Redi's Problem: Transcript of Copy of Summary of Redi's Experiment

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Transcript of Copy of Summary of Redi's experiment

Summary of Redi's experiment

Redi's problem was originally where do maggots come from. At the time most people believed
they came from the meat itself but Redi thought it came from the eggs flies lay. To prove his
theory Redi created an experiment. He put a piece of meat in three jars, jar one was left open, jar
two had a cloth like covering, and jar three was completely sealed.
Results of Redi's experiment
Redi's results proved his hypothesis was correct. It showed that the jar 1 that was left open
attracted a lot of flies and produced maggots. Jar 2 that had a cloth covering produced maggots
on the covering. Jar 3 that was completely sealed produced no maggots whats so ever. This was
proof that it wasn't the meat that produced all of the maggots.
Results and their connection to spontaneous generation
Due to the fact that the jar that was sealed contained no maggots as apposed to the jar left open
which had maggots, it was clear that living organisms couldn't produce from non-living
organisms such as meats.
Redi's Problem
Where do maggots come from? 

Hypothesis: Maggots come from flies.

Redi put meat into three separate jars.

Jar 1 was left open 

Jar 2 was covered with netting

Jar 3 was sealed from the outside

Redi's Experiment Step 1

Left open 

Maggots developed

Flies were observed laying eggs on the meat in the

open jar
Redi's Experiment Step 2

Covered with netting 

Maggots appeared on the netting

Flies were observed laying eggs on the netting

Redi's Experiment Step 3



No maggots developed

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