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Table of contents

Task 1: Question and Answers.....................................................................................................................3

1. Explain open platform programming.......................................................................................................3
2. Three principles of open platform programming.................................................................................3
3. Difference between a client side scripting and server side scripting...................................................4
4. Explain: Events and event handlers, internet operations, internet protocols, SGML and associated
5. List of three security restrictions on server, how security restrictions can be established and how
hackers can exploit the vulnerabilities?...................................................................................................5
6. Sequence of events for “request message” in the hypertext transfer protocol..................................5
7. Discussion on three advantages of the document based on SGML.....................................................6
8. The standards associated with programming documentation............................................................6
Task 2: Project proposal..............................................................................................................................7
Assessment activity B................................................................................................................................13
Assessment activity C................................................................................................................................13

Task 1: Question and Answers

1. Explain open platform programming

A platform is explained as anything that can be used to work or build and in the case of
software platforms; the platform provides a set of services that can provide effective user
experiences. The software platform is collects the open platform programming where the
software platform specifies and interfaces with the present applications on the top of the
platform. The guidelines mentioned for using these platforms are present inside the open API
and they are well documented and available for the application developers. The open platform
programming is the platform with open standards and the main example of open platform
programming is the internet. For instance, the forecast received from the national weather
service is going to the Weather.Gov. but the NWS will also provide the web service which is
known as the application programming interface. This application is known as the API which
enables the data on the information system for automatically accessing the information
systems. The NWS API helps in enabling the developers for building the industry wide
applications for connecting with Weather.gov for providing the public weather updates to the
rainbow chasers, photographers, skiiers, etc.

2. Three principles of open platform programming

Each programming platform needs to follow a set of principles that are followed by the
developer. In the case of open platform programming the three principles are present in the
form of open standards based, the sharing of the common information models and the
supporting of the portable models. Along with these three main principles, the open platform
programming also adopts the principles of open APIs and DevOps. These principles are present
in the development of the open platform programming. The Apperate foundation is the open
platform that adheres to the principles of open standards based on the shared and common
level of information models that are supporting the application portability. These principles are
associated with the open platform programming and they need to be adopted by the
developers when they are developing the applications or the websites that need to be run on
the open platform programming.

3. Difference between a client side scripting and server side scripting

The difference present between a client side scripting and the server side scripting is explained
as the processes used by both the systems. The processing of the client side scripting is present
on the side of the end user computers. The language for the scripting is enabled by the client
using the computer. On the other hand the server side scripting has an access to all the files
that are present inside the web server. The client side scripting has no access and this is why

there is a difference between the client side scripting and the server side scripting. The client
side scripting is used for the page navigation, formatting and the for the validation of the data.
The client side scripting is used rapidly in the information systems and the result of using the
client side scripting is the speed because the client side scripting is easy to use and it requires
less work from the side of the developer and the server. On the other hand the server side
scripting is explained as the back end activities that happen on the website. The user has no
access to these activities or the user cannot control or view these activities because they are
happening at the back end of the website. The server side scripting generates and creates the
path through which the website and the data base used behind the scene work are used. This is
how the server side scripting is different from the client side scripting. In the server side
scripting the responses are customised and they are based on the individual level of
requirement presented by the user. The client side and the server side is the web development
terms that is described for the application code runs. The web developers refer to the
distinction that is fronted and backend with the client side and the server side and the fronted
and the back ended. The main difference between the client side and the server side the open
end information and the information present on the back of the website.

4. Explain: Events and event handlers, internet operations, internet protocols, SGML and
associated standards
The events, event handlers, internet operations, internet protocols, SGML and the associated
standards are set of procedures that are used by the developers when they are developing the
open side programming. The events and event handlers are explained as the activities that are
conducted for managing certain aspects. The internet operations are used for developing
certain internet based activities. The internet operations consists of the AS elements that
consists of a group of elements including the routers, the exchange in the information and the
routing protocol. The AS is explained as the set of routers and networks that are managed by
the organisation. The internet operations in the terms of failure can impact on the entire
system because they help in connecting the different servers and application under a single
network. The internet protocol is explained as the set of rules or principles that are used for
routing and addressing the packets of data that can be travelled in different networks and can
be arrived in the correct level of destination. The data traversing on the internet is also divided
into small pieces that are called the packets. The IP information is connected with each packet
and this information helps the routers for sending the packets on their connected places. The
device and the domain connected with the internet is assigned with the IP address and the
packets are directly connected with the IP address that is attached and the data arrives
whenever it is required. The SGML and associated standards are present for developing the
software based applications. SGML is explained as the standard generalised mark-up language
which is used for specifying the document mark-up language for tagging different sets. The
specification itself is the document type definition and SGML is a document.

