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How to Eat Healthy


1. What is food and why do we eat? ............................................................. 3
2. 5 Popular Feeding Modes ....................................................................... 13
3. Evenly balanced diet (EBD) ..................................................................... 13
4. High Carbohydrate Diet (HCD) ................................................................ 15
5. Low Carbohydrate Diet (LCD) .................................................................. 18
6. Periodic starvation ................................................................................. 23
7. Mediterranean diet ................................................................................ 28

We give you access to Fitness and Health Calculators.
With them you can control your weight easier.

What will you learn?
With this guide, you will get valuable information and practical advice to build
your eating habits - to feel good to achieve your goals to enjoy what's on your

What is food and why are we eating?

We assume that you know the phrase: "You are what you eat". We could
expand it by saying that we are what we digest, absorbed and absorbed through
the cells in our bodies.
That is why it is important to pay attention to food and its quality.
Food is made up of different substances - well-known proteins, carbohydrates,
fats (macronutrients), vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients (micronutrients) and
Micro and macronutrients - what's the difference
As their names suggest, micro and macronutrients differ in the amounts the
body needs to function normally. Macronutrients make up most of our food, while
micronutrients are less but equally important.

This category includes the essential nutrients the body needs - proteins, fats,
fiber, carbohydrates, and water. Without their balanced intake, the body exhibits
signs of low energy and becomes ill. Before we look at their balanced reception,
let's see what body functions are important macronutrients. They:
• Give the body the necessary calories to have enough energy
• Participate in building muscle mass
• Build and restore tissues in the body
• Keep body temperature
• Maintain proper cell function
• Helps synthesize hormones, enzymes and other chemical compounds in the
• Maintain good intestinal microflora
Over the years, experts have presented different theories about the balanced
intake of macronutrients. In the 1970s, it was believed that fat intake should be

minimized because they are responsible for cardiovascular problems. Today, more
and more scientists are turning to the Ketogenic diet, where fat accounts for 60-
85% of the daily caloric intake. The ketogenic diet is yet to be studied and
monitored, and we are going to understand what the benefits of it are.
The Mediterranean diet, which emphasizes the carbohydrates and fats, also
gains considerable interest in recent years. Of course, for gluten-intolerant people,
pizza and pasta are finding their modern alternatives. Proteins are also very much
discussed, especially in vegans and vegetarians. There are already many studies
that prove that plant protein is not inferior to the quality of animal proteins. And
for fiber, it's mostly about the health of the digestive system, and variations are
being considered.
We can not tell which diet is the best nor give a percentage between the
different macronutrients. We believe that every healthy person can choose their
own food so that it is complete. We believe that gluten and casein are harmful to
most people and we strive to offer a wide range of gluten-free products and vegan
cheeses. We personally emphasize the beneficial fats because we believe they
deserve to be present at our table. For them, we have written here and here.

Here are phytochemicals and antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Exceptions
to minerals make calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur and sodium
chloride, which are needed in larger quantities, and are often classified as
macronutrients. The category of micronutrients is very broad and comprehensive.
Each of them can be considered separately and talk in-depth about the benefits of
it. In general, these substances are necessary for the body because:
• Participate in the synthesis of enzymes, hormones and other substances that
are key to growth and development
• They act as coenzymes or cofactors for multiple enzymes
• Support various organs and systems (for example, vitamin A is important for
vision, vitamin E - for skin, hair, and bones, etc.)
• Are actively involved in metabolic processes (especially at the cellular level)
Usually, when talking about micronutrients, their deficit is discussed. Although
the body needs small amounts of micronutrients, their lack has an impact on health
and can be quickly established. In the absence of magnesium, for example, poor
sleep, cramps in the muscles, lack of concentration and the desire to consume
chocolate and cocoa in large quantities. We have talked about vitamin B12 because

its deficiency is seen by more and more people, especially vegans and vegetarians.
Interesting and vitamin K2, which promotes the transfer of calcium to the bones.
All nutrients are important for physiological needs, and the type of food (it's
quality) is important for how we will feel and whether we will help for better health
and body composition that have a positive impact on the way of life and self-
We feed ourselves to maintain the complex system as the human body, and
the way we eat is important for the quality of life because food is not just fuel but

Nutrition - yes, Diet – no

You might be surprised, but in our team we do not like the combination of
"diet". And it's not because it's wrong, but because it often leads to wrong choices
and / or understandings from beginners.
The diet is associated with a start and an end. With something starting
Monday and ending after 10, 30, 60 days, until the summer, to the prom to "that
important meeting where I should look good."
Many people are trapped because they say, "Only 30 days are, I'll be a little bit
hungry," they make the wrong choice and not only do not achieve their goal but
feel even worse than the beginning.
That's why it's a good idea to talk about eating - a way of eating that has no
end in which you can achieve your goals and feel good in your body.
Nutrition, which will give you all the necessary for the optimal functioning of
your body, but it will also give you pleasure, not unpleasant sensations.

Before "what" to eat - "how" to eat?

Maybe you scroll down the mouse to see what to eat and whether we
accidentally have not written a "magic formula for success".
But a universal one does not exist, and before you learn what to eat, it
is good to know how to eat.
If you have to make only one change in your diet at first, let it be on slow and
relaxed eating.
What do we mean? To chew the food well, not to run over your plate
and eat, if possible, in a relaxed environment.
These things have several benefits:

• improve digestion and hydration;
• Reduces the feeling of swelling;
• slow eating can prevent mistakes in various eating disorders;
• It is possible that the signals of satiety reach the brain, which will
prevent us from overeating;
• in support of the desire to reduce weight;
• contribute to the enjoyment of food and enjoyment of this process.

