Condolence Letter

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Submitted to Fulfill One of the Requirements for the Completion of :

Business English Correspondence Course


M. Rizqy Ramadhan 1911204071

Musarropah 1911204064

Mustika Dian Azis 1911204074

Nur Amalia Putri 1911204026





A. Introduction

While living in a society we have to get connected with people and as

human beings we go through many difficult experiences, some bring us joy
and happiness, some turns prove wrong for us, and some moments make us
sad or hurt us. Condolence is a way to show sympathy and our feelings for
those who have gone through something tough in life.

A condolence letter can be written on a loss financial, property or life,

or any hurt or anything that could bring a bad phase to one’s life. It is a great
way to express our deepest sympathy towards the family of the deceased
person. The letter should be written with simple and short sentences. In
condolence letters, we should use very kind words so that it will give comfort
to the grieving person.

Regardless of the relationship status between the sender and recipient,

it would be best if we write it as opposed to sending a printed letter. Many
people avoid sending condolence letters as they are not able to jot down their
emotions in writing. Condolence also show our feelings and sympathies that
we really care for what others have gone through. A well drafted condolence
letter could bring alleviation to the bereaved. So the letter should demonstrate
love and respect to the one we are writing to.

Chapter 2
A. Body
Condolence letter stand by two words, condolence is expression of
sympathy (Oxford dictionary) and letter is written message sent to somebody
(Oxford dictionary) which make condolence letter is a message sent to
somebody to express sympathy for someone loss.

It's a simple gesture that lets them know that they're in your thoughts.
Condolence letter also known as sympathy letter. Words of condolence or
sympathy cards are meant to acknowledge the passing of someone, show that
their lives touched yours in some way and to offer comfort to the grieving.
That’s it. A sympathy letter filled with sincere words of condolences can be
read and reread at different stages of the grieving period.

Many times these letters offer comfort long after the funeral service
and remind the grieving just how loved they are. What you say in your
sympathy letter is not as important as just sending it. A sympathy letter or
condolence card can be as long or as short as it needs to be to say what you
need to say. Some very effective sympathy letters have been written on the
smallest flower message cards, and others have been pages long.

1. Condolence Letter Guidelines

a) When to write a condolence letter
First of all, try to write and send or deliver your sympathy letter or
note promptly. It's best to do so within the first two weeks following the loss.
If you've passed that time period, by all means, still write your note. Earlier is
better, but your letter might just arrive when your loved one is feeling the
world has moved on without her.
b) Delivery a condolence letter
Funeral or burial services typically occur within this timeframe. If you
will be attending, it's perfectly acceptable to place your condolence letter in
the basket or collection box for sympathy cards if you don't wish to mail it.
These are typically provided at the services.

Besides, because there are many tasks involved immediately following

a death, the recipient might not open the mail promptly anyway.
c) How to write condolence letter
1) Write the letter by hand
Writing the letter by hand is a lot more personal than if you were to
type it or buy a sympathy card from a shop, though you may wish to
buy a card and put the letter inside. The letter can be addressed to a
single bereaved person or to the family as a whole.
2) Keep it short and simple
You don’t have to write a long letter, as long as it is sincere. We all
worry about saying the wrong thing and making the bereaved even
more upset, but showing that you care in just a few simple words is
better than saying nothing at all.
Put yourself in the shoes of the person who is grieving and think about
what you would like to hear in the same situation. Whilst you cannot
take away a person’s pain, they will take comfort knowing that you are
thinking of them during such a difficult time.
3) Express your condolence
Try not to dwell on how the person passed away. Instead,
acknowledge the loss and express your condolences in a sincere and
heartfelt manner.
4) Share a memory
Sharing a fond memory of the deceased may bring a few moments of
happiness to the bereaved. They may find it helpful to hear new stories
about their loved one and that they positively affected the lives of
5) Offer your help and support
If you are able and willing to offer your help and support in the
coming weeks or months, you should include this in the letter. The
person is much more likely to take you up on a specific offer of
assistance, such as doing a weekly shop; but try not to make promises
that you cannot keep.
6) Close the letter with some thoughtful words
When closing the letter, try and think of a few thoughtful words which
show your affection and support for the bereaved.

2. Example of Condolence Letter

Dear Mr. Pranoto,

We here at Good Milk Corporation are sorrowed to hear of the loss

of your son Mr. Sasongko. Please allow me, on behalf of all of us at
Gold energy company to extend our sympathies to you and your

Your son was a valuable asset to this company and I cannot

comprehend that he is not among us anymore. We mourn the loss
along with you and pray for the departed soul.

We are here to help in any way we can and do call us if need be.

With sadness,
Mr. Wicaksono
President and CEO
Gold Energy Company

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