Cyber Security Digital Assignment-1: Submitted By: Satkar Acharya (19bce2521)

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1. Is it technically possible to have elections on the internet? How?

What sort of infrastructure would be needed for this?
Depending on the particular implementation, e-voting may use standalone
electronic voting machines or computers connected to the Internet. It may
encompass a range of Internet services, from basic transmission of tabulated
results to full-function online voting through common connectable household
devices. The degree of automation may be limited to marking a paper ballot, or
may be a comprehensive system of vote input, vote recording, data encryption
and transmission to servers, and consolidation and tabulation of election results.

2. What would be the main concerns in such a virtual elections?


There are many concerns we will face if elections are done through internet main
concern is, all the data may be manipulated by external hackers and the no. of
votes varies from one party to another

3. What would be use of blind digital Signature and block chain

technology in Virtual elections?

The use of blockchain and blind digital signatures is to verify the authenticity and provide the
highest degree of security and encryption to the vote/voter data. The fact that the blockchain
technology has demonstrated almost infinite immutability and high resistance against hacking, lends
credit to employ it in securing election data from fraud by saving every single piece of data, record or
transaction with unchangeable history.

We can use blockchain in this scenario in order to prevent election forgery and ease the voting
process for citizens

We can use blind digital signature in this to maintain vote/voter privacy in order to safeguard voter
eligibility validation against manipulation and forgery.

4. What are the counter measures to resist the DDOS attacks on

Virtual elections?

 DDOS attacks interrupts and makes the access slower to the systems. This attack can disrupt the
casting of votes, electronic audit etc of the system. It causes delay in voting. The DDOS attacks are
increasing significantly from last few years. There are some recommendations for DDOS protection
namely Hybrid DDOS protection, Behavioural protection, Real time signature, Emergency response
plan but first of all we need to implement DDOS protection solution by four needs namely:
 Efficiency: Efficiency means that the system should be very fast and should absorb
increasing attacks.
 Accuracy: Accuracy means to ensure prevention from attack.
 Coverage: To cover all types of attacks on every infrastructure types.
 Performance: The Latency should be optimal.

These four parameters are very important to ensure the protection from DDOS attacks but even if the
attack occurs than the given four steps should be followed quickly:

 Detect: The Detection of attack on time is very important. Instantaneous detection should be

 Divert: The Traffic should be routed again and away from the attack via Domain name
 Filter: Now filter the malicious data and give access only to legitimate traffic.
 Analyze: Now gather information about the attack. The information which is collected can be
used for future use.

5. As an administrator of Virtual elections, what are the security

policies will you recommend?

• The most crucial security policy is the voter's and his or her vote's confidentiality. Except
for the voter, no one should know who voted for which candidate.

• Second, we need to put in place a policy to ensure that votes are genuine. We are unable
to accept a vote just because it has arrived on our server. We must verify that the vote is
genuine and not a computer-generated vote.

• We also need a policy that allows voters to verify that the election was conducted fairly
and that their votes were counted. E-voting may use freestanding electronic voting
machines or computers connected to the Internet, depending on the implementation. It
could refer to a variety of Internet services, ranging from simple transmission of tabulated
results to full-featured online voting using commonly available household devices. The
degree of automation can range from just marking a paper ballot to a sophisticated system
that includes vote input, vote recording, data encryption and transmission to servers, as well
as election result aggregation and tabulation.

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