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To encourage quality reader
intervention The Indian
Express offers the Letter of

indicated that while Sebi registers
NCREASING corporate
Budget 2011 shows India’s the Week Award. The letter
Failing to take off debt caps for foreign institu-
tional investment and allow-
ing retail foreign investors to refusal to draw the wrong
foreign investors, this is not to
enforce Know-Your-Client (KYC)
norms that India is now required to
do as a signatory to various inter-
adjudged the best for the
week is published every
Saturday. Letters may be
invest in Indian mutual funds are
Baldauf’s exit shows, once again, how the two significant initiatives in Budget lessons on capital controls national anti-terror treaties.
e-mailed to editpage or sent
government continues to ruin Air India 2011. These steps towards greater
capital account liberalisation will not
The Budget 2011 proposal
should be seen in the light of the
to The Indian Express,
9&10, Bahadur Shah Zafar
country that is now looking to only attract foreign capital for ILA PATNAIK above recommendation. The

HERE is, regrettably, no Marg, New Delhi -110002.
surprise that Gustav Baldauf adopt different mechanisms to en- India’s enormous infrastructure finance minister proposed to allow Letter writers should mention
chose to resign as Air India’s sure adequate outcomes and effi- needs, but they will also make foreign retail investors to invest in their postal address and
chief operating officer. A zealous- ciently targeted subsidies, such al- Indian financial markets more sta- that foreign debt denominated in investor wishes to invest in the listed Indian mutual funds. This will mean phone number.
ness to micro-manage the “national location and such future estimates ble and the economy more resilient. foreign currency could be a much equities market, he has to be in one that Indian mutual funds do not
should strike anyone as unduly Since 1991, when India witnessed bigger potential source of risk. Local of the categories of institutional have to go register in Mauritius or The winner receives
carrier” is too much a part of the
Singapore to get foreign investors, books worth
Central government. Indeed, by wasteful. That there is doubtful a balance of payment crisis due to currency debt did not pose the same investors recognised under the
Rs 1000.
issuing a show-cause notice to benefit to the public by these regu- short-term foreign liabilities, Indian risks. The Sinha report recom- SEBI Foreign Institutional Investor and it is thus a step forward as it
Baldauf for stating just that — that lar infusions of cash was brought capital controls have involved mended that restrictions on FII Regulations. This framework was removes the protection the FII
the government played “too promi- out recently when the Directorate restrictions on foreign debt. There investment in rupee-denominated set up in 1992-93 when India first framework was implicitly giving to Letters to the
nent a role in the airline” — Air
India’s management proved just
General of Civil Aviation released
data for domestic air traffic in
are no explicit caps on the total
foreign borrowing, the two main
debt — that is, corporate bonds —
be removed.
opened up to foreign investors. The
list of investors has been widened
foreigners. However, the proposal
does not yet address the objective of EDITOR
that. When Baldauf, an Austrian January. Air India’s domestic wing components of which are external The primary reason for maintain- over the years but still involves a bringing greater diversity of behav-
national, was inducted into the air- had slipped to fourth place. Jet, commercial borrowings (ECBs) — ing restrictions on foreign invest- check on the structure of the iour into the market. Since mutual Good job, Mr FM
line, it was seen as a faint signal by Kingfisher and IndiGo each flew that is, dollar borrowings by compa- ment in rupee corporate bonds was investor, which allows only collective funds are institutional investors, ■ THIS refers to ‘FM delivers,
some that perhaps this time the more passengers than Air India, nies — and FII investment in rupee- to control dollar inflows to prevent investment schemes. If the investor is though domestic, their behaviour is, over to the House’ (IE, March
government was thinking out of the that too by a large margin. The denominated bonds. The policy the appreciation of the rupee. Over an individual, he has to register as a to some extent, still similar to that 1). This budget was more a
box and was committed to reviving DGCA’s figures also showed that framework attempts to control this the last two years, RBI intervention sub-account with an existing foreign of foreign institutional investors. political statement than an
the airline’s fortunes. The reason Air India reported low occupancy magnitude. However, there is a in foreign exchange market has institutional investor. Still, it is a step in the right direction economic assessment. On the
for his exit should extinguish any and the lowest on-time figures. If ceiling on FII investment in total been largely absent, and the rupee The biggest weakness of the insti- towards rationalising capital 20th anniversary of reforms,
lingering optimism. The develop- this were any other company, its rupee-denominated bonds, and has witnessed two-way movements tutional investor framework is herd- controls and moving ahead on capi- the FM promised implementa-
ment, however, does frame the issue shareholders would have seriously within that, on government bonds tal account liberalisation. tion of pending reforms and