5. List of three security restrictions on server, how security restrictions can be established and
how hackers can exploit the vulnerabilities?
The list of three security restrictions present on the server is explained as the restrictions on the
domain. The DIBS recommend that the restrictions are present in the form of security
management, Debi Tech defender restrictions and server restrictions. The security restrictions
present while developing the web servers and the applications are based on the security based
requirements. The chief security officer has the duty of adapting to the security restrictions for
the server and it is properly managed and protected network for the firewalls and the firewalls
help in enabling the systems for protecting the network and for controlling the internet traffic
for coming inside where the vulnerability can be increased for the operational systems. The
principle and restriction of using a closed ended fire wall system is very high and it needs to be
established by the company when they are developing their server. The network and the
firewalls need to be protected and they can be controlled by the manager in terms of
controlling the traffic. The hackers use the vulnerability of the systems when the systems are
weak and the security restrictions are not fulfilled. The security restrictions need to be followed
in order to manage and control the vulnerabilities inside the system. These security restrictions
need to be followed by the developers for improving the security of the web server so the
hackers cannot damage the system.

6. Sequence of events for “request message” in the hypertext transfer protocol

The hypertext transfer protocol is explained as the session layer protocol for distributing,
collaborating and for hypermedia information systems. The event source interface is explained
as the web content which is connected with the interface of the server with the server based
events. The event source is the instance that opens up with the persistent connection with the
HTTP server which will send the texts to the users in the event-stream format. The request
message is explained as the message received from the client to the server including the first
line of the messages and the methods applied for managing the resources and for identifying
the resources and the protocol version in usage. The sequence of events that are used for
requesting the message in the hypertext format and also for explaining the transfer protocol is
explained as the language that is used to determine the aspects of business level application.
The system and software level applications present on the server are explained in the context
of request message.

7. Discussion on three advantages of the document based on SGML

The advantages of the document based SGML are present in the form of creativity and the
usage of this creative thinking in the context of analysing the document structure. The
document structure is used in the appearance characteristics that can change over time. The
advantage of the document based SGML is the portability because the SGML can interpret the
document in reference to the document type and its definition present in DTD. The advantage

of getting more security because the language can be changed upon request and the server
restrictions have been met is also associated with document based on SGML. The document
based SGML can help in providing the capability for encoding the full structured wall and the
intellectual content for the document which is non-propriety in connection with the software
environment of the company. The inherently based hierarchical approach is used for setting the
data structure which is mirrored with the information level hierarchies. SGML captures the full
meaning and the structure and content but it also helps in enabling the sophisticated level of
retrieved data and the display in the navigational techniques. SGML helps in improving the
quality, font, colour and structure of the setup and it is also used as the parent language for
tagging and setting the building rules in the HTML for the descriptive tag sets.

8. The standards associated with programming documentation

The software documentation is explained as the written text or the illustration that is
connected with the computer software embedded with the source code. The documentation
explains how the software operates or how it is used determining the different roles in
business. The documentation standards are explained as the software project that are
important and connected with the tangible aspects that represent the software and the
software process. The standardised processes have a consistent level of appearance and the
structure and quality should be easy to understand and read. These standards are associated
with the programing documentation and these standards need to be followed by the
developers when they are working on the software or applications.

Task 2: Project proposal

Purpose: The purpose of this proposal is to develop the guidelines and the aspects of
developing the website. The development of the website on the basis of the requirements
provided and the needs of the clients will be adopted for the development of this proposal. The
purpose of this task is to work on personal achievement, planning of the tasks, work related
activities for the development of the website, the development of effective communication
channels for the website, etc. The purpose of this task is to work on the self-help tools for the
website and for developing useful and relevant level of business aspects. The website
developed by the experts will include the expert section and they will require the home page,
site map, contacts, website development and blogs. These aspects will be included in the
development of the website and they will be included in the project proposal as well.

