Produdction Schedule Finished

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Production Schedule Blue = college work

Pink = group calls

Yellow = personal activities
Week 1 (1st – 7th Feb)
Monday 1st Tuesday 2nd Wednesday 3rd Thursday 4th Friday 5th Saturday 6th Sunday 7th

Morning Read through the 9:30am call to talk Continue work on 9am group call to Create proposed Do social context. Day off from work
unit information through the unit production discuss ideas and bibliography. Info to relax and
and make notes of in detail. schedule. get feedback. about this is on Put all of this prepare for the
all things that viibe. information into a next week.
need to be Make notes about Come up with and brief.
completed first important write in detail 3 Write about Walk with my
and how they information. possible ideas for anticipated brother.
need to be my FMP. The problems. Come
completed. create a survey up with
about the ideas. contingency plan.
Afternoon Begin work on the Start proposal. Send survey to Begin weekly Finish any work
production Make sure to different kinds of blogs. Make sure from this week
schedule. write in detail. people asking to write in detail that is not yet
their opinions on about things I completed.
Find competition the ideas. Do this have done this
to use and by posting on week. Help for this
research it. social media. on viibe. Have this
finished before
Evening Gymnastics zoom Gymnastics zoom Finish production Gymnastics zoom
schedule if not
completed yet.
Production Schedule Blue = college work
Pink = group calls
Yellow = personal activities
Week 2 (8th – 14th Feb)
Monday 8th Tuesday 9th Wednesday 10th Thursday 11th Friday 12th Saturday 13th Sunday 14th

Morning Choose a relevant 9am group call Analyse ideas 9am group call Do virtual focus Finish any Day off.
target audience with teacher to survey and select with teacher to group and film it unfinished or bad
and discuss why I discuss feedback the best idea. get feedback and by screen quality work.
have chosen this and ask questions Make sure to ask questions. recording. Check viibe to see
group. about the weeks analyse in detail. if I have missed
work. anything and
correct this.
Afternoon Do target Find a similar Research the Prepare for a Analyse focus
audience documentary and chosen topic in focus group with group in detail.
research. Find out analyse it. Look lots of detail. the target
their interests, tv for codes and audience. Write Complete weekly
habits, what kind conventions. Then questions and ask blog for this week
of documentaries discuss how I will people to by 4pm.
they like. use this participate. Then
knowledge for my arrange a time
production. that everyone is
available for a
virtual focus
Evening Gymnastics zoom Gymnastics zoom Gymnastics zoom
Production Schedule Blue = college work
Pink = group calls
Yellow = personal activities
Week 3 (15th – 21st Feb)
Monday 15th Tuesday 16th Wednesday 17th Thursday 18th Friday 19th Saturday 20th Sunday 21st

Morning Research the 9am group call to Research some 9am group call to Begin research on Finish any work Day off
codes and get feedback and documentary get feedback and the topic. Find that I did not
conventions of a ask any questions filming techniques to find out what I interesting complete
documentary. To about the weeks and discuss which need to improve statistics as these throughout the
show me what I work. ones I could use, before the end of will interest the week.
need to include in when I would use the week. audience.
my documentary. them and how I
would use them.
Afternoon Find out the codes Research the Test shoot some Research Weekly blog
and conventions different types of of the techniques I professional needs to be
of a sporting documentary and had researched. documentary finished and
documentary and then select which This will help me makers and watch uploaded by 4pm.
explain which of one fits my idea to learn how to some of their
these I will use best and explain make my work. Then talk
and how I will use why. documentary look about how I can
them. professional. use their methods
or ideas when
Upload these test creating my
shoots to my documentary.
Evening Gymnastics zoom Gymnastics zoom Analyse one piece Gymnastics zoom
of work that I
think is the most
relevant and
Production Schedule Blue = college work
Pink = group calls
Yellow = personal activities

Week 4 (22nd – 28th Feb)

Monday 22nd Tuesday 23rd Wednesday 24th Thursday 25th Friday 26th Saturday 27th Sunday 28th

