Essay 1 Features of Gothic Architecture With Suitable Examples (U Can Explain With Notre Dame)

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Features of gothic architecture with suitable examples (U can explain with Notre dame)

• Gothic architecture is an architectural style that was particularly popular in Europe from the late 12th
century to the 16th century, during the High and Late Middle Ages, surviving into the 17th and 18th
centuries in some areas. It evolved from Romanesque architecture and was succeeded by
Renaissance architecture. Gothic architecture began mainly in France, where architects were inspired
by Romanesque architecture and the pointed arches

• Called as “Dark Age”

• They are invading barbarians from the north ruined ancient art and replaced it with their own culture.
Goths took Rome in 410 - known as the first tribe of barbarians and thus the name “Gothic

Main Features and Architectural characters

• Airy and bright

• focus on verticality
• pointed arches
• rib vaults (draw sketch)
• flying buttresses (draw sketch)
• large stained glass windows
• ornaments and pinnacles(draw sketch)

• During the Gothic era, builders discovered that pointed arches would give structures amazing
strength and stability. With a pointed arch, ribs could easily be made level
• It's easy to recognize Gothic buildings because of their arches, ribbed vaulting, flying buttresses,
elaborate sculptures (like gargoyles) and stained glass windows.
• Gothic architecture was originally known as “French Style”.
• The need to construct a grander scale church resulted in buttressing the high vaults.
• Invented flying buttress which was placed at right angles to the length of the wall to counter balance
any outward thrust exerted on the walls.
• Planning - Gothic buildings were based on the traditional plan used by basilicas. - Latin cross (or
"cruciform") plan, with a long nave making the body of the church, a transverse arm called the
transept and, beyond it, an extension which may be called the choir, chancel. There are several
regional variations on this plan. double aisles, like Notre Dame, Paris, the transept does not
project beyond the aisles.
• Emphasis on verticality(Towers & spires) light(by adding bigger and expensive windows and ,
openings) & height, height suggesting the aspiration to heaven
• Majesty – the façade of a large church is to the west generally designed to create powerfull
impression on approaching worshipper
• sexpartite vaults - a ribbed vault whose lateral triangles are bisected by an intermediate transverse
rib, producing six triangles within a bay)
• The depressed arch supported by fan vaulting
• Detailing- human scale statues.
• Gargoyles - Originally, the sculptures were waterspouts to protect the foundation from rain.
Features of gothic architecture (SKETCHES)

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