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Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS

Kompetensi Keahlian : DPIB, TEI
Hari, tanggal : (KOSONGI)
Waktu : (KOSONGI)
Berisi KD : KD 3.14-3.18. ……………………………….

1. Man : What do you think of this new stadium?

Woman : In my opinion, it is a wide stadium and has many facilities, but it needs more restrooms.
Man : I agree with you
What are they talking about?
A. The new stadium
B. The facilities of their school
C. The restrooms in the stadium
D. The new facility in the stadium
E. The bad condition of the stadium
7. Man : Many people like junk food. What do you think about it?
Woman : That’s right. Mostly junk food are delicious. I like junk food, too.
Man : I think junk food is not good for our health. Some articles say that junk food leads to
Woman : You’re right. That’s why I only eat junk food twice a month. I don’t want to be fat.
What can we learn from the dialogue?
A. They like junk food
B. Mostly junk food are expensive
C. The woman is very fat because of junk food
D. The man doesn’t like junk food
E. They agree that junk food is not good for health

13. Man : We have to go to the hospital first before we shop

Woman : That’s exactly what I think. Let’s go
What do we learn from the dialogue?
A. The man will not go to the hospital
B. The man will stay at the hospital
C. The woman will shop first
D. The woman will not go to the hospital
E. They will go to the hospital
19. Man : What do you think of your presentation? I didn’t get the chance to ask you in class
Woman : To be honest, I think the audience ignored my questions
Man : I know how you feel
According to the woman, how was her presentation?
A. It ran smoothly
B. It was interesting
C. It failed
D. It was terrifying
E. It worked well

25. Man : Do you know why zoos are important?

Woman : Personally, I think that we need zoos because they are educational, they are fun for
families, and they look after endangered animals
Man : ………..
What is the most appropriate response to say next?
A. I don’t think you are nice
B. That’s definitely wrong
C. Yes, I disagree with it
D. You’re absolutely right
E. I feel okay with it

The impact that technology has had on today’s schools has been quite significant. This
widespread adoption of technology has completely changed how teachers teach and students
learn. Teachers are learning how to teach with emerging technologies, while students are using
advanced technology to shape how they learn. By embracing and integrating technology in the
classroom, we are setting our students up for a successful life outside of school. I believe that it
makes learning more interesting and fun. They especially like laptops and tablets. Subjects that
students deem challenging or boring can become more interesting with virtual lessons, through a
video, or when using a tablet.

31. What is the text about?

A. The bad effects of technology for students
B. The technology devices used in schools
C. The impact of technology in classrooms
D. The importance of technology for students
E. The advances of technology

The impact that technology has had on today’s schools has been quite significant. This
widespread adoption of technology has completely changed how teachers teach and students
learn. Teachers are learning how to teach with emerging technologies, while students are using
advanced technology to shape how they learn. By embracing and integrating technology in the
classroom, we are setting our students up for a successful life outside of school. I believe that it
makes learning more interesting and fun. They especially like laptops and tablets. Subjects that
students deem challenging or boring can become more interesting with virtual lessons, through a
video, or when using a tablet.

37. What is the benefit if schools embrace and integrate technology in the classrooms?
A. They make their students up to date for technology
B. The students will enjoy their time at schools
C. The students don’t need books and stationery anymore
D. The students can enjoy what they like at schools while studying
E. They set their students up for a successful life outside of school