Planning nutrition according to our daily needs and opportunities

Before planning your diet according to your individual features, it is important
to remember that in the world of nutrition there is no universal regime and advice
that applies to all people.
For a moment forget about all those "obligatory" things that have passed
before your eyes: "you have to have breakfast," "you should not eat after 18:00,"
"you have to eat often and in a little bit," and so on.
Focus on your own needs and capabilities because none of the above
examples is the only truth.
Consider the following:
• How many times a day can you eat? Maybe you do not have time for
breakfast or you do not feel good doing it; maybe your job is specific and you do
not have the option of frequent meals / meals at certain times, or you work on
shifts that require another organization. It does not matter how many times a day
you eat to achieve your goals, as long as other factors that will be discussed below
are available.
• What physical activity do I have? Plan your diet according to your physical
activity - if your daily life is dynamic, on the move, and the workouts - intensive and
stressful, you may need more food and / or more frequent meals, bigger portions,
but not necessarily. If you have a more sedentary lifestyle, have a sitting job, and
physical activity is reduced to 4-5 hours a week, you may feel well with fewer
meals. There is no universal formula - try to get to know the signals of your body,
and if you need help, you know where to find us.
• Do we eat ourselves - family, a friend (s)? For food planning, this factor is
also important - whether we need to cook for someone else, whether there are
people on the table who are eating differently and who would influence our choice
of food, whether we want to have dinner with our family and we have to take into
account with specific hours, and so on.

The main thing is to remember that there is no universal mode and you can
always organize your meal according to your daily needs.

How to be in control of our food when the plan is over?

It is good to have a plan - this guarantees us security, calmness, comfort.
But sometimes Plan A can get bogged down for reasons beyond our control,
other engagements, a set of events, and so on.
In such cases, you may have to compromise with yourself and the food - eating
something that is not an optimal choice, not eating at all or putting plan B in action
and arranging a meal according to the availability (a nearby shop / restaurant).
Remember that nothing fatal has happened and you will not fail anything you
have achieved so far, as long as you do not let go of the stream, saying, "I've
already ruined my regime, I've ruined everything that has been achieved, there is
no point in continuing ..."
No, it makes sense if, for most of the time, you make good food choices and
you follow the appropriate habits for you, then occasional situations with
inappropriate food will not spoil your results.
There are a couple of practical tips you can apply to a failure plan:
• Choose the lesser evil - prefer a sandwich with meat and vegetables instead
of a hot dog with sausage and mayonnaise; go to the nearby store and buy yogurt
and raw nuts instead of ice cream and salt;
• Do not overeat and do not get extra, lying in the thought of "so I ruined my
regime, I'll get one more";
• Chew slowly, eat in peace;
• Do not eat if you think you can take some time while you have a good choice
of food products;
• Do not blame if Plan B fails.

Foods, but not calories

Speaking of food, most people associate first with calories, then with proteins,
carbohydrates, and fats.
Above all, however, we eat foods and - it matters what foods the calories
come from, so that we feel good, energetic, healthy, achieve our goals and improve

In our menu, it is important to predominate whole and unprocessed foods -
meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts, unrefined fat, whole grains, water.
Sugar, trans fats, refined products, canned foods, semi-finished products, and
similar products should be kept to a minimum.
Try to take the amount of protein you need with the food because it is a major
macronutrient - the amino acids that make up the proteins are responsible for our
structure, our hormones, the enzymes we can not do without, the immune system
antibodies, We assume that you know about the irreplaceable amino acids our
body can not create and we need to take them with food.
Do not forget to include colorful foods such as green, red, yellow, white and
purple. Not only will they make your diet colorful and eye-catching, but they will
also bring a number of benefits.
We know you're a beginner in the field and you need more guidance, so we'll
give you some "rules" you can guide:
• Eat a source of protein at each meal - an animal product or a plant source
that is rich in protein;
• Eat vegetables at every meal - colorful, seasonal, cruder;
• Eat more carbohydrates (rice, potatoes, whole grains) when you earn them -
after training / great physical activity in everyday life;
• Use beneficial fats - saturated (cow's butter, coconut oil), polyunsaturated
(fish oil, nuts, linseed oil) and monounsaturated (nuts, olive oil, olives). Try to have
any kind;
• Follow the 80/20 or 90/10 rule - about 80-90% of your food is rich in valuable
nutrients, unprocessed, fresh, sugar-free and trans fats, and 10-20% is for those
things that you know they do not give anything to your body, but you still want to
be present.

Food selection, menu, and budgeting

As we have already mentioned, there is no universal diet, which means that
when choosing food you can manage your personal preferences, budget, and
Stay on the basis of your menu of foods that are rich in valuable nutrients for
your body. Let the sugars and trans fats be minimized.
Meet the foods you love - compose a list of the main sources of protein, fat,
and carbohydrates that give you pleasure and eat with desire. Add to them your
favorite vegetables and spices. You already have a basic list.

The next step is to study market prices and to make sure that the desired
purchases fit into the monthly budget. Remember that you do not need to eat
extremely expensive foods to be successful in your business and / or to feel good.
This can happen with well-known local products at "folk" prices.
Pay attention to the shopping time you can spend a week - once, two or more
times. It depends on what products you will buy, as well as how you store it - in the
refrigerator, in the camera and / or in the kitchen.
There is also the big question: do we eat at home or outside?
The truth is that if you can find such a balance that most of your food is
homemade, you will benefit from a number of benefits - better control over food,
personal preferences, always fresh food tailored to the needs regime, the pleasure
of cooking, saving money.
It's never too late to start cooking if you like - it does not take too long if you
can create a good organization and a preliminary plan.

