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ADM NO:YIBS/SS/0208/020
PHONE NUMBER: 011417 24 59

Award: submitted to the KNEC for partially fulfillment as requirement as a

requirement for certificate in social work and community development.

I hereby declare that this is my own work and to the best of my knowledge for the
award of a certificate in this institution.
Signed.................................... Date..........................
Joan Awuor otieno
ADM no. YIBS/SS/0208/020.

This report is directly and mostly dedicated to my beloved parents for the continuous
support they offered to me. Without forgetting my brother calvince Apiyo who played
a major role in terms of school fees.

Drug addiction effects both brain and behavior. it has multifaceted impacts on the
patients body, mind, and nervous system. Drug with psychologically active is used to
induce consciousness. This can be modifying the perception, feelings and emotions of
the user.
When a psychological active drug intake to the body, it induces an intoxicating effect.
some of the persons may use recreational and medical practitioner suggested drugs
without becoming addicted, many persons who started using drugs converted to
physically and emotionally dependent on them. so the drug abuse causes very greatly
depending on each individual and the extent of his or her addiction. The psychological
effects of drug addiction come from the reason the user is addicted to drugs, as well as
the changes that take place in the brain once our person becomes a drug addict.

Table of contents.
1.0 introduction
1.1 background of the study.
1.2 statement of the problem.
1.3 purpose and objectives of the study.
1.4 research questions.
1.5 justification of the study.
1.6 hypothesis.
1.7 significance of the study.
1.8 limitation of the study.
1.9 conceptual frame work.
2.1 introduction.
2.2 review of previous research.
2.3 interpretation of current state of knowledge.
3.1 introduction.
3.2 research design.
3.3 location of the study.
3.4 target population.
3.5 sample selection.
3.6 research instrument.
3.7 data collection techniques.
3.8 data analytical technique.
4.1 introduction.
4 .2 description of result for each research questions, objectives or hypothesis.
4.3 research finding.
5.0 introduction.
5.1 summary of the study.
5.2 conclusion.
5.3 recommendation.
5.4 abbreviations and definition of terms


Background of the study

Ancient people use to plant-based drugs and alcohol for medicine all religious and
recreational purposes.
The first ever recorded when we appeared in Romania sometime around 7000BC
The ancient Greeks and Romans were found of wine and even dedicated several
religious festivals and gods to alcohol consumption and celebration.
In 3400BC, the Sumerians discovered the opium plant and first the right medicinal
benefits from it. Opium became a source of conflict and what's between Great Britain
and china the 19th century.
Today p.m. addiction in the USA has reached epidemic levels and the government has
recently declared a state of emergency.
During the early part of the nation's history addiction was seen as a moral failing
whereby people struggling with addiction no one left to die in the street or were
thrown into prison.
It wasn't until the late 20th century when brain imaging scans showed the effects of
drug on the Brain that addiction began to be seen as a address is therefore cold be
treated and control with proven therapeutical means.
In 1966 the American medical association committee on alcoholism and addiction
define abuse of stimulants (amphetamines, primarily) in terms of medical supervision.
In 1973 the national commission on marijuana and drug abuse stated that the drug
abuse may refer to any type of drug or chemical without regard to its pharmacologic
The third edition published in 1980 was the first to recognize substance abuse
including drug abuse and substance dependence as conditions separate from substance
abuse alone bringing in social and cultural factors.
In 1987 the DSM category psychoactive p substance abuse was the first definition to
give equal weight to behavioral and physiological factors in diagnosis.
By 1988 the DSM define substance dependence as syndrome involving compulsive
use with or without tolerance and withdrawal.
The fifth edition of the DSM was released in 2013 and revisited this terminology. in
the DSM 5 era abusing as an uniform only says are just form of the uses characteristic
with independence criteria.


Drugs and substance abuse with its possible solutions.


Identify the biological environmental behavioral and social causes and consequences
of drug abuse and addiction across the lifespan..
Develop new and improved strategies to prevent drug use and its consequences.
Develop new and improved treatments to help people with substance use disorders
achieve and maintain a meaningful and sustained recovery.
Increase the public health impact of and NIDA research and programs
The aim of the government was to reduce all illicit and other harmful drug use and
increase the rate of individuals recovering from their dependence.
The government increased the rates recovering from the repentance.

1. Why do drug addicted persons keep using drugs?
2. What is drug addiction treatment?
3. How effective is drug addiction treatment?
4. How long does drug addiction treatment usually last?
5. What helps people stay in treatment?
6. How do we get more substance abuse people into treatment?


Drugs and substance abuse has been a problem for a long time. Addicts we try to
avoid or not acknowledge the consequences of our actions at least until these
consequences are as severely compounded.
Whether its losing a job, legal trouble, dysfunction in the household or all of the
above, addiction progressively destroys our lives.
Although hitting “rock bottom” causes some to seek treatment, others justify
continued addiction with the perceived irreparable damage they have caused.

