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Introduction Paragraph
(At least one in-text reference is required)

Streaming, it relates to the process of sorting students into groups in this review, based on their
theoretical and academic activities (Mansor 2016). Typically the students who are clustered these
forms stay in the individual groups until the end of the primary school years, or move their
classes based on their next year-end examination.
Grouping students into groups dependent on their academic success as a 
Recruitment technique.
It has become standard practice in many schools across the world.

Thesis Statement: (“Although” + opposing stand, + your stand + “because” + 2 pro


Although, the senior assistants view streaming as a school management strategy that supports a
good quality education in line with the school objective. The English panel heads and teachers
consider it to be a systematic approach that enables them to perform well as effective teachers.
Still, according to many scholars, academic streaming can cause mental pressure and can also
result in students getting poor marks in their academic life. According to Kamil (2019), students
sometimes run the risk of being branded "smart" or "dumb," depending on the class they've been
taking, so this mark will stay with them for a long time to come so affect their morale and their
mental wellbeing. Professor Hattie, commenting on the results of the International Student
Assessment System (Pisa) released last December, reveals that math scores of 15-year-olds in
New Zealand have fallen by more than any other developed world since the start of the Pisa tests
in 2000 owing to the high rate of learning streaming in their local schools (Collins 2017).
Body Paragraph 1- Pro argument #1
Topic sentence 1: (Signposting words + your stand + Pro argument)

Firstly, it lowers the ability of students to perform well. Many teachers of respected institutions
typically do not expect students in lower-level groups to be able to follow the same pace and
format as those provided to students in higher-level groups.

(At least one in-text reference is required for each supporting detail. All ideas that are not your
own / taken from articles must be cited)

Supporting detail (a):

This strategy poses questions about how teachers' standards that restrict opportunities to improve
independent thinking skills for students in lower achievement classes (Morris 2018).
Supporting detail (b)
Teachers anticipate from strong learner’s more than slow learners and often the slow learners are
often considered as failures (Mandina and Chiheve 2015).

Body Paragraph 2 - Pro argument #2

Topic sentence 2: (Signposting words + your stand + Pro argument)

Secondly, streaming causes a negative impression towards study, especially for students listed
under the lower streamed group. This also hampers their quality of learning from skilled teachers
as they are mostly considered as underachiever’s and often provided with temporary or less
skilled teachers.

(At least one in-text reference is required for each supporting detail. All ideas that are not your
own / taken from articles must be cited)

Supporting detail (a):

Feeling of inferiority in the sections of the lower level. When kids feel inferior,
Tension and pessimistic views towards learning are evident, contributing to certain adverse
psychological consequences (Chinyoka p.13 2012).

Supporting detail (b):

Chinyoka (2012) states, the low streamed group is often deprived of their right of quality
education as they are mostly provided with temporary or negatively labelled teachers with less
teaching experience.

Body paragraph 3 – opposing (counter/ con) argument + refutation / rebuttal

Topic Sentence consisting of the opposing argument: (“Opponents / critics + argue / claim /
believe / maintain that”)

Some Critics argue that, Streaming causes a positive competition among the students to score
well in their academic results along with working more hard.

(At least one in-text reference is required for each supporting detail. All ideas that are not your
own / taken from articles must be cited)

Supporting detail:

It facilitates fair rivalry and allows students to strive harder to stay in the upper class or to move
their way up whether they are in the lower class (Kamil 2019).

Refutation / Rebuttal (refuting / rebutting the argument by stating it is untrue, weak or irrelevant)
+ because (explain why the opposing argument is untrue/weak/irrelevant)
The above statement seems to be weak as streaming causes competition but it is not always that
students from different streamed group can take the competition positively as in most of the
cases the often feel they are left out due to getting judged and also streamed in lower groups.

(At least one in-text reference is required for each supporting detail. All ideas that are not your
own / taken from articles must be cited)

Supporting detail:
Many students in low streams consider schooling as meaningless, contributing to the
discontinuation of active class participation. Streaming pushes the low streamed students to Anti-
School Culture (Chinyoka 2011).

Conclusion: (Signposting words + summary + recommendation / solution / prediction)

Lastly, after many researches it can be seen that Academic streaming causes inequality and also
compromises the quality of education for many students. Due to streaming many mental stress
occurs which turns out to be deadly in future or create a negative impact in a student’s life. It is
okay to be a slow learner, the academic results of students might not be the same but they should
be recognized by their skills not by results and also with some extra care it might be possible for
them to cope up with the other students. Academic Streaming has both advantage and
disadvantage but the disadvantages exceeds the advantages. It is believed that today’s Students
are the makers of tomorrow. Thus for their benefits, equality and healthy education Academic
Streaming should be banned in schools.

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