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Video 1

Hai Assalamualaikum WBT and good morning guys, my name is ( nama penuh kau ) with matric no.
( nom matrik kau dlm inggeris ). ( letak tangan dkt dada pastu tunduk hormat sambal senyum ).

Video 2

In this video, we will explain about Perceptual Aspects and Behaviour. ( Jari tunjuk atas sambil tgk ke
atas sikit )

Video 3

Okay guys, now I’m gonna explain about the factors that affect or influence perception. First of all,
for your information, there are three factors that affect perception. I will explain one by one, so
listen carefully. The first factor is Characteristic of the perceiver. A person needs, abilities, past
experiences, habits, personality, values and attitudes may influence the perception process. A
person will makes perception based on his experience. ( gaya sendiri )

Second factor is characteristic of the target aka object/event. The physical characteristics,
appearance and actions of other individuals in situations can affect the interpretation of the
situation. The target is not viewed separately. The interaction between goals as against the context
would have an effect on perception. Related objects where there is a propensity to group together
will also influence perception. Some people could make a wrong decision just by looking at the
physical appearance and actions of the perceived individual. ( gaya sendiri )

The different characteristics of the event or object can be grouped into three categories which are
figure ground perception, proximity or closeness and similarity. I will tell you about figure ground
perception first. What we see and see depends on how we distinguish a statistic from its general
context. Basically it means when we see a situation or a scene, some aspect seems to come forward
and stand out (figure) and then the rest of the stimuli seem to be less relevant and recede into the
background ( ground ). For example, a pretty girl among a group of plain girls will be noticed more
than the others. Some people ‘stand out’ more than others in a certain work situation. A person who
sarcastic at work will be more noticeable than the others. ( gaya sendiri )

Next, proximity or closeness. Objects that are similar to each other appear to be viewed together
rather than separately. This could be in terms of physical proximity or proximity to time. For
example, students in a classroom are seen as a group and not as individuals of their own ( physical
proximity ). A person who happens to be at the wrong place at the wrong time will be perceive as
being involved in the particular incident ( time proximity ). ( gaya sendiri )

Then, similarity. People, objects or occurrences that are identical in colour, shape and scale appear
to be grouped together. The greater the similarity, the greater it is viewed as a collective group.

The last characteristic is characteristic of the situation or environment. Physical social and
organizational settings of the situation or occurrence can also affect perceptions ( the place where
the perception takes place ). For example, a friendly gestures of a woman at a night club may be
perceived differently than if the same woman does so in an office setting. ( gaya sendiri )
The essence of the environment influences what is viewed as acceptable or natural. For example, a
manager might go unnoticed in jeans and t-shirt at the company picnic but he perceived to be not
normal if he dressed that way in the office.

That are all three factors that influence perception.

Video 4

Thank you for watching guys, bye. ( lambai )

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