Product Design and Development: Prof. Inderdeep Singh

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Product Design and Development

Prof. Inderdeep Singh

Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Product Life-Cycle (PLC)

▪ Product life cycle (PLC) is the course that a product sales and
profits take over its lifetime

▪ It shows the stages that products go through from development to

decline from the market
Sales and Profits Over the Product’s Lifetime

Development Introduction Growth Maturity Decline
Sales and Profits



Product Design

Need of a New Product Design
▪ Organization’s are required to design the new products for the following reasons:

• To be in business for a long time

• To satisfy unfulfilled needs of the customers

• Too much competition in the existing product line

•The profit margin is on the decline

• The company’s existing product line becomes saturated

and the sale is on the decline
Product Development

New Product Design

▪ Every organization has to design, develop and introduce new

products as a survival and growth strategy.

▪ Product design is conceptualization of an idea about a product and

transformation of the idea into a reality.

▪ To transform the idea into reality a specification about the product is

New Product Design

▪ This specification is prepared by considering different constraints

such as production process, customer expectations, etc.

▪ In product design stage, various aspects of the product are analyzed

▪ Final decision regarding the product is taken on the basis of the


▪ This decision can be any aspect related to the product, e.g.

dimension and tolerances, type of material for each component.
New Product Design

How the Product Design and Manufacturing

Influence the Price, Quality, & Cycle Time?
Lesson 14
Product Design and Development
Design for X (DFX)
Dr. Inderdeep Singh
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Source : Product Design and Development, Fifth Edition by Karl T. Ulrich and Steven D. Eppinger 11
Design for Excellence (DFX)
• Design for Excellence or DFX is a systematic design approach that entails
wide range of guidelines and standards focused on optimizing the product
realization lifecycle.

• In reality, the term DFX is better thought of as Design for “X” where the
variable X is interchangeable with one of many values depending on the
particular objectives of the venture.
Design for Excellence (DFX) cont..

These guideline ensures the issues related to manufacturing, cost, quality,

assembly and serviceability are addressed at the design stage.

If these guidelines are not adhered during the design stage, it can lead to
engineering changes occurring at later stages of product lifecycle which are
highly expensive and can cause product delays and cost over-runs.
Some of the most common
substitutes for X includes:

• Design for Manufacturing

•Design for Assembly
•Design for Manufacturing
•Design for Production
• Design for Assembly (DFA) •Design for Cost
•Design for Service
•Design for Safety
•Design for Manufacturing and Assembly
• Design for Manufacturability •Design for Reliability
and Assembly (DFMA)

• Design for Production

Design for Manufacturing

“DFM is the method of design for ease of manufacturing of the collection
of parts that will form the product after assembly”

“Optimization of the manufacturing process”

Design for Manufacturing cont..

• Design for manufacturing (DFM) is a development practice, emphasizing

manufacturing issues throughout the product development process.

• Successful DFM results in lower production cost without sacrificing

product quality.
Estimate the Manufacturing Costs

Source: Ulrich, K. & Eppinger, S. (2000). Product Design and Development. Boston, MA: Irwin McGraw-Hill.
Elements of the Manufacturing Cost of a Product
Manufacturing Cost of a Product
• Component Costs (parts of the product)
✔ Parts purchased from supplier
✔ Custom parts made in the manufacturer’s own plant or by suppliers according to the
manufacturer’s design specifications

• Assembly Costs (labor, equipment, & tooling)

• Overhead Costs (all other costs)

✔ Support Costs (material handling, quality assurance, purchasing, shipping, receiving,
facilities, etc.)
✔ Indirect Allocations (not directly linked to a particular product but must be paid for to
be in business)
Fixed Costs vs. Variable Costs

• Fixed Costs: incurred in a predetermined amount, regardless of number of

units produced (i.e. setting up the factory work area or cost of an injection
molding machine)

• Variable Costs: incurred in direct proportion to the number of units

produced (i.e. cost of raw materials)
DFM Method

Ulrich, K. & Eppinger, S. (2000). Product Design and Development. Boston, MA:
Irwin McGraw-Hill.
DFM Method

• Estimate the manufacturing costs.