as it is: is it worth this country’s reconsidered their investment. and corporate bonds. India has an elaborate system of capital controls. India has an elaborate system of fiscal consolidation. In the
finances to keep pouring good But, of course, Air India is not By 2009, the stock of corporate capital controls. When juxtaposed accompanying editorial
money for the uncertain benefits of any other airline. An anachronistic borrowing under the ECB window When juxtaposed with the fact that the Indian economy with the fact that the Indian ‘Building anew’, it is precisely
having a “national carrier”? After pride in a “national carrier” — a (dollar-denominated) stood at recovered quickly after witnessing a setback to GDP economy recovered quickly after stated the budget reflects
the frivolousness of this latest crisis, notion exploited by unions and the above $62 billion, while foreign growth after the global financial crisis, many people witnessing a setback to GDP long-term trends which show
can we finally acknowledge that ministry — has meant that any lending to firms in rupee-denomi- are tempted to draw the conclusion that it was the growth after the global financial India is changing and devel-
incremental steps of new hires and movement on a sensible disinvest- nated debt was capped at one-tenth crisis, many people are tempted to oping as a country and as a
periodic bailouts will not restore the ment plan has been averted. The of that value, at $6 billion. The bias of
capital controls that made India resilient. The draw the conclusion that it was the polity. The talk of DTC and GST
leaking flagship to any semblance notion has also, all too wastefully, controls on rupee-denominated importance of the Indian experience in the capital capital controls that made India with a timetable shows the
of financial health? nourished political support for versus dollar-denominated debt had controls debate is, thus, huge. resilient, and thus capital controls maturity of the Indian demo-
Those questions are validated by reviving the airline without resulted in higher dollar-denomi- are good and should be retained. cratic system. This budget has
the allocation, in the Union demanding of the management a nated borrowings by firms. with high volatility. Once the ing behaviour by institutional The importance of the Indian some unforeseen features. To
budget announced this week, of rational case for more funds. The The ministry of finance working exchange rate regime changed and investors. Due to similarity of experience in the capital controls achieve more accountability
Rs 1,200 crore to Air India. That’s market clearly is not in awe of a group on foreign investment, the rupee became flexible, there was objectives, time horizons, profit- debate is, thus, huge. India is almost and transparency, the status of
Rs 800 crore short of demand “national carrier”. It is time we polit- headed by the present Sebi Chair- little reason to hang on to the restric- booking dates, interconnectedness the only “evidence” of a large the implementation of
made to the Central government. ically junked the idea too, and man U.K. Sinha, argued that the tion on rupee-denominated debt. amongst the big institutions, etc, in- country whose historical experience previous budgets is also
Indeed, in Civil Aviation Minister thereby created the conditions for a government needs to move away In his budget proposals this week, stitutional investors respond to of capital controls and high growth mentioned. The concept of
Vayalar Ravi’s estimate, it needs realistic appraisal of what to do with from restrictions on total foreign the finance minister raised the ceiling various situations in a similar make the case for capital controls. effective revenue deficit is
Rs 10,000 crore more. But for a a problem called Air India. debt, to a restriction on dollar- on FII investment in corporate manner. On the other hand, retail The ministry of finance working new. The high levels of non-
denominated foreign debt where bonds in infrastructure from $5 bil- investors do not exhibit the same be- group report and the budget tax revenue and disinvest-
movements of the rupee dollar rate lion to $25 billion. This doubled the haviour. They can bring a diversity proposals to move towards greater ment provide great room to

Reporting back can pose unforeseen liabilities on

the borrower. If an Indian company
has borrowed in dollars and the
rupee weakens, the company has to
cap on total FII investment in
corporate bonds to $40 billion. This is
a step forward in rationalising the
capital controls framework.
of views and actions to financial
markets. Further, the present crisis
showed that large investment banks
with leveraged investment were
liberalisation of the capital account,
rather than hanging on to capital
controls, should have important
lessons for other countries.
reduce deficits. Surjit S. Bhalla
is right (‘Sweet smell of
radicalism’) that this budget is
radical and smells of good
As violence returns to the Telangana stir, it is pay more. The policy framework has The other important move in the prone to disruptions and shocks. economics. To achieve
crucial the Centre engage different parties been guided by the old belief that
foreign debt, as such, was danger-
budget towards greater capital
account liberalisation is to allow
Yet, as a policy, India has allowed
only such investment companies to
The writer is a professor at the
National Institute of Public
inclusive and balanced
growth, the wish list is end-
tus quo — is a political project. The ous. The policy lesson that emerged retail foreign investors to buy Indian enter the markets from abroad. Finance and Policy, Delhi less, but at least the path has