Water and daily needs

Yes, we know you want to know how much water you need to drink. But
before that, we will specify why it is important to drink enough water. Water is vital
and approximately 60% of our weight is made up of water. It has important
functions: transport, participation in chemical processes such as catalyst, joint
lubricant, body temperature regulator, protective function, source of minerals and
The amount of water depends on your body weight, body composition,
physical activity, environmental temperature, and more. The quantity of liquids we
need comes from both water and food (mainly fruits and vegetables). You can
determine all of this quantity in two ways:
• Take 30-40 ml of water per kilogram of weight. If you weigh 60 kg, it means
drinking 1.8 - 2.4 liters daily;
• Either determine your needs by taking between every 100 kcal of your BMR
between 80-110 ml of liquids;
• Do not forget to include physical activity in the accounts as well as the
temperature of the environment;
• It is important to take an optimal amount of fluid - neither to dehydrate nor
to drink too much water to the levels of sodium in the body (hyponatremia).

Yet her Majesty - the calorie!

Calories, Calorie Count, Calorie Balance
We said that, above all, we eat foods, not calories, but that does not mean
that calories are not important.
Keep in mind that the calorie balance is not a myth, and it determines whether
you're going to take off, raise or maintain weight.
If the digested calories are more than consumed, you will gain weight; if the
digested calories are less than the consumed, you will lose weight; if the calories
consumed are equal to the expended, you will maintain weight.
There are formulas for determining the personal calorie balance, but it is
becoming increasingly clear that these formulas do not give a 100% exact number
due to various factors:
• Intestinal flora and how many calories you will get;
• Whether the nutritional value of a specific product matches the tables by
which you think your calories;
• What part of your menu is occupied by indigestible fiber;
• How to prepare the food;
• Method of storing food;
• Inaccuracy in labeling and providing food information for a product, etc.
That's why it's important to understand that you can think of calories, but you
can not predict what will happen in reality, and it is more important to watch,
changing things on the move.

Alternative way of measuring food (our recommendation)

Our experience shows that for a beginner, calorie counting is likely to be a
stumbling block in the pursuit of goals.
If you think this is not for you, and rather will make you harder, causing them
to feel irritated by their better eating habits, we offer you an alternative way of
measuring food and determining portions - the method by the hands.
All you need is your hands:
• The palm is responsible for the portion of protein;
• The fist determines the number of vegetables;
• The folded handpiece shows carbohydrate ration;
• The thumb is responsible for the necessary fat.

The thickness and diameter of the food (measured in the finished state) should
be equivalent to that of the palm and fist. The palm measure does not include

Distribution of macronutrients
We realized we would not calculate. So here's a template where you can
determine the amount of macronutrients by the size of your palms, handles,
thumbs and fists.
For women (at each meal):

For men (at each meal):

* For liquid fats (olive oil), use a spoonful of 1 tablespoon as a guide. in the
salad for women and 1.5 - 2 tablespoons. for men (one meal).
** Vegetables can be eaten in larger quantities if 1-2 fists are not enough for

How many such portions do you have daily?

We will not surprise you with the next answer that everything is strictly
individual. However, with the aforementioned palm-feeding method, 4 portions a
day are a good reference (but are not mandatory or the only possible option).

Feeding and health restrictions / obstacles

If you have a food allergy, a specific illness and / or problems with the
digestive system that require a specific approach to choosing food, cooking, and
eating, then consult your doctor and plan things according to the recommendations
of the specialist.

5 Popular Feeding Modes
1. Evenly balanced diet (EBD)

What is EBD?
A diet where both fat and carbohydrates are taken as the main source of
energy - they are equally balanced in terms of their calories.
It is thought that you can talk about EBD when the ratio of fat to carbohydrate
(in calories) is within 45-55% at 55:45%.
Another way to look at the distribution of macronutrients is 33%: 33%: 33% for
protein, carbohydrates and fats respectively, but it should be borne in mind that in
certain situations this may lead to the less protein than recommended.

Why EBD is a popular diet

The main factor why EBD is a popular and often preferred diet is the larger
choice of food products.
It appeals to people who find it difficult to enter into a narrower nutrition
framework, such as in the ketogenic way of eating.

Which are the most commonly used foods in preparing EBDs?

The products of all food groups - both meat and fish, dairy products and eggs,
cereals, legumes, nuts and seeds, fruits and vegetables - are involved in the design
of the RBD principles menu.
Let's point out specific examples to confirm that ЕBD is a preferred diet
because of the wide choice of foods:
• carbohydrate predominant (bread and bakery products, rice and rice
products, cereals, sugar and confectionery, corn, potatoes, oats, chestnuts,
• the predominant sources of protein (milk and dairy products, eggs, soy,
meat, fish, seafood, nuts, beans)
• Fat predominant (vegetable oil from seeds and nuts, nuts, olive oil, butter,
butter, cream, melted cheese with a fat content of over 60%, seeds, coconut oil)
• Vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, salads, peppers, spinach, nettles,
sorrel, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, zucchini, pumpkin, carrots, green beans,
parsley, dill, celery, eggplant, radish, radish, )

• seed, nut, bean and cereal sprouts, alfalfa and others. ponies
• fruits (apples, pears, cherries, quinces, mulberries, sour cherries, bananas,
dates, oranges, mandarins, teasers, grapefruit, grapes, apricots, peaches, figs,
raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, melons, watermelons, etc.

