Gajendra's Spirit of Surrender: A Monthly Journal Glorifying Sanatana Dharma From The Portals of Bhakti

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Nama Dwaar

A monthly journal glorifying Sanatana Dharma from the portals of Bhakti

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare , Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Feb 2014, Issue 66
For free distribution only. Not for sale. To receive this news-
Gajendra’s Spirit of Surrender letter by email, send request to

I n Bhagavad Gita, Bhagavan reveals to

Arjuna that he can let go of all his
dharma and just take refuge unto Him –
elephants tried to help him,
Learnings from Srimad Bhagavatam
but eventually gave up and went away. expressed his prayer for deliverance from
“sarva dharmAn parityajya mAmekam A thousand years rolled by, but neither the bondage of worldly existence, and not
sharaNamvraja.” did the crocodile drag Gajendra merely the grip of the crocodile.
Srimad Bhagavatam goes on to illustrate completely into the waters nor was Hearing Gajendra’s heartfelt hymn, the
this supreme secret of Gajendra able to free Lord descended on Garuda to meet His
sharaNAgathi himself from the beloved devotee. Gajendra plucked a
(surrender) through the crocodile’s formidable lovely lotus and offered it to Sri Hari and
stories of several great grip. hailed Him - Narayana Akhila Guro
devotees like Draupadi, Gajendra had hitherto led Bhagavan Namaste!
Uttara, Prahalada, his life believing in his The lotus-eyed Lord can still be seen
Gajendra and others. In own self, but at this most lovingly holding the Lotus offered by His
the seventh canto of precarious moment of his devotee, in Guruvayoor. Out of His
Srimad Bhagavatam, life, he found that his immense compassion He pulled the
Prahlada beautifully family, friends, and his elephant out and freed him from the grip
alludes to the nine own might too, had failed of the crocodile and of samsara,
types of bhakti – him! The realization then bestowing on Him the eternal abode of
shravaNam, kIrtanam, dawned on him that there Vaikunta.
vishNosmaraNam, must be a greater power In Bhagavatam, the Lord Himself gives the
pAdasevanam, behind these happenings. phalashruthi (fruit of reciting) of this most
archanam, vandanam, dAsyam, sakhyam Fixing his mind on that Supreme Being, he touching hymn—”One who chants it daily
and finally he mentions the most beautiful finally submitted himself in surrender to in the early hours of the morning gets My
characteristic of bhakti – Atma nivedanam the Lord. To surrender is to acknowledge remembrance at the last moments of his
– complete surrender to the Lotus feet of Bhagavan and to give him control of one’s life!”
Bhagavan. life. Then the experiences of life, however
A beautifully beaded story of surrender
In the eighth canto, at King Parikshit’s dual they may seem, just become stimuli
illustrated through the life of one of the
request, Sri Shukadev describes the story that spur one to speedily develop
most egoistic creatures – an elephant
of Gajendra to exemplify the elephant dispassion and attain Him.
king; the lake – a mirage of happiness
king’s spirit of surrender to the Supreme. Gajendra then remembered the prayer he called the world; and a crocodile, a
Sage Shuka at first describes the abode of had offered to the Lord as King representation of the clutches of samsara.
Gajendra — the Trikuta Mountain Indradyumna in his previous birth — the Of all the ways of doing bhakti, the only
surrounded by the milky ocean, wrapped beautiful Gajendra stuti presented in path an elephant can follow is to
with lush green foliage; the breathtaking Canto 8, Chapter 3 of Srimad Bhagavatam. remember the Lord and to offer himself to
valleys teeming with fauna and the In this stuti, Gajendra invokes the Him, which Gajendra did. This story of
enchanting serene lake hugging the immensely compassionate nature of ‘Gajendrazhwar’ is a wonderful reminder
mountain slopes. There, in that beautiful Bhagavan and calls out to Him – that when the "I" is finally offered at the
setting, lived a herd of elephants led by Feet of Bhagavan, He stops being a
Gajendra. madruk prapanna pashupAsha
vimokshaNaya mukthAya bhUri karuNAya witness and takes complete control of His
One day, thirsty for water, Gajendra, who namOlayAya devotee’s life.
was frolicking around with other Lekshmi Nair, Houston, TX
elephants, entered the lake with them. svAmshena sarva tanubhrun
Though his thirst was quenched, he manasipratIta pratyagdrushe bhagavate
continued to play with his play mates, brihate namaste Inside this Issue
absolutely unaware of the impending I bow to the Lord of immense compassion,
Cherished Memoirs - 9 Pg 2
peril. for He who is forever free is the only One
A crocodile that lived in the lake suddenly who can relieve fallen creatures like me Kid’s quiz - Bhishma Pg 2
caught hold tightly of Gajendra’s feet. and untie the knots of ignorance.
Although the mighty Gajendra fought hard Gajendra transcended to the level of a Madhura Geetam - 9 Pg 3
to release himself from the grasp of the beloved devotee of Bhagavan when his
ego was completed erased and he Story Time - The Virtue of Truth Pg 3
crocodile, he could not. The crocodile held
on tight and would not let go. The other surrendered entirely to the Lord’s will. He News and Events Pg 4
© Global Organization for Divinity Nama Dwaar/Feb 2014/ Page 1
Sri Hari:

