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BBA IV-Section J
Assignment 6

Q.1 Find one example of consumer ethnocentrism, consumer disidentification, consumer

affinity and consumer animosity. You can choose any example of any country.

Answer. Following are the examples of countries who possess consumer ethnocentrism,
consumer disidentification, consumer affinity and consumer animosity:

In Consumer Ethnocentrism consumers show loyalty towards domestic products rather than
foreign products. For example, Chinese handicraft items are an important part of their culture so
they purchase such items from domestic sellers’ e.g. they buy blue and white vases which are
made in China rather than buying from other countries that will lower their domestic sales.

In Consumer Affinity consumers are attracted towards foreign brands. For example Nike is an
American company and upper class citizens of Pakistan purchase products such as footballs and
footwear from them because of their quality and they believe it is a trusted brand.

Consumer disidentification is when consumers act repulsively when it comes to domestic

product. For example, people of East Germany do not buy local product much instead they buy
products from countries such as America.

In Consumer Animosity people show anger towards other countries because of past rivalry. For
example Pakistan do not buy products from Israel because of their cruelty towards Palestinians
people who are Muslims.

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