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{GAM AHINSOMHINSON.016.xML WSR ALR, To lmit travel ly dhe Vie President ti ater ct ation ae ‘unlertaen with espet tthe stent or, and fr ater pins IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES is, HIsw0s into the following il whi ws refered to the ‘Connitiee A BILL ‘To limit travel by the Vice President until after certain activities are undertake with respect to the southwest boner, and for other purposes 1 Beit enacted by the Senate and House of Representa- 2 tives ofthe United Slates of America in Congress essembled, 3. SECTION 1. ston TE. 4 This Act may be cited as the “See the Criss Act” SEC. 2. LIMITATION ON FEDERAL FUNDS FOR VICK PRESI- 6 DENT INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL, No Federal funds may be obligated or expended for the travel expenses of the Viee President to travel outside ‘gwntocsienasiny kam! aeons) Royton seam) {GAMRMINSONGHINSON. 016M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 r ul 2 B 4 1s 16 ” 18 19 20 2 2 23 24 25 of the United States until on oF after the date that each ofthe following conditions are met (1) The Viee President personally travels to at Jeast one of the counts Fisted in seetion 15732 of title 40, United States Cole, to review the activities of the Department of Homeland Seemity and other Federal agencies responsible for enforeing and im- plementing immigration laws, (2) The seribed under seetion 3, ice President. submits the report de- SEC. . REPORT, Not Inter than 30 days alter the date of enaetment: of this Act, the Viee President shall submit to the Commit- ‘tees on Appropriations of the House of Representatives fand the Senate a report that insludes— (1) a detailed list of the Federal agencies and local supporting law enforcement offices with whieh the Vice President has mst in person on location at @ southwest boner facility operated by U.S. Cus: toms and Border Protection or at Border Patrol Duty Location in the Big Bend Sector Texas, Del Rio Sector Texas, El Ceatro Sector California, El Paso Sector Texas, Laredo Sector Texas, Rio Grande Valley Sector Texas, San Diego Sector Cali fornia, Tueson Sector Arizona, or the Yuma Seetor pivcostomosiaar seem gases) fay tesa) ‘GAVNIMHINSONUIINSON 0163xM a Arizona, relating to the current crisis at the south- ‘west border sinee January 20, 2021; (2) any plans the Vieo Prosident haa to visit the crisis at the southwest border after the date such re- port is submitted; and (8) the estimated amount of funds the View President or any other Federal ageney intends to offer Guatemala, Honduras, Hl Salvador, and Mex- eo as part of an international aid package relating ES cows nueon to the immigration and humanitarian erisis at the southwest border. gWacostoavesieetseaamt pom, Hy 202" 38pm)

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