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Grab Your Meal

Retailers in the UAE do experience some of the best working conditions in the world in which to
work in, they have a benefit of strong quality of infrastructure and a vigorous economic
environment. The UAE ranks eighth place in the overall rankings and have placed first in the
Middle East, while other countries lack in services like quality of transport and ease of getting up
and going. We have selected to be the suppliers for Grab your meal in UAE as it not only has a
lot of population from around the world but also the business potential there is very good too
with good profit margins and regular work which is the most important of all. The business in
UAE I expected to see strong economic growth and has the potential to improve in the future as
UAE now is the hub of the world.
The below are most suitable markets for wholesalers and retailers to operate as of Arcadis
operation index.

as you can see from above mentioned data that UAE is being ranked at 8th number with a good
market demand and ease of getting up and running also with a good economic environment
most important that is much stable than other countries.
There are 4 types of segmentations that we have used for UAE marketplace.
Below are the mentioned segmentations with details:
1. Demographic Segmentation: as we know that UAE is now more a international
hub than a local area as the demographics that we took mention us that the citizens are
only around 11.5% and the remaining 88.5% made up of Expatriate workers among
which most of them are Indians, Bangladeshi, Pakistani and others. So basically there is
a huge potential of GRAB YOUR MEAL among these people as they are mostly from
other countries and are not cooking food at home they just grab a meal and are done.
So basically if the company is being benefitted so are we as we will be providing them
with raw materials to prepare their food.

2. Psychographic Segmentation: so basically when we talk about psychographic

research that we did for this export business we came to know that people that live in
UAE are mostly with a wealthy status and belong to upper class or have came from
areas that are very settled, secondly their daily activities have shown us that they are
extremely busy and they don’t have time to cook food at home and also want healthy
food from restaurants that we are about to work with.
3. Geographic Segmentation: so when it comes to this type of segmentation we
came to know that people around the country are there in uae and everyone wants our
type of food that GRAB YOUR MEAL provides so there is a huge potential in the market
as a lot of diverse population stays there.
4. Behavioral Segmentation: with such a diverse population understanding
consumer behavior was very tough. The emirates have become one of the most hottest
location in which people love to shop that’s because people that live there are big
spenders and don’t care about savings also they will happily spend on these type of
things but UAE shoppers have high expectations and earning their loyalty isn’t easy so
we will take care while sending them everything to make sure we can prove to be best
and we can work with them in longer terms.
While researching about UAE customer we have identified that UAE customers are very
hard to impress firstly they only like to buy one category from one bran and lets
suppose in our case of GRAB YOUR MEAL they don’t want a wide variety of things to be
offered and also there shouldn’t be a lot of variation in it.
Secondly we have to be very careful for supplies as we have to supply on the given time
and there is no chance to get late or getting it early so efficiency is the key to success
also we have to focus on the return process while keeping in mind to do this type of
business. We have to take care that our CRM is highly affective and personalized and we
have to offer best possible experience to the brand.

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