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SITUATIONAL PROBLEMS: Le. Alm long beam is simply supported at the left end and at 2m from the right end. It is to be analysed for moving uniformity distributed load, for max. shear at the mid span. What is the total length of the beam which should be subjected to the moving load? a. 10m b. om <. im d. Gm A cantilever hollow circular bar Sam thick with outside diameter of TSmm is subject to a torque sf QEN.= at its free end. Find the maximum shear stress in the bar. a. 63.10 MBa b. 150.17 MBa cc. 166.20 MEa 87.56 MEa Which structural member has the ratio of its unsupported height to its least lateral dimensionof not less than 2 and is used primarily to support axial load? a. Pedestal b. Column ©. Deep Bean d. Corbel A solid pole, am high and 250mm in diameter is fixed at the base. It is subjected to a compressive force of 3kM acting at an eccentricity of 100mm from its centroidal axis and a lateral load of 0.45 EM applied at the top. Unit weight of pole is 22kN/m’. What is the max. compressive stress ab the base of the pole? a. 1.2 MEa b. 2.1 MEa . 2.4 MPa 4.1.5 MPa A 12m long beam is simply supported at the right end and 3m from the left end. It is to be designed for moving uniformly distributed load. For max. negative moment, what is the total length of the beam which should be loaded? a. am b. dn =. Sm a. om An fmm diameter steel rod, 20m long supports a 10EN weight. Unit weight of steel is 77kM/m . Find the maximum tensile stress in the rod. a. 210.12 MPa b. 204.78 MPa =. 188.94 MPa 4. 195.70 MPa A cantilever beam projects 2.4m from che face of a wall. It is subjected to the following loads : 25 RM concentrated at 2m from the wall, 10 EH/m uniformly distributed throughout its length. What is the resulting moment in Him at the fixed end? a. 58.8 b. 68.5 ©. 74.2 a. 89.2 Alm long beam is simply supported at the right end and at 2m from the left end. What is the ordinate of the influence line for maximum shear at mid-span? a. 0.75 b. 0.€ . 0.8 d. 0.25 A 980mm wide and 12mm thick plate subject to tensile leading has staggered holes as shown. Calculate effective net area in sq. mm. Eole diameter is 22mm. Page dofid a. 3,212 b. 3,482 ©. 8,577 d. 3,672 1a. If a solid circular shaft of 1.25 in diameter is subjected to a torque T of 2500 Tk-in causing an angle of twist of 2.12 in a Sf length. Determine the shear modulus of the material. a. 200,88x10"rb/in? b. 401.16e10°rb/in' c_ 11.Sxi0*rpyin? = d_ 22, 90x10"rb/in® Steel railroad rails 10m long are laid with a clearance of mm at a@ temperature of 15°C. at what temperature will the rails just touch? Use coefficient of linear expansion for steel is a= 11.7 pm/ (mC) and E= 200 GPa. a. 42.867C b. 21.447 =. #0.68"C 4. 27,827C 12. A timber bean 60mm wide by 160m high is subjected to a vertical shear 40 EN. Determine the shearing stress at a layer 20mm from the top of the beam. a. 0.68 MPa b. 1.78 MPa =. 2.05 Ma 4. 4.68 MPa 1a. A cast iron link is 40 mm wide by 200mm high by 500m long. The allowable stresses are 40 Mpa in tension and 80 Mpa in compression. Compute the largest compressive load that can be applied to the ends of the link along the longitudinal amis that is located 150mm above the bottom of the link. a. 256 kW b. 220 0 c. 512 4. 640 BY a4. ‘A S(mm diameter bar is used as a simply supported beam im long. Determine the largest uniformly distributed load that can be applied over the right two-thirds of the beam if the flexural stress is limited to 50 MPa. a. S45N/m b. 817N/= ©. 