HE political play over Telan-
gana displays certain odd, Telangana movement has a long from the Asian crisis, however, was mutual funds. At present, if a foreign Further, the Sinha report been shown by the FM.
disturbing tendencies. The history, and its political nature has — Shishir Sindekar
situation that compelled the setting changed over time. The Congress, Nashik
up of the Srikrishna Committee —
tactical as well as violent aggression
on the streets of Andhra to put pres-
sure on the Centre — is now slowly
which has a majority in the Andhra
Pradesh assembly and which also
has a majority of the MPs in Lok
Sabha from the state, is obviously
Back to the old ways? Different strokes
■ WHEN an economy is doing
well, budgets tend to be non-
returning to the state, almost two wary of doing anything that could YUBARAJ GHIMIRE Prachanda’s dilemma is not a good sign for stability in Nepal events and so it has been with
months after the panel had made its precipitate a divide within its legisla- Budget 2011. The proposal to

recommendations on the feasibility ture party. But given the adjourn- HE fate of Nepal’s ongoing tory committee to hold its national he has to speak like a “revolu- party trade union — would have contain fiscal deficit at 4.6 per
of a separate state of Telangana. It ments forced by its MPs in Lok peace process and the convention as well as elections. tionary” and champion the deserted Prachanda. He would cent would have carried
should now be clear that the Centre Sabha last week on the subject, promised new constitution The control over the trade union party’s worldview that Maoists also have been a target of much greater weight if the govern-
cannot allow the situation to drift. which seemed to take party leaders depends on how sincerely — supposed to be the richest unit are against “US hegemony and vilification within his party since ment had boldly continued
Having given the appearance of by surprise, inaction too cannot be Prachanda and his party, the Uni- of the richest party in the country Indian expansionism”, and that families of the cadres who had lost with base exemption limits of
caving in to the TRS’s passive- an option. fied Communist Party of Nepal- — is crucial to Prachanda. the party must launch a revolt to their lives during 10 years of insur- direct taxes on personal
aggressive tactics in December 2009, It is crucial to establish order and Maoists (UCPN-M), cooperate in The erosion in his clout has assert Nepali nationalism and gency had warned Prachanda and income. That would have
and thereby provoking anxiety in stability and not let parts of the state the process. He is focused more on come at a time when he stands dis- control state power. Assuring the other top leaders of “action for conveyed its firm commitment
other parts of the state, it has to now descend into yet another cycle of retaining the party leadership and credited in India, his home for Indian Maoists that “we have not their disrespect to the blood that to bringing down inflation by
reclaim the middle ground by using violence. The Centre had said that all the clout associated with it; eight out of 10 of his insurgency at all compromised on our princi- martyrs shed”. March. The proposed
the committee’s very useful blue- it would look into the issue after the supporting the peace process and years as per his own admission, ples and values of our revolution” Having burnt all his boats, marginal rise in exemption
print for negotiations with different Union budget was presented. Home the drafting of the constitution and the country that mediated his is a tactical necessity for him beginning with India that created only underscores that it has no
strands of opinion. Minister P. Chidambaram has also appears secondary, even tactical. entry into the democratic fold, under the circumstances. the ground for his safe landing in clue as to how inflation would
The committee has laid out six stated that the government is study- A clear division at the party’s paving the way for his elevation to That Prime Minister Jhalanath democratic polity, Prachanda pan out. The price of current
available options, including the ing the Srikrishna panel’s report top level as well as in its various the PM’s chair through an elec- Khanal, who is also the chairman perhaps faces his toughest journey growth is that politics,
status quo, a united Andhra with an and will convene a meeting of wings has resulted in a visible toral process in August 2008. of the Communist Party of in politics. His call for a return to economics and commitment
empowered Telangana council and a parties from Andhra Pradesh on the erosion in Prachanda’s loyalty By 2005, India had recognised Nepal-Unified Marxist Leninist radical politics is more for tactical to people are increasingly
separate state of Telangana. It does Telangana issue only when all of base. His main concern is to not Maoists as the true representa- (CPN-UML), could not imple- reasons, but whether it will have going in different ways.
not presume to decisively privilege them are ready to give their views. allow a party convention to take the kind of impact it had in the — R. Narayanan
one option over the others, and The process should begin at the place in the near future, al- Prachanda is focused more on retaining party past is doubtful. Ghaziabad
provides a wealth of detail in investi- earliest. All the stakeholders should though his rivals — party vice leadership and all the clout associated with it. Prachanda’s dilemma is not a
gating different scenarios. Moving show a maturity to resolve the issue presidents Mohan Baidhya good sign for peace and stability Spin doctors
forward — towards a new adminis- and in the meantime refrain from Kiran and Baburam Bhattarai — Supporting the peace process and the drafting of the in the country that does not have ■ THE Bangalore ODI between
trative set-up, a new state, or simply holding the state hostage to are lobbying hard for it. If that constitution appears secondary, even tactical. an effective government nor state India and England has given
restoring normalcy within the sta- political blackmail. happens, Prachanda will face a institutions based on constitu- Team India valuable tips for
challenge to his leadership for tives of the people and given up its ment the secret deal he had tional principles which became their next matches. Scoring a
the first time in the quarter twin-pillar theory, on assessment recently signed with Prachanda the first casualty of the success of big century, Andrew Strauss

