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Class 7

Composition of matter
Q.1. Describe the structure of an atom.

Ans. An atom is made up of tiny particles called electrons, protons, and neutrons.
Electrons are negatively charged particles that revolve around the nucleus in a
specific path called an orbit. Protons are positively charged particles found in the
nucleus of an atom. Neutrons are neutral particles which are also present in the
nucleus. The mass of a neutron is equal to the mass of a proton.

Q.2(i). What is an element?

Ans. An element is a substance that is made up of the same kinds of atoms. For
example, the element carbon is made up of carbon atoms only.

Q.2(ii) Define symbols and chemical formula.

Write down the symbols of the following elements.( carbon, nitrogen,

hydrogen , oxygen, sulphur, phosphorus, calcium and chlorine).

Ans. Symbol

Symbol is a short way or code of writing chemical name of an element. It

consists of one or two letters for e.g. Hydrogen (H) , Sodium ( Na).

Chemical Formula

A chemical formula is an expression which shows the number and types of atoms
present in a molecule of a substance.

For e.g. Sodium Chloride--------NaCl

Sulphuric Acid ---------- H2 SO4

Symbols of Elements

Elements Symbols

1. Carbon 1. C
2. Nitrogen 2. N
3. Hydrogen 3. H
4. Oxygen 4. O
5. Sulphur 5. S
6. Phosphorus 6. P
7. Calcium 7. Ca
8. Chlorine 8. Cl

Q.2(iii) Define Valency. What does the valency of an element depend on?

Ans: Valency

The valency of an element depends on the number of electrons,the

number has in its outermost shell. If an element has four or fewer electrons in its
outer shell, then the valency is same as the number of electrons. If the element has
more than four electrons its valency is eight minus the number of electrons.

Q.3. What is a compound?

Ans: Compound

When two or more atoms combine chemically, they form a compound, for
eg. Hydrogen and Oxygen combined chemically to form water.
Q.4a). What kind of bond exist in between sodium atom and chlorine atom.

Ans: There is an ionic bond between sodium and chlorine.


The sodium atom has just one electron in its outer most shell.
By losing this electron, it can obtain full outershell. This results in a formation of
sodium ion. It is called a positive ion or cation.

The chlorine atom has 7 electrons in its outermost shell. By accepting one electron
from another atom it can obtain a full outer shell.This results in formation of a
chlorine ion.It is called a negative ion or anion.

A bond formed between oppositely charged ions in a chemical compound is known

as ionic bond.

Q.4b). What kind of bond exist in between two oxygen atoms?

Ans: There is a covalent bond between two oxygen atoms.


Oxygen is non-metal. An oxygen atom has six electrons in its outermost

shell. Two oxygen atoms, each will share two electrons to form two covalent bonds
and make an oxygen molecule, O2. Now each oxygen atom has 8 electrons in its
outermost shell. O2 molecule is stable now and it will not react further with other
oxygen atoms.
(Take help from all the presentations and book for answering Q.5 , 6 and 7)

Q.5.Explain the differences between the following terms:

1. Atomic number and mass number

2. Atom and molecule

3. Element and compound

4. Ionic bond and covalent bond

5. Symbol and chemical formula

6. Element and isotope

Q.6. Draw diagrams to show the structures of the following atoms.

Hydrogen , sodium , calcium, carbon , oxygen

Q.7. Find out the Latin names and symbols of the following elements

Copper , silver, gold, , mercury , iron , potassium , sodium, lead , tin

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