It is important to open a clause that foods such as nuts, for example, contain
both a certain amount of protein and a lot of fat. Therefore, it is difficult to
categorize them in just one group.
Legumes, apart from being a vegetable source of protein, also contain some
carbohydrates, and so on.

How do we determine the ratio of macronutrients to ЕBD?

The amount of protein in the diet ranges from 1.6 to 2 grams per kilogram of
body weight in males and females. In caloric deficits and in periods of weight loss, it
is not a bad idea that the protein is slightly higher and is in the order of 2-2.5 g / kg.
By removing the calories of the proteins from your daily caloric intake, you find
the calories of fat and carbohydrates. This is easy, just dividing the calories left after
removing the proteins at 2.
The resulting figure represents the calories of fat and carbohydrates in your
Example: You have found that weight loss requires 2000 calories and the
amount of protein you are aiming for is 120 grams
The calorific value is 120 x 4 = 480 kcal.
To find the calorie value of carbohydrates + fat, you get 480 out of 2000 and
get 1520 kcal.
If you divide the number into two, you get that from carbohydrates and fats
you have to buy 760 kcal. Thus, it can be easily calculated how many grams to have
from each macro nutrient. Remember that 1 g of carbohydrates have 4 kcal and 1 g
of fat - 9 kcal.
The number of meals depends on personal preferences and individual
peculiarities in the way of life, organization of everyday life and others. There is no
universal rule - you can divide your feed to 2 or more times.
If you're the people who are not kept on calorie tables and which are not
inherent arithmetic of calories as a guide in determining the composition portion
can use the "rule" each meal contain three main macronutrients in roughly equal

For whom (s) EBD is not appropriate
This way of eating is suitable for all purposes - both for taking off and for
weight gain, as well as for keeping fit, and if it is individually tailored, it can fit a
large circle of people.
It is very good for people who have decided to do something useful about their
eating habits and change their menu basically. EBD is easy to follow and is not
strictly restrictive of food groups. That is why it would be a good starting point for
Since carbohydrates in EBD are slightly more than Low Carbohydrate Diet
(LCD), for people with strong insulin resistance, it may be a better idea to switch to
Carbohydrates in the EBD menu are few, but not many. For more advanced
and above all professional athletes who engage in high-carb sports for optimal
performance (marathons, long-distance swimming, long-distance cycling, and so
on), it may be a good idea to apply diet type of High Carbohydrate Diet. (HCD)

The combination of diet with what type of physical activity would be

The mode allows for the exercise of all kinds of physical activities,
encompassing the power-speed, speed and power sports and exercise complexes.
Under certain conditions, it may not be a good choice for athletes practicing
long-lasting sports such as marathons, swimming or cycling at other distances.
If you decide to follow this type of diet, watch 2-3 weeks to judge if you feel
good because, ultimately, individuality remains a major factor.

Our opinion
The evenly balanced diet gives you freedom in choosing food products and the
opportunity for a variety of recipes and a combination of foods.
This makes it easy to observe, diverse and suitable for long-term compliance.
It can be used for various sports purposes and we recommend it to beginners.

2. High Carbohydrate Diet (HCD)

What is HCD?

A high-carbohydrate diet is a way of eating where the main source of energy
from the diet is carbohydrates and carbohydrate predominant foods are heavily
If a percentage ratio is to be given between the two main sources of energy,
then we have 20-30% fat at 70-80% of carbohydrates in HCD.

Why HCD is popular?

The high-carbohydrate diet enjoys greater popularity amongst bodybuilders,
choosing the regimen in a major period of preparation to increase weight.
HCD is also a choice of many professional athletes involved in high-intensity or
long-lasting sports, such as running and swimming over long distances, cycling, etc.,
due to the contribution of this type of nutrition to sports performance.
Especially in Europe, many people adhere to a high-carbohydrate diet almost
unconscious, because in the European cuisine there are predominantly
carbohydrate dishes and foods.

Which are the most commonly used foods for creating a HCD menu?
Most of the products for this diet fall into one of the following groups of
carbohydrate predominant foods:
• bread and bakery products;
• rice and rice products and other cereals (buckwheat, wheat, barley, rye,
• sugar and confectionery;
• corn, maize;
• potatoes, potato pulp;
• peas;
• oat flakes.

The consumption of oils and fats is moderate. There is no limit to the

consumption of vegetables.
Depending on the amount of calories of the day, and how high carbohydrate
intake is the athlete, foods that have a high caloric value but are poor in useful and
essential nutrients (here are desserts with added sugar, junk food, products with

both high sugar and fat content, etc.) may be present in the menu, but should not
predominate in carbohydrate sources.

How do we determine the ratio of macronutrients to HCD?

The protein most commonly ranges from 1.6 to 2 g / kg for both men and
The amount of fat and carbohydrate is determined by subtracting the calories
from the protein from the total calories selected and the resulting value distributed
between 20-30% for fats and 80-70% for carbohydrates.
Another distribution of the three macronutrients that can be followed is close
to 50-60%: 20-25%: 20-25% for carbohydrates, protein and fats respectively.

Who HCD is (not) suitable for?

