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Electric Power Systems Research 196 (2021) 107196

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The impact of intermittent renewable energy generators on Lesotho

national electricity grid
Sebota Mokeke , Leboli Z. Thamae *
Energy Research Centre, Department of Physics and Electronics, National University of Lesotho, P.O. Roma 180, Lesotho


Keywords: Utility-scale integration of solar photovoltaic (PV) and wind farms has gained momentum as countries pursue
Critical clearing time sustainable power systems. Increased penetration of solar PV and wind alters the operation of power grids as they
Intermittent renewable energy generators have different electrical properties from conventional power plants. The paper assesses the dynamic and steady
Power system stability
state impacts of intermittent (variable) renewable energy generators (IREGs) on the Lesotho power grid.
Solar PV grid integration
Wind grid integration
Maximum allowable penetration of both solar PV and wind generators were determined for Ha-Ramarothole and
Letseng sub-stations, respectively. Dynamic impact studies were performed by applying the short circuit fault at
the bus bar with the least critical clearing time (CCT) and observing voltage, frequency and rotor angle as the
renewable energy capacity was varied. Steady state voltage analysis was performed based on the hourly load of
2018 and generation of both IREGs and Muela Hydropower. Voltage, frequency and rotor angle stability were
evaluated against the Grid Code of Lesotho. The impact studies were done using DigSILENT PowerFactory
software. Maximum allowable penetrations for solar PV was about 19% at Ramarothole substation while for
wind it was found to be 27% at Letseng substation. Simulations revealed that increased penetration of the IREGs
led to grid instability. The solar farm penetration of 36 MW connected at 132 kV resulted in grid instability
mainly from the rotor angle instability while the wind farm penetration of 52 MW connected at 88 kV resulted
from an overvoltage of 1.051 p.u. at the neighboring 33 kV substation of Tlokoeng.

1. Introduction (IREGs) affect power grid dynamics differently from conventional power
plants when subjected to disturbances as they exhibit different electrical
Advocacy for sustainable economic development coupled with the characteristics. IREGs (solar and wind) have low short circuit ratio and
need for environmental conservation has resulted in accelerated inte­ contribute minimally to the power system inertia [6]. Power systems
gration of renewable energy generators to the power grid. Amongst with low short circuit ratio are more susceptible to voltage and fre­
renewable energy generators, solar and wind generation technologies quency instability when subjected to electrical faults. In addition, power
had taken the lead with worldwide capacity of 398 GW and 546 GW, systems with high penetration of IREGs are not flexible as the generation
respectively, as of 2017 [1]. The EU had pledged to integrate renewable is not load following [7]. This variability of IREGs may result in
energy penetration of 20% by 2020 and 27% by 2030, while Denmark load-generation imbalance rendering the power system unstable. The
promised 50% penetration of renewable energy by 2030 and 100% by load-generation imbalance may be mitigated by fast spinning and
2050 [2–4]. Furthermore, USA has set the renewable energy penetration balancing reserves. Another challenge of IREGs is the dispatch strategy
of 27% by 2030 while states like New Jersey and California have set that affect the power market structure. With the increased penetrations
penetration levels of 50% by 2030 [5]. The power generated by inter­ of IREGs, there is need for optimal scheduling of renewable energy
mittent renewables such as wind and solar is variable and sources and accurate forecasting. Limited reactive power compensation
non-deterministic, hence their integration to the grid results in opera­ in IREGs (especially PV) compromises the voltage stability of the power
tional challenges. Successful integration of these intermittent renewable system [8]. These challenges mandate that grid impact studies be carried
energy sources must be done such that the power system stability and out before integration of IREGs to the utility grid.
reliability are observed. Lesotho ranks amongst the top 15 countries with the highest wind
Increased penetration of intermittent renewable energy generators generation potential in Africa [9]. The wind resource assessments done

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (L.Z. Thamae).
Received 23 November 2020; Received in revised form 21 January 2021; Accepted 23 March 2021
Available online 1 April 2021
0378-7796/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S. Mokeke and L.Z. Thamae Electric Power Systems Research 196 (2021) 107196

Fig. 2.1. Detailed 3-phase grid connected PV generator.