690N/m 4. 925N/m 15. A simply supported beam 120mm wide, 180mm deep, and ém long carries a uniformly distributed load of {kN/m over the entire span. Calculate the maximus deflection in mm if E= 200 GEa. a. 1.omm b. 3.6m c. 5.fmm 4d. 9.2mm 16. Determine the slenderness ratio of Sm column with one end fixed and the other hinged if its cross section is circular with radius of 40mm. a. 125 b. 150 ©. 175 d. 250 aq. A simply supported rectangular beam, 50m wide by 100mm deep, carries a uniforely distributed load of 1.20 Ei/m over its entire length. What is the maximum length of the beam if the flexural stress is limited to 21 MPa? a. 2.8m b. 3.4m cc. 4.2m a. 4.6m SIT A: The towline exerts a force P=4kN at the end of the 20m long crane boom. a 1a. If 6-20", determine the position X of A so that this force creates a mazinu moment about point 0. a. 2ém b. 25m, s. 24m 4. 2am 1s. If x=25m, determine the position @ of the boom se that this force creates a maximus moment about point 0. a. 25.47 Bb. 28.77 e. 32.6" a. 26.1 20. Determine the maximus moment in Elim to the calculated angle. a. 70 b. 80 <. 40 4. 65 SIT B: A 20mm thick cylindrical steel pressure vessel has an outside diameter of 400m. It is subjected to an internal pressure of 4.5 MPa. 21. Determine the circumferential stress in the tank. a. 22.5 MPa b. 40 Mea c. 45 MBs 4. 20 MPa Find the longitudinal stress in the tank. a. 22.5 Ma b. 40 Mea s. #5 MPa 4. 20 MPa 2a. To what value could the internal pressure be increased if the allowable design stress is 120 MPa? a. 6 MES b. a MBa c. 10 MBa a. 12 Mea SIT C: a @m long restrained beam carries a uniform load of 20 bi/m over the entire span and a vertical concentrated load of SOLW at mid-span. 24. What is the moment in Elim at the left end? a. 87.5 b. €0 2.80 4,127.5 28. Determine the maximum shear in the beam in Ei. a. 8S Bb. 15 2. 65 a. 58 How much is the beam deflection at mid-span? Use E= 200 Gea, I= 71elO%mm!. a. 6. 71am b. 6. 72mm c. 4. 75am 4. 22.75mm SIT D: a &m cantilever retaining wall, supports an active pressure which varies from sero at the top to 35kN/m at the bottom. Assume EI is constant. 27. Compute the maximum shear. a. TORN b. 52.5kN c. 210kN d. 10S 28. Compute the maximum a. 210%%m b. 21Skiin a5kien d_ 157.5kim 23. Tf the wall is fimed at the free end, determine the moment at the foundation. Use end moment equations wi’/a0 at the top and wL/20 at the base. a. 6klim b. 2SkEhe ce. 15.75kim 4. 10.5RNm SIT E: a rectangular beam 200 om wide and 500mm deep is pre stressed by an initial jacking force of BODEN. The total pre stress loss at service leads is 15%. 20. Calculate the resulting final compressive stress if the pre stressing force is applied at the centroid of the beam section. a. 4.52 MPa b. 5.22 MBs c. 6.27 Mea d. 7.28 MPa al. Calculate the final stress at the extreme top of the bean if the pre stressing force is applied at an eccentricity of 100mm below the centroid of the beam section. a. £.87 MPa (compression) ¢. 11.72 MPa (compression) b. 0.81 MPa (tension) d_ 1.07 MPa (tension) a2. Calculate the eccentricity at which the pre stressing force can be applied so that the resulting tensile stress at the top fiber of the beam is zero. a. 75mm b. 6G c. Biam a. 105mm SIT F: 2 simply supported beam 10m long has an overhang of 2m at the left support. If a highway uniform load of $.35EN/m and a concentrated load of 116kN, passes thru the beam, compute the following based on influence line for maximum shear at mid-span. a3. Determine the length of the beam where the uniform load could produce maxinun positive shear at the mid-span. a. Tm b. Sm cc. 10m a. &m a4. Determine the length of the bean where the uniform load could produce maxisun negative shear at the mid-span_ a. Tm b. Sn c. 10m a. ém a5. If the concentrated load will be placed at the end of the overhang, compute the waximum shear st the sid-span. a. 116 b. SORT =. 