The impact that technology has had on today’s schools has been quite significant. This
widespread adoption of technology has completely changed how teachers teach and students
learn. Teachers are learning how to teach with emerging technologies, while students are using
advanced technology to shape how they learn. By embracing and integrating technology in the
classroom, we are setting our students up for a successful life outside of school. I believe that it
makes learning more interesting and fun. They especially like laptops and tablets. Subjects that
students deem challenging or boring can become more interesting with virtual lessons, through a
The impact
video, thatusing
or when technology has had on today’s schools has been quite significant. This
a tablet.
widespread adoption of technology has completely changed how teachers teach and students
learn. Teachers are learning how to teach with emerging technologies, while students are using
43. What is the writer’s opinion?
advanced technology
A. Technology cantomake
shapethehow they learn.
students boredBy embracing and integrating technology in the
B. Technology
classroom, we are has badour
setting effects for students
students up for a successful life outside of school. I believe that it
C. Technology is not appropriate for students and teachers
makes learning more
D. Technology interesting
makes learningand fun.interesting
more They especially like laptops and tablets. Subjects that
and fun
E. Technology
students makes the
deem challenging or teacher’s
boring canwork easiermore interesting with virtual lessons, through a
video, or when using a tablet.
49. “Teachers are learning how to teach with emerging technologies……”
The underlined word can be replaced with………
A. Original
B. fake
C. high
D. expensive
E. New

The impact that technology has had on today’s schools has been quite significant. This
widespread adoption of technology has completely changed how teachers teach and students
learn. Teachers are learning how to teach with emerging technologies, while students are using
advanced technology to shape how they learn. By embracing and integrating technology in the
classroom, we are setting our students up for a successful life outside of school. I believe that it
makes learning more interesting and fun. They especially like laptops and tablets. Subjects that
students deem challenging or boring can become more interesting with virtual lessons, through a
video, or when using a tablet.

55. “Subject that students deem challenging or boring can become more interesting with virtual lessons,
The antonym of the underlined word is……………..
A. Real
B. Basic
C. Implicit
D. Practical
E. Potential
61. Chandra       : Hello, It’s Chandra. Can I help you?
Bams            : Can I talk to Mr. Budi?
Chandra        : Sure, _______
He he is in a meeting now                                          
B. Are you in hurry?
C. Any message?                                                              
D. Call him later
E. Just a moment, please

67. Customer Service            : Customer service, This is, Linda speaking, Can I help you?
Arda                                 : I am Arda, I want to activate online banking on my phone.
Customer Service            : _________
Arda                                 : Sure, 088865742345

A. Can I have your number? 

B. What is your number?
C. Where is your phone?
D. How much is your number?
E. How about your number

73. Aryo           : Good morning.This is Aryo calling.May I talk to Mr.Agus,please?

Receptionist : ............... I'll try to put you through to Mr.Agus at his office.
A. .It's all right
B. Hold the line,please
C. Who's speaking,please!
D. Sorry to keep you waiting
E. Excuse me, may I have a message?

79. Operator: Subsription Division,Tempo Magazine.Can I help you?

Caller     :Yes,I'd like to subscribe to Tempo.
Operator: Yes,ma'am............................
Caller     :This is Susan Olivia
A. Can I talk to Susan Olivia?
B. Shall I call You with your last name?
C. May I know who's calling, please?
D. Can you tell me her name, please?
E. Can I have your message, please?

85. Caller:Hello....................................?
Nita  :I'm sorry,he is out .Could you call back at four?
Caller:All right.Thank you.
A. Could you speak to Mr.Aziz,please?
B. Can I take a message from you
C. Could I speak to Mr.Aziz,please?
D. Would you like to call him again
E. Could Mr. Aziz call me later, please?

91. Doni :Hello ........................................?

Iwan :Yes,speaking
Doni  :I need some information about the product you launched yesterday.
A. Could you tell me about your product, please?
B. Who's speaking?
C. Could I speak to Mr.Iwan,please?
D. Could you put me through to Doni?
E. Could I have a message, please?

97. Secretary : One moment. (pause) I’m afraid the line is busy at moment.
Mr. Smith: No. I’m leaving for Bandung in ten minutes. Can you take a message?
Secretary : Yes, of course. One moment, please?
A. Please wait.
B. Please don’t go
C. Can you hold for a while
D. Can you be quite.
E. Can you talk to me please.