Working title of the project: The working title of the project explains the topic that will be
written on the top of the proposal and that topic is developed by the experts developing this
project. The working title of the project will be “the development of the website for the
consultancy firm”

Project charter: The project charter is explained as the objective of the project that is included
inside the project charter. The objective of the project is the high level description or the
statement that is the overarching rationale for the corporate level of objective and the business
drivers of the project. The project charter focuses on what the project is going to achieve rather
than what is being produced. The project charter in this project is the main objective of this
project. The main objective of this project is to improve the work related aspects and the
website development plan. The purpose of this task is to work on personal achievement,
planning of the tasks, work related activities for the development of the website, the
development of effective communication channels for the website, etc. The purpose of this task
is to work on the self-help tools for the website and for developing useful and relevant level of
business aspects. The website developed by the experts will include the expert section and they
will require the home page, site map, contacts, website development and blogs. These aspects
will be included in the development of the website and they will be included in the project
proposal as well. The objectives of the project include the development of the website for the
consultancy firm.

Project complexity: The project complexity is explained as the expected complexity present for
the proposed project as well as the outline of how the assessment is being made. The
information given to the stakeholders of the company is included in the project complexity for
discussing about the documents and also the cases. The project complexity is explained as the
challenges faced by the developers while developing the website. The restrictions of the server
and the restrictions faced by the developers while developing the website will be followed. The
restrictions faced by the developers are included in the form of meeting the timeline for the
development of the project. The challenge of meeting the principles associated with the open
end programs are present in the form of challenges faced by the experts. Each programming
platform needs to follow a set of principles that are followed by the developer. In the case of
open platform programming the three principles are present in the form of open standards
based, the sharing of the common information models and the supporting of the portable
models. Along with these three main principles, the open platform programming also adopts
the principles of open APIs and DevOps. These principles are present in the development of the
open platform programming. These principles need to be adopted by the individuals when they
are developing the website.

Feasibility statement: The feasibility of the project needs to be made in terms of meeting all the
standards that have been discussed in the project proposal. The capacity and the capability of
the deliverables are achieved in the feasibility statement and the discussion is used by the
experts. The feasibility statement explains the aspects discussed in the development of this
project. Here, the feasibility statement explains the resources used for the development of this
project. The development of this project will require the human and the financial resources.

The human resources include the web server and the website development plan because the
experts will develop the website on the basis of the requirements presented by the consultancy
firm. The feasibility statement also explains the importance of this project in terms of fulfilling
the important aspects of this project. The finances are provided by the consultancy firm so it
will not be difficult for the experts to develop the website. The development of the website will
also require some documentation and the fulfilment of certain industry wide protocols and
standards so these standards and protocols should also be managed. Overall, this project is
feasible and it will provide successful and effective outcomes to the individuals.

Consultation: The process of consultation is very important in any project because it requires
details of what the stakeholders require and what the stakeholders have presented in terms of
their understanding of the project and their needs regarding this project. Consultation is very
important because consultation can bring up new ideas and aspects that are often ignored by
the experts when they are designing the project. In this project, the consultation has been
taken from the stakeholders and the stakeholders will be included in the process of decision
making. The table below explains the points that have been discussed during the kick off
meetings with the stakeholders and the overall analysis of the stakeholders.

Kick off meetings Stakeholder analysis

These meetings are conducted by the The stakeholder analysis is the process of
stakeholders who have a direct stake in the analysing the most important stakeholders for
business and understand the importance of the business and to manage these
the business and the project. The importance stakeholders effectively. In the case of the
of the project for the company and the role of present project, the analysis of the
this project in the business are discussed stakeholders is conducted on the basis of
inside the kick off meetings. The kicks off exploring the most potential stakeholders that
meetings are conducted by the managers of need to be included in the decision making
the consultancy firm for understanding their process. The decision making process of the
requirements. The company is planning to company comprises of taking the decisions
develop a virtual experience for their regarding the requirements for developing the
customers so they can have improved level of website, the requirements for testing the
experience and they can design the service business aspects and to include the standards
quality accordingly. Inside the meetings it was set by the industry. The most relevant
discussed that the consultancy firm requires stakeholders that are included in this project
the following elements in their business include the employers, investors, managers,
website: personal achievement, planning of experts, suppliers and customers. These are
the tasks, work related activities for the the most important and relevant stakeholder
development of the website, the development groups that are not only included in the
of effective communication channels for the process of this project but they are also
website, etc. The purpose of this task is to included in the process of developing the