46.4E a. 22.2kN SIT G: beam section is b=200mm, h=45tmm with effective depth d=280an. Compressive strength of concrete £"c=30MPa, steel strength fy=415MFa. Comerete weighs 24EN/m*. The beam is simply supported over a span of = and carries the following loads: Super imposed dead load= 1éEM/m Live load= 1éki/= 36. What is the maximum ultimate required moment in bin? a. 158.55 b. 144.97 c. 146.25 a. 160.42 2. Find the number of bars required to sustain the ultimate required moment. a. 6-Olém b. 5-Olésm c. 5-820m d. 4-920mm 2B. If the beam carries an additional ultimate concentrated load of SOKW at mid-span, what is the number of 25mm@ bars required? a. 2 bars b. 4 bars c. 5 bars d. 6 bars SIT B: Members AC and AB supports the 2001b crate. \4 ae. Determine the tensile force developed in member AC. a. 45.461b b. 214.291b ¢. 181.821b d_ 172.451b 40. Determine the tensile force developed in menber BB. a. 45_461b b. 214.291b ©. 1EL.891b a. 172.481b a1. Determine the maximum weight off the crate that can be safely supported if members AC and AB can support a maximum tension of 2001bs and 250 lbs, respectively. a. 41215 b. 417lb <. 4201b 4. 424ib SIT I: A timber joist 40mm x 1fmm (dressed dimension) spaced at 0.2m on centers, carries a floor dead load of 2.4bPa and a floor live load of 1.9RPa. The joist is supported by the girder at 9m. Iwo trial lengths of joist are used. I=9m, and I=2.5m. EI is constant throughout the span. 42. Calculate the maxisum flexural stress when 1=2m. a. 4.49mRa Bb. €.02MPa ©. 20.10MPa a. 9.2aupa 43. Calculate the maxisum flemural stress when 1=3.5m. a. B.21MPa b. 6.11MFa c. 27.26MBa d. 12.57MPa 44. What is the maximum shear stress when I= am . a. 0.28MP2 b. 1.27MEa cc. O.14MBa d. 0.21MPa SIT J: A rectangular footing, 700mm thick, 2.5m wide along the y-axis and dm long along the x-axis, supports eccentrically = 400mm square column subjected to the following loads: Bxisl dead load = 600 BN Eccentricity from y-axis, e=200m Axial live load= 600 EW Concrete unit weight = 24 EN/m” Height of backfill on top of the footings 1.$m Soil unit weight= 17kM/=" 45. Calculate the maximum net soil pressure. a. 821.07ka b. 298.67kPa cc. 283. 83kea d_ 186. 67kPa 46. Calculate the minimus net soil pressure. a. 52.27kPa b. 74 67RPa ©. 42.20Pa 4. 68.93kPa a7. Calculate the gross safe soil bearing capacity, a. 262.97bFa b. 225.62kEa s. 228.97kEa d. 240. 87RPa SIT EK: A distributed load is supported by two distributed reactions. . 42) bt . fa & oi 4B. 45. 51. 82. 383. 54. Determine the maximum shear in lb a. 2200 b. 1600 =. 1760 Determine the maximum moment in lb-ft. a. 6105 b. 6080 c. 7040 a. 1920 d. S612 Determine the distance from the extreme left where the flexural stress is sero a. 7.648 b. 4.368% c. 8.368 d. 4.6488 SIT L: A AQG2 W2S0_90 as used for 2 beam of 2 floor system as shown in the figure. Beams are space 1.5m on centers. In addi ion to the weight of the beam, the dead load consists of a 125mm thick reinforced concrete slab. The live load is 3.8bPa and there is 2 partition load of 1000 Ba. 2211, 500 om? 90kg/m a= 250m ty sm T= 266x10‘mm* b=250em t= lém I 45010%m* we Talim Fe 245MPa If beam AB will carry