Morning Research the 9am group call to Research the clubs 9am group call to Research the Complete any Day off
people I will be get peer and of the people I am get more feedback professional work that was
interviewing. teacher feedback interviewing. Find from teacher. gymnast that I supposed to be
Starting with the of work so far. I out how popular have chosen if I done this week.
coaches. Make will also ask they are, how long Improve any work manage to find
sure I find out as questions about they’ve been that they suggest one. Find out their
much information the work this around, what their before the end of history, goals and
as I can about week. aims are and the week. achievements.
them so that I am other important
completely Improve any work information that
prepared for the that was will help me when
interviews. suggested in my interviewing or
feedback. explaining who
they are.
Afternoon Try and email a Research the Continue this Finish work on Weekly blog Get a head start
professional to gymnast that I will work as it may documentary needs to be on next weeks
see if they would use for possible take a while to do types and then written and work.
do an interview interviews. Ask all the relevant select the one I uploaded by 4pm.
with me. them questions gym clubs. want to use and
about themselves. discuss why.
Evening Gymnastics zoom Gymnastics zoom Gymnastics zoom
Production Schedule Blue = college work
Pink = group calls
Yellow = personal activities

Week 5 (1st – 7th Mar)

Monday 1st Tuesday 2nd Wednesday 3rd Thursday 4th Friday 5th Saturday 6th Sunday 7th

Morning Find out more 9am group call Find an example 9am group call to Discuss which Finish any work Day off
about the target with teacher andof a sporting get discuss what techniques that I that I haven’t
audience. Do other students to
documentary and I’ve done this saw I would use done yet.
some research talk about ideasanalyse it. Focus week and how I for my
about their and gain an on interview could improve it. documentary and
personality traits. understanding oftechniques, discuss how and
the work that footage used, when I would use
needs to be done.
camera, lighting, them.
music and sounds.
Afternoon Put this Find YouTube clips Research typical Find another Weekly blog
information into of how to do the locations for example and do written and
an infographic and conventions of a sporting the same as uploaded before
then upload this documentary documnetaries. yesterday. 4pm.
to the website. which I will use.
Make notes about
this on my
Evening Gymnastics zoom Gymnastics zoom Gymnastics zoom
Production Schedule Blue = college work
Pink = group calls
Yellow = personal activities
Week 6 (8th – 14th Mar)
Monday 8th Tuesday 9th Wednesday 10th Thursday 11th Friday 12th Saturday 13th Sunday 14th

Morning Come up with a Find any footage Upload images of Confirm locations Create a sound list Finish any of this Day off
narrative that I will be using the locations and and then and a foley list if I work that is not
structure for my that I did not film discuss how they complete location am having any yet done so that I
documentary. myself. For would work for recces. Upload foley sounds. am ready for next
example, footage my production. Do these to the week.
from past this for all possible website.
competitions. locations. These could not
Download this be done as I
footage and write cannot visit the
about where I got places because of
it from. lockdown.
Afternoon Draw a diagram Find the locations Go to the Analyse another Weekly blog
for this structure that I will be using locations and do documentary clip competed before
so it is clear and for my some test shoots. but focus on the 4pm.
easy for me to documentary. Make note of the sounds used.
understand. Find both indoors lighting, sound What sounds are Go for a run
Upload this to my and outdoors and of whether used? Is there any
website. locations in case they are good background
we are not locations. music?
allowed inside at This could not be
the time of done because of
filming. lockdown
Evening Gymnastics zoom Gymnastics zoom Gymnastics zoom
Production Schedule Blue = college work
Pink = group calls
Yellow = personal activities

Week 7 (15th – 21st Mar)

Monday 15th Tuesday 16th Wednesday 17th Thursday 18th Friday 19th Saturday 20th Sunday 21st

Morning Check with James Begin making the Complete more Use this lesson Complete this Complete any Day off
what still needs to pitch PowerPoint practice shoots to time to act on any weeks blog and updated feedback
be done within including my idea try and improve teacher feedback upload it before so I am ready for
the research unit and my experts. my skills from the about my 4pm. next week.
and then act on last practice research.
this. shoot.
Afternoon Continue the Upload these If there is a large Go for a run
PowerPoint practice shoots to amount of
presentation by my website if they feedback, then
including my are better then continue this
research and how the first ones. here.
this will help me. If not, then
continue making
the PowerPoint
and finish it ready
for pitch week.
Evening 7pm parents Gymnastics zoom Gymnastics zoom Gymnastics zoom
evening call with