FREEZE FRAME century since he began his

underground politics.
The trade union wing of the
that aspiration for change in
Nepal no longer favoured the
continuation of the monarchy,
to run a coalition government,
following opposition from all
sides, has given a fresh excuse to
the mass movement of April
2006. Retrospectively, the
demolition of the old order from
was not at all bothered by
spinners like Piyush Chawla
and Harbhajan Singh. He
party suffered a split recently and even in a constitutional form. the Maoist supremo to discard within was perhaps the biggest created a visible scare among
Prachanda acolyte Shaligram Near-nil chances of the consti- democratic forces as “untrust- success of Maoists, something Indian fielders. Strauss’s
Jammarkatel had to face a tution being delivered now show worthy” and go his own way. their allies and other political innings caused the match to
parallel body led by Badri Maj- that India’s declared intent and Although the PM’s refusal to parties are shy to admit. end in a tie. All good batsmen
gain, a Baidhya loyalist. Jam- outcome do not match. Increas- give the home portfolio to the Maoists can revolt, show have now understood how
markatel’s sole control over the ingly, the Indian architects of Maoists as promised has been indifference or sabotage the to remain on the crease
union so far and its sway over all Nepal’s policy from 2005 are seen officially projected as the reason system from within — hoping it by scoring singles against
kinds of trade and industries here as actors without account- for the Maoists not joining the will help them in the long run — spinners.
added to Prachanda’s might. But ability. That image comes in cabinet, it is not so simple. Those but other pro-democratic forces — K.L. Khandekar
the birth of the parallel faction handy for Prachanda. who would have been left out of a seem incapable of responding to Vadodara
forced the party standing commit- He knows his political future total of 11 berths promised — the situation that emerges.
tee to dissolve the trade union depends on his retaining the especially from the guerrilla wing, Chinese checkers
itself and convert it into a prepara- leadership of the party. For that, dominant ethnic groups and the ■ THE political uprising in the
Arab world should make
China think. People today are

When it all began averse to suppression and

oppression. China has for long
stifled people’s freedoms. By
The conditions on our planet may not have been sufficient for life interacting with people of
democratic countries, the

NCE upon a time there was the Big Bang theory of the origins of extremely inhospitable place, hot and devoid of oxygen. That the vital Chinese have cultivated a
the universe. Now, you could say, we have another, more local, conditions may have come together by chance, in part, literally as bolts taste for freedom. Their
“big bang” — for the origin of life on Earth. According to scientists from the blue, brings a satisfactorily quixotic aspect to scientific study — leaders should see the writing
in Arizona, the crucial components necessary for life to start may and, happily, hammers some more nails into the coffin of on the wall. It would be
not have been generated by our own planet in the first instance, Intelligent Design. prudent to avoid needless
but come from somewhere deep in outer space, carried by the But it is not entirely consoling. If the humans of today bloodshed and usher in
barrage of meteorites that crashed into the earth four billion are the consequence of a protracted and haphazard democracy in China. Other-
years ago. The key is the discovery that a meteorite was capable bombardment from outer space, will capricious extra- wise, the firewall may become
of providing nitrogen-containing ammonia. PRINTLINE terrestrial intervention also determine the end? And will a massive fireball.
In one way it might seem disappointing that the Earth it be another bang, or a whimper? — Harischandra Parshuram
was not self-sufficient and may not have produced its own life. But Mumbai
perhaps we should not be so surprised. Our planet, at that time, was an From an editorial in ‘The Independent’, London

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