Mcqs For PST JEST Candidates

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Mcqs For PST JEST candidates

Mcqs For PST JEST candidates

Science class:04
Chapter no:1
platform: "Al Educational Channel"

(1) Which of these organ is called ..... Control center of body?

a: Heart             b: Lungs
c: Brain              d: All

(2) Which organ is works as a..... pumping station?

a: Brain               b: lungs
c: Heart               d: stomach

(3) Artery supply blood to ....?

a: Heart           b: body
c: both              d: not

(4) Artery contains......Blood??

a: Oxygenated  b: Deoxygenated
c: both

(5) Veins carry blood to ....??

a: Heart          b: lungs
c: body .

(6) Veins contain ...... blood?

a: Deoxygenated  b:Oxygenated
c: both                  d not

(7) Pulmonary vein contains .......blood??

a: Oxygenated b: Deoxygenated
c: both

(8) Pulmonary vein supplies blood to .......??

a: heart          b: Lungs
c : whole body   : not

(9) Pulmonary Artery contains....blood?

a: Oxygenated b: Deoxygenated
c: both          d: not

(10) Pulmonary Artery supplies blood to.....??

a: heart      b: lungs
c: whole body d: not

(11) Heart of a normal man beats how many times in a minute??

a:80             b:90
c:72            d: 65
(12) Heart of a boy beats how many times in 5 minutes
a: 72                b:345
c: 359               not

(13) why heart is called pumping station??

a: it circulates blood to brain
b:it supplies blood to lungs
c: it supplies blood to whole body.

(14) communication of body is controlled by .....??

a:heart             b: brain
c ;eyes             d lungs

(15) A man has how may pairs of teeth ...??

a: 32              b:16
c 8                 d:all

(16) Digestion takes place in which organ ??

a: $tomach      b: liver
c: kidney

(17)A three year child has how many teeths ?

a:20 primary teeth
b' 20 permanent teeth
c: 10 pairs of primary teeth
d: a and c both.

(18)Asthma is disease of ......??

a:lungs                 b:heart
c:kidney              d: all

(19): Absorption of nutrition occurs in........??

a: stomach    b: intestine
c : both           d: not

(20)Largest organ of human is .....?

a:Brain              b:leg   
c:skin                 d:arm

(21) Humans have muscles......??

a:600                b639
c 539               d 689

(22) Brain is protected by ..?

a:Brain box      b: Cranium
c: both

(23) Heart and lungs are protected by ....??

a:Ribkage        b: Sternum
c cranial bone

(24) Blood oxygenation takes place in...????

a: Heart           b:lungs
c kidney  

(25) which of the following makes the skeleton of human..??

a;bones           b:joints
c; muscles     d: All

(26) Common point of two bone which connects them is called...?

a:tendon    b: joint
c both          c: not

(27) Human has number of bones ....?

a:206            b:639
c 300             d:not

(28)Which of the following are sence organ...??

a:Nose             b:Skin
c:Ears                d:@ll

(29) Which of the following is/are  responsible for movement of organ ....?
a:joint              b; muscles

(30) Male and female have ..... number of bone ; Muscles and joints??
a': different       b: smae
c: male has more  d' female has more

prepared by : Shahnawaz Mari

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