Cherished Memoirs 9
and Chitra Ekadasi. The town was darshan, then let Him give.”
This series chronicles sweet experiences overflowing with
recounted by the devotees of HH The Pandharpur trip
people and hence
Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji came to an end. Sri
vehicles were not
as well as some divine experiences of Sri Swamiji was to leave for
allowed inside the
Swamiji himself. These articles are Chennai at 5 am the next
translations from the series, town, and were
morning. That night there
"Madhuramaana Mahaneeyar" that is stopped outside.
was a sudden downpour
published every month in Madhuramurali Sri Swamiji is usually of rain with thunder and
Tamil monthly magazine. very uncomfortable in lightning. Spurred by an
The Special Darshan crowded places, and inner instinct, Sri Swamiji

S ri Swamiji’s discourses are regularly

broadcasted on Indian television.
“Brindavanamum Nandakumaranum”
also in closed areas.
Because of this, he
generally avoids
left for the temple even
in the rain.
What a surprise! Because
series on Srimad Bhagavatam’s tenth crowded kshetras,
of the heavy downpour
canto is now being broadcasted on Star long queues,
of rain in the midst of the
Vijay channel. Following this, a new series elevators, trains,
burning summer heat,
called “Veedu Thedi Varuvaan Vittalan” on flights, etc.
there was no one at the
the lives of Lord Vittala’s (Panduranga’s) Seeing the crowd at Pandharpur, Sri temple! There was no crowd. There was
bhaktas is going to be aired. For this Swamiji felt disappointed that he would no long queue.Sri Swamiji went straight to
purpose, Sri Swamiji traveled to places not have darshan of Lord Panduranga. He Lord Vittala and had His darshan! He also
such as Prathishtanapur, Alandi, resignedly said, “I had a dip in the holy had darshan of Rukmini Devi.
Sajjanghat, Dehu, Pandharpur and river Chandrabhaga; I performed Nama
surrounding villages between April 12-18 In Pandharpur, where there were millions
sankirtan; I spoke about the glories of
to record this series. of people gathered, when Sri Swamiji went
Panduranga and his bhaktas; I had darshan
to have darshan of Panduranga, there was
Before setting out on his journey to of the fortunate people who live in this
no one in the sanctum sanctorum other
Pandharpur, Sri Swamiji wanted to have holy place and of all the visiting sadhus.
than Sri Swamiji and Lord Panduranga. Sri
darshan of Lord Vittala at Vittalapuram This is enough.”
Swamiji was deeply moved by the grace
near Chennai. So on Ugadi day, he visited
The top temple administrator (E.O.) said, “I and compassion of Lord Vittala.
Vittalapuram and had darshan of Lord
will take you specially with me so you can
Vittala and His consorts Satyabama and We speak a lot about Panduranga’s lilas
have darshan.” Sri Swamiji did not agree.
Rukmini there. He adorned the deities with His bhaktas. “This too is Panduranga’s
The temple priests too offered to take Sri
with new clothes, performed puja, and did lila,” said Sri Swamiji as he rejoiced
Swamiji with them and enable him to have
Nama sankirtan there for nearly 3 hours . immensely.
special darshan. Sri Swamiji refused that
Only then did he start for Pandharpur.
offer too. He said, “I don’t want to have Published originally in Madhuramurali
Pandharpur was thronged by millions of Tamil monthly magazine, May 2011 issue.
His darshan by asking a favor of anybody.
people during that time as it coincided
If Vittala Himself desires to give me Translated by Viji Ramakrishnan, Dallas TX
with the auspicious days of Rama Navami