103. Taufiq : Happy Travel,taufiq speaking

Olga  : Hello,Mr.taufiq.This is Olga..................
Taufiq : Oh,yes,Miss Olga.I hope you and your family will have a wonderful time.
Olga   : Thank you.We are very excited.
A. I am sad to tell you the truth
B. I liked to talk about the ticket service
C. I am disappointed with the service last night
D. I am calling to confirm my trip to Disneyland
E. I am glad to hear the news

109. Andre  : I need to book a room for this weekend. May I know the rate?
Banu    : ........... And which room would you like to have, single or double?
Andre   : Sure.My name is Andrea Thomas and I'd like single room, please?
A. Will you put me through Mr.Brown?
B. Can I talk to the manager?
C. May I leave a message?
D. May I know who's speaking?
E. May I have a message?
115. Receptionist : Good morning.What can I do for you,sir?
Guest          : I'd like to talk to the Personnel Manager,please.
Receptionist : ....................?
Guest          : Yes.My name is Hendarto.
A. May I have your name
B. Could you call him later
C. Have you met him before
D. Have you made an appointment
E. May I have your message, please?

121. Man : Hello, Mrs. Susan. My family was wondering, are you free this Saturday?
Woman : Yes, I am. Why?
Man : Oh, we just thought it would be nice to have you and your family over for dinner.
Woman : I let my family know it first. Well, I’ll call you tonight and let you know for sure
Man : All right, I’ll be waiting for your call
What does the woman mean?
A. She refuses his invitation
B. She will confirm the invitation tonight
C. She will come to the dinner
D. She is not free on Saturday
E. She will go to the diner without her family

127. Man : Excuse me, Sir. I would like to invite you to the meeting we are going to have tomorrow.
Woman : Well, I’m not busy on Friday. What time?
Man : At 2 p.m., Sir
Woman : Alright, I will come. Thanks for the invitation.
When will the meeting be held?
A. Thursday morning
B. Thursday afternoon
C. Friday morning
D. Friday afternoon
E. Saturday Afternoon

133. Man : I’d like to invite you for the lunch. What about tomorrow?
Woman : …………
What is the best response to replya next?
A. I’d love to go shopping with my friends
B. Thank you for your kindness
C. I don’t think I can invite you, too
D. Do you think that’s a good idea
E. Thanks for the invitation, but I have another appointment
139. Man : We’re going to the European restaurant. Would you care to join us?
Woman : I’d love to, but I’m afraid I have another commitment this evening. Maybe another time
Man : ………………….
What is the best response to say next?
A. It’s all right
B. Don’t worry
C. It’s my pleasure
D. Your welcome
E. How can you say that

The principal of East High School

Would like to invite you to the
graduation ceremony
Of the 12th grade students
Venue: School Auditorium
In June 25, 2017
At 15 p.m

145. What even is the invitation above?

A. A flag ceremony
B. School anniversary
C. The principal’s anniversary
D. The principal’s birthday
E. The graduation ceremony

The principal of East High School

Would like to invite you to the
graduation ceremony
Of the 12th grade students
Venue: School Auditorium
In June 25, 2017
At 15 p.m

151. Where will the event be held?

A. At the school hall
B. At the school auditorium
C. At the hotel ballroom
D. At the classroom
E. At the schoolyard
The principal of East High School
Would like to invite you to the
graduation ceremony
Of the 12th grade students
Venue: School Auditorium
In June 25, 2017
At 15 p.m

157. From the invitation above, we know that ………………..

A. The event is just for the 12th grade students.
B. The invitation is for the principal’s friends
C. The event will be held in the afternoon
D. The event will start in the morning
E. The invitation is addressed to all relatives of the principal

163. Man : We were wondering if you would like to join us in a meeting next Saturday. We are going to
talk about our school camping.
Woman : I’d love to. What time?
Man : at 2 p.m.
Woman : Alright. I will come
What can we learn from the dialogue?
A. The man invites the woman
B. The man is going to go to a meeting
C. The woman cannot attend the meeting
D. The woman will go to the camping
E. The woman cannot join the man

