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1. would rather/would sooner
Present wish Past wish
A. I’d rather/sooner sb + Ved B. I’d rather/sooner sb + had + Vii
- I’d rather you went now. - I’d rather you hadn’t told all those lies.

C. would rather = would prefer

- the same subject I’d rather + Vinfinitive (present/future reference)
I’d rather + have + Vii (past reference)
- I’d rather go to the shops tomorrow. I’d rather not have gone
- different subject I’d rather S2 + Ved (present/future reference)
I’d rather S2 + had + Vii (past reference)
- I’d rather you studied a little more.
- I’d rather you had passed your driving test.
- Prefer doing/noun to doing/noun (general)
+ I prefer (watching) TV to (going to) the cinema.
- Prefer to do rather than do sth (general reference )
+ I prefer to stay at home rather than go out.
- Would prefer to do rather than do sth (specific reference)
+ I’d prefer to writ to him rather than call him
- Would rather do sth than do sth
+ I’d rather buy a new dress than have this one taken in.
2. As if/ as though
- He isn’t French but he speaks French as if he WERE from France. (untrue situation in the present)
- He hadn’t been awarded the first prize but he behaved as if he had been awarded it. (untrue
situation in the past)
3. It’s (about/high) time S + Ved
- It’s about time you retired.
4. had better = should
a. had better + do sth (present/future reference )
- We had better stop smoking. (= We should stop smoking.)
b. It would have been better if + had + Vii (past reference)
- It would have been better if you hadn’t lied to her. (= You shouldn’t have lied to her.)
Exercise 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
1. I’d sooner you (do)___ _________________something with your time rather than sit around all day.
2. He didn’t win a prize, but he looked as though he (win) _____________________one.
3. If you hadn’t seen the car in time, it (hit) _____________________you.
4. Supposing I offered you the job, (you/take) _____________________it?
5. It’s about time you (go) _____________________on a holiday.
6. Suppose you (see) _____________________a mad dog, what would you do?
7. I’d rather you (not/drive) _____________________so fast, Pat.
8. It would have been better if you (tell) _____________________me the truth.
9. Sue went to France this year, but she says she would rather (go) _____________________to Spain.
10. It’s a shame you missed the party; I would rather you (be) _____________________there.
11. John had better (not/speak) _____________________to me like that again.
12. He says he’d rather (cook) _____________________his own food than eat in restaurants.
13. I’d rather you (not/mention) _____________________this to anyone until next week.
14. Tim’s mother would rather he (work) _____________________closer to home than he does.
15. The soup would have tasted better if you (not/put) _____________________so much pepper in it.
16. Greg says he would rather (not/leave) _____________________things as they are.
17. She would prefer to meet you personally rather than (talk) _____________________to you over the
18. Sean prefers playing football to (watch)_____________________it.

