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Fabienne Berger-Remy

Marketing Intelligence


January 2017

Auteur - Date - 1
Ch 1: setting marketing intelligence goals
The golden rule of marketing intelligence
• A correct answer starts with a good question
The first step, before anything, is to define clearly the
management problem / opportunity

• A management issue IS NOT a marketing intelligence objective

Some translation is required there
Most often, the management problem has to be broken into
several market research objectives
Define precisely your you marketing research objective before
developing any MR tool or design

• Data analysis is not an independent exercise

The goal of data analysis is to provide information related to the
problem components
From Management Issue
to Marketing Intelligence Goals

Management issue

Marketing Marketing Marketing

Intelligence Intelligence Intelligence
goal 1 goal 2 goal 3

Information to Information to Information to

collect collect collect
Management issue vs.
Marketing intelligence goal
What is the best way to introduce this 1/ Determine consumer preferences
new product to the market? and purchase intentions for the
proposed new product
2/ Test various scenarii of
Ad Recall is declining. Is there a 1/ Analyse the media pressure vs
need for a new advertising market
campaign? 2/ Determine the effectiveness of the
current advertising campaign vs
We need to increase the margin level 1/ Determine the price elasticity of
on our product. Can we increase the demand and the impact on sales and
enduser price? profits of various levels of price
Where is the real problem?
• Conducting a « problem audit » is essential to clarify the
management issue
Discussion with decision makers, involving :
history of the problem
set of alternative actions, and criteria of evaluation
information needed, and the way it will be used

• OFTEN : too much focus on the the symptoms of a problem rather

than its causes
• Management issue based on symptoms can be misleading
• Marketing Intelligence that adds value goes beyond the
symptoms to adress the underlying causes
Management issues that may be misleading
If only based on
A manufacturer of Determine consumer Color. The color of the
orange soft drink. preferences for drink is a dark shade of
Consumers say the alternative levels of orange giving the
sugar content is too sugar content perception that the
high product is too sugary.
A manufacturer of Determine the price Channel management.
machine tools. elasticity if demand Distributors do not have
Consumers complain adequate product
prices are too high knowledge to
communicate products
benefits to consumers.
question / exercice


What can Honda do to expand its
automobile market?
Vinamilk wants to increase the
perception of the nutritional
attributes of its products
The market share of Lipton, the
tea-based drinks brand, is
lagging behind

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