169. Bella : Hi Ted, are you free this Saturday? I want to invite you to our family’s barbecue
Ted : Sounds good, Bella. I wish I could make it, but I’m sorry, it’s my sister’s wedding this
From the text, we can conclude that ……………
A. Ted will go to the barbeque party
B. Ted Agrees to go to the party
C. Ted is very sorry that he can’t make it to Bella’s party
D. Ted doesn’t like a barbecue party
E. Ted promise that he will come later after her sister’s wedding

175. Pete : “How about having dinner with me tonight?

Kate : “Thanks you, I’d love to.
From the dialogue above we conclude that …..
A. Kate declines the the invitation
B. Pete wants to have dinner
C. Kate loves Pete
D. Pete invites Kate to have dinner together
E. Kate refuses the invitation

Surabaya, December 11, 2017

Dear Johan,
Thanks for your letter. My families are okay, but I got a very bad cough. It’s painful. How about you?
I hope you okay.
What a relief when I got the news about your family. I was very happy because all of you were okay.
The earthquake was very great. Some people die and we lost contact with you. My mother cried when she
could not call your mother.
By the way parents and I will visit you on the next Sunday. Wait for us. We will bring you some fruit
and vegetables for you.

My warmest regards,
Ferdy Lesmana

181. Why did the writer feel painful? Because……………….

A. there was an earthquake
B. he had a very bad cough
C. he lost contact with Johan
D. he got an accident
E. he could not visit Johan
Surabaya, December 11, 2017
Dear Johan,
Thanks for your letter. My families are okay, but I got a very bad cough. It’s painful. How about you?
I hope you okay.
What a relief when I got the news about your family. I was very happy because all of you were okay.
The earthquake was very great. Some people die and we lost contact with you. My mother cried when she
could not call your mother.
By the way parents and I will visit you on the next Sunday. Wait for us. We will bring you some fruit
and vegetables for you.

My warmest regards,
Ferdy Lesmana

187. What made the writer relieved?

A. He heard news about Johan’s family
B. There was no earthquake in this town
C. Johan and his family visited him
D. He could get many kinds of fruit and vegetables
E. His family were safe from the earthquake
Surabaya, December 11, 2017
Dear Johan,
Thanks for your letter. My families are okay, but I got a very bad cough. It’s painful. How about you?
I hope you okay.
What a relief when I got the news about your family. I was very happy because all of you were okay.
The earthquake was very great. Some people die and we lost contact with you. My mother cried when she
could not call your mother.
By the way parents and I will visit you on the next Sunday. Wait for us. We will bring you some fruit
and vegetables for you.

My warmest regards,
Ferdy Lesmana
193. From the text, we know that……………..
A. Ferdi’s family got a disaster
B. Ferdi and his family will visit Johan’s family
C. Johan will visit Ferdi next Sunday
D. Johan’s mother died because of an earthquake
E. Johan could not contact his mother

October 25. 2017

Dear Romy,
I am writing this letter to say that I’ve got my tickets. I am arriving at Jakarta at about 8.30 a.m. on
Tuesday (31st). You don’t need to meet me at the airport. I can take a taxi up to your house. I am afraid
the plane will probably be late.
I am preparing some stuff for your family. I went to abroad last week and I bought some souvenirs. Well,
I can’t wait to see you all. See you next week.


199. What tickets have Niko got?

A. A plane ticket
B. A meeting ticket
C. A train ticket
D. A taxi ticket
E. A concert ticket

October 25. 2017

Dear Romy,
I am writing this letter to say that I’ve got my tickets. I am arriving at Jakarta at about 8.30 a.m. on
Tuesday (31st). You don’t need to meet me at the airport. I can take a taxi up to your house. I am afraid
the plane will probably be late.
I am preparing some stuff for your family. I went to abroad last week and I bought some souvenirs. Well,
I can’t wait to see you all. See you next week.


205. When will Niko arrive in Jakarta

A. On Friday
B. On Saturday
C. On Sunday
D. On Monday
E. On Tuesday

October 25. 2017

Dear Romy,
I am writing this letter to say that I’ve got my tickets. I am arriving at Jakarta at about 8.30 a.m. on
Tuesday (31st). You don’t need to meet me at the airport. I can take a taxi up to your house. I am afraid
the plane will probably be late.
I am preparing some stuff for your family. I went to abroad last week and I bought some souvenirs. Well,
I can’t wait to see you all. See you next week.


