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Lab Report

Date: April 20, 2021


Our objective is to investigate the impact of concentration on sodium-thiosulphate-hydrochloric acid
reaction rates.
What is Chemical Kinetics?
The feasibility and degree of the reaction is very critical for every chemical reaction. The viability of a
reaction can be calculated by thermodynamics and the degree can be calculated by chemical equilibrium.
It is critical, as is the viability and degree, to know how quickly and how much a chemical reaction
affects. Chemical cinematics is the branch of chemistry involved in reaction rate analysis and its
What does the rate of a reaction mean?
Reactants are consumed and novel materials developed in all chemical reactions. The reaction rate is then
characterized as the rate at which one reactant decreases in concentration or the rate at which one product
is increasing.
Take into consideration the hypothesis, R>P.
The reactants and the product are respectively concentrated in the [R] and [P].

What are the factors that influence the rate of a reaction?

The rate of a chemical reaction can be affected by different influences.

 Temperature
 Concentration of the reactant
 Physical state
 Catalyst
The reactant concentration plays a major role in the reaction rate. The number of reactive molecules
increases as the reactant concentration increases. The growth in molecules also results in an increase in
the number of collisions, leading to an increase in the reaction rate.
Reaction between Sodium thiosulphate and Hydrochloric Acid
The effect of the reactant concentration on the reaction rate can be easily investigated by reacting between
hydrochloric and sodium thiosulphate.

Thiosulphate sodium binds to sulfur dioxide, sulfur, and water with diluted acid. Sulfur dioxide is a
soluble gas that dissolves completely in water. However, the formation of a sulfur is insoluble and can be
seen in the combination as a precipitation of white or pale yellow or a colloid which gives a milky look
and makes the solution opaque. The reaction rate will then be investigated using the opacity of the
reaction monitoring. The time needed (t) to shape a certain volume of sulfur can be easily measured.
In this experiment, the reactants are mixed in a conical flask and the conical flake is placed on top of a
sheet of white paper that has a cross-mark. The symbol can be seen distinctly from the top of the conical
bottle in the solution before the reaction begins. However, with the reaction, sulfur flows such that the
solution is opaquer, and the symbol is finally masked. The time required to completely remove the mark
(t) shows how quickly the reaction happened.
A diagram of 1/t (in second) and sodium thiosulphate concentration can be drawn by taking 1/t along the
ordinary axis and Na2S2O3 concentration along the abscissa. The diagram should be a direct line.

The diagram demonstrates that 1/t is proportional directly to the Na2S2O3 concentration. But 1/t is an
immediate indicator of the reaction rate. The reaction rate between Na2S2O3 and HCl thus corresponds
directly with the Na2S2O3 solution concentration.

Independent variable Time Range (0 – 180sec)

Dependent variable Concentration Range (0 – 0.3M)
controlled variable Temperature, light, and

0.1 M Hydrochloric acid solution,
0.05M, 0.10M, 0.15M, 0.20M, 0.25M Sodium thiosulfate solution (Na2S2O3)
Distilled or deionized water
Permanent marker
5 x 10mL Beakers
5 Stirring rods
25mL Graduated cylinders.
Stopwatch or timer

Hazard Why is it a hazard Possible safety precaution

HCl solution It irritates the eye and skin in Use laboratory glasses
case of contact
Sodium thiosulfate solution It causes irritation of body Use gloves and glasses
tissues while in contact.
So2 Causes skin and eye irritation Use chemical and temperature
resistant gloves


Beaker Stirring rod Stopwatch Graduated cylinder

 Firstly, the required apparatus and chemicals are collected.
 Then draw the big cross at the bottom of each beaker with permanent marker.
 Then 50mL of 0.05M Na2SO3 solution is added into each 100mL beaker.
 Carefully applied 10mL of 0.01M dilute HCl into 0.05M solution of Na 2SO3 along with glass rod
stirring then start the timer.
 Timer is stopped when black cross can no longer be seen and note down the readings we also take
2 more readings and take the average.
 Repeat this process for other four different conc. Of Na 2SO3. And recorded the results for each
method separately.
 Enter the results in appropriate result table.
 Included the average time for each reaction and a column with 1/average time.
 Plot a graph between concentration and average time and 1/avg T.

Beaker Na2SO3 Conc. Of HCl Average time 1/avg Time

in M in seconds
Conc. Volume Conc. Volum
In M mL In M e in mL
1 0.05 50 0.1 10 165 0.0060
2 0.10 50 0.1 10 61 0.0164
3 0.15 50 0.1 10 40 0.025
4 0.20 50 0.1 10 32 0.0313
5 0.25 50 0.1 10 28 0.0357


Conc. vs Time

Concentration (M)





20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Time (s)
Conc. vs 1/avrage T


Conc. in M




0 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.04
1/T (s-1)

As the conc. Of Na2SO3 decrease rate of reaction become slower due to lower number of collusions
between molecule of thiosulphate and HCl this can be seen in above graphs. Time for 0.05 molar Na 2SO3
is higher than other higher concentrated Na 2SO3. With the help of this experiment, we have studied the
effect of concentration on the rate of reaction.
UKEssays. November 2018. Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric Acid. [online]. Available from:
[Accessed 20 April 2021].
Rolia, E. and Chakrabarti, C.L., 1982. Kinetics of decomposition of tetrathionate, trithionate, and
thiosulfate in alkaline media. Environmental science & technology, 16(12), pp.852-857.
SKOOG, D. A., WEST, D. M., & HOLLER, F. J. (1988). Fundamentals of analytical chemistry. New
York, Saunders College Pub.

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