at Letseng-la-Terae, Masitise, and Sani suggest the mean wind speeds of generators. The research work conducted by Vittal et al. on the Western
5.97 m/s, 4.93 m/s at 10 m above ground and 5.5 m/s at 9 m above US interconnection indicated that utility-scale solar PV farms may either
ground respectively [10, 11]. The wind speeds at Letseng are particu­ improve or deteriorate the transient stability of electrical network
larly good for utility-scale wind farms [11]. Furthermore, Taele et al. depending on penetration level and location in the power grid [22].
suggest that Lesotho has an average global solar radiation of 5.5 – 7.2 Voltage stability studies conducted by Tan and Kirschen suggest that
kWh/m2 which is good for the solar PV power plants implementation displacement of the synchronous generators by PV power plants nega­
[12]. Lesotho generation master plan of 2010 suggests that Lesotho has a tively impact voltage stability [23]. The frequency response of South
wind potential of 758 MW and 361 MW of hydro potential [13]. Though Australia’s grid revealed that a trip from solar PV farm may result in
Lesotho has vast renewable energy sources, electricity access is only frequency oscillations which can cause power system instability [24].
around 40% [14]. The vast majority of Basotho mostly in rural areas lack The impact of the wind farms on the Danish power grid were performed
electricity access. The peak load for Lesotho has been increasing from by Liu et al. where it was concluded that increasing penetrations of the
153 MW to 166.91 MW in 2016 to 2018 respectively [15]. The wind farms result in reduced critical clearing time (CCT), compromising
increasing peak load is met by 74.46 MW (72 MW from Muela and 2.46 the transient stability of the power grid [25]. Further studies conducted
MW of small hydropower) generated locally while more than 50% of in China and UK suggest that depending on technology and system
electricity is imported from South Africa (Eskom) and Mozambique configuration, both wind and solar power can destabilize voltage and
(EdM), through a wheeling agreement with Eskom [15, 16]. This acts as frequency of the power grid [26, 27]. However, Vittal et al. showed that
the clear indicator of energy insecurity. In order for Lesotho to reduce its integration of wind farms improved voltage stability, while Sajadi et al.
reliance on imported energy, the Government of Lesotho (GoL) aims to found that it reduces line loading, hence improving power system sta­
install some off-grid and grid-connected renewable energy generators bility [28, 29].
from solar and wind. According to the Lesotho Country Action Agenda of In Lesotho, the impact of utility-scale intermittent renewable energy
2017–2030, Lesotho aspires to install 375 MW capacity from the re­ generators has not been conducted. This paper analyses the impact of
newables with estimated demand of 300 MW by 2030 where excess both solar PV and wind farms on Lesotho national electricity grid. The
energy will be traded in Southern African Power Pool (SAPP) [17, 18]. emphasis is on the dynamic voltage, frequency and rotor angle responses
This capacity will be constituted from the installation of micro-grids in of the power grid after the fault is applied to the bus bar with the lowest
rural areas and utility scale solar PV and wind farms [19]. In response to CCT. In addition, the maximum allowable penetration of both solar PV
the energy security challenge, the GoL had launched the request for and wind are determined at locations with good solar and wind re­
expressions of interests to investigate the impact of IREGs to the national sources. To further investigate operational performance of the power
grid [20]. system, the voltage steady state is performed with the actual hourly load
The integration of utility-scale intermittent power plants remains a for 2018. The study is performed using the DigSILENT PowerFactory
research area of interest as integration of these generators increase software. The simulations are evaluated against the Lesotho grid code to
worldwide. In Canada, Tamimi et al. investigated the impact of solar PV determine the allowable penetration levels. Section 2 of this paper dis­
plants at transmission level and distribution level for Ontario power grid cusses solar PV model for utility-scale integration, wind turbine model
[21]. From the study, it was concluded that utility-scale solar farms as it forms integral part in wind farms, fundamentals of power system
compromise voltage stability of electrical network than distributed PV stability and underlying equations. Detailed methodology is outlined in

Fig. 2.2. Control levels of 3-phase grid connected PV generator.

S. Mokeke and L.Z. Thamae Electric Power Systems Research 196 (2021) 107196

Fig. 2.4. Block diagram for the wind turbine model.

The wind turbine operates based on two conversion principles. The rotor
blades capture kinetic energy of wind and turn it into rotational me­
chanical energy, then the generator converts rotational mechanical en­
Fig. 2.3. Typical power curve of the wind turbine. ergy into electrical energy. The mechanical power (Pw) extracted from
blowing wind by the turbine is given by Eq. (2):
Section 3 while results and discussions are presented in Section 4. Sec­ 1
Pw = Cp (λ, β)ρAVw3 (2)
tion 5 draws conclusions from results. 2