This way of eating is more often chosen by people who aim to increase muscle
mass and is suitable for athletes practicing long-lasting sports such as marathons.
Since high levels of glycogen in the muscles and the liver can lead to better
performance in marathons and ultramarathons, HCD is an appropriate strategy at a
certain competitive stage of the year.
An efficacious way with possible benefits for sports performance from high-
intensity Crossfit loads, as well as standard, high-volume weight training for muscle
It is not suitable for people who have insulin sensitivity disorders and do not
tolerate carbohydrates well.
People with obesity and obesity should also be careful because they are more
likely to experience health problems where the intake of too much carbohydrate is

The combination of diet with what type of physical activity would be

Long-term aerobic sports - marathon running, cycling, long-distance
swimming, and more.
Also in strength, high-volume workouts lasting over 60-90 minutes, as well as
crossfit training.

What can we expect in the long run in HCD compliance?

Depending on the sport and training you practice, and at what level you
practice them, in the long run, HCD can help improve exercise performance and
performance compared to low carb.
Apart from this, we can not say that you can expect something special.

Our opinion
As long as it does not prevent you from getting enough protein and a
minimum of fat needed to maintain good health, it is no problem to follow this type
of diet.
Healthy also has nothing to worry about, as long as you do not fight a disease
requiring a more limited intake of carbohydrates, such as diabetes and / or insulin
resistance, for example, but because every thing in excess hides certain risks, it is
not a bad idea to perform periodic clinical studies of the more basic health markers.
If you are a fitness enthusiast without racing ambitions, we do not need to
emphasize carbohydrates to the extent that they are covered in HCD. On the other
hand, if you compete professionally, almost all sports will benefit from HCD or

3. Low Carbohydrate Diet (LCD)

What is LCD?
This is a diet that limits carbohydrates in the diet to a minimum amount that
aims to maintain lower levels of the hormone insulin.
It is claimed that maintaining lower levels of insulin during the day helps to
lose weight more effectively, and the body uses primarily stored fat as a source of
Low Carbohydrate Diet is the main diet of most athletes who want to lose a
pound. Often it is practiced and just as usual eating.
Because they are often confused, it is important to specify that LCD and
ketogenic nutrition are not the same things. While in ketogenic nutrition a ketosis
achievement is required, in the LCD the ketoase is entirely optional.

Why is it popular?
It is popular because many people think that because carbohydrates stimulate
insulin secretion and insulin reduces lipolysis (the process of releasing fat from fat

cells) it means that to lose weight, you should take as little carbohydrate as
However, this is not the case.
There are a number of statements that bring insulin (and along with
carbohydrates) a bad reputation, for example, that:
• aggravates health and leads to insulin resistance;
• he is responsible for overweight;
• it is the cause of unsuccessful weight loss.
Insulin performs a number of tasks in our body. The main thing is the
regulation of blood glucose levels by binding to insulin cell receptors and
stimulating glucose transporters. It also blocks lipolysis and stimulates lipogenesis
(the process of fat storage in fat cells).
These physiological actions of insulin are the main reason to believe that he is
guilty of our excess weight or the inability to get rid of them.
However, this is a misinterpretation of the information because the change in
our body composition does not depend on the current state of insulin (or other
hormones), both after eating and depends on what happens in the long run.
While after a high carbohydrate meal, the insulin level is actually higher within
about 2 hours, during which lipogenesis is stimulated and blocked lipolysis, it
should not be forgotten the remaining hours of the day that insulin is in lower
Let us also remember that:
• the presence of insulin is not required for the storage of fat in fat depots; i.e.
we can fill even without eating carbohydrates and with minimal insulin levels.
• not only carbohydrates stimulate insulin secretion. The protein does just as
• Insulin resistance can be a result of many different factors and it is
undesirable to refer to carbohydrates and insulin as the sole culprit.
LCD is effective but does not outweigh other diets. Two major meta-analyses
by authors Celeste E. Naude and Bradley C. Johnston and their teams show that,
under the same conditions, the amount of carbohydrates in our diet does not have
a significant effect on the end effect.

Which are the most commonly used food products in the preparation of the
The main foods on which this diet is based are those rich in fat and protein and
low in carbohydrates. This group includes:
• nuts;
• meat and meat products;
• eggs;
• fish and seafood;
• seeds;
• milk (full fat) and dairy products (cheeses, cheeses, cheeses and others).

Carbohydrates in the menu can in practice be available with all foods such as
bread and bakery products, rice and rice, cereals, corn, potatoes, peas, oats,
chestnuts, but must be organized so that the total amount of carbohydrates not to
be higher than the recommended. This also applies to the fruits.
By computing your daily caloric balance, you will know how much fat you need
in your diet so you can shape your body gradually and steadily, just by taking your
own results reflected in the mirror.
Fat sources are like most of the above-mentioned groups and one with excess
fat over the other substances in the diet. Such foods are: seed and nut vegetable
oils, olive oil, butter, butter, cream, melted cheeses with a fat content of over 60%,
seeds, coconut oil.
Vegetables and vegetable salads are mandatory and accompany any basic food
intake. If the fat contained in the main dishes is below your individual optimum, the
addition of vegetable fat in the salad will cover the difference. For exotic taste, and
because of the high content of vitamins, minerals and amino acids, it is worth
paying attention to the sprouts. Their presence in salads to the regime will allow
the avoidance of complex vitamin and mineral supplements.

How to determine the ratio of macronutrients in LCD?

For most people, with this diet, enough protein is 2 g / kg (for men and
women), but according to some scientific data, if the diet is followed to lose weight
and the next one is in a calorie deficit, it is not a bad idea increasing the dose to
about 2.5 g / kg for both sexes.