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19. Would you rather (write)_________________________in ink or in pencil?
20. Sheila prefers (get up) _____________________early in the morning rather than (oversleep)
21. Would he prefer (drive) _____________________to work tomorrow rather than cycle?
22. I would rather (speak)_______________________ directly to the manager than (deal)
_______________________with his rude secretary as I did.
23. My father prefers to have a beard rather than (have) _______________________a shave every day.
24. Tom prefers (ski) _______________________to (skate) _______________________.
25. Wouldn’t you prefer to sit on this seat rather than (stand) _______________________for the whole
26. I wish I (be) _______________________as good as you at mathematics.
27. It seemed as if he (not/understand) _______________________the question.
28. I wouldn’t have given him all that money if you (not/advise) _______________________me to.
29. Crime will continue to rise unless more police (be/put) _______________________on the streets.
30. If he (play) _______________________better, he would have won the game.
31. I wish Jim (not/move) _______________________to London last year as I hardly see him now.
32. If I (be) _______________________in the post office 5 minutes earlier, I would have witnessed the
33. I wish I (invite) _______________________more people to my fancy dress party last week.
34. If I (not/be) _______________________afraid of heights, I would try parachuting.
35. If you (not/let) _______________________her make her own decisions, she will never learn.
36. We’d better (take) _______________________some money for a taxi in case we miss the last bus home.
Exercise 2. Read the text and decide which answer best fits each space.
Scientists have always tried to make things better, stronger and faster. In the previous two centuries the
emphasis was on machines; from household (1.)_______to reusable spacecraft. However, the (2.) _______in
this century can’t be (3.) _______without a microscope as genetic engineering changes the world from
within. From disease-resistant crops to pigs with low-fat meat, researchers have (4.) _______numerous
breakthroughs by (5.) _______the genetic make-up of animals and plants. But who could have imagined that
goats would be able to produce spider silk? Spider silk is an amazing (6.) _______- it is five times stronger
than steel, yet light enough to make protective clothing. Unfortunately, spiders can’t be farmed because they
have a (7.) _______to eat each other! However, genetic engineers have finally (8.) _______how to produce
the protein (9.) _______on a large scale by creating transgenic goats. The gene for producing the silk
protein was inserted into goat embryos and when these reach (10.) _______, they make the protein in their
milk. Once extracted from the milk, the protein is made into a fibre almost identical to the silk of a spider’s
(11.) _______. Innovations like this are incredible and seem likely to become increasingly common, but they
(12.) _______serious issues about the right of human beings to tamper with the DNA of animals in this way.
1. A. buttons B. compounds C. appliances D. software
2. A. advance B. progress C. machinery D. research
3. A. gazed B. watched C. stared D. viewed
4. A. taken B. made C. done D. come
5. A. modifying B. tampering C. transferring D. creating
6. A. emission B. patent C. substance D. liquid
7. A. precaution B. tendency C. procedure D. conclusion
8. A. phased out B. taken out C. filtered out D. figured out
9. A. shortly B. artificially C. provisionally D. ordinarily
10. A. immaturity B. age C. adulthood D. top
11. A. web B. wheel C. line D. cell
12. A. develop B. raise C. sort out D. give out
Exercise 3. Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
1. “My flight is at seven tomorrow.” – “I wish _______! Is there no way you can stay?’
A. you won’t leave B. you not to leave C. you weren’t leaving D. you hadn’t left
2. If only _______long enough for us to take some decent photographs.
A. will the rain stop B. the rain stops C. the rain stopping D. the rain had stopped
3. Any customers who _______the spa facilities should book at the reception desk.

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A. wish they would use B. wish to use C. wish they can use D. wish the use of
4. “Did you enjoy your date last night?” – “No, I _______home and watched TV.”
A. would sooner have stayed B. prefer to stay
C. would prefer it if I stayed D. would rather I stayed
5. “Can you take Fluffy out for his walk?” – “_______. I just got in and I’m exhausted.”
A. If only you went B. I’d rather you went C. I wish you went D. I’d prefer you go
6. It’s high time this state _______the death penalty.
A. abolished B. would abolish C. abolishes D. to abolish
7. Andrea’s secretary speaks to me _______the managing director.
A. though she is B. if only she were C. as she is D. as if she were
8. The performance was _______almost funny.
A. so bad as to be B. too bad that it was C. enough bad to be D. only so bad to be
9. I think it would be _______to upgrade the existing computers- not replace them.
A. preferable B. preferential C. preferred D. preferring
10. “Why is the storeroom in such a mess?” – “I don’t know. Ben _______it out by today.”
A. supposes he has cleaned B. has been supposed to clean
C. was supposed to have cleaned D. is supposed to be cleaning
11. If you _______with the device in any way, the guarantee will no longer be valid.
A. inject B. transform C. consist D. tamper
12. Representatives of the charity are closely _______the distribution of aid.
A. installing B. glimpsing C. monitoring D. witnessing
13. Workers at the factory must take _______to avoid injury.
A. progress B. precautions C. procedure D. perception
14. The results of the examination will be posted on the Internet_______.
A shortly B. totally C. artificially D. literally
15. She only wears natural fibers as she is allergic to most _______fabrics.
A. domestic B. synthetic C. virtual D. exterior
16. The research work was going well until we _______a problem we couldn’t solve.
A. enlightened B. entrusted C. envisaged D. encountered
17. I managed to complete the exam with 20 minutes to _______.
A. run B. set C. spare D. leave
18. The senator was _______when he read the allegations against him in the newspaper.
A. incensed B. invariable C. illicit D. infallible
19. This painting is my favourite. I could _______at it for hours.
A. observe B. explore C. gaze D. glance
20. The museum’s _______created an exhibition that would be both interesting and educational.
A. curator B. consumer C. animator D. manufacturer
Exercise 4. Read the passage and select the word or phrase that best fills the blank in both meaning
and grammar.
The idea of superhuman “bionic” vision, familiar to us from science fiction movies, may soon become
reality. Wearers of a new type of contact lens may in the future be able to see (1.)_____ displays of images
or information in front of them, just as robots and superheroes (2.) _____in movies. (3.) _____through one
of these lens you would see (4.) _____, but it would also seem as (5.) _____there was a computer display in
front of you that no one (6.) _____could see.
Scientists at the Univeristy of Washington have made a major (7.) _____in the technology required to create
(8.) _____lenses. A prototype device has been (9.) _____which consists of a contact lens with an imprinted
electronic circuit and light-emittting diodes. (10.) _____components were manufactured on a microscopic
(11.) _____using microfabrication techniques. The creation of a biologically safe contact lens was (12.)
_____challenging not just (13.) _____of the size. Building electronic circuits (14.) _____using toxic
chemicals and high temperatures. (15.) _____now, it has been impossible to do (16.) _____on a flexible
contact lens because it is (17.) _____from very sensitive material.
The technology is not yet perfected but scientists are already considering possible (18.) _____applications
for the lenses. They could be worn by pilots or drivers so that they can (19.) _____technical information
without (20.) _____their eyes off the road. They may also be used with state-of-the-art virtual reality games
instead of headsets.