2. Theory such that ρ represents air density (kg/m3); Vw represents wind speed (m/
s); A represents rotor area (m2) and Cp is power performance coefficient
2.1. Solar photovoltaic power plants (unitless) which is a function of tip-speed ratio and blade pitch angle.
Fig. 2.3 depicts power curve showing how the turbine electrical
The PV generators are constructed from solar cells which are made power varies with wind speed. Below cut-in speed, the turbine does not
from the P-N junction. The P-N junction produces direct current (DC) generate power. Beyond cut-in speed, the turbine starts to generate up to
from photovoltaic effect. The solar cells are connected in parallel and in rated speed where output power levels and drops to zero after cut-off
series to produce solar modules which are connected together to form speed. Fig. 2.4 shows the standard wind turbine model showing how
PV array. According to Conti and Raiti, output power from the PV array the main block diagrams are connected. The wind speed model is
can be estimated as [30]: derived from historical measured wind speed. The wind speed model can
be represented by Eq. (3) where Vw (t) is instantaneous wind speed, and
Ppv = ηAc Iβ (1) Vwa (t), Vwr (t), Vwg (t),Vwt (t) are average, ramp, gust, and turbulence wind
speeds respectively [33].
where Ac : array surface area [m2]; η: efficiency of the PV system; Iβ :
incident radiation [W/m2] based on the angle of inclination (β). Vw (t) = Vwa (t) + Vwr (t) + Vwg (t) + Vwt (t) (3)
Fig. 2.1 depicts utility-scale PV generator with its functional blocks.
The rotor model is represented by rotor blades which captures wind
The output voltage from PV array is fed to DC-DC converter, then to the
kinetic energy and converts it into mechanical energy. The pitch angle
inverter and stepped up to grid compatible power. The DC-DC converter
controls the output mechanical power of the wind turbine. The drive
(PV-Side Converter (PVSC)) is implemented by the DC-DC topologies
drain consists of the rotating masses and the rotating shaft. The drive
such as buck, boost and full-scale DC-DC converters. The PVSC main­
train is normally modeled as the two mass system with the turbine and
tains the input voltage to the inverter as the PV output varies due to
the generator inertia connected by the shaft [34]. The generator model is
weather conditions. The DC-AC converter (Grid-Side Converter (GSC))
built from the induction generator for Type I – III and the synchronous
converts the DC power to AC power through the voltage source inverter
generator for the Type IV and the associated power electronics drives.
(VSI). The GSC uses the sinusoidal pulse width modulation to produce
Furthermore, wind turbine employs the protection scheme based on
AC power. The GSC employs additional controls to ensure that the power
measured quantities such as rotor speed, frequency and voltage to
and voltage delivered to the grid are maintained at the point of inter­
ensure safe operation.
connect (POI).
According to Molina and Espejo, the control for grid-connected PV
generator consists of three hierarchical controls namely external, middle 2.3. Power system stability
and internal controls as depicted in Fig. 2.2 [31]. The active and reactive
power injected to the grid is determined by the external control. The The power system stability defines the ability of electric power sys­
external control is implemented through the voltage and active power tem for given operating condition, to gain equilibrium point after being
control loops. The voltage loop consists of voltage-droop which modu­ subjected to physical disturbance with the system variables being
lates the reactive power of the voltage source inverter in maintaining the bounded such that the entire system remains intact [35]. The power
voltage at the POI [32]. The active power control loop matches the system instability results from faults such as the tripping of generators,
instant power from the PV array to that injected to the grid. This is transmission line faults and shorts circuit. The power system stability is
achieved through the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) system. classified into rotor angle stability, frequency stability and voltage sta­
The middle level control dynamically tracks the reference values set by bility as depicted in Fig. 2.5.
the external level in generating expected active and reactive power ex­ The rotor angle stability defines the ability of the synchronous
change between the grid and the VSI [32]. The reference values are generator within the inter-connected network to remain synchronized
tracked through the use of proportional integral (PI) controllers and after being subjected to a fault [36]. The rotor angle stability depends on
implementation of the current control of the inverter in the the balance between electromechanical torque and mechanical torque of
synchronous-rotating dq frame. The switching signals that drive the VSI the synchronous generators within the power system [37]. The elec­
are generated by the internal level control using sinusoidal pulse width tromechanical change of the synchronous generator due to the fault can
modulation (SPWM). The phase locked loop (PLL) synchronizes the be resolved into synchronous torque and damping torque as shown in
output of the VSI to the utility grid power. Eq. (4):
ΔCe = Cs Δδ + CD Δω (4)
2.2. Wind power plants
such that Cs Δδ defines the synchronizing torque while CD Δω represents
The wind power plants are built from the aggregated wind turbines. damping torque where Cs and CD are the synchronizing torque and

S. Mokeke and L.Z. Thamae Electric Power Systems Research 196 (2021) 107196

Fig. 2.5. Classification of power system stability.