Carbohydrates are in the range of 1-1.5 g / kg of body weight, and fat is
considered to be the calorie balance calculated by calculating the number of
calories from protein and carbohydrates, and the resulting number is divided by 9.
The number of meals and their distribution is strictly individual and one can
adjust them according to their preferences. In most cases, 3 to 4 meals per day are
a good option. It is important that the next LCD will be able to acquire the
necessary calories and nutrients according to the goals.
If the amount of food is individually tailored so that weight loss is even and
constant, but within 2 to 4% of weight per month, the regime is practically not
subject to serious criticism. A consistent decrease in the total amount of fat is
achieved while the loss of muscle tissue is within the minimum.
Greater amounts of fat in the diet can lead to some gastrointestinal
discomfort. If this happens, it is best to switch to a lighter diet to lose weight -
evenly balanced.
If you are one of those who are not on calorie tables and who are not inherent
calorie counts as a guideline in determining portion composition, you can use the
"rule" each meal to contain a minimum amount of carbohydrates and the majority
of those for the day to get them through fruits and vegetables.
A good starting point is the hand-size method and more about it you can read
from this manual.

Who is LCD (not) suitable for?

The low carb diet is suitable for people who want to get rid of excess fat and
do not have too much exercise or / and do not practice long-term sports such as
It is good for people who do not feel a particular problem in limiting the food
products that are the main source of carbohydrates.
Although generally there are no benefits to higher carb meals, some people
still feel better and have better results in taking fewer carbohydrates.
It is also suitable for people with obesity, which in most cases also have
debilitated insulin sensitivity. A good option is to follow this type of nutrition until
improvements in body composition and health have been achieved.
Let's take a look at the situations where LCD is not a good choice of nutrition.
As strange as it sounds, the human brain and nervous system are so designed
that the bulk of the energy (50 percent or more) comes from carbohydrates.

Though not the most calorie, they are the fastest and easiest to store and process
energy source in the body.
Carbohydrates such as galactose and fructose as soon as they fall into the
small intestine and liver become glucose, a major form of transport in the blood.
Glucose is used by muscle and nerve cells as an energy source at a higher intensity
The problem is that under different LCD regimens, the foods consumed
contain little or no direct sources of glucose.
Therefore, compliance with LCD is not appropriate for people who practice
high intensity and duration activities as well as people who do not feel well at first
with a low-carb diet.
People who have difficulty maintaining stable blood sugar, often leading to
hypoglycemia, should also be alert to the regime as it is rather inappropriate for

The combination of diet with what type of physical activity would be

Most people using this diet combine it with sports. Sport, besides the purely
physical effect, also brings a number of physiological benefits.
This type of nutrition is suitable for all types of stresses in the classes of power,
power, power-speed and speed complexes of exercises.
However, it is best to apply the diet at the same time as a properly planned
exercise. In a normal low carb diet, most workouts are acceptable as long as they
are not too long. If your goal is ketosis, it is best to do an explosive, strength
workout, intense, but with little duration and optional short cardio for the final.

Our opinion
As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, contrary to the general belief,
in general, LCD has no advantages in terms of weight loss compared to other diets.
We have repeatedly said that there is no universal mode and truth, and since
the peculiarities vary from person to person, everyone can try and judge whether
this type of meal fits well into his daily life and, more importantly, whether he can
follow it long-term, achieving its goals and feeling healthy.
If we can talk about "the best" food, it is what you can stick to for the long

4. Periodic starvation

What is periodic starvation?

An eating methodics that relies on periodic deprivation of food (calories) for
periods of varying lengths, followed by feeding windows.
The application options are different, with the hunger phase, which does not
take any calories, can vary from 20 to 36 hours.
There is also a "light" reading with a 16-hour hunger followed by an 8-hour
food intake, although there is controversy about whether such an application can
be attributed to periodic starvation.

Why periodic starvation is popular

The reason for hunger to be the basis of the system is that for a short period of
time, he does a few things that the systemic three or four times a day and a meal
can not do:

• Increases insulin sensitivity - this effect of periodic starvation is not fully

confirmed at this stage, as almost all of the experiments that confirm it also show
weight loss in overweight people. It is not clear whether periodic starvation has led
to improvements in glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity or attenuation;

• It is easy to create a negative calorie balance in the calorie week scale - for
some people, it is easier to be more aggressive in starvation and calorie deficit just
1-2 days a week instead of every day less;

• Periods are long enough to trigger increased fat burning and not long enough
to start a serious drop in total metabolism.

• Facilitates the organization of everyday life in people with a busy one, as

when properly adapting to the hungry window of time, they do not have to think
about eating.

Rat studies indicate a prolonged feeding life following the recurrent starvation
even without a significant calorie deficit.

It is believed that the cause of the overall beneficial effect of periodic

starvation is rooted in the reduced volume of caloric intake and moderate ketoase.

The following confirmed biochemical parameters were reported in laboratory
animals subjected to several weeks of periodic starvation: increased insulin
sensitivity decreased blood glucose levels, increased IGF-1 growth factor,
decreased leptin levels, increased levels of beta-hydroxybutyrate.The effects are
better insulin utilization, increased growth stimuli, reduced fat deposition,
increased fat metabolism, increased antioxidant activity and better protection
against toxins and free radicals.
Human studies are at their very beginning, but confirm much of the findings in

Variations of Periodic Starvation

According to the length of the starvation and the periods between two
starvations, the methods using the principle are:
• Hunger 1 to 3 times a week;
• Daily hunger (Military Diet, Leangains, Fast -5);
• Mixed methodologies.