additional equal concentrated dead load “2” at every third points, calculate the maximus value of “P™ so that the bending stress will not exceed 9.665, b. 97.20 I beam AB will carry additional concentrated dead load at every quarter points, calculate the maximum value of “F* so that the shear stress in the web will not exceed 0.4 Fy. a. 101.74 EW a. 204.25 EY If the beam AB will carry additional concentrated dead load b. 142.12 c. 75.86 kW c. 286.90 EN d. 72.90 kW a. 143.45 Ey at mid span, calculate the maximum value of “F” 50 that the total deflection will not exceed 1/240. b. 60.5889 a. 65.55kN c. 55.51E d. 50.75ku SIT M: Reinforced concrete beam 300mm wide and 600mm deep are spaced 2.m on centers. The beams support a slab 100mm thick carrying superimposed dead load of 2kPa and Live load of 4.9kPa. In the typical frame, columns £ and H are removed so that girder BEHK supports beams DEF at E and GEI at B. Concrete weighs 24:M/m". ism Calculate the factored load in EN at E induced by beam DE. a. 272.97 b. 26604 c. 235.60 d. 188.72 55. Calculate the maximum negative ultimate moment in Him of girder BK assuming it is fully fixed at B and K. a. 442.40 b. 478.82 ©. 467.02 d. 537.50 56. Calewlate the maximum positive ultimate moment in Kim of girder BK. a. 221.70 b. 268.95 ©. 283.51 dj. 239.42 SIT N: A WL2 x 78 of AS72 grade 60 (F\=415 MPa) steel is used as a compression member. It is 8.5m long, pinned at the top fixed at bottom, and has additional support in the weak direction at a point 2.4m from the top. Properties of the section are as follows: B= 14500mm" = 258. 6x10‘ I= 84.375x10%m! 57. Calculate the effective slenderness ratio with respect to strong axis buckling. a. 44.55 b. 63.65 c. 78.0 4. 111.42 5a. Calculate the effective ratio with respect to weak axis buckling. a. 44.57 b. 46.80 fc. 64.22 d. 66.55 58. Calculate the axial load capacity of the column. a. 2951RN b. 2905kN ©. 2523EN 4. 2490aN SIT O: A timber beam has a circalar cross section having a diameter of 250mm It has a simple span of dm. NSCP requires that the strength of a circular bean is equal to the strength of square section having the same area. Allowable stresses of wood are a5 follows: Shearing stress parallel to the grain, F,=1.73Mea Bending stress, Ls 16.5MPa Allowable deflection, S=1/240 Modulus of elasticity of wood, E=7.316Pa a0. Determine the maximum uniform load in BW, that the allowable shear stress parallel to the grain is not exceeded. a. 81.85 b. 28.81 cc. 15.88 d. 14.16 a. Determine the maximum uniform load in ki, that the allowable bending stress is not exceeded a. 12.65 b. 14.95 ©. 25.81 gd. 29.80 a2. Determine the maximum uniform load in ki, that the allowable deflection is not exceeded. a. 7.01 b. 7.24 c. 17.52 4. 18.35 SIT FP: & flooring system consists of parallel I-beam sections spaced at Qm on centers with simple spans of ém. The beam supports a 200m thick slab. The flooring system is designed for 2 live load of 2400N/m° as well as ceiling load of 750N/m’. The properties of the I=beam sections are : d=52mn, T.=0.00012m', We 440N/m, F,=240MPa, E= 200000GFa. Use We. ef concrete=Z24kH/m 62. Which of the following gives the uniform pressure acting on the slab_ a. 7.20RPa b. 7.95kPa c. 8.10EPa d. 6.39RPR 64. Which of the following gives the total uniform load carried by the beam in kN/m. a. 21.60 b. 22.85 cc. 24.29 4.25.1 a5. Which of the following gives the maximum flexural stress on the steel beam considering non-camposite action. a. 142.) b. 187.4MPa cc. 160.3MPa d. 166.1MPa SIT Q: Light grade steel channel was used as a purlin of a truss. The top chord of the truss is inclined IV:3H and distance between trusses is equal to am. The purlin has a weight of 71 N/m and spaced at 1.2m, on centers. The dead load including the roof materials is 1200Pa, live ead of 1000Pa and wind load of 1440Pa. Coefficient of pressure at leeward and windward are 0.2 and 0.6 respectively. Sag reds are placed at the midpoint and F,-F,=126MPa. 5,=4.48xl04m%) 5,=1.16010‘m". 