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SILVIA LORENA BARRERA +mobile number Country

Curiosity and desire to learn are my drivers. I find creative solutions to problems through a user-centric approach. I also learn
fast, have excellent soft skills, and am geographically flexible.

Work Experience
04.20 – 09.20 Impact Hub Berlin – Berlin, Germany
Junior Innovation Consultant (Internship)
• Quick into the internship I was chosen to lead an incubator program with a cohort of 5 startups.
• Proposed the focus topics with which the company will work in the next 12 months based on my
benchmarking analysis on the social enterprise scene in Berlin. I also created an action plan for it.
• Took the initiative to develop a capacity planning tool. It reduced the over-hours load of the consultancy
team by 95%.
• Enabled the creation of 10 business ideas by facilitating hybrid Design Thinking workshops.
11.19 – 02.20 Institute for Strategic Innovation and Technology Management – Konstanz, Germany
• Conducted researches on innovative topics and digital business. Analyzed data and generated reports.
01.18 – 07.18 Dulceria Dona Mireya – Bucaramanga, Colombia
• Reduced the order management time by 40% by creating an excel tool. The tool also improved the CX.
• Optimized the production process of gummies by 80% by automating the process.
03.13 – 10.18 Betha – Bucaramanga, Colombia
• Increased my revenue by 100% by establishing sales partnerships with universities and local shops.

03.19 – 02.20 Konstanz University of Applied Sciences – Konstanz, Germany
Semester Abroad
• Focus on Innovation, Technology, Communication, Marketing and Asian Management.
01.14 – 02.21 Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana – Bucaramanga, Colombia – GPA: 4.0/5.0
B.A. International Business Management
• Obtained 2 approved resolutions in the international models of the OAS and the UN in the USA.
• One year off in London, England, to improve my English skills.
01.13 – 04.21 Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana – Bucaramanga, Colombia - GPA: 3.9/5.0 (Top 10%)
(Expected) B.Eng. Industrial Engineering
• Thesis: “Development of an action plan to implement the digital vision of a project management company”.
• One year off in London, England, to improve my English skills.

Since 08.20 Gender Equity & Social Justice Circle – Berlin, Germany (now remote)
• Organize hybrid events for people on 6 continents to talk safely about not-so-easy-to-talk topics.
Since 07.20 makesense – Berlin, Germany (now remote)
Marketing & Strategy Volunteer
• Responsible for leading a team of 20 in transforming the organisation's management style towards holacracy.
• Increased the number of interviewees by 70% by refreshing the format of an existing series of interviews.
05.20 – 11.20 Setanta HurlingClub – Berlin, Germany
Member of the Association & Player of Hurling
• Quick after joining I picked up the sport and was invited to participate in national competitions. We won!

Leadership & Awards

President of my High School, President of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Medal for Leadership Competencies, Top 5 in
the National Academic Test SaberPro.

Spanish (Native), English (C1), German (C1), Mandarin (A1), Portuguese (A1). CV with links.

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