22nd -
Production Schedule Blue = college work
Pink = group calls
Yellow = personal activities
Week 8 (22nd- 28th Mar)
Monday 22nd Tuesday 23rd Wednesday 24th Thursday 25th Friday 26th Saturday 27th Sunday 28th

Morning Read feedback Continue working Continue working 9am perform the Weekly blog Continue the Day off
from last week on the pitch on the pitch. Add pitch to my group needs to be planning booklet.
and act on PowerPoint. information on and watch other completed for this Write questions
anything that Discuss the target audience peoples. week. Discuss the for the
needs to be done. research I’ve done and any pitch and how it interviewees.
and how it’s information about was good or could Then send these
helped me test shoots I’ve be improved. questions to them
develop my idea. done. so they can
Afternoon Talk to Continue the work Make sure the Watch a sporting Go for a run
interviewees and from this morning. PowerPoint is documentary and
arrange a time Add social context finished and ready analyse the
and date to film and implications to go. interview
their interviews. behind my Practice speaking techniques,
Also pencil in a production. the pitch to myself structure and
backup day in case and time it to mode of the
something goes make sure that it programme.
wrong on the first is not too long and Compare this with
day. also not too short. the Stacey Dooley
Evening Gymnastics zoom Gymnastics zoom Gymnastics zoom
Production Schedule Blue = college work
Pink = group calls
Yellow = personal activities

Week 9 (29th - 4th Apr)

Monday 29th Tuesday 30th Wednesday 31st Thursday 1st Friday 2nd Saturday 3rd Sunday 4th

Morning Continue working Continue Easter holidays Complete the Take the weekend Easter Sunday
on the planning. planning, upload begin. weekly blog from off for Easter.
Create crew lists archive footage to this week so that I
and equipment computer ready can take the long
lists. Also create for editing. weekend off.
an interview plan Contact
(camera positions interviewees to
etc...). confirm dates and
Afternoon Edit the
contingency plan
to make sure it is
suitable for the
Collect equipment
that I’m
Evening Gymnastics zoom Gymnastics zoom Gymnastics zoom
Production Schedule Blue = college work
Pink = group calls
Yellow = personal activities

Week 10 (5th – 11th Apr)

Monday 5th Tuesday 6th Wednesday 7th Thursday 8th Friday 9th Saturday 10th Sunday 11th

Morning Easter Monday

Afternoon Test the Filming Beth’s

microphone and interview at her
cameras to make house at 4:30pm.
sure they are 8 Minestead close,
working for the Bracknell, RG12
filming on Friday. 9FE. Remember
both cameras,
tripod and
Evening Complete test Check that all Filming b-roll with
shoots in the people are still ok Gus, Charlie and
garden with the to film on Friday. Beth in my back
headlights when it garden at around
gets dark. Charge cameras 8:30pm or
so they are ready whenever it gets
to go. dark. Using the
camera and
Production Schedule Blue = college work
Pink = group calls
Yellow = personal activities

Week 11 (12th – 18th Apr)

Monday 12th Tuesday 13th Wednesday 14th Thursday 15th Friday 16th Saturday 17th Sunday 18th

Morning Work Work

Afternoon Work Work Film interview

with Lewis in the
Film interview gym at 2pm.
with Katie in the Remember both
gym at 3:30 after cameras, tripod
work. Remember and microphone.
cameras, tripod
and microphone.
Evening Charge cameras Charge cameras Film some extra b-
and check and check roll clips of the
everything still everything still lights turning on
works ready for works ready for etc..
the interview on the interview on
Tuesday. Saturday.
Production Schedule Blue = college work
Pink = group calls
Yellow = personal activities

Week 12 (19th – 25th Apr)

Monday 19th Tuesday 20th Wednesday 21st Thursday 22nd Friday 23rd Saturday 24th Sunday 25th