Drug and substances is a bad practice but people still practice it though it has side
effects like depression personality disorders suicidal thoughts attempted suicide and
Significance of the study
It helps the youths to know the effects and solutions to drug and substance abuse..
It also promoted responsibility towards the use of drugs and relate this to their own
actions and those of others both now and in their future lives..
It provided opportunities for people to reflect on their own and others attitudes to
various psychoactive substances and their use and the people who use them.
It will help children and young people engage with relevant drug-related issues during
more structured sessions.
The importance of drugs and substance abuse study is that it enables children youth
and adults to develop the knowledge skills and attitudes towards appreciate the
benefits of living healthily.
There was strong evidence that substance use outcomes cluster by geographic area but
there was limited and conflicting support for the hypothesis that area level
disadvantage is associated with increased substance use.
Support for the disadvantage hypothesis appeared to vary by sample age and ethnicity,
of area examined, specific outcome considered and analysis techniques.

Effective prevention strategies can minimize disease burden by delaying the start of
use reducing problematic use and reducing the harms associated with the alcohol and
illicit drugs. This can also be called harm minimisation.
Prevention of uptake reduces personal, family and community harms, allows better
use of health and law enforcement resources, generates substantial social and
D ru g s a n d S u b sta n c e a b u se

economic benefits and produces a healthier workforce.

Community Health
C e n te r



Review of related literature
In essence a literature review identifies evaluates and synthesizes the relevant
literature within a particular field of research.
It illuminates how knowledge has evolved within the field, highlighting what has
already been done, what is generally accepted, what is emerging and what is the
current state of thinking on the topic.
In addition, within research-based texts such as doctoral thesis a literature review
identifies a research gap that is explored or under research areas and articulates how a
particular research project addresses this gap.
Review of literature prevents much more than a summary of relevant sources.
The act of reviewing involves evaluating individual sources as well as synthesizing
these sources in order to gain a broader view of the field. But this field level a
literature review discusses common and emerging approaches notable patterns and
trends areas of conflict and controversies and gaps within the relevant literature.
When you can clearly observed these things you'll be able to situate your own
research and contribute to ongoing debate within the field.


The use of illicit psychoactive substance is not a minority activity among young
people in the UK.
...... If strategies to reduce the use of drugs and associated hams among The dying
people are to be developed particularly within the health education arena it is vital that
we improve our understanding of the roles that both elicit and illicit substances play in
the lives of young people..
The terms poly drug or multi drug use have been used to describe this behaviour
although the exact definition vary.
According to boys at poly drug use could also characterized the use of two or more
psychoactive substances show that affects our experience simultaneously.
Previous studies have reported that uses of unused drugs concurrently to improve the
effects of another drug or to help manage its negative effects e.g (power et
Al,,1996,Boys et Al...
There is substantial body of literature on the reasons or motivations that people are for
using alcohol particularly among adult populations. For example research on heavy
drinkers suggested that I'll call you this related to multiple functions use..........
There is evidence that for many young people the shown to use the drugs best to not
relation nor appraisal process rather than a passive reaction to the context in which a
substance is available (..
However much of this really treat your focus and some drugs as a genetic concept and
makes little distinction between different types of substances.

Interpretation of current state of knowledge


Data analysis and discussions

Data analysis is the most crucial part of any research
Data analysis summarizes collected data. It involves the interpretation of data
gathered through the use of analytic and logical reasoning to determine patterns
relationships or trends.
Indeed researchers generally analyses for patterns in observations through the entire
data collection phase (sarenge,Robinson 2004)
Description of results for each research questions objectives or hypothesis..



0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200





According to the results founded a higher number of individuals suggested that there
is drug abuse and substance abuse to be stopped among the youths.
A moderate number of individuals from the figure presented and decided where the
drug abuse and substance be stopped among the youths or not.
The lowest number of individuals from the presented figure did not want the drug
abuse and substance abuse to be stopped therefore they supported the drug abuse and
substance abuse among the youths.
The issue of drug abuse and substance abuse has been a problem among the youths
does some individuals still support and encourage its use among the youths.


Summary conclusion and recommendation

This chapter presents a summary of the findings of the study population and suggest
some recommendations. At the end of this chapter suggestions for further study and
research are suggested. These are areas that in future can be explored to further the
knowledge and research on construction risk management.

Because substance abuse and delinquency are inextricably interrelated identifying
substance abuse youth in the juvenile justice system is an important first step for
intervening in both their substance and their delinquent behaviours. Drug
identification strategies followed by of effective interventions help prevent further
illicit drug use and delinquency. Drug testing can be a constructive means of helping
youth overcome denial of their substance abuse. As a part of intervention drug testing
can be used to help youth achieve and maintain recovery and curtail other deviant
behaviours. Overtime effective drug identification will help juvenile Justice agencies
achieve the goals of a balanced approach including community protection youth
accountability and competency development.

In evaluating the impact of alcohol and other drug use on behaviours specific
attention should be paid to the action of drugs in combination.
Research is still needed to sort out the relative impact of the work environment and
individual traits on workers alcohol and other drug use. This research should test
realistic theories involving such potential critical variables as drug availability in local
norms work stress and attending to such complexities as interaction effects and
reverse causation.

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