V2 = E − jXI (5)

P2 = sin(φ) (6)

V22 EV2
Q2 = + cos(φ) (7)
Eliminating φ from Eqs. (6) and (7) results in Eq. (8) as:
( ) ( )
V24 + 2Q2 X − E2 V22 + X 2 P22 + Q22 = 0 (8)

The plot of V2 against P2 and Q2 in Fig. 2.7 indicates the static voltage
stability of the power system. The plot gives the maximum permissible
Fig. 2.6. SMIB equivalent circuit. active and reactive power that can be sustained by the electrical network
without losing voltage stability.
Frequency stability defines ability of the power system to maintain
nominal frequency after power system is subjected to disturbance [34].
Frequency stability is caused by sudden increase of the load or generator
loss within power system leading to load generation imbalance. The
frequency response of synchronous generator due to load and generation
imbalance can be characterized by:
= pm − pe = Δp (9)
f0 dt

where pm is total mechanical power; pe is total electrical power; f0 is

nominal frequency; fCOI is center of inertia frequency and HT is the total
system inertia.
Fig. 2.7. P, Q and V plot for SMIB power system. After the frequency disturbance, the system rate of frequency varies
according to the total system inertia such that for large system inertia,
damping torque coefficient, respectively. Insufficient synchronizing the frequency rate is small and for small system inertia, there is fast rate
torque results in aperiodic or non-oscillatory instability whereas lack of of frequency change.
damping torque results in oscillatory instability. In the case of the
asynchronous generators (Type III, and Type IV wind turbines), the rotor 3. Methodology
and the blades are decoupled from the power system through power
electronics hence do not contribute to either synchronizing torque or The study considered both dynamic and steady state performances of
damping torque after some electrical faults. the Lesotho Electricity Company (LEC) network. The dynamic analysis
Voltage stability defines ability of the power system to maintain bus was performed by applying 3-phase short circuit faults to suitable bus
voltages within prescribed operational limits after being subjected to a bar (most stressed) of the electrical network such that the chosen loca­
disturbance and in normal operation [34]. The voltage stability problem tion results in the maximum system instability. The stressed point was
can be characterized by single machine infinite bus (SMIB) system as chosen based on critical clearing time (CCT) criterion. The CCT defines
depicted in Fig. 2.6 under the assumption that line reactance (X) is much longest time the generator remains synchronized after being disturbed
greater than line resistance (R). [34]. After the fault was applied, time-domain responses of voltage,
From Fig. 2.6 the voltage, active power and reactive power at the frequency and rotor angle were evaluated against the grid code of
load terminal are respectively given as: Lesotho to ensure that grid code is observed before and after the fault
conditions. The steady state performance was evaluated by analyzing

S. Mokeke and L.Z. Thamae Electric Power Systems Research 196 (2021) 107196

Fig. 3.1. Block diagram of the PV generator in DigSILENT.

Fig. 3.2. Block diagram of the DFIG in DigSILENT.

hourly voltage performance against the grid code of Lesotho. The steady network is built from interconnected substations with voltage levels of
state analysis was based on the hourly load from 2018. The load flow 132 kV, 88 kV, 66 kV and 33 kV. The distribution network is built with
and stability simulations were performed using DigSILENT software. 22 kV and 11 kV voltage levels. The demand voltage levels are consti­
DigSILENT is the computer-aided software suitable for analyzing elec­ tuted of 380 V and 240 V. Solar PV farm was modeled using DigSILENT
trical transmission, distribution and industrial networks. In addition, aggregated model with an array capacity of 0.5 MW and the power
DigSILENT can model and analyze electrical networks with variable factor of 0.95. The 0.5 MW solar PV arrays were connected in parallel to
renewable energy generators. model the required solar PV farm capacity under consideration. Fig. 3.1
depicts the main block diagram showing how the PV array model is
3.1. System modeling and configuration The model consists of four main blocks namely the photovoltaic, DC-
link, controller and the inverter blocks. The inverter is modeled as the
The study was carried out based on the computer model of the na­ static generator and interfaces with the grid. The PV model represents
tional electricity network, which was supplied by the utility (LEC) and the number of PV modules connected in parallel and in series to form the
then modeled using the DigSILENT software. LEC electrical network solar PV array. The DC-link implements the MPPT algorithm. The
consists of the Muela hydropower generating unit with capacity of 72 controller maintains the control for the PV system ensuring that the
MW, 2 MW of the mini-hydro at Mantsonyane and the external grid from voltage and power at the POI is maintained.
the neighboring South-African power grid. The electrical transmission

S. Mokeke and L.Z. Thamae Electric Power Systems Research 196 (2021) 107196

3.2. Dynamic stability studies

The stability studies were conducted by performing the load flow

analysis under different penetration levels of the scenarios presented in
Table 1. For each case, the penetration levels were increased until grid
code was violated. The stability studies were performed on the electrical
network with the total load of 185.71 MW. Tables 2 and 3 show the
voltage and frequency limits for Lesotho Grid Code.