Morning Begin work on the Continue working Continue Start looking for Start editing the Work Day off
rough shooting on the shooting uploading music which I can documentary.
script using script making sure interviews and b- use as background Start by going
information from I include all 4 roll clips to the music in my through the
the interviews. interviews and b- computer. documentary. interviews and
roll. Make note of the finding the best
music and where I bits and cutting
will use it on the out the useless
shooting script. parts.
Afternoon Catch up on Finish the Work Finish finding Continue this Work
weekly blogs. Do shooting script. background music process with the
one for the whole that fits the other interviews.
of the Easter Begin uploading themes of my
holidays clips to my documentary.
discussing the computer from
filming days. my camera so that Work
I am ready to start
Work editing. Also,
watch the videos
to check they are
Evening Work Gym Work Work Gym
Production Schedule Blue = college work
Pink = group calls
Yellow = personal activities

Week 13 (26th – 2nd May)

Monday 26th Tuesday 27th Wednesday 28th Thursday 29th Friday 30th Saturday 1st Sunday 2nd

Morning Continue editing Film the final Begin creating an Finish the Add any more Day off
the interviews. interview with Lily introduction. Use introduction. Then screenshots of the
Cut them into in Bracknell at b-roll clips and start putting the editing prosses to
sections. 11am. Remember sound from Beth’s interview videos the website and
to take both interview. in the correct describe what I
Make sure I take cameras, tripod, order as this will did.
screenshots of the computer and Add the songs help to start
editing process earphones. that I found on creating a clear
and then evaluate Monday and put story.
this on my them where I
website. want them.
Afternoon Look for songs to Check the footage Continue Continue putting Complete the
use as the and reshoot describing my the clips in order weekly blog for
background music anything that isn’t editing process on and cut the videos this week.
and then perfect. my website. down as much as
download them as possible to stop it
an mp3. Work from being too
Evening Work Gym Work Work Gym
Production Schedule Blue = college work
Pink = group calls
Yellow = personal activities

Week 14 (3rd – 9th May)

Monday 3rd Tuesday 4th Wednesday 5th Thursday 6th Friday 7th Saturday 8th Sunday 9th

Morning Finish putting the Continue editing. Show the client Edit the Ask James for Day off
videos into the Trim down videos the documentary documentary feedback ready
correct order and even more by so far and gather using the for Monday as this
then watch back deleting anything their feedback. feedback that I is the final week.
to make sure that that doesn’t add received from the
it all makes sense. to the story. client. Add name titles
and a helpline to
the end of the
Afternoon Work Find a song for the Upload this Add b-roll clips Do weekly blog
ending and test it feedback to my and position them from this week.
to see if it works website and in the correct
well with the discuss it. places.
visuals and sound.
Update the
technical skills
page by
what I have done
and explaining it.
Evening Work Gym Work Work Gym
Production Schedule Blue = college work
Pink = group calls
Yellow = personal activities

Week 15 (10th – 16th May)

Monday 10th Tuesday 11th Wednesday 12th Thursday 13th Friday 14th Saturday 15th Sunday 16th

Morning Continue Continue editing. Work experience Add sound effects Make any final Begin working on Day off
perfecting my Add or change filming. to the lights at the touches and then the evaluation.
documentary so anything that I beginning and also export the video
that it is ready for need to after try adding drone and upload it to
the deadline on receiving sound to the part my website.
Friday. feedback. when Beth is
talking about her
mental health.
Afternoon Work Film the b-roll Work experience Write about the Do weekly blog
clips of Beth when filming. sound effects that from this week.
she was younger. I have used to
Play the videos on make it obvious Deadline for the
my phone that I did not documentary is
surrounded by record them 4pm so I need to
medals and film myself. export and upload
this. the video to my
Work website before
this time.
Evening Work Gym Work Work Gym
Production Schedule Blue = college work
Pink = group calls
Yellow = personal activities

Week 16 (17th – 23rd May)

Monday 17th Tuesday 18th Wednesday 19th Thursday 20th Friday 21st Saturday 22nd Sunday 23rd

Morning Continue working Finish planning Continue adding Continue working Finish evaluation if Day off
on the evaluation booklet and to the evaluation. on the evaluation it is not already
make sure to use upload this to the feedback from done.
screenshots and website. James and add
lots of detail. anything else that
Create a sound I think of.
table of all the
sounds that I used
in the
documentary and
then upload this
to the website.
Afternoon Work Get feedback from Check and upload
James about the this production
evaluation and schedule to my
then start work on website.
Evening Work Gym Work Work Gym

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