work on the self-help tools for the website and strategies that can be used for this business
for developing useful and relevant level of project. The requirements presented by the
business aspects. The website developed by stakeholders will also be discussed and they
the experts will include the expert section and will be undertaken in the investigation for
they will require the home page, site map, explaining the needs and requirements for this
contacts, website development and blogs. project.

Proposed scope: The scope of the project is explained as the aim and the purpose of this
project exploring the elements that will be required for undertaking investigation on the
project. The proposed scope of the project is the development of a website on the basis of the
provided requirements by the consultancy firm. The consultancy firm has explained some
elements that need to be included in the website development process and these elements can
be helpful in exploring the future level requirements in the business as well. The proposed level
of scope is based on the fulfilment of the business objectives and the needs of the stakeholders
that are associated with this project. The needs of the business will be fulfilled after fulfilling
the business level requirements and objectives.

Scope definition: The scope of the project includes the broad level definitions, the assumptions
and the deliverables that are connected with the project. All these aspects are present and they
are associated with the scope of the project. The consultancy firm has explained some elements
that need to be included in the website development process and these elements can be
helpful in exploring the future level requirements in the business as well. The proposed level of
scope is based on the fulfilment of the business objectives and the needs of the stakeholders
that are associated with this project. The needs of the business will be fulfilled after fulfilling
the business level requirements and objectives. The elements present inside the scope of the
project are explained in the table format below:

Objective The objective of the project is explained in the context of
improving the quality of project and also to develop the
website on the basis of the consultancy provided by the
stakeholders for the consultancy firm. The objective of the
project is to complete all the requirements of the website
provided by the firm and to consult with the relevant
stakeholders about the business level requirements. The
objective of fulfilling the needs of the client and to provide
them with effective level of service quality is also an
important objective of the business.
Outcome The outcomes of this project are present in the form of
successful completion of the website. The outcome of
developing the website after looking at the individual needs

provided by the experts and to abide with the industry laws
and standards. The outcome of making a satisfied client by
providing them what they had asked for and to deliver on the
basis of customer level requirements as well. All these
requirements need to be fulfilled in order to receive success
level of outcomes in the business.
Output The output of any project is present in the form of the
deliverables and the fulfilment of these deliverables inside
the project. The output of this project is positive and the
output needs to be managed in order to satisfy the needs of
the client. The output of this project is present in the form of
successful completion of the website. The output of
developing the website after looking at the individual needs
provided by the experts and to abide with the industry laws
and standards. The output of making a satisfied client by
providing them what they had asked for and to deliver on the
basis of customer level requirements as well. All these
requirements need to be fulfilled in order to receive success
level of outcomes in the business.
Quality criteria The quality criteria used for developing and designing this
project is based on the fulfilment of all the industry wide
standards and laws that are associated with the development
of the website. The external serves used and the open end
programming connections used should fulfil the new laws of
data privacy so these laws are improving the business level
performance and dynamics. Along with these aspects, the
business outcome fulfilment should be present in the areas
of managing the objectives of the client and the fulfilment of
the needs that have been mentioned by the client. The
hackers use the vulnerability of the systems when the
systems are weak and the security restrictions are not
fulfilled. The security restrictions need to be followed in
order to manage and control the vulnerabilities inside the
system. These security restrictions need to be followed by
the developers for improving the security of the web server
so the hackers cannot damage the system.

Assumptions: On the basis of the PMBOK guide the assumptions inside the project are
explained as the planning process that is considered to be true, certain or real and it can be
started without any proof or demonstration. The project assumptions or the events are
expected to occur during the project life cycle phase and these assumptions are an important

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aspect of the project. It is essential that the