Quiz Time - Bhishma A. Vichitraviryan C. Bheema

B. Devavrata 7. What famous stotram of 1000 names did
Bhishmashtami is the day that the great war- C. Chitrangada Bhishma offer to Lord Krishna from his
rior-devotee attained the feet of the Lord. 4. What does the term ‘Bhishma’ mean? deathbed?
Test your knowledge about him and his last A. Person who has terrible strength A. Krishnashtakam
moments. B. Person who has terrible anger B. Vishnu Sahasranama
1. Who was Bhishma’s mother? C. Person who has taken a terrible vow C. Lalitha Sahasranama
A. Kunti 5. Bhishma was blessed with 8. Whom did Bhishma want to meet during
B. Gandhari A. Death only when he wished the last moments of his life?
C. Ganga B. Limitless wealth A. Yudhishtira
2. Who was the father of Bhishma C. Peaceful life B. Lord Krishna
A. Santanu 6. Name the Pandava who asked Dharma C. Sage Veda Vyasa
B. Vichitravirya related questions to Bhisma on his deathbed
C. Dushyanta Compiled by Ramya Srinivasan, Bay Area, CA
A. Arjuna Answers:
3. What is another name of Bhishma? B. Yudhishtira 1-C, 2-A, 3-B, 4-C, 5-A, 6-B, 7-B, 8-B

© Global Organization for Divinity Nama Dwaar/Jan 2014/ Page 2

Sri Hari:

Madhura Geetam - Bharata Pradakshina 9 (shrI nAthah…)

puShTimArga jana vanditha mUrtih
In this series, we will go on a pradakshina present day, Nathdwara to save taveshTa muraLIdhara lAlita mUrtih
of Bharata desha as we present, each him from Aurangazeb’s soldiers (shrI nAthah…)
month, a kirtan composed by His Holiness who were on a rampage,
Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji desecrating and looting Hindu Meaning
on a particular kshetra, starting from south temples and forcefully Pallavi
India and then going north. converting the citizens to Islam. Srinatha is My Lord
Nathdwara - Srinathji Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji has And, my Lord is the Lord of this

A visit to Dwaraka is not complete

without visiting the shrine of Srinathji
in Nathdwara, a town in the state of
visited Nathdwara and has had
the darshan of Srinathji. He
describes the Lord in a
universe (shrI nAthah…)

Rajasthan and about 700 km from beautiful song. The song has He is the God of gods and the King of kings
Dwaraka. Here Srinathji is worshipped been set in the raga Kedara Gowlai. The He is the Lord praised by the good and
song and its meaning is presented here: virtuous and easily approachable to
according to the principles of Pushti Marg,
a path described by Sri Vallabhacharya. Srinathah Mama Nathah Vallabha (shrI nAthah…)
Srinathji was originally discovered near Raga: Kedara Gowlai Tala: Adi Charanam
Govardhan hill, Mathura and worshipped Pallavi He is worshipped by devotees brimming
by the locals. The locals could see only the shrI nAthah mama nAthah with the feeling of love
head and face of the Lord. It was mama nAthah jagannAthah (shrI nAthah…) He is worshipped by Shiva, Brahma and
Vallabhacharya who discovered Him in his other Devas.
entirety. Sri Vallabhacharya entrusted the Anupallavi
worship of the Lord to his primary disciples He is the bestower of permanent bliss and
devAdi devah rAjAdi rAjah
Kumbhandas, Paramanandadas, Surdas a lover of past times
sujana vinutah vallabhasulabhah(shrI
and Krishnadas. Later, Sri Vallabhacharya’s He is the Lord who has been sung by the
son Vittalanatha and his 4 disciples took supreme renunciate Sage Shuka
the responsibility of service to the Lord. Charanam He is the Lord who is worshipped by the
The 8 followers of Vallabhacharya and bhAvarasa bharita bhakta pUjita followers of Pushti Marg
Vittalanatha are together known as the bhava brahmAdi suragaNa sevita(shrI He is cherished by your favorite
“ashta sakhas” of the Lord. nAthah…) Muralidhara!
It was in the year 1672 that ardent parama sukha pradha lIla vinodah
devotees moved Srinathji from Mathura to Sowmya Balasubramanian, Fremont, CA
paramahamsa shuka mukha kIrtita nAthah