66. Calculate the bending stress, £,, for dead load and live load combination (D+Z}. a. 52.40 MPa bb. 62.89MPa ©. 66.29MPa a. 78.47MPa 67. Calculate the maximum ratio of actual to the allowable bending stress for load combination 0.75 (D+L+W) a. 0.55 b. 0.60 <. 0.7L a. 0.88 63. Determine the required diameter of the sagrod. The allowable tensile stress for this menber is F,= 0.33, E,=131MPa. Assume the critical sagrod supports € lower purlins. a. Sum b. 10m ©. lim @. Lémm SIT R: To comply with architectural requiresents, a columnin a non- swayframe is of T-section. rales alls Given data: Longitudinal bars: As= 4-2imm® bars:f= 415MPa Lateral ties: 2mm bars with £,,=25MPa; Clear concrete cover to the ties "40mm: Comerete £".=27.SMPa *Consider bending about strong axis. Neglect the concrete area displaced by the compression steel. 9. Which of the following gives the location of the geometric centroid of the section from the right face of the column? a. 223.86 b. 215.38 ©. 214.62 d. 206.0¢mm 79. Which of the following gives the location of the plastic centroid of the section from the right face of the column? a. 204. 68mm b. 207.45 ©. 222.55am d. 234.68mm m1. Determine the bending moment, in biz induced by 2 factored load P\=3200RN acting along x-axis at 400mm away from the right face of the column. a. 2031 b. 1967 c. 1884 a. 1ss2 SIT 3: A girder is subjected to torsional moment in addition to the flewaral moment and shear from heavy loads of cantilever frames. From analysis, the following factored design forces result : Mut440ktin, ‘VurZG0EM, Tu 160kMa. The beam is 400mm wide, @00mm deep with concrete cover to bar centroid of tension steel = Gfmm. Stirrups have £,,=275MPa and longitudinal bars £),"S15MPa. Steel ratio at balanced condition, B.=0.02, concrete strength £7.520.7 MPa with allowable concrete shear stress= 0.76MPa, and lateral ties are 12mm in diameter. 72. Determine the tension reinforcement required for factored moment, a. 32100" b. 2202mm* cc. 3576mm* d. 2566om" 7a. Determine the spacing of transverse reinforcement for factored shear, V,. a. 180mm b. 210mm ©. 280m d. 260mm 74. Determine the spacing of transverse reinforcement for factored torsion, T.- a. SOmm Bb. 200mm c. Glam d. 150mm SIT T: Identify the principle used in equations related to the deformation of axially loaded material. B. That the stress is proportional to the strain within the elastic St. Venant’s Principle region. Hookes Law B. Bernoulli’s Law c. Pascal's Law © d. Poisson's Ratio 76. That in deformation of axially loaded members, the ratio of the lateral to the longitudinal strain is constant. a.Poisson’s Ratio b. Ultimate tensile Strength <. Young's Modulus d. Froportionality Limit 77. That within the elastic range, it is the constant of proportionality that defines the linear relationship between stress and strain. a.Foisson’s Ratio b. Ultimate tensile Strength ¢. Young's Modulus d. Proporsionality Limit SIT U: For the figure shown e 73. Which of the following most nearly gives the area of the shaded portion? a. 26 m2 b. 42 wz =. 