3.3. Steady state (quasi-dynamic) stability studies

The steady state was considered so that impact of hourly variations

of the IREGs was considered. To model steady state performance of the
LEC network, the hourly voltage performance of the network was
considered. The steady state analysis was performed according to
Fig. 3.6 based on the yearly load of 2018 and the hydro generation of
The hourly power from the wind turbine was obtained by assuming
the power curve of the Vestas V80 DFIG wind turbine. The hourly wind
Fig. 3.3. Simplified grid for PV integration.
speeds at Letseng were obtained from the measured wind speed at the
interval of 10 min at hub height of 50 m. The power from the wind
turbine (Pt) was found from Eq. (10) as follows:
⎧ ⎫
⎨ 0 : Vw 〈 Vcutin ; and Vw 〉 Vcutoff ⎬
Pt = Pout : Vcutin < Vw < Vrated (10)
⎩ ⎭
Prated : Vrated < Vw < Vcutoff

where Pout is the power of the turbine between cut-in wind speed (Vcutin)
and the rated wind speed (Vrated) of the wind turbine. Vw and Vcutoff
represent the wind speed at the turbine height (H) and the cutoff wind
speed of the turbine. The total power (Pwindfarm) from the wind farm was
obtained as:
Pwindfarm = n=1
Pt n (11)

where N represents total number of the wind turbines connected in

The hourly output power for hourly PV output was calculated based
on solar radiation downloaded from PVGIS website [38]. The hourly
output power from the solar farm was calculated as:

Fig. 3.4. Simplified grid for wind integration.

ηpv Gt
Ppv = P (12)
ηSTC GSTC rated
The wind farm was modeled with a 2 MW doubly-fed induction
where ηpv and ηSTC are the solar PV array efficiency under operation
generator (DFIG) DigSILENT model with power factor of 0.9. The 2 MW
conditions and standard test conditions (STC) respectively. Incident
DFIG’s were connected in parallel to model the desired wind farm ca­
radiation on the solar array at operating conditions and at standard test
pacity. Fig. 3.2 depicts the wind model with its functional block dia­
conditions is represented as Gt and GSTC respectively. Capacity of the
gram. The wind turbine generator model comprises the wind model,
solar farm is represented as Prated . The array efficiency and the incident
mechanical model (rotor, shaft and gear box), the generator model and
radiation on are calculated based on the model developed by Hove et al.
the controls (PQ control, frequency control, etc.). The rotor blades
transform wind speed to the mechanical power that drives the shaft
which is connected to the generator via the gear box. The generator is
4. Results and discussions
modeled as a DFIG while the controls ensure that the wind turbine
operates within safety limits.
4.1. Critical clearing time (CCT) results
Figs. 3.3 and 3.4 present the simplified grid for the proposed sites,
where the solar PV farm and the wind farm will be integrated to the grid,
Table 4 shows the how CCT varies as the penetration levels of the
and the neighboring substations while Fig. 3.5 displays simplified LEC
wind and solar generators vary after the fault was applied to the
electrical network. The proposed sites for solar PV farm and wind farm
different buses. The clearing times considered were the least from
are Ramarothole and Letseng respectively. The neighboring substations
different bus categories. The comparative outlook of the results shows
serve as the important points to consider as they are close to the IREGs,
that the rotor angle stability was compromised as the penetration of the
hence affected more by the IREGs integration. The other point that was
solar PV farm generation increases while wind farm does not affect the
considered is the Muela hydropower substation as it is the main syn­
rotor angle stability, as the CCT remains constant as the wind generation
chronous generator for the LEC national electrical network.
Interestingly, the results indicate that the high voltage bus bars (132
kV) have the least critical clearing times. This suggests that these buses
destabilize the grid most when subjected to the fault. Based on this

S. Mokeke and L.Z. Thamae Electric Power Systems Research 196 (2021) 107196

Fig. 3.5. Simplified LEC network.

