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ABI: “Ahh…I woke up late again…”

KATHERINE: “What? Let me guess? You miss the class?”

ABI: I then said “How’d you know?”

KATHERINE: “We’re classmates, dude.”

ABI: “How do I fix this? I’ve been missing morning class for like days now..”

KATHERINE: “Sleep early, that’ll fixed it.”

ABI: “Even if I slept early that wouldn’t make any difference. I won’t open my eyes unless my sleep is
12hrs straight.”

KATHERINE: “Girl, what? You slept for 12hrs straight? And you’re telling me that you’re not dead yet?”

ABI: “Uhm….is that not normal?.....”

KATHERINE: “It’s normal but too much sleep can put you at greater risk of coronary heart disease,
stroke or diabetes!”

ABI: “Oho~.. you know what coronary is??!” I aske


ABI: “I thought you know??! HAHAHHAA!”

KATHERINE: “I just searched up on google, but dude for real fix your sleeping schedule!”

ABI: “How?” I asked

KATHERINE: “Don’t asked me, ask clairre.”

ABI: “Okay, I’ll asked her later after class.”


ABI: “Clairre I need your help badly!”

CLAIRRE: “Go on…”

ABI: “You know I’ve been sleeping too much and ‘kinda misses the morning classes like CLE and P.E. How
do I fixed it????”

CLAIRRE: “Go sleep early that’ll fixed it..”

ABI: “Nope I can’t. I said it to Katherine earlier that even I tried to sleep early I would still woke up really

CLAIRRE: “Hmm….now that is really bad. When do you go to bed usually?”

ABI: “I sleep 2am ahehe~ but if I can’t sleep I will stay up all day.” I answered. “But if I managed to wake
up before 10am that would be a miracle or I just have a dream of falling or a nightmare..”
CLAIRRE: “Try to take a nap whenever possible, maintain a regular sleep schedule. Do not eat-----“

ABI: “Nevermind, I shouldn’t have talk to you…”

CLAIRRE: “I’m not even finish yet! I said do not eat or drink before going to bed.”

ABI: “Sorry, Continue…..”

CLAIRRE: “Change your lifestyle, Abigail. Limit your naps, wake up at the same time each day, GET OUT
YOUR BED, make your sleeping environment comfortable, reduce stress. Or try listening to songs that
might help you.”

ABI: “Thanks a lot, clairre!! I really appreciate it.”

CLAIRRE: “You’re very welcome.”

After that I tried the things she said that night and it work I wrapped myself around my blanket and
wore my earphones then closes my eyes. That night I managed to sleep early without even having a
problem. I also have a dream about my beloved fiction man Dazai who said hello in my dream. I woke up
having th best feeling ever ate a heavy breakfast, attended my 10am morning classes. The End.

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