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1. A. usual B. natural C. virtual D. gradual
2. A. do B. have C. appear D. like
3. A. Noticing B. Looking C. Going D. Being
4. A. invariably B. nothing C. normally D. it
5. A. rather B. if C. so D. long
6. A. but B. else C. again D. other
7. A. progress B. method C. evolution D. breakthrough
8. A. more B. those C. such D. both
9. A. managed B. transplanted C. developed D. existed
10. A. Other B. These C. So D. Large
11. A. scale B. basis C. by D. width
12. A. absolutely B. ethically C. technically D. hardly
13. A. because B. due C. thinking D. one
14. A. is B. needs C. involves D. depends
15. A. From B. So C. By D. Until
16. A. this B. chemicals C. harm D. such
17. A. made B. derived C. invented D. discovered
18. A. defective B. outspoken C. foregone D. commercial
19. A. view B. screen C. comprise D. peer
20. A. reaching B. raising C. moving D. taking
Exercise 5. Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentences.
1. “We don’t have a burglar alarm.” – “Then it’s about time _______”
A. for installing one B. you install one C. one was installing D. to install one
2. I wish I _______to tonight’s concert but I have to work.
A. can go B. was going C. would go D. have gone
3. _______, my parents had let me go on the trip!
A. If only B. Only if C. I’d prefer D. I hope
4. “The meeting is going to be postponed till Friday.” – “Oh, I’d prefer _______as I won’t be able to
A. if it isn’t B. for it not be C. it if it weren’t D. it not being
5. I wish my sister _______before coming by so late in the evening.
A. was calling B. calls C. would call D. to call
6. “Trudy sure did a good job of decorating your apartment.” – “Yes, but I’d _______some of the work
A. sooner have done B. rather done C. better have done D. prefer having done
7. _______matter of time before a new manager is appointed.
A. It’s just a B. There is just a C. It’s nearly a D. Just this
8. “I wish you _______live on the other side of town.” – “Me too.”
A. don’t B. couldn’t C. wouldn’t D. didn’t
9. I’d rather _______tell George what I bought. I want to surprise him!
A. not to B. you don’t C. it if you don’t D. you didn’t
10. “Is Anna in charge?” – “No, but she’s ordering people around _______.”
A. though she were to B. as if she were C. as though was she D. were she to
11. The lamp in the corner of the room wasn’t ______out much light.
A. giving B. phasing C. emitting D. taking
12. The system was too complicated so it has been slightly _______.
A. tampered B. singled C. tightened D. modified
13. With the economic crisis, I can’t _______the company expanding in the near future.
A. oversee B. view C. monitor D. envisage
14. _______ have organized an anti-hunting march.
A. Animators B. Vocalists C. Campaigners D. Consumers
15. The exam timetable is _______and could easily change.
A. invariable B. provisional C. occasional D. defective
16. Unless both sides can reach a _______, the dispute will continue.
A. procedure B. compromise C. precaution D. breakthrough