Table 1
Penetration levels for different scenarios.
Solar PV (MW) Wind (MW) Hybrid (Solar PV (MW) + Wind (MW))
Solar + Wind Solar +Wind

20 30 35 + 30 20 + 50
30 40 35 + 40 30 + 50
36 52 35 + 52 36 + 50

Table 2
Grid code voltage limits.
Normal Conditions Emergency Conditions
Normal Voltage Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum
(kV) (kV) (kV) (kV) (kV) Fig. 3.6. Flow chart for the steady state analysis.
132 (100%) 138.6 125.4 (95%) 145.2 118.8 (90%)
(105%) (110%)
4.2. Solar PV simulation case
88 (100%) 92.6 (105%) 83.6 (95%) 96.8 (110%) 79.2 (90%)
66 (100%) 69.3 (105%) 62.7 (95%) 72.5 (110%) 59.4 (90%)
33 (100%) 34.7 (105%) 31.4 (95%) 36.3 (110%) 29.7 (90%) Fig. 4.1 shows the voltage response after the 0.1 s 3-phase short
circuit was applied at the bus with the lowest CCT (Mabote) at different
penetration levels. From Fig. 4.1, it is observed that at solar PV pene­
tration levels of 20 MW and 30 MW, the voltages were within the
Table 3 allowed limits and the network was able to recover from the fault as the
Grid code frequency limits.
voltages were damped to the stable limits. Comparing the steady state
Nominal frequency (Hz) 50 voltages before and after the fault, it is seen that the Muela voltage has
Upper limit (Hz) 50.5 reduced to 1.017 p.u. compared to that of 1.03 p.u. before the fault at
Lower limit (Hz) 49.5
penetration level of 20 MW. At penetration level of 30 MW, it is observed
that the voltage has dropped further to 0.98 p.u. This suggests that
observation, the Mabote bus bar was considered the most stressed point increased penetration of solar PV farm results in the worsening voltage
and the 3-phase short circuit was applied at it as the frequency and stability as the voltage at Muela is reduced. The rest of the nearby
voltage responses for other critical points were observed. However, the substation’s oscillations were within the required voltage limits. How­
CCT at Letseng was relatively long compared to other substations. The ever, at the penetration level of 36 MW, the voltage limit was violated,
long CCT for Letseng is caused by the fact that it resides at remote rural as the voltage at the critical buses did not return to the allowable steady
areas characterized by low load capacity. The other points of consider­ state limits. The most affected substation was Muela, which shows the
ation were point of common coupling (PCC), where the wind and solar worst deviation from the nominal voltage limits.
generators are connected to the grid, and the neighboring buses as they Fig. 4.2 indicates how frequency at the faulted bus bar (Mabote) and
are affected more due to their proximity to wind and solar farms. To critical bus bars varies as the penetration of the solar PV integration is
further investigate the impact of increased penetration of IREGs, time- increased. As the solar PV penetration increased, the oscillations for the
based simulations were performed. first swing were almost equal with the magnitude of 51.027 Hz and
49.486 Hz for the penetration of 20 MW, and 51.244 Hz and 49.445 Hz
for the 30 MW penetration at Muela. The other critical points had the

S. Mokeke and L.Z. Thamae Electric Power Systems Research 196 (2021) 107196

Table 4
Critical clearing times for solar PV and wind generation penetrations.
Substation No RE Solar generation CCT (sec) Wind generation CCT (sec)
20MW 30MW 36MW 30MW 40MW 50MW

Mabote 132kV 0.18 0.13 0.08 0.02 0.18 0.18 0.18

Muela 132kV 0.19 0.17 0.14 0.04 0.19 0.19 0.19
Mazenod Tx 132kV 0.19 0.14 0.09 0.03 0.19 0.19 0.19
Ramarothole 132kV 0.71 0.4 0.24 0.05 0.71 0.71 0.71
Khukhune 88kV 6.9 2.41 1.27 0.24 6.9 6.9 6.9
Letseng 88kV >20 >20 >20 >20 >20 >20 >20
Katse Intake 66kV 3.82 1.9 1.05 0.2 3.82 3.82 3.82
Matsoku 66kV 4.81 2.56 1.38 0.26 4.81 4.81 4.81
Botshabelo 33kV 0.78 0.44 0.26 0.08 0.78 0.78 0.78
Mazenod Dx 33kV 0.49 0.28 0.16 0.04 0.49 0.49 0.49

Fig. 4.1. Voltage response at the critical bus bars after the fault is applied at Mabote with different penetration levels of solar PV.

Fig. 4.2. Frequency response at critical bus bars after the fault is applied at Mabote with different penetration levels of solar PV.

same response with the highest frequency of 50.749 Hz and 43.837 Hz at frequency was initially almost constant but went out of permissible
20 MW and 50.416 Hz and 44.586 Hz at 30 MW. The lower frequency limits after about 15 s with Muela exhibiting the highest oscillations.
oscillations were observed at the buses which are at close proximity to Fig. 4.3 depicts how the rotor angle and the active power at the
the solar plant. The lower frequency swings are attributed to the fact that synchronous generator varies with varying penetration levels for the
the solar plant does not provide the damping torque. In both 20 MW and solar PV integration. At penetration levels of 20 MW and 30 MW, the
30 MW penetrations the oscillations were quickly damped to the rotor angle stability was observed, as the output power was constant
allowable frequency limits indicating that increased penetration of solar after the fault even though rotor angle was oscillatory. Comparing the
PV is not the main contributor to frequency instability. For both 20 MW oscillations at 20 MW and 30 MW penetrations, it is observed that the
and 30 MW penetrations, frequency stability was observed. At the oscillations were increasing as the solar PV integration was increased
penetration level of 36 MW, the frequency stability was violated, as the from 20 MW to 30 MW. The oscillations were between − 4.650◦ to

