Management Approaches
The environmental sustainability policy of BizOps is involved the utilization of Life Cycle
Analysis. The purpose behind the use of this tool is to review the current objectives associated
with the environmental sustainability policy and at the same time, to find the future scope of this
policy in the business process of the company. Therefore, in the light of LCA, the management
of BizOps is trying to take right decisions at the right time related to environmental protection
and improvement.
Continuous Improvement
The environmental policy statement of BizOps is also describing that the constant monitoring of
the implemented policy is performing in order to make the required changes in the ongoing
process. Thus, in this monitoring system, the legal standards related environmental development
and sustainability are following to ensure the use of applicable and meaningful actions in the
process of environmental sustainability and also to control the emerging issues in an effective
and appropriate manner.
Task Two
The below-mentioned table is reviewing the sustainability policy of BizOps in the light of
legislative considerations,
Suitable Legislation Key Elements
International Laws and Standards  ISO 1400 series
Commonwealth Legislation  Environment Protection and
Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
 The Department of the Environment,
Water, Heritage and the Arts
 Environment Protection and
Biodiversity Conversation Regulations
Industry Bodies  Federal Regulators by the Relevant
Environment Departments
Local Government  Environment Business Network
State and Territory Legislation  Department of Environment, Climate
Change and Water (DECCW)

The following table is presenting legislative changes in the sustainability policy of BizOps,
Proposed Changes Key Elements
Use of Environmental Protection Law Apply legal rules and standards for the
reduction of emission is generating from the
daily operations of BizOps.

Task Three
In the regard of the suggested change, the managers of BizOps are needed to ask the following
1. Level of emission in the operations.
2. Percentage of use of energy in the operations.
3. Amount of resource efficiency in the business process.
4. Number of staff in the environmental sustainability project.
5. Formation of effective sustainability policy.
Task Four
The next table is presenting the external sources which are required for the collection of vital
External Sources Sustainability Policy
Approaching website and online annual To obtain the comparative policies for the
reports execution of the sustainability in the business.
Discussion with external stakeholders Ideas for the design and production of the
sustainable goods.
Coordinate with industrial and government Finding useful legislatives for the legal
entities compliance in the sustainability policy.
Environmental rules and regulations Obtaining legal guidelines for the direction of
the organization’s sustainability policy.
Water and energy data Additional information about the ways that
can be used to reduce the utilization of water
and energy in the business operations.

Task Five
The stakeholders involved in this development process of the sustainability policy of BizOps are
as follows,
Internal: manager, leaders, employees and shareholders.
External: customers, suppliers, government, manufacturers and communities.
Task Six
The implementation of sustainability policy in the business process and productions of BizOps is
not only beneficial for the protection and improvement of the natural environment, but also
suitable to achieve financial advantages, which are as follows,
 Cost reduction
 Reducing employee turnover
 Improving sales and revenues
 Increasing number of customers
Task Seven
The details in below-mentioned table are initiatives related sustainability that should be taken by
the management of BizOps,
Sustainability Policy Initiatives Performance Indicators
Vision, Mission and Values BizOps is needed to bring The visible sustainability in
improvement in the working the business process would be
capabilities for the successful
indicated the accomplishment
achievements of these aspects of vision, mission and values
of the sustainability policy. related environmental
Implementation of Coordinating the internal The reduction in the use of
Sustainability Policy activities and management energy and emission would
system for the practice of the be shown in the daily
sustainability policy. operations of the company.
Continuous Improvement Monitoring and controlling The sustainability policy is
Process on the regular basis while successfully running in the
following sustainability business and generating
policy. favourable outcomes.
Risk Management Policy The demands of the The regular check and
customers should be followed balance of policy with the
in the sustainability process market needs is required to
to make policy effective. avoid the risk of failure in the
environmental sustainability

Task Eight
The internal and external needs should be coordinated and followed in the process of
environmental sustainability of the organization. It is because this is the only way to void the
occurrence of any chances of failure and continue an effectiveness of the designed and
implemented policy in the daily business activities.
Task Nine
The constant review of policy is necessary for BizOps, because this strategy would help in the
improvement of the outcomes of the sustainability policy of an organization. The better
coordination of policy with the legal standards and guidelines can be maintained by taking this
approach in the environmental protection process of the company.
Task Ten

Task Eleven
A flyer of the sustainability policy of BizOps for all staff would be included the following
 Development of implementation process.
 Performance indicators related to the mission, vision and goals of the company.
 Calculations of the outcomes of policy.
 Financial targets related the sustainability policy to follow in the business activities.
Task Twelve
1,000,000 litres
150 retail outlets
Installing cost: $1000/ 5000 litres
Employee Use: 1,000,000/150*0.3= 2000 litres a day
Average per year rainfall is 700 ml
Task Thirteen
The supplier policy should be reviewed in the light of supplier strategy and objectives. The
required resources should be provided to the suppliers for the management of the sustainable
activities such as merchandise. In the purchasing policy, the standards of the management of
demands of the customers should be handled as per the rules of the sustainability policy. The
purchasing procedure should be improved by enhancing the time and speed of purchasing
system, as in this way, the product waste can be reduced from the business process.

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