• Reduce the costs of components.
• Reduce the costs of assembly.
• Reduce the costs of supporting production.
• Consider the impact of DFM decisions on other factors.
• In a sheet-metal design, specifying hole sizes, locations, and their alignment is critical.
• It is always better to specify hole diameters that are greater than the sheet’s thickness (T).
• Spacing between holes also matters. It should be at least two times the sheet thickness (2T),
if not more.
• Distance between holes ensures strength of the metal and prevents holes from deforming
during the bending or forming processes.

Design for Assembly
Design for Assembly

DFA is the method of design of the product for ease of assembly.

“Optimization of the part/system assembly”

Design for Assembly cont..

• DFA is a tool used to assist the design teams in the design of products that
will transition to production at a minimum cost, focusing on the number of
parts, handling and ease of assembly.

Design for Assembly Principles
• Minimize part count
• Design parts with self-locating features
• Design parts with self-fastening features
• Minimize reorientation of parts during assembly
• Design parts for retrieval, handling, & insertion
• Emphasize ‘Top-Down’ assemblies
• Standardize parts…minimum use of fasteners.
• Encourage modular design
• Design for a base part to locate other components
• Design for component symmetry for insertion
Example 1

• Original design for a thermal

gunsight reticle in a US tank,
made by Texas Instruments,

• There are a large number of


Source: Boothroyd, Dewhurst and Knight (1994)

• Redesigned thermal gunsight reticle:
simpler to assemble, and less to go

Source: Boothroyd, Dewhurst and Knight (1994)

Measuring Improvement

Original Redesign Improvement

Assembly time (h) 2.15 0.33 84.7%

Number of different parts 24 8 66.7%

Total number of parts 47 12 74.5%

Total number of operations 58 13 77.6%

Metal fabrication time (h) 12.63 3.65 71.1%

Weight (lb) 0.48 0.26 45.8%

Example 2

• Redesign of
motor drive
design for
Cost of Assembly Vs Cost of Part Manufacture
Saving Total Saving

Assembly Saving

Part Manufacture
Optimum Saving (DFM)

Part Count Reduction

Design for Environment
Inderdeep Singh
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Adapted for Online Conference, GNE Ludhiana, September, 19, 2020

Source : Product Design and Development, Fifth Edition by Karl T. Ulrich and Steven D. Eppinger 33
Design for Environment
▪ Design for Environment (DFE) is a method to minimize or
eliminate environmental impacts of a product over its life cycle.
▪ Effective DFE practice maintains or improves product quality
and cost while reducing environmental impacts.
▪ DFE expands the traditional manufacturer’s focus on the
production and distribution of its products to a closed-loop life
Product Life Cycle

Materials Production

Disposal Distribution

Life Cycle
▪ Life cycle thinking is the basis of Design for Environment.
▪ The product lifecycle begins with the extraction and processing
of raw materials from natural resources, followed by
production, distribution and use of the product.
▪ At the end of the product’s useful life there are several
recovery options – remanufacturing or reuse of components,
recycling of materials, or disposal through incineration or
deposit in a landfill.


Materials Production
Resources Post-consumer
Recycling Remanufacturing

Natural “Bio” “Product”
Life Cycle Life Cycle Distribution
Decay Recovery

Deposit Use
▪ The natural life cycle represents the growth and decay of
organic materials in a continuous loop.

▪ The two life cycles intersect, with the use of natural materials
in industrial products and with the reintegration of organic
materials back into the natural cycle.

▪ Product life cycles take place over a few months or years while
the natural cycle spans a wider range of time periods.

Natural Lifecycle and Product Lifecycle
Resources Post-industrial

Materials Production
Resources Resources

Natural Post-consumer
“Biological” Recycling Product
Life Cycle “Industrial” Distribution
Recovery Life Cycle
Organics Reuse

Source : Product Design and Development, Fifth Edition by Karl T. Ulrich and Steven D. Eppinger
Conditions for Sustainability
▪ Eliminate use of non-renewable natural resources (including
non-renewable sources of energy).
▪ Eliminate disposal of synthetic and inorganic materials that do
not decay quickly.
▪ Eliminate creation of toxic wastes that are not part of natural
life cycles.

Environmental Impacts
Every product may have a number of environmental impacts over
its life cycle. The following list explains environmental impacts
deriving from the manufacturing sector:
▪ Global warming

▪ Resource depletion
▪ Solid waste

Environmental Impacts
▪ Water pollution
▪ Air pollution
▪ Land Degradation
▪ Biodiversity
▪ Ozone deletion

Design for Environment Process
Effective implementation of Design for Environment includes
activites throughout the product development process.
Steps of the DFE process are:
1. Set DFE Agenda.
2. Identify Potential Environmental Impacts.
3. Select DFE guidelines.
4. Apply DFE Guidelines to initial Designs.