40 m2 a. lg m2 9. Which of the following most nearly gives the y-coordinate of the centroid? a. 154m b. 210m sc. 1. 7ém d. 16am 80. Which of the following most nearly gives the x-coordinate of the centroid? a. -0.1Em b. -0.18m ce. Olam a. 0.18n SIT V: T T 1 al. Which of the following most nearly gives the tension in segment BC in EN? a. 28.62 b. 20.22 c. 1B.54 4. 21.47 a2. Which of the following most nearly gives the angle Bl in degrees? a. 42.18 b. 35.68 ic. 48.78 a. 52.41 ea. Which of the following most nearly gives the total length of cable in meters? a. 29.48 b. 42.25 2. 25.47 a. 28.17 SIT W: A Sm rod hawing 2 uniform: cross-sectional area of 1000mm"2 is secured between two walls 5 meters apart. The load on the red is 0 at Qideg?. E = 200GP2, a = 11.25 x 10*-6 m/m-degC. When the temperature Fises to S7degC? aa. Which of the following gives the stress rod assuming that the walls are rigid? a. 67.5MPa (T) b. 78_€MP2(C) 78. 6MBa(T) 4.67 _5MPaiC) a5. Which of the following gives the stress in the rod if the walls spring together with a total distance of 0.5mm? a. 47.SMBa (C) 9b. 22.2MPa (C} 0c. B2.2MPa (T) 0 d. 47.SMPa (7) SITX: OkM/m L 1Im}1m te 3am 4<1m 86. Which of the following most nearly gives the vertical reaction at the roller support in EN? a. 1akN b. 16EN <. 27EN a. 24m 87. Which of the following most nearly gives the maximum shear on the beam in EN? a. 10 B18 2.18 aly ee. Which of the following most nearly gives the maximum bending moment on the beam in ki-m? alia b. 12 <. 68 a. 9.45 15 15 SIT ¥: The beam has a shear diagram in the figure 2m an fe an-tein eB. Which of the following most nearly gives the maximum positive bending moment in bi-m? a. lo b. 30 <. 20 4.40 20. Which of the following most nearly gives the maximum negative bending moment in ki-m? ais b. 43 <. 25 d. 36 e1. Which of the following most nearly gives the location of the inflection from the left support in meters? a. 3.2 b. 2.6 <. 4.2 a. 4.6 SIT VS: Aosteel shaft with 2 constant diameter of Slam is loaded as shown by 2 torque applied at gears fastened to it. Use G = 83672? a2. Which of the following gives the value of T in N-n? a. 700 b. 750 ©. 650 d. 600 33. Which of the following gives the angular deformation ob BC in degrees? a. 0.524 b. 0.524 ©. 0.867 4. 0.632 34. Which of the following gives the total angular deformation of the shaft in degrees? a. 5.62 b. 2.58 c. 2.54 a. 3.32 ‘SIT AA: A box beam supports cne ican snown an tne rigure. iv as desired to determine the value of F that will not exceed a flexural stress of SMPa or a shearing stress of 1.2MPa for reactions between the supports 35. Which of the following gives the moment of inertia of the section an ma? a. 0.000245 b. 9.000657 <. 0.000187 d. 0.00000978 36. Which of the following gives value of P without exceeding = dlewural stress of EMFa between the supports? a. 65208 b. 8,240 ce. 10,2208 d_ 5/2508 37. Which of the following gives the value of P without exceeding a shearing stress of 1.2MPa between the supports? a. 11,1608 b. 10,1108 ©. 9/8508 4. 7/9508 SIT AB: The beam is loaded as shown in the figure. Assume EI to be constant. ak 4kn/n a8. Which of the following most nearly gives the fixed end moment at B due to the concentrated load? a. 2.20kN—_ b. 4.6b-m c. 3.1Ee 4. 3.5ki-m a. Which of the following most nearly gives the DF @ B for member AB an 82 a. 62% b. 543 c. 788 di. a8t loo. Which of the following most nearly gives the moment at B in kN-m? a. -7.62 b. -8.21 ce. 6.57 a. -8.97

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