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17. Teachers really need to _______home the importance of reviewing the material regularly.
A. screw B. button C. hammer D. develop
18. It’s _______of Liz to laugh when she feels nervous.
A. typical B. ordinary C. common D. defective
19. Many people are reluctant to eat _______engineered produce.
A. artificially B. unethically C. synthetically D. genetically
20. As a security measure, all luggage is _______before being allowed on the plane.
A. peered B. compiled C. screened D. glimpsed
21. Len was caught ________ through the keyhole into the principal’s office.
A. glancing B. peering C. viewing D. gazing
22. The steak knives are made of pure ________.
A. steel B. concrete C. marble D. brick
23. I’m not a big fan of Chinese food, but I don’t mind it ________.
A. over and over B. once in a while C. bit by bit D. one at a time
24. The professor’s book succeeded in ________mathematical theory.
A. observing B. comprising C. socializing D. popularizing
25. The government intends to ________on businesses that try to avoid paying taxes.
A. take the floor B. wipe the floor C. tighten the screws D. get into gear
26. The private park is surrounded by a high ________.
A. lawn B. shed C. slum D. hedge
27. The company has expanded rapidly and is now looking for larger ________.
A. premises B. infrastructure C. threshold D. household
28. We put up a ________between our balcony and our neighbor’s balcony so we could have some privacy.
A. border B. screen C. solid D. boundary
29. Energy from the wind and the waves can be used to ________electricity.
A. filter B. generate C. tamper D. compile
30. Despite weeks of negotiations, the two countries were unable to ________a compromise.
A. reach B. run C. take D. figure
31. “Can I leave my bicycle here?”- “I’d ________.”
A. wish you didn’t B. prefer it not C. sooner you didn’t D. rather you not
32. The dress Helen made looks ________it were made by a top designer.
A. as if B. though C. only if D. if
33. It’s sensible to take out travel insurance ________your luggage is lost or damaged.
A. otherwise B. in case C. unless D. as long as
34. If only ________a swimming pool in our neighbourhood.
A. it was B. it could be C. there were D. there will be
35. I’ve sent you a surprise. I hope the package ________in time for your birthday.
A. could arrive B. would arrive C. had arrived D. arrives
36. ________have any complaints or suggestions, please complete the feedback form.
A. Should you B. Had you C. If you happen D. If you were
37. If ________any of the exercises difficult, the trainer can help you.
A. you would find B. finding C. you are finding D. you can find
38. “We might be coming to New York next month.” – “________, give me a call.”
A. If you do B. If then C. Happen to D. In case of you do
39.Provided that there are no delays, Rob ________here around 9 o’clock.
A. could have been B. would be C. supposed to be D. should be
40. I wish Martin ________me so late at night.
A. hadn’t to phone B. wouldn’t phone C. wouldn’t be phoning D. doesn’t phone
Exercise 6. Read the text and decide which answer best fits each space.
The benefits of the Internet are widely known; it offers access to all kinds of information imaginable and
provides (1.)_____ to communicate with others around the world, to share opinions and play games. Parents
recognize that it can (2.) _____a world of learning and new experiences for their children, but because the
Internet is (3.) _____of millions of private sites which no one can control, (4.) _____there are risks involved.
It potentially exposes youngsters to offensive material and even dangerous situations, and crime like