Design for Environment Process
5. Assess Environmental Impacts.
6. Refine Design.
7. Reflects on DFE Process and Results.

Despite the linear presentation of the steps, product development

teams will likely repeat some steps several times, making DFE an
iterative process.

Product 1. Set DFE Agenda

2. Identify Potential
Environmental Impacts
Development 3. Select Material and DFE
Activities throughout the
System-Level 4. Apply DFE Guidelines to
Initial Designs
product development process
5. Assess Environmental
6. Refine Design
Design Compare to
DFE Goals N

Process 7. Reflect on DFE Process
Improvement and Results
Step 1 : Set the DFE Agenda: Drivers, Goals, and
The DFE process begins as early as the product planning phase
with setting the DFE agenda. This step consists of three activities:
▪ Identifying the internal and external drivers of DFE.
▪ Setting the environmental goals for the product.
▪ Setting up the DFE team.
By setting this, the organization identifies a clear and actionable
path toward environmentally friendly product design.

Step 2 : Identify Potential Environmental Impacts
▪ This enables the product development team to consider
environmental impacts at the concept stage even though little
or no specific data are yet available for the actual product and a
detailed environmental impact assessment is not yet possible.

▪ The chart shown below is an adaptation of the LiDs Wheel
and the EcoDesign Web.
▪ To create this chart, the team asks, “What are the significant
sources of potential environment impact in each life cycle


Life Cycle

Step 3 : Select DFE Guidelines

▪ Each lifecycle stage has its own DFE guidelines that provide
product development teams with instructions on how to reduce
the environmental impacts of a product.
▪ Many guidelines related to Selection of Materials. This shows
the central role of materials in DFE.

Life Cycle Design for Environment Guidelines
Materials ▪ Sustainability ▪ Specify renewable and
of resources abundant resources.
▪ Specify recyclable and /or
recycled materials.
▪ Specify renewable forms of
▪ Healthy ▪ Specify nonhazardous
inputs and materials.
outputs ▪ Install protection against
release of pollutants and
Life Cycle Design for Environment Guidelines
Production ▪ Minimal use ▪ Employ as few manufacturing
of resources steps as possible.
in production. ▪ Specify materials that do not
require surface treatments or
▪ Minimize the number of
Distribution ▪ Minimal use ▪ Minimize packaging.
of resources ▪ Use recyclable and/or reusable
in packaging materials.
▪ Employ folding, nesting, or
Life Cycle Design for Environment Guidelines
Use ▪ Efficiency of ▪ Employ as few manufacturing
resources steps as possible.
during use. ▪ Specify materials that do not
require surface treatments or
▪ Minimize the number of
▪ Appropriate ▪ Consider aesthetics and
durability functionality to ensure the
aesthetic life is equal to the
technical life.
Life Cycle Design for Environment Guidelines
Recovery ▪ Disassembly, ▪ Ensure that joints and fasteners
separation, are easily accessible.
and ▪ Specify joints and fasteners so
purification that they are separable by hand
or with common tools.
▪ Ensure that incompatible
materials are easily separated.

Step 4 : Apply the DFE Guidelines to the
Initial Product Design.
Step 5 : Assess to Environmental Impacts.
▪ The next step is to assess, to the extent possible, the
environmental impacts of the product over its entire life cycle.
▪ To do so with precision requires a detailed understanding of
how the product is to be produced, distributed, used over its
lifetime, and recycled or disposed at the end of its useful life.

Step 6 : Refine the Product Design to Reduce or
Eliminate the Environmental Impacts
▪ The objective of this step and subsequent DFE iterations is to
reduce or eliminate any significant environmental impacts
through redesign.
▪ The process repeats until the environmental impacts have been
reduced to an acceptable level and the environmental
performance fits the DFE goals.
▪ Redesign for ongoing improvement of DFE may also continue
after production begins.
Step 7 : Reflect on the DFE Process and Results
▪ With every aspect of the product development process, the
final activity is to ask:
▪ How well did we execute the DFE process?
▪ How can our DFE process be improved?
▪ What DFE improvements can be made on derivative and future


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