211. Why does Niko not want Romy to take him at the airport?
A. He has a car
B. A taxi will wait for him
C. He is afraid if the plane is late
D. He doesn’t want to meet Romy
E. He doesn’t know each other

Fill in the blank with the suitable answer!

August 15, 2018
Dear Mohandi
[………….] I’m glad you still remember me. I accepted your letter three days ago. I was
surprised when I saw your photo. You look slim.
Well, how is your brother’ condition? You said that your brother was in hospital. I hope he gets
better. He still remembers me, right? How about your parents/ do they still like gardening? If you don’t
mind, send me a cactus! My mother likes a cactus. Her hobby is similar with your mother.

Hi Tom. How’s life? We’re going to have a long holiday this summer, aren’t we? What are you going to
do? You know, summer is a good time for camping and hiking. We are planning to go to the Devon
Mountain. It’s a nice place for camping and hiking. It’s also a nice place for fishing. There’s a river near
217. A. Do you still remember me
B. campsite,
the What isbut
yourI am
not really keen on it. At night we’ll sit around the fire and sing songs. Why don’t
C. Reply my letter
you join us? It’ll be more fun if you come.
D. How about your letter
E. meHow’s
Let know your

Your best friend,

222. What activities is Rajiv going to do at night on the Devon Mountain?
A. Climb and go camping
B. Go camping and fishing
C. Go camping and hiking
D. Sit around the fire and sing
E. Go camping and jogging

Hi Tom. How’s life? We’re going to have a long holiday this summer, aren’t we? What are you going to
do? You know, summer is a good time for camping and hiking. We are planning to go to the Devon
Mountain. It’s a nice place for camping and hiking. It’s also a nice place for fishing. There’s a river near
the campsite, but I am not really keen on it. At night we’ll sit around the fire and sing songs. Why don’t
you join us? It’ll be more fun if you come.
Let me know soon,

Your best friend,


228. Why are they going to go to the Devon Mountain?

A. It’s the summer season
B. It’s a the nice place for holidays
C. They’re going to camp and hike
D. They’re going to fish in the river
E. They’re going to sit around and sing all the day

Rearrange the following sentences into a good paragraph!

234. 1. How’s life?
2. I am quite busy these days
3. Dear Frank
4. I really envy you going vacation to Lombok
5. I have a lot of group assignments
6. That’s why I reply your reply your letter late
A. 3–1–4–2–5–6
B. 3–2–1–4–5–6
C. 3–4–2–1–5–6
D. 3–6–1–4–2–5
E. 3–6–1–2–5–4

Step 1
Add batteries to your remote. Press the power button to turn the television on. Begin with adjusting the Picture
mode. Sonny offers five modes for your viewing pleasure. The Vivid picture mode is very crisp and sharp, the
Standard and Custom modes create a simple look with slightly duller colors and appearance, and the Wide mode
displays images on the entire screen. Finally, the Full mode displays a black bar on both sides of the image, giving it
a smaller appearance.
Step 2
The input button allows you to select the source you wish to see. For instance, choose TV, Video 1, Video 2,
Component 1 or Component 2 to watch cable television, a DVD or to play one of the two game consoles. The best
way to familiarize yourself with the choices option is by looking at the back of the television and noting which units
are connected to the specific input option
Step 3
The menu button allows you to adjust the back light, picture, color and sharpness. You just need to select the icon
resembling a person inside a square. Press the circular button in the center of the up, down, left, and right arrow
keys. This button allows you to select each individual option. Press the down arrow key to adjust the sound, screen
displays, parental locks and television set up. Press the menu button to exit this screen
240. What should you do first to turn the TV on?
A. Add batteries to your remote
B. Press the power button
C. Adjust the picture mode
D. Offer five picture modes
E. Press the sleep button