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abductions, which begin with seemingly harmless online introductions, are becoming (5.) _____common.
Recently. However, there have been efforts to (6.) _____awareness of the dangers on the Internet. Parents
should tell their children to remember at all (7.) _____that in chatrooms, they are dealing with complete
strangers and not giving out any personal information is the (8.) _____to Internet safety. Specialized
software can be (9.) _____which filters out unsuitable sites. There are also safe sites for children where (10.)
_____is required. Such sites are constantly (11.) _____to make sure that no one breaks the rules: no sharing
of personal details, no requests for email addresses and no rudeness. The Internet is vast and ungovernable,
but provided certain (12.) _____are taken, young people can safely benefit from its riches.
1. A. openings B. odds C. outskirts D. opportunities
2. A. transplant B. unlock C. enable D. explore
3. A. comprised B. developed C. consumed D. converted
4. A. totally B. greatly C. inevitably D. shortly
5. A. invariably B. occasionally C. gradually D. increasingly
6. A. rise B. raise C. reach D. make
7. A. times B. prospects C. instances D. expectations
8. A. flat B. distinct C. central D. key
9. A. injected B. inserted C. installed D. inhibited
10. A. readership B. membership C. sponsorship D. companionship
11. A. restored B. stared C. monitored D. witnessed
12. A. procedures B. modifications C. attempts D. precautions
Exercise 7. Choose the correct answers.
1. If you ______ a flight, would you have gone by train?
A. haven’t booked B. don’t book C. hadn’t booked D. won’t book
2. Here are your photos. We ______at the photographer’s.
A. got them developed B. develop them C. got developed them D. got them develop
3. Betty ______a lot of presents after her graduation.
A. was been given B. gave C. was giving D. was given
4. The car must ______to the vet.
A. taken B. be taken C. be take D. take
5. ______Diana, congratulate her for me, will you?
A. Should you saw B. If should you see C. Should you see D. If you saw
6. My son told me he tied his shoes by ______.
A. him B. himself C. his D. his own
7. We have had the roof of our house ______.
A. to replace B. replace C. been replaced D. replaced
8. Sue ______by the police at night.
A. was being questioned B. was questioning C. is being questioned D. had questioned
9. Kev ______into the tree if the brakes on his bike had been working.
A. wouldn’t crash B. won’t crash C. won’t have crashed D. wouldn’t have crashed
10. Jack ______last night.
A. had stolen his wallet B. his wallet stolen C. had his wallet stolen D. has stolen his wallet
11. I’ll lend you my car ______you promise to drive carefully.
A. as long as B. unless C. even if D. whether
12. If I ______a house like that, I’d look after it better.
A. had owned B. have owned C. owned D. own
13. He got his brother______ the washing –up.
A. to do B. do C. doing D. to have done
14. Don’t go out by ______at night. It’s dangerous.
A. myself B. yourself C. me D. her
15. I’ll find you ______you go.
A. whatever B. whichever C. whenever D. wherever
16. I’m really ________ summer holidays this year.
A. looking after B. looking out for C. looking into D. looking forward to
17. It’s raining! Quick, let’s make ________that shop.
A. out B. up C. in D. for

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18. During the month of August, Athens is almost ________.
A. vacant B. abandoned C. left D. deserted
19. After the break, we’ll ________with chapter three of the book.
A. insist B. persist C. keep D. continue
20. This is a valuable ________chair which dates back to the eighteenth century.
A. antique B. old-fashioned C. ancient D. traditional
21. My job is so ________that I don’t think I’ll be able to take a summer break.
A. demanding B. persisting C. hard D. tough
22. Is he ________enough to take on so much responsibility?
A. elderly B. ancient C. ripe D. mature
23. Bill the Kid was wanted dead or ________.
A. live B. alive C. lively D. living
24. I went to Spain on holiday ________, but I made a lot friends there.
A. single B. alone C. lonely D. free
25. You’d better ________up all the unknown words in the dictionary.
A. point B. make C. mix D. look
26. The room was in a ________.
A. hurry B. mess C. mood D. shade
27. His handwriting is so difficult to read. I can hardly ______ what he’s written.
A. make out B. make up C. look into D. point out
28. If you have a problem, don’t hesitate to ______your hand.
A. raise B. rise C. arise D. rised
29. Mike was ______after he broke his leg.
A. in reality B. in order C. in pain D. in person
30. Please don’t forget to ______the money you have borrowed from me.
A. pull over B. pay back C. point out D. pull down

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