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Task 4

Enter the marks of 5 students in Computer Programming, ICT and Object-Oriented

Programming (each out of 100) using a structure named Marks having elements roll no.,
name, cp_marks, ict_marks and oop_marks and then display the percentage of each student.

Source code
using namespace std;

struct Marks
int roll;
string name;
float cp_marks, ict_marks, oop_marks;

void get_data()
cout << "Enter roll no::" << endl;
cin >> roll;
cout << "Enter name::" << endl;
cin >> name;
cout << "Enter ICT Marks::" << endl;
cin >> ict_marks;
cout << "Enter OOP Marks::" << endl;
cin >> oop_marks;
cout << "Enter CP Marks::" << endl;
cin >> cp_marks;

void Display_percent()
float sum;
float percent;
sum = ict_marks + oop_marks + cp_marks;
percent = (sum /300)*100;
cout << percent<<endl;


int main()
Marks s[5];
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
cout << "ENter Student "<<i+1<<" Data" << endl;

for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
cout << "Student"<< j +1<<" Percent" << endl;
return 0;

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