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Video 1

Hai Assalamualaikum WBT and good morning guys, my name is ( nama penuh kau ) with matric no.
( nom matrik kau dlm inggeris ). ( letak tangan dkt dada pastu tunduk hormat sambal senyum ).

Video 2

In this video, we will explain about Perceptual Aspects and Behaviour. ( Jari tunjuk atas sambil tgk ke
atas sikit )

Video 3

I’m going to explain the last subtopic in this chapter, it is managing the perception process. As a
member in an organization, we should learn how to manage our perception process. In the slide I’ve
listed six ways on how to manage the perception process.

First, we should have a high-level of self-awareness. As already made clear, individual needs,
experience, and expectations will all affect perceptions. The successful manager understands this
and is able to identify when he is inappropriately distorting a situation because of such perceptual

Next, seek information from various sources to confirm or disconfirm personal impressions of a
situation. The successful manager minimizes the bias of personal perceptions by seeking out the
viewpoints of others. These insights are used to gain additional perspective on situations and the
problems or opportunities they represent.

Then, be empathetic where we can be able to see a situation as is perceived by other people. As is
understood, different people look at the same situation differently. The successful manager rises
above the personal impressions and tries to understand problems as felt by other people.

Next, make immediate correction to any misinterpretation of perception by others.

After that, Avoid common perceptual distortions that bias our views of people or situation.
Perceptual distortions include the use of stereotypes and halo effects, as well as selective perception
and projection. Successful managers are self disciplined and sufficiently aware that the adverse
impact of these distortions is minimized.

The last one is avoid inappropriate attributions. A person has a tendency to explain why events
happened the way they did or why people behaved as they did. The successful manager is wise
enough to establish the real reasons for the things that happen and avoid  the tendency of making
quick or inappropriate attributions.

Video 4

So, for the conclusion I can conclude that organizational culture will develop even without your
input, but in the absence of that guidance, it may not be healthy or productive. Keep these three
basic techniques in mind when developing your company culture: communication, recognition, and
action. By following the steps in this guide, you can improve communication with employees, start
creating a culture of recognition, and ensure that all members of your team put your culture into

Your company can start practicing all three techniques with Achievers Recognize and Achievers
Listen. With Achievers Recognize, your organization can leverage points-based and social recognition
and create a fun and easy user experience for employees. With Achievers Listen, employees can give
you valuable feedback through check-ins and pulse surveys, so you can see what aspects of your
culture are working and what needs tweaking.

Video 5

Thank you for watching guys, bye. ( lambai )

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