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FINA 3404, International Finance, Section 2

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Spring 2013, Monday 16:30~17:50 and Friday 12:00 ~13:20, Room 4029

Instructor: Dr. Du Du Office room: 2427

Email: Telephone: 2358-5049

TA: Yong Kil AHN Office: LG 315

Email: OH: Mon 11:00-12:00

On-line Supplement:

Course description:
This course provides a rigorous introduction to the fundamental principles of international
financial management and investment. There are two main goals in this course:
1. To provide a solid background on the international environment from the
perspectives of both multinational corporations and global individual investors.
2. To analyze the key financial markets and instruments that facilitates trade, hedging,
and investment activities on a global scale.
In addition, I will also talk about various trading-related issues, which gives you good
preparations to trade in both the foreign exchange markets and the international equity
Prerequisites for this course are FINA 2303 Financial Management, and FINA 3104,
Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, or equivalent.

Reference books:
 Principal reference book: International Financial Management, by Cheol S. Eun
and Bruce G. Resnick, 2005, fourth edition, McGraw Hill
 Other reference book: Fundamentals of Multinational Finance, by Michael H.
Moffett, Arthur I. Stonehill, and David K. Eiteman, 2006, second edition, Addison

 The course grade will be based on class participation, homework assignments,
midterm, and the final exam. The relative weights are as follows
Homework: 20%
Midterm exam: 25%
Final exam: 55%
Class participation: will count on the margin.

 Three problem sets will be assigned during the semester. These exercises are meant
to ensure that you understand the materials taught in class, and will be helpful for
the exams.
 The problem sets are done in groups. Groups of 2 or 3 people must be formed for
the homework assignment and should stay together until the end of the semester.
Each group needs to submit only one write-up of each problem set, and all group
members will receive the same grade for their work
 Please inform the TA (Yong Kil AHN) of your group members by Feb. 20. Those
who cannot find a group by that time will be randomly formed into groups by the
 Each problem set should contain a cover page showing the group number, names
and student ID numbers of all group members who contribute to the assignment.
Only those students whose names appear on the cover page will receive credit for
the problem set.
 Late assignments will NOT be accepted.

 The midterm is scheduled on April 8 (time and venue: TBA). The exam will cover
all the topics discussed up to the time.
 The final exam takes place during the exam week. It is cumulative and will cover
the entire course materials.
 Unless I indicate otherwise, everything discussed in class may appear in the exams.
 The exams will consist of multiple choice problems and quantitative problems.
 You are allowed to bring a silent battery operated calculator to the exams.
 I will not reschedule the exams. If you have time conflicts, especially with the
midterm, you will be responsible for making appropriate arrangements.
 I do not give makeup exams, as it is unlikely to make an equivalent exam without
placing the student at either an advantageous or disadvantageous position.
 Absence from the exams will not be excused, except for serious medical reasons
with doctor’s letter provided within one week before or after the exam.
 I have a zero tolerance of cheating of any kind. If you cheat, you will fail the course
and may face further disciplinary actions.
 Final: TBA

Class participation
 Do not hesitate to interrupt me in class to ask a question whenever you have one.
Asking question is a sign of maturity, not ignorance.
 I will constantly ask you questions. If there are no volunteers, I may even give cold
calls. The point is to prompt you to think and to speak out your opinions.

Name card (Bonus!)

 I would like to get to know each of you, or at least, learn your names by the end of
the semester. I, therefore, need your help to turn in a name card with your recent
photo. This is, of course, an optional exercise, but you will get two extra points in
your midterm score if you turn in the name card with a picture by February 20.
However, you will receive only one bonus point if you hand in the card without a
picture. Please pick up the blank name cards from the TA during his office hour and
drop your completed name card in TA’s mailbox (Room 2413) by February 20.

Out-of-class help
 You are encouraged to make full use of the online supplements posted on LMES at
 It is a better idea to first check the posts on LMES before asking a question, because
it is possibly that your question is already answered there.
 The teaching assistant will hold regular office hours once a week.
 If you are not satisfied with the TA’s answers, or simply if you prefer it, send me
questions via phone calls or emails (preferred). Most emails will be answered within
a few hours, and I guarantee my replies to all emails within 24 hours.
 I will hold two review sessions prior to the midterm and the final. I will NOT cover
new materials during the review sessions. The session is mainly intended to answer
your questions.
 If you need to ask me questions in person after class, send me an email for an office
visit, which will usually be scheduled by next business day.

Classroom conduct
As students, you have the following responsibilities:
1. Come prepared to every class by reviewing previous notes and doing assignments.
2. Complete all work on time with proper thought.
3. Consider that it is not always my fault if you do not understand the material.
4. Not engaging private conversation during class.
5. Asking questions when you do not understand.
6. Arrive at class on time.
7. Turn off all mobile phones and pagers while in class. If you happen to forget to turn
off your phone before the class, you must do so as soon as possible without
answering the call

As the instructor, I have the following responsibilities:

1. Come prepared to every class with well thought-out presentation.
2. Consider that it is not always your fault if you do not understand the material.
3. Create a mutually respectful classroom environment.
4. Recognize that sometimes the TA or I may grade a question incorrectly and not to
get defensive when you politely question my grading.
5. Keep the class time within schedule.

Welcome to my class!
Important dates
Feb. 20 Email your group member list to Yong Kil AHN (
Pick up a blank name card from the TA during his office hour and drop your
completed name card in TA’s mailbox (Room 2413).
Mar. 04 Problem Set 1 due
Mar. 11 Special Reuter’s session at Room 4117 (Financial Trading Lab)
Apr. 08   Problem Set 2 due
Apr. 12  Midterm
May 13   Problem Set 3 due

Course Schedule
Part I: Exchange rate determination and forecasts
Feb. 01 Class 01 Introduction
Feb. 04 Class 02 FX market, exchange rate quotations
Feb. 08 Class 03 LOOP and triangular arbitrage
Feb. 15 Class 04 PPP
Feb. 18 Class 05 Forward prices and forward market
Feb. 22 Class 06 IRP
Feb. 25 Class 07 IRP, Various other relations
Mar. 01 Class 08 Various other relations, continued
Mar. 04 Class 09 Balance of payments, Problem Set 1 due on Mar. 04 in class
Mar. 08 Class 10 Balance of payments, continued
Mar. 11 Class 11 Special Reuter’s session conducted by George Lo
during lecture time (venue: Room 4117)
Mar. 15 Class 12 Exchange rate arrangements
Mar. 18 Class 13 Forecasting exchange rates

Part II: Trading in the FX and its derivative markets

Mar. 22 Class 14 Bid-ask spread and its effects on triangular arbitrage
Mar. 25 Class 15 Effects of bid-ask spreads on IRP
Apr. 05 Class 16 Currency futures
Apr. 08 Class 17 Midterm review, Problem Set 2 due on Apr. 08 in class
Apr. 12 Class 18 Midterm (time: 6--8 pm; venue: LTD)
Apr. 15 Class 19 Currency futures, continued; interest rate futures
Apr. 19 Class 20 Currency options and currency futures options
Apr. 22 Class 21 Currency options and currency futures options, continued
Apr. 26 Class 22 Interest rate and currency swaps
Apr. 29 Class 23 Management of foreign exchange risks
May 03 Class 24 Management of foreign exchange risks, continued

Part III: International investment

May 06 Class 25 International portfolio management
May 10 Class 26 International portfolio management, continued
May 13 Class 27 International portfolio management, continued
Problem Set 3 due on May 13 in class

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