S. Mokeke and L.Z. Thamae Electric Power Systems Research 196 (2021) 107196

Fig. 4.3. Rotor angle and real power response of synchronous generator at Muela due to the fault at Mabote with solar PV at different penetration levels.

Fig. 4.4. Voltage response at critical bus bars after the fault is applied at Mabote with different penetration levels of wind power.

fault, the voltage quickly settles to the constant voltage levels without
Table 5
overshooting. In addition, only the nearby substations (Letseng, Tlo­
Voltage levels as penetration increases at Letseng.
koeng and Mahlasela) were affected by the fault while Khukhune was
Penetration (MW) Letseng p.u Tlokoeng p.u. Mahlasela p.u. less affected by the fault. Taking a closer look at Table 5, the voltage
30 1.02 0.99 1 levels of the affected substations keep on increasing as the penetration
40 1.045 1.021 1.02 level of the wind generators increase.
52 1.07 1.051 1.02
At the penetration level of 52 MW, steady state voltage at the Tlo­
koeng substation was greater than 1.05 p.u. which is stipulated as the
74.050◦ at 20 MW penetration and − 19.270◦ to 73.060◦ at 30 MW limit under the grid code of Lesotho. From this, it is concluded that
penetration. At 36 MW, the rotor angle stability was violated and the under the current operating conditions, the 52 MW penetration cannot
active power at Muela hydropower collapsed. be exceeded as it violates the grid code. Hence a slightly lower pene­
From Figs. 4.1 to 4.3, it could be concluded that the solar PV pene­ tration of 50 MW, which is about 27% of the total load, is chosen as the
tration level of 36 MW leads to voltage, frequency and rotor angle maximum allowable limit.
instability, hence a slightly lower penetration of 35 MW acts as the The frequency response due the fault is shown in Fig. 4.5 after the
maximum allowable limit for solar PV at Ramarothole, leading to 0.1 s fault is applied at Mabote. As the penetration levels were increased,
around 19% of the total load of 185.71 MW. Furthermore, the rotor frequency undershoot also increased, showing some small oscillations.
angle was varying most as the penetration levels increased and this The frequency undershoot was 49.644 Hz, 48.498 Hz and 48.358 Hz at
suggests the high penetrations of solar PV affect rotor angle more than the penetration levels of 30 MW, 40 MW and 52 MW, respectively, for
frequency and voltage stability. Letseng and Tlokoeng. The frequency perturbations were severe at the
nearby substations (Letseng, Tlokoeng and Mahlasela) while Khukhune
experienced very small frequency disturbance. This suggests that the
4.3. Wind simulation case increasing penetration of the wind generation does not result in severe
frequency instability as the oscillations were quickly damped to the
Fig. 4.4 depicts the voltage response, after the 0.1 s 3-phase short allowable frequency limits.
circuit is applied to the Mabote substation, under different wind power Fig. 4.6 displays the rotor angle response of the Muela synchronous
generation penetration levels. From Fig. 4.4, it is seen that after the

S. Mokeke and L.Z. Thamae Electric Power Systems Research 196 (2021) 107196

Fig. 4.5. Frequency response at critical bus bars after the fault is applied at Mabote with different penetration levels of wind power.

Fig. 4.6. Rotor angle and real power response of synchronous generator at Muela due to the fault at Mabote with wind farm at different penetration levels.

generator before and after the fault was applied at Mabote substation. angle instability as the penetrations increase.
From all different penetration’s levels of wind farm, the rotor angle
stability was observed as the output power from the generators
remained constant. The oscillations had the highest overshoot of 4.4. Hybrid simulation case
84.690◦ and the lowest undershoot of 9.040◦ . Contrary to the solar farm
generation where the increased penetration results in worsened rotor Hybrid simulation case considered maximum solar penetration of 35
angle stability, the wind farm generation does not lead to increased rotor MW and varying the wind generator capacity. It also assumed the
maximum wind capacity of 50 MW as the solar PV generator capacity

Fig. 4.7. Voltage variations at PCC for Letseng and Ramarothole and at Eskom infeed and Muela Hydro Power.