Starvation 1 to 3 times a week (1-3 / week)

Simply put, it is hungry once to three times a week a day or two in 20 to 36
hours, and sleep time is also included in the period.
Example: If we choose to starve on Tuesday, hunger starts after an early
dinner on Monday and ends with a late lunch on Wednesday.
This system in some people is a more successful way to achieve a negative
calorie balance on a weekly basis and a greater potential for decreasing weekly
calorie portions compared to monotonous regimes (consuming the same kcal every

Simple Example:
Person X has a daily requirement of 2,000 kcal to maintain weight (= BMR *
factor according to the formula).
He chooses to follow a monotonous balanced regime of 1,500 kcal for 4
Its weekly energy consumption is approximately 14,000 kcal.
With 1,500 x 7 days a day = 10,500 kcal per week. Taking only that much
energy will create a shortage of 3,500 kcal / week.

If he chooses to use a balanced, balanced meal in 4 days with 2,000 kcal / day
and 3 fasts of 24 hours, the picture would be the following:
4 x 2,000 = 8,000 kcal / week, resulting in 6,000 calories of the week.

Daily Starvation (Military Diet, Leangain, Fast -5)

The main calories of the day, including most of the carbohydrate portion, are
consumed in a narrow window of time, four to five hours a day.
Most often this is the time from late afternoon to dinner. Concretization varies
with various popular methods that use the principle of daily starvation.

Mixed methodologies
It combines several big starvations with a few small and normal feeding days.
Example: Monday, Wednesday and Friday normal eating, Tuesday and
Thursday - hunger, and weekend hunger during the active part of the day (or at
night) and eating in a narrow time interval from late afternoon to dinner.
There are quite a few different combinations.

For whom periodic starvation is (not) appropriate?

Generally, with a clever calorie balance for a week, the principle and
methodologies that follow it do not pose a health hazard to a healthy person in
active age.

Possible risks of periodic starvation application are specific:

Daily starvation: the possibility of overloading the kidneys and the liver with
proteins (uric acid and urate) in case of overeating in the intensive feeding area,
but this may be a problem mainly in people with liver and kidney disease.

Progression of hypoglycemia and drop in blood pressure - avoid this type of

diet if you have a fluctuation in blood pressure or if you are an insulin-dependent
diabetic because of the difficulty in calculating the insulin dose and monitoring the
half-life of insulin injected.

All-day starvation 1-3 / week: reduced risk of urea and urine poisoning against
the background of daily hunger, and increased risk of hypoglycemia compared to

daily fasting. Apply under diet control if you are a diabetic, whether you are insulin-
dependent or not.

Who will benefit?

Periodic starvation has its proven benefits in people who are about to lose
weight. The main reason is the easy achievement of a large calorie deficit for a
week / month, although not all people are able to work with this diet.
Also suitable for immobilized people, elderly people with obesity, people with
a high-fat percentage and low active weight that can not provide additional energy
expenditure through physical activity.
It may be a good option for people working with intellectual work or those
who have low physical activity on their working days, as well as for people with a
busy everyday life who want to save their meals during the day.

For who is the rather inappropriate way of eating?

• Cyclic meals are a rare approach for bodybuilders and people who aim to
increase muscle mass and are rather unsuitable for them. In other words, if you are
an athlete with rapid metabolism (high active weight + high volume of kcal / day),
this diet can be more harmful than beneficial. It is entirely possible to increase
muscle mass and to train hard and through periodic starvation is simply not an
optimal option.
• It may lead to a fall in blood pressure and low blood sugar, so caution should
be people with chronic low blood pressure.
• It is not recommended for insulin-dependent diabetics because of purely
pragmatic problems in the regulation of insulin administration.
• It leads to irritability in "hungry days". Increases the aggressive behavioral
pattern. For hyperactive and nervous people, it is better to give up the GP. It is
possible to have "tread with food".
• Hunger is a problem with ulcers and gastritis.
• People with unstable psyche and problems with self-perception and
acceptance should not be involved in periodic starvation. Including bulimic and
anorexic or prone to stagnation.
• Most women do not respond well to cycling because the female hormonal
balance is sensitive to the type, amount and frequency of feeding. The reproductive
system is affected not only by the percentage of body fat but also by the total

caloric balance. There are women who tend to maintain too much calorie deficit,
and in periodic fasting, this possibility is even greater.

The combination of diet with what type of physical activity would be

The practice and application of GPs have a similar effect as incentives and
ultimate effects on the body and metabolism.
To increase the end result, you need to follow a program to ensure that
calories in regular food days will provide your body so that it does not get into a
calorie crisis.
So be careful when calculating your calorie balance - do it on a weekly basis to
see how much you are in a negative caloric balance to your norm.

Daily starvation
It is suitable for any kind of workout, provided that one adapts and is
accustomed to being loaded on an empty stomach. In the beginning, it may lead to
sickness, but over time most people manage to adapt.
All-day starvation 1-3 / week - regular days
There are no training restrictions. All kinds of sports and sports are
appropriate, the duration of which will not displace regular meals.
All-day starvation 1-3 / week - half-day
Powerful, low and moderate strength training exercises are appropriate. Low-
intensity training with a long duration and low energy expenditure such as yoga,
pilates, stretching, isometry of vibroplatforms. Interval cardio may be included in a
brief session.
All-day starvation 1-3 / week - hungry days
Stick to low-intensity short-duration and low-energy training exercises -
pilates, yoga, stretching, isometry, Tai Chi, Chi Gun, and so on. If the hungry day is
the first of a series or the starvation is still in the early hours, you may also want a
little more intense workout, but the more the lack of food progresses, the greater
the risk of becoming sick.