Step 1
Add batteries to your remote. Press the power button to turn the television on. Begin with adjusting the Picture mode.
Sonny offers five modes for your viewing pleasure. The Vivid picture mode is very crisp and sharp, the Standard and
Custom modes create a simple look with slightly duller colors and appearance, and the Wide mode displays images
on the entire screen. Finally, the Full mode displays a black bar on both sides of the image, giving it a smaller
Step 2
The input button allows you to select the source you wish to see. For instance, choose TV, Video 1, Video 2,
Component 1 or Component 2 to watch cable television, a DVD or to play one of the two game consoles. The best
way to familiarize your selves with the choices option is by looking at the back of the television and noting which
units are connected to the specific input option
Step 3
The menu button allows you to adjust the back light, picture, color and sharpness. You just need to select the icon
resembling a person inside a square. Press the circular button in the center of the up, down, left, and right arrow
keys. This button allows you to select each individual option. Press the down arrow key to adjust the sound, screen
displays, parental locks and television set up. Press the menu button to exit this screen.
246. What is the best way to familiarize ourselves with the choices option?
A. Watching cable TV
B. Plugging into the socket
C. Choosing TV, Video 1 and 2
D. Selecting the source you wish to see
E. Looking at the back of the TV and noting which units are connected to the specific input option.

Step 1
Add batteries to your remote. Press the power button to turn the television on. Begin with adjusting the Picture
mode. Sonny offers five modes for your viewing pleasure. The Vivid picture mode is very crisp and sharp, the
Standard and Custom modes create a simple look with slightly duller colors and appearance, and the Wide mode
displays images on the entire screen. Finally, the Full mode displays a black bar on both sides of the image, giving
it a smaller appearance.
Step 2
The input button allows you to select the source you wish to see. For instance, choose TV, Video 1, Video 2,
Component 1 or Component 2 to watch cable television, a DVD or to play one of the two game consoles. The best
way to familiarize your selves with the choices option is by looking at the back of the television and noting which
units are connected to the specific input option
Step 3
The menu button allows you to adjust the back light, picture, color and sharpness. You just need to select the icon
resembling a person inside a square. Press the circular button in the center of the up, down, left, and right arrow
keys. This button allows you to select each individual option. Press the down arrow key to adjust the sound,
screen displays, parental locks and television set up. Press the menu button to exit this screen.
252. “This button allows you to select each individual option.”
The underlined word means ……
A. Parental locks
B. Circular button
C. Menu button
D. Down arrow keys
E. Power button

Step 2
The input button allows you to select the source you wish to see. For instance, choose TV, Video 1, Video 2,
Component 1 or Component 2 to watch cable television, a DVD or to play one of the two game consoles. The
best way to familiarize yourself with the choices option is by looking at the back of the television and noting
which units are connected to the specific input option
Step 3
The menu button allows you to adjust the back light, picture, color and sharpness. You just need to select the
icon resembling a person inside a square. Press the circular button in the center of the up, down, left, and right
arrow keys. This button allows you to select each individual option. Press the down arrow key to adjust the
sound, screen displays, parental locks and television set up. Press the menu button to exit this screen
Step 4
On late nights, set the television set to sleep mode. Press the Sleep button at the top of the remote. Each time
you press the button, more time appears, allowing you to set your television to between 15 and 120 minutes.
The television will turn off automatically at the chosen time.

Which one is true based on the information in step 4?

258. A. The sleep button is the bottom of the remote
B. The sleep mode can only be set in 15 minutes
C. Sleep mode in TV can be set at night
D. The sleep mode can be only set in 120 minutes
E. The TV will turn off automatically without any setting first