The Virtue of Truth Filled with love for his guileless devotees, Lord Then Nakula said, Story Time
Krishna said, “I will see to it that the wrath of “I believe that a

sage Amitra does not befall you. In order for that man can attain fame just by leading a life
nce during the exile period of the
to happen, each one of you must speak only the in this world that is based on his discrimination
Pandavas, Arjuna and Draupadi saw a tree
truth.” Saying thus, he took them to the alone.” Again, the fruit moved up two feet.
bearing a huge gooseberry. As she wished to
gooseberry tree. He placed the large fruit under Sahadeva said, “Truth is my mother, intelligence
taste it, Arjuna plucked it for her. Just then a
the tree and said, “Each one of you should now my father, good deeds my siblings, love that I
sage who came there mentioned that every year speak whatever is in your mind without any
another sage, Amitra, would come there to shower on others is my friend. My calm mind is
deceit. The fruit will go and cling to the tree on my wife. The attitude of eradicating the thoughts
partake this unique fruit that the tree yielded
its own accord.” of hatred and enmity is my son. I believe these to
just once a year.
Yudhistira said, “Truthfulness, honesty, tolerance be my real family.” The fruit moved up by two
On hearing this, the Pandavas were remorse-
and righteousness should flourish in this world. feet again.
stricken. They were worried about the
This is my wish. I hold Panchali responsible for Lord Krishna looked at the grief stricken Panchali
consequences of their act. To save themselves the whole event.” At this, surprisingly, the fruit
from the curse of the sage, Bheema thought of with benevolence and she said, “I have five
moved two feet above the ground and remained husbands like the five senses. Though And I am
looking for the sage and handing over the fruit to
in the air. being the cause of agony for all. I feel penitent
him. But wise Nakula reminded them to pray to
Lord Krishna. After all, the misfortune befell Next Bheema said, “I wish I could kill Duryodhana for having acted thoughtlessly.” Just as she
them because they played the game of dice this very moment - the meanest of all the petty- completed her statement, the gooseberry moved
without getting the consent of Lord Krishna. minded people. I also feel that our trials and up and stuck to the tree.
Appreciating Nakula’s suggestion, the Pandavas tribulations have increased because of our Lord Krishna bid farewell to the Pandavas
prayed to Lord Krishna. Heeding the prayer of his staying in the forest.” The fruit moved two feet happily.
ardent devotees, Lord Krishna appeared before further up. So children, being truthful pleases God
them and asked the Pandavas the reason for Arjuna said, “Prestige and fame mean more to immensely. We also see from this episode that if
their prayer. The Pandavas and Draupadi me than even my life. Unless I kill Karna in the we surrender unto God when faced with
explained their dilemma and prayed to relieve war, the ambition of my life will not be fulfilled.” difficulties, he will free us from all sorrows.
them from the crisis. The fruit moved up two feet further. Source:

© Global Organization for Divinity Nama Dwaar/Jan 2014/ Page 3

Sri Hari:

A L NA News & Events

On Jan 5, Global Organization for Divin-

ity conducted a worldwide Hare Ra- Vaikunta Ekadasi was celebrated by chanting Akanda Nama Kirtan
ma ...Mahamantra chanting around in various cities like Dallas, Minneapolis, Virginia, Chicago and Hou-
the world, where devotees from 20+
ston. In Dallas, a 24-hour Akhanda Mahamantra chanting took
countries and 100+ cities participated
place in the presence of Madhuri Saki Sameta Sri Premika Varada
in the chanting and welcomed the New
Thakurji. Around 50 families took part in the Maha Yagna.


N - GO P

* Houston - Namadwaar’s 4th Anniver-
sary—Radhe Radhe - A classical dance
MINNEAPOLIS - THIRUPAVAI & GODHA KALYANAM SATSANGS ballet depicting the divine love of Sri Ra-
dha Rani - Sat, Mar 15, 4.15PM @ CA
Nelson auditorium, Pearland, TX

*Boston - Gopa Kuteeram - A kid’s life

RALEIGH - GOPA KUTEERAM ANNUAL DAY enrichment program starting on Feb 26
at Concord area. For details, contact:

Apart from weekly satsangs in

numerous cities across the USA,
a Telecon satsang is held every
Fri evening and Tele-Bhagavatam
discourse is telecast every Tue
evening, both at 8:30 PM CST.
Anyone is welcome to attend.
Ph: 605-475-4000, Passcode:
Published by: Newsletter team: 131581
Global Organization for Divinity Content—Anusha Ramesh, Aravind TRA, Latha
3363 Bel Mira Way Kumanan, Lekshmi Nair, Narayanan Gopa Kuteeram (kids’ programs)
San Jose, CA 95135 Sathiamoorthy, Nisha Giri, Nithya Rajesh, Priya & Srimad Bhagavatam study cir-
Phone: 1-(830)-4GOD-USA Tulasi, Ramya Srinivasan, Shalini Kelappan, Sriram cles are conducted in various
Feedback email: Ramanujam, Sowmya Balasubramanian, Yamini cities.
Visit our websites: Zivan Prakash. and Illustrations—Sripriya Sarathy. Email

© Global Organization for Divinity Nama Dwaar/Jan 2014/ Page 4

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