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Straightforward Intermediate Unit test 4

A Choose the correct word or phrase, a, b, or c to complete 1–6.

(1) I thought I’d try my luck at least once. The worst that could happen was that I’d lose £1.
a) against the odds b) play safe c) try my luck

(2) Come on! I know it’s risky, but sometimes you need to take a bit of a gamble.
a) lucky b) risky c) coincidence

(3) Against the odds he managed to win. It was amazing!

a) Against the odds b) Lucky c) It’s a lottery

(4) He only suffered minor cuts and bruises.

a) bleed b) bruises c) twisted

(5) You never really know what might happen. It’s a bit of a lottery.
a) try my luck b) a lot at stake c) a bit of a lottery

(6) If you win today, the jackpot is £1 million!

a) jackpot b) gamble c) addict

B Complete the text with the words or phrases in the box. There are four extra
words or phrases.

a bit of a gamble a lot at stake after bleeding

by the time coincidences fortune luckily play it safe
scratches superstitious unconscious unlucky while

I don’t really believe in (7) coincidences but when I had accidents on the same date
for three consecutive months I started feeling rather (8) unlucky. The following
month I decided to (9) play it safe and not to go out at all. I’m not usually
(10) superstitious, but I thought that it was tempting fate. However, it really
didn’t make any difference. (11) While I was shaving I managed to cut myself
twice and then (12) after I had stopped the (13) bleeding, I managed
to fall down the stairs. (14) Luckily I didn’t break anything, I just had a few
(15) scratches and some bruises. It’s really strange because the next month
I decided I might as well take (16) a bit of a gamble and go out, and nothing bad happened at all!

C Complete the sentences with the correct word or phrase.

(17) As soon as I finish I’ll call you.

(18) The moment I found out, I phoned you.
(19) Are you sure they were arguing when you called?
(20) While you were wasting money gambling, I was busy working.
(21) By the time you see me next, I’ll be married.

D Choose the correct verb form, a, b or c to complete 22–29.

(22) I was walking under a ladder when a can of paint fell on my head. I had to go to hospital.
a) walked b) was walking c) had walked

(23) The first time I met Amy, I was amazed how similar we looked.
a) met b) was meeting c) had met

(24) I was listening to music when you phoned me.

a) listened b) was listening c) had listened
(25) By the time Jack arrived, Mary had left so he didn’t meet her.
a) left b) was leaving c) had left

(26) Jack had stopped gambling the year before he met his wife.
a) stopped b) was stopping c) had stopped

(27) Tom lost £10 yesterday.

a) lost b) was losing c) had lost

(28) I didn’t do anything after you left.

a) didn’t do b) wasn’t doing c) hadn’t done

(29) Sally had swum to the river bank by the time the rescue workers arrived.
a) swam b) was swimming c) had swum
E Use the keywords to complete the second sentence so that it means the same
as the first sentence.

(30) Harry had won the lottery before he gave up his job.
After Harry won the lottery he gave up his job.

(31) Sally climbed out of the river and then sat down.
As soon as Sally climbed out of the river he sat down

(32) When we arrived John had already left.

By the time we arrived John had already left.

(33) His girlfriend married him after he won the lottery.

When his girlfriend married him, he had already won the lottery.
Functional language
G Complete the conversation with expressions from the box.

Me, too Neither am I So am I Neither do I So do I

Sandra: Hi Janet! What are you doing?

Janet: Hi Sandra! I’m playing one of those new lottery scratchcards.
Sandra: Really? I don’t bother with those. I’m not very lucky.
Janet: (34) Neither am I. But you know what they say, ‘There’s always a first time.’
Sandra: Do you believe that rubbish? I don’t.
Janet: (35) Neither do I really, but …
Sandra: What?
Janet: Well, it’s only 50p, isn’t it?
Sandra: I prefer bingo.
Janet: (36) So do I! I go every Thursday evening.
Sandra: (37) Me too. Where do you go?
Janet: To that new club on the High Street. Would you like to come?
Sandra: Not this week. I’m really busy.
Janet: That’s fine. (38) So am I.

H Read the conversation in exercise G again. Then choose the best word to
complete these sentences.

(39) Neither Janet nor Sandra are lucky.

(40) Both of them play bingo.
(41) Both of them play on Thursday evening.
(42) Neither of them has much time this week.

I Correct these conversations. Each conversation has one mistake.

A: Where do you live?
B: I live in Madrid.
A: Wow! Neither do I.
So do I.
A: I’m learning Spanish.
B: I’m too. I already speak it very well.
I’m not. I already speak it very well.
A: I don’t like English food very much.
B: So do I. I think it’s horrible.
Neither do I. I think it’s horrible.
A: I’ve never won any money on the lottery.
B: Me, too.
Me neither

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