What Is A Computer?

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What is a computer?

Ans) Computer is an electronic calculating device, it will accept input,

process the data as per users instructions and then display the output.
Computer now a days used as a communication device. Using it messages
can be sent to other people, live, chat, discussion can be done.

What are the computer components?

Ans) the basic computer components are
1. User
2. Hard ware
3. Soft ware
Data: -
It is a collection of numbers and alphabets, and other form of data like
pictures and sound etc.

Information: -
After processing the data. Computer will give the data i.e., known as
Collection of numbers and alphabets and arranged in an order is known as

Processing: -
It is defined as the computation done on the data that may be arithmetic or
logical operation done on the data.
Computer needs processing instructions to be given it performing tasks

Command: -
The single instruction is known as command

Program: -
Group of instructions in a sequence order is known as program.
Software: -
Set of instructions stored inside file is known as programme and a set of
programs is known as soft ware.

Operating system software:

An “OS” works as an interface between user and system .it
coordinate among various peripherals of the system and it also supervises
the activites of hard ware and soft ware resources available with the system.
Types of Os:
1. Single user: Designed specifically to serve single user.

2. Multi user Os: specifically designed to serve multi user

Ex: UNIX, Linux

Loading of Os from back up into computers primary memory is
known as “Booting”.
What is memory?
Computer is working an artificial intelligence, which will be in two forms.
1.primary memory.
2.secondary memory.
Primary memory is available in the form of chips.
A computer manufacturer will provide 640kb ram, which will be featured in
the motherboard.
Features of primary memory:
1.volatile in nature.
2.Reading, writing operations are very fast.
3.Internal to system.
4.Very expen sive.
Secondary memory:
All the secondary storage devices considered as secondary memory.
Eg: floppy disc, compact disc, hard disc, magnetic tapes etc.
These storage devices are inserted in drives to carry out reading and writing
Hard disc is not inserted because itself can act as a disc as well as device. It
is fixed inside the CPU
Features of secondary memory:
1.non-volatile in nature.
2.reading, writing operations related with this memory is very slow
3.external to system.
4.less expensive.

What is machine language?

A language which will be under stood only by the system .It is represented
by ‘0’ and ‘1’.
Windows is an operating system, a product of Microsoft Corporation;
USA.It is a graphical user interface (gui), which has been designed to make
our work more interactive and easy.
We can use notepad to create or edit text files.
Notepad opens and saves in text format only.
We can use paint to create, edit, view pictures and
Use it as your desktop background.
To start paint:
WordPad is a text editor for short documents.
You can format documents in word pad with various
Font and paragraph styles.
To start WordPad:
Startàprogramsàaccessoriesàword pad.

Desktop: -A screen which will be displayed once windows is successfully

loaded. This screen contains a taskbar and some icons.

Icons: -Pictorial real representation of software resources.

Folder: - A directory to store files and folders.

Short cut: - It represents a single executable file.

Windows Explorer: - A windows utility which provides the facility for file

Screen saver: -A screen which will be automatically activated once specified

time is elapsed.
Microsoft word: -it is a word processor software developed by Microsoft
cooperation. It is a popular word processor software used for documentation
Advantages of ms word: -
1. spelling and grammar check facility
2. Auto corrections and synonyms facility
3. Graphics and different shapes insertion facilities.
4. Mail merge facilities.

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