Mixed methodologies
Here things vary exclusively according to the specifics of the methodology.
General findings as in the previous two fasting procedures are not possible. Such

schemes are typically developed throughout the concept as a nutrition and training
system or are made individually by an expert for a particular client.

Our opinion
Cyclic nutrition has proven benefits and a positive impact on the human body.
Although not all people can endure long hours (and even days) without food,
the many different protocols of periodic fasting allow for great flexibility.
If you choose to adhere to it and have no long-term experience with no calorie
intake, start with a lighter application, gradually increasing the hours of the hunger
phase and reducing the time slice in which you eat.
One of the main things for which periodic starvation is investigated in scientific
literature is as a means of helping to lose weight. At this point, data show no
greater (but less effective) performance than other meals, but many people find it
easier to follow.
If overweight removal and frequent intake of food tend to make you hungrier
or mentally burdening you, creating the feeling that you are constantly thinking
about eating, it is worth trying one of the forms of periodic fasting.
However, if you are one of the people who are aiming for an optimal increase
in muscle and maximal sports performance, our advice is either to target another
diet or to select a protocol with small starving windows, for example 16/8.
Remember that starvation is nothing anabolic, no matter what claims you face

5. Mediterranean diet
Cretan diet, Mediterranean Diet, MedDiet

What is the Mediterranean diet?

The Mediterranean diet was first defined by American biologist Ancel Keys and
his wife Margaret Keys in 1975 as a diet that is low in saturated fats and high in
vegetable oil (olive oil).
The diet was observed in Greece and southern Italy in the 1960s and has been
detailed for the last 5 decades, with several food pyramids illustrating its principles
in determining the type and amount of food consumed.

Why is it popular?

This diet is mostly popular with the claim that the nutrients it contains can
reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and premature death, but unfortunately,
the recommendations for the quantities of individual products vary greatly and this
is also reflected in the results from keeping the diet.
When comparing several food pyramids with the principles of the
Mediterranean Diet, it is found that the intake of olive oil varies from 15.7 to 80 ml
/ day, of beans - from 5.5 to 60.6 g / day, of vegetables - from 210 to 682 g / day
and fruits and nuts from 109 to 463 g / day.
This big difference, especially in the case of olive oil and legumes, can also
have a significant effect on the results of compliance with the regime.
The amount of food intake affects the resulting health benefits. Evidence from
meta-analyses shows that eating more vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes, cereals
and fish, taking fewer dairy products and meat, and having a higher ratio of
monounsaturated and saturated fatty acids, have a better impact on cardiovascular
health than people who consume less than the above.

Which are the most commonly used foods in the Mediterranean Diet?
The overall characteristics of the diet are similar among the different publications
and include recommendations for:
• high intake of cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil, vegetables (including leafy
greens), fruits, cereals (to the predominance of whole grains), nuts and legumes;
• Mean intake of meat and fish, dairy products and red wine;
• low intake of eggs and confectionery.

Calorie content and distribution of macronutrients

One study looks at and compares the recommendations for daily calorie intake
and the distribution of macronutrients to a different reading of the Mediterranean
diet over the years.
Based on this data, it can be said that in the Mediterranean diet 37% of the
energy comes from the intake of fat (of which 19% are monounsaturated, 5%
polyunsaturated, 9% saturated), 15% comes from protein and 43% from

Who is it (not) suitable for?

It is believed that compliance with the Mediterranean diet has anti-
inflammatory health benefits, but they remain unclear when patients with already
developed cardiovascular disease apply the principles of diet.
Some studies even show that there is no significant reduction in inflammatory
cytokines in patients with cardiovascular disease. Therefore, randomized controlled
trials related to compliance with the Mediterranean diet are required in patients at
high risk of cardiovascular disease.
The Mediterranean diet is a diet that should not be prescribed as a "medicine".
It is rather a template for a person to manage a daily menu and is suitable for those
who do not like so much meat, but rather focus on plant foods. However, care must
be taken because there is a danger that not enough protein will be available for the
daily needs of the body, as the regimens recommended for the diet are richer in
carbohydrates and fats (whole grains, pasta, olive oil). Protein-rich foods, with the
exception of legumes, are fed in smaller quantities.
The diet is rather unsuitable for people with insulin resistance and those who
are overweight.

Our opinion
The Mediterranean diet should not be treated as a treatment regimen, as
more research is needed in the field and the link with cardiovascular health, and
interpretations of the recommended amounts of food vary greatly, which inevitably
results in a different result.
The diet is good in terms of eating lots of vegetables and fiber as well as useful
extra fat extra virgin olive oil, but it also has a disadvantage because if you have
insufficient knowledge of the content of the various foods, you may not have the
necessary daily protein ration.
In the Mediterranean diet, carbohydrates from pasta, macaroni, pasta and
fruits are predominant, and protein-rich foods such as meat, fish, dairy and eggs
are less common. Exceptions are made for plant sources for which
recommendations are to be eaten in several portions a day.
If you do not like meat and prefer fish, and if you can get fresh and quality
food, you can experiment with the principles of the Mediterranean diet.
Make sure you manage to balance your menu and get the right amount of
protein not only from legumes but also from fish, dairy products (mature cheeses
and cheese) and eggs.

If you are aiming at reducing excess weight, take care with olive oil in salads - if
this quantity is determined by the eye and because of the caloric value of fat, it is
easy to exceed the calorie intake.
Sample Mediterranean diet menus where basic meals (such as breakfast, for
example) are made up of carbohydrate predominant foods. Our advice is not to
follow these and always add enough protein. Feeding, which has enough protein to
last for longer than what is mainly made up of carbohydrate predominant foods.


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