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Variable and Constant:
In Mathematics, we usually deal with two types of quantities-Variable quantities (or variables) and
Constant quantities (or constants). If the value of a quantity remains unaltered under different situations, it is
called a constant. On the contrary, if the value of a quantity changes under different situations, it is called a
For example: 4, 2.718, 22/7 etc. are constants while speed of a train, demand of a commodity,
population of a town etc. are variables.

In a mathematical equation where a relationship is established for some type of parameters normally two
types quantities exist. One is constant that doesn’t change with the changes of other parameters in the equation
and another is the variables which change for different situations. The changing of variable parameters is called
as variation.

In problems relating to two or more variables, it is seen that the value of a variable changes with the
change in the value (or values) of the related variable (or variables). Suppose a train running at a uniform speed
of v km./h. travels a distance of d km. in t hours. Obviously, if t remains unchanged then v increases or
decreases according as d increases or decreases. But if d remains unchanged, then v decreases or increases
according as t increases or decreases. This shows that the change in the value of a variable may be accompanied
differently with the change in the values of related variables. Such relationship with regards to the change in the
value of a variable when the values of the related variables change, is termed as variation.

This can be explained by an example of simple equation y = mx where m is a constant. If we assume that the
value of m as 5 then the equation becomes as y = 5x.

When x = 1, y = 1 × 5 = 5

When x = 2, y = 2 × 5 = 10

When x = 3, y = 3 × 5 = 15

Simply the value of y is changing with the different values of x.

This is the variation of y with different values of x and similarly it can be shown that with different values of y
the value of x changes. Variation can be of different types according the pattern of changing or relationships of


When two variables change in proportion it is called as direct variation. In direct variation one variable
is constant times of other. If one variable increases other will increase, if one decrease other will also decease.
This means that the variables change in a same ratio which is called as constant of variation.
Direct variation is the simplest type of variation and in practical life we can find many situations which can be
co-related with direct variation.
If two variables A and B are so related that when A increases ( or decreases ) in a given ratio, B also
increases ( or, decreases ) in the same ratio, then A is said to vary directly as B ( or, A is said to vary as B ).
This is symbolically written as, A ∝ B (read as, ‘A varies as B’ ). 
Suppose a train moving at a uniform speed travels d km. in t minutes. Now, consider the following table:
d (km) 24 12 48 36
t (min) 30 15 60 45

Like in a math examination if for one problem solving we can score 10 numbers, so five problems
solving we can get 50 numbers. This can be explained with a direct variation equation. If T denotes total
numbers scored, N denotes numbers of problem solved and K denotes numbers can be scored for solving a
problem, then the direct variation equation for this situation will be T = KN. 

Definition: Direct Variation: a relationship between two objects where when the first object increases the
second object increases. The relationship is given by the equation:
y = kx
where x and y are the related objects and k is called the constant of variation.

In a direct variation, both objects either increase or decrease. It is a type of linear function. The constant
of variation, k, is the slope of the function, but we don't usually think of it in terms of slope because we use the
equation to solve problems. Constant variations are useful because if we know one point, we can then find other
points that would be on the graph. We find the other points based on k. This is done by substituting the values
of x and y into the equation for a direct variation and then solving for k. Example 1 will describe show how to
find k.

Example1: The point (2, 8) is a point on the graph of a direct variation. Find the constant of variation.

We start with the equation: y = kx. The point (2, 8) tells us that x = 2 and that y = 8. Next,
substitute these values into the equation to get: 8 = 2k. Finally, solve the equation for k by dividing both
sides by 2 and one gets: 4 = k. So, the constant of variation is 4.

Now that we can find the constant of variation, we can find points on the graph. This will be
done by using our equation twice. The first time we will substitute values for x and y to find k. The
second time, we will substitute for k and either x or y to find the missing x or y. Problems of this kind
will look like examples 2 and 3.

Example 2: Given a direct variation where y = 12 when x = 3, what is y when x = 10.

Step 1: Find k.
So, to find k, we use the fact that y = 12 when x = 3 and substitute those values into our equation.
This substitution yields the equation: 12 = 3k. Now, divide by 3 and find that 4 = k.
Step 2: Find the missing variable.
In this case, the missing variable is y. So, we will use the equation: y = kx again, but this time we
know that k = 4 and that x = 10. Substituting in for k and x gives us the equation: y = (4)(10).
Finally, do the multiplication to find that y = 40.
Now, we should ask ourselves if this answer seems reasonable. Should you have gotten bigger?
Remember that in a direct variation, as x increases y increases or as x decreases y decreases.
Since our first x = 3 and our second x = 10 which is an increase, we would expect our second y
to increase. Therefore, the answer seems reasonable.
Example 3: Given a direct variation where y = 15 when x = 3, find x when y = 5.
Step 1: Find k.
Like before, substitute for x and y to get: 15 = 3k. Divide by 3 to get 5 = k.

Step 2: Find the missing variable

In this case, the missing variable is x. Again, use the equation y = kx, but now we substitute for y and k
to get the equation: 5 = 5x. Solve the equation by dividing both sides by 5 and find that x = 1.
Again, ask yourself if this seems reasonable. Should the second x have been smaller than the first x? If
yes, Why? The answer is yes it should have been smaller because the second y is smaller than the first y.
Therefore, the answer seems reasonable.

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