Step 1
Add batteries to your remote. Press the power button to turn the television on. Begin with adjusting the Picture
mode. Sonny offers five modes for your viewing pleasure. The Vivid picture mode is very crisp and sharp, the
Standard and Custom modes create a simple look with slightly duller colors and appearance, and the Wide
mode displays images on the entire screen. Finally, the Full mode displays a black bar on both sides of the
image, giving it a smaller appearance.
Step 2
The input button allows you to select the source you wish to see. For instance, choose TV, Video 1, Video 2,
Component 1 or Component 2 to watch cable television, a DVD or to play one of the two game consoles. The
best way to familiarize your selves with the choices option is by looking at the back of the television and noting
which units are connected to the specific input option
Step 3
The menu button allows you to adjust the back light, picture, color and sharpness. You just need to select the
icon resembling a person inside a square. Press the circular button in the center of the up, down, left, and right
arrow keys. This button allows you to select each individual option. Press the down arrow key to adjust the
sound, screen displays, parental locks and television set up. Press the menu button to exit this screen
264. Press the down arrow key to adjust the sound, screen displays, parental lock, and TV set up.
The underlined phrase has the closest meaning to …………………
A. Unlock key.
B. Key for parents
C. Locks the parents
D. Locks inappropriate program for parents
E. Lock inappropriate program for children

270. Hissa : Could you tell me how to operate this camera?

Shopkeeper : Yes, Ma’am. Firstly ……………
Hissa : Oh, I see.
A. Turn off the power button at the side of the camera
B. Turn up the power button at the top of the camera
C. Turn on the power button at the left side of the camera
D. Replace the power button at the side of the camera
E. Replace the power button at the side of the camera

276. Dewi : I have already put the paper here. What’s next?
Bayu : Do you see the “start” button on the machine? If you press it, …….
Dewi : Oh, yes. Thank you.
A. You will see the next instruction
B. You would see the next instructions
C. You wouldn’t see the next instruction
D. You would saw the next instruction
E. You would have seen the next instructions

282. The passenger : What should we do before a plane takes off or lands?
The stewardess : …………………………
A. Fasten your seat belt
B. Loosen your seat belt
C. Open your seat belt
D. Close your seat belt
E. Take off your seat belt
288. Harry : Can you tell me how to turn off a computer
Vita : ……………………..
A. Click on start
B. Press the power button
C. Turn on the power button
D. Click on the turn – off icon
E. Click on window key then sleep power

294. Customer : Excuse me. Could you show me …………….

Shopkeeper : Yes, of course.
A. What this water heater work?
B. When this water heater work?
C. Where this water heater work?
D. Why this water heater work?
E. How this water heater work?

300. If I ………………
A. know your phone number, I would call you
B. known your phone number, I will call you
C. have known your phone number, I would call you
D. have known your phone number, I would have called you
E. had known your phone number, I would have called you

306. A : Do you think it was Danu who broke Vindi’s bike

B : I’m sure he would have told you ……..
A. If he broke it
B. Unless he had broke it
C. Because he had broke it
D. Unless he broke it
E. If he had broken it

312. “What would you do if you were a millionaire?

…………….a trip around the world.”
A. I will be
B. I would have
C. I would take
D. me took
E. I took taken

318. Mrs. Efi ……………….you If she had been delayed

A. Would call
B. Would have called
C. Will call
D. Will be calling
E. Would have been calling
324. If I ……………. you, I would just go for a desert
A. was
B. am
C. were
D. had been
E. have been

330. Had he handed in the application he ………… last week

A. would be allowed to join the interview test
B. was being allowed to join the interviewed test
C. would have been allowed to join me interview test
D. he will have been allowed to join me interviewed test
E. he was allowed to join the interviewed test

336. Ramli : Why do you plan to resign from your job?

Ratna : Well, if the company …………… me more I would not quit my job
A. has paid
B. paid
C. is paying
D. will pay
E. will have pay

342. “Did Paul get his work done?”

“He ……………..done his work if his computer had not broken down.”
A. could
B. could be
C. could not
D. could have
E. could not have

348. “Did you buy the computer?”

“No, but I would have if my father ………”
A. Had given me the money
B. Would give me then money
C. Would give me the money
D. Would have given me the money
E. Was giving me the money

354. If we don’t hurry, the meeting ……………… by the time we get there.
A. would have started
B. will have started
C. will be started
D. will have been started
E. starts

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