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North London Collegiate School Jeju

Mathematics: applications and interpretation

Standard level Mock Examination
Paper 2

Time allowed: 1 hour 30 minutes



• Do not open this examination paper until instructed to do so.

• A graphical display calculator is required for this paper.
• Answer all questions in the answer booklet provided.
• Unless otherwise stated in the question, all numerical answers should be given exactly or correct to three
significant figures.
• A clean copy of the mathematics: applications and interpretation formula booklet is required for this
• The maximum mark for this examination paper is [80 marks].
Answer all questions in the answer booklet provided. Please start each question on a new page. Full marks
are not necessarily awarded for a correct answer with no working. Answers must be supported by working
and/or explanations. Solutions found from a graphic display calculator should be supported by suitable
working. For example, if graphs are used to find a solution, you should sketch these as part of your answer.
Where an answer is incorrect, some marks may be given for a correct method, provided this is shown by
written working. You are therefore advised to show all working.

1. [Maximum mark: 17]

The Singapore Gymnastics Centre hosted a rhythmic gymnastics event. The judges, Fan Yun and
You Jie awarded 8 competitors a score out of 10. The raw data is collated in the following table:

Competitors A B C D E F G H

Fan Yun’s score (x) 4.1 3 4.3 6 7.2 6 7.6 6

You Jie’s score (y) 4.7 4.6 4.9 7.3 7.8 9 9.6 7.3

(a) (i) Write down the value of the Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficient, r.

(ii) Using the value of r, interpret the relationship between Fan Yun’s score and
You Jie’s score. [4]

(b) Write down the equation of the regression line y on x. [2]

(c) (i) Use your regression equation from part (b) to estimate You Jie’s score when
Fan Yun awards a score of 9.5

(ii) State whether this estimate is reliable. Justify your answer. [4]

The organiser of the event would like to find Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient.

(d) Copy and complete the information in the following table. [2]

Competitors A B C D E F G H

Fan Yun’s Rank 8 1 4

You Jie’s Rank 8 1 4.5

(e) (i) Find the value of Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient, rs

(ii) Interpret the result obtained for rs [4]

The organiser believes that You Jie’s score for competitor G is too high and so decreases the score
from 9.6 to 9.2

(f) Explain why the value of Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient rs does not change. [1]
2. [Maximum mark: 19]

(i) A manufacturer claims that fertiliser has an effect on the height of corn plants. He measures
the height of fertilised and unfertilised plants. The results are given in the following table.

Plant height Fertilised plants Unfertilised plants

> 75 cm 115 80

50 - 75 cm 45 65

< 50 cm 20 35

A chi-squared test is performed to decide if the manufacturer’s claim is justified at the 1% level
of significance. The critical value for this test is 9.210

(a) Write down the null and alternative hypothesis for this test. [2]

(b) For the number of fertilised plants with height greater than 75 cm, show that the expected
value is 97.5. [3]

(c) Write down the value of χ calc


(d) Write down the number of degrees of freedom. [1]

(e) Write down the p-value for this data. [1]

(f) Is the manufacturer’s claim justified? Give a reason for your answer. [2]

(ii) Whilst working on the corn plants the manufacturer left a cup of coffee on a table for several
hours. Initially its temperature was 94°C. After 20 minutes, the temperature had dropped to

The temperature of the coffee in the cup is modelled by T (t) = 25 + ae bt , where t

represents the time in minutes that the cup of coffee has been on the table.

(a) Find the value of

(i) a

(ii) b [4]

(b) Use the model to estimate the temperature of the coffee after it has been sitting on the table
for 30 minutes. [2]

(c) Write down the equation of the horizontal asymptote of the graph of T. [1]

(d) State the meaning of the asymptote found in c. [1]

3. [Maximum mark: 17]

In this question, give all answers to two decimal places.

Rajesh decides to purchase a new motorbike with a price of $18 000, but he cannot afford the full
amount. He approaches the bank for a loan and they offer two options to finance the loan.

Finance options A:

An 8 year loan at a nominal annual interest rate of 12.5% compounded quarterly.

No deposit required and repayments are made each quarter.

(a) (i) Find the repayments made each quarter.

(ii) Find the total amount paid for the motorbike.

(iii) Find the interest paid on the loan. [7]

Finance option B:

An 8 year loan at a nominal interest rate of r % compounded monthly. Terms of the loan require
a 10% deposit and monthly repayments of $260.

(b) (i) Find the amount to be borrowed for this option.

(ii) Find the annual interest rate, r [5]

(c) State which option Rajesh should choose. Justify your answer. [2]

Rajesh’s motorbike depreciates at an annual rate of 18% per year.

(d) Find the year in which the motorbike falls to one third of the price that he paid for it. [3]
4. [Maximum mark: 13]

On a particular day, the depth of water (D m) at the entrance to Sydney harbour can be
modelled by the function D ( t ) = 12.5 + 6sin 32t°. Here, t is the time (in hours) that have elapsed
since midnight.

(a) State the depth of water at midnight. [1]

(b) State the period of this function. [1]

(c) (i) State the maximum value of the depth and the times (to the nearest minute) during
the day when this will occur.

(ii) State the minimum value of the depth and the times (to the nearest minute) during
the day when this will occur. [6]

(d) Sketch the graph of D ( t ) for 0 ≤ t ≤ 24 [3]

(e) A large boat can only come into the harbour when the depth of water is greater than 16 m.
What is the longest time that the boat can stay in the harbour? (in hours and minutes) [2]
5. [Maximum mark: 14]

A machine manufactures a large number of nails. The length, L mm, of a nail is normally distributed,
where L ~ N 50, 2 2 . )
(a) Sketch a diagram to represent this information with the mean and standard deviation
indicated on it. [2]

(b) A nail is chosen at random. Find the probability that it lies between a length of 48 mm
and 54 mm. [2]

All nails with a length of at least t mm are classified as large nails.

(c) The probability that it is a large nail is 0.75. Find the value of t. [3]

(d) (i) A nail is chosen at random from the large nails. Find the probability that the length
of this nail is less than 50.1 mm [4]

(ii) Ten nails are chosen at random from the large nails. Find the probability that at
least two nails have a length that is less than 50.1 mm. [3]

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