S. Mokeke and L.Z. Thamae Electric Power Systems Research 196 (2021) 107196

Fig. 4.8. Voltage variations at the neighboring substations to the solar and wind farms with active power injected from solar and wind farms.

Table 6
Maximum and minimum voltage variations at various substations displays.
Bus No RE Solar case (50 MW) Wind Case (36 MW) Wind 50 MW+ Solar 36 MW
Min (p.u) Max (p.u) Min (p.u) Max (p.u) Min (p.u) Max (p.u) Min (p.u) Max (p.u)

Tlokoeng 0.88 0.95 0.88 0.95 0.88 1.08 0.88 1.08

Khukhune 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Mahlasela 0.96 0.98 0.96 0.98 0.96 1.04 0.96 1.04
ThabaneMorena 1.00 1.03 1.00 1.03 1.00 1.03 1.00 1.03
Matelile 1.01 1.03 1.01 1.03 1.01 1.03 1.01 1.03
Mafeteng 1.00 1.03 1.00 1.03 1.00 1.03 1.00 1.03
Letseng 0.91 0.96 0.91 0.96 0.91 1.09 0.91 1.09
Ramarothole 1.02 1.03 1.02 1.04 1.02 1.04 1.02 1.04
Muela 1.02 1.03 1.02 1.03 1.02 1.03 1.02 1.03
Mabote 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03
Mazenod Tx 1.02 1.03 1.02 1.03 1.02 1.03 1.02 1.03

was varied. For both cases, the voltage, frequency and rotor angle voltage variations at various substationsdisplays the minimum and the
exhibited the same responses due the fault at Mabote as in solar PV only maximum voltage limits for the period of 2018. Most of the voltage
and wind only cases. The penetration level of 50 MW was found to be the limits at the substations were observed except Tlokoeng which experi­
maximum penetration as the wind generation was varied and solar PV enced the over voltage (1.08 p.u.) and the under voltage (0.88 p.u.) at
kept constant at 35 MW. When the wind capacity was held constant at times. Also, at Letseng, the under-voltage limits were experienced with
50 MW and solar generation varied, it was found that the 36 MW the minimum voltage of 0.91 p.u., but this does not result from wind
resulted in system instability hence 35 MW was chosen as the maximum penetrations as that voltage level was maintained when there are no
penetration for the hybrid. It was observed that hybridizing solar PV and renewables.
wind at Ramarothole and Letseng does not result in increased penetra­
tion of either solar PV or wind capacity. 5. Conclusions

The impact of both solar PV and wind power plants on the national
4.5. Steady state analysis grid of Lesotho was investigated. The frequency, voltage and rotor angle
responses were observed after the fault was applied at the substation
Fig. 4.7 presents how the voltage at the point of common coupling with the lowest critical clearing time (CCT) under varying penetration
(Letseng and Ramarothole) changes as the load and the renewable en­ levels of solar PV and wind power generators. Furthermore, the steady
ergy sources (RES) vary. It also displays how the voltage at Muela and state voltage performance of the network was evaluated. For the solar
Eskom infeed vary due to RES. As Eskom acts as the reference machine to PV only scenario, the maximum allowable solar PV capacity was found
the LEC network, its voltage remains constant and it is not affected by to be less than 36 MW, while for the wind only generation scenario, it
load and RES fluctuations. On the other hand, Muela voltage varied was found to be less than 52 MW. The 35 MW and 50 MW penetrations
within allowable limits as the RES and the load vary. The voltage at the were found to be the maximum allowable penetrations for solar PV farm
wind farm varied more while that at the solar farm varied slightly. and wind farm, respectively. Under the hybrid case it was found that the
Fig. 4.8 displays the voltage at the neighboring substations and the simultaneous integration of wind and solar PV does not result in either
power output from the IREGs. The voltage variations at the substations the wind or solar PV penetration increase. From the observation, it is
near the solar farm were within limits, and Mafeteng substation showed concluded that 85 MW remains as the maximum allowable penetration
the lowest voltage while Matelile showed the highest variations. The resulting from 35 MW of solar PV at Ramarothole and 50 MW from
voltage variations near the wind farm varied randomly as load and wind Letseng, respectively, leading to about 19% and 27% of the peak load of
power varied. Also, the voltage at the Tlokoeng substation sometimes 185.71 MW.
exceeded the required voltage limit of 1.05 p.u. to 1.08 p.u. during high For all the scenarios considered, the results analysis indicated that
wind power generation. This suggests that the mitigation strategies such solar PV generation results in increased rotor angle instability relative to
as wind power curtailment have to be employed to ensure that the the wind generation option. Furthermore, for both solar PV and wind
voltage is within limits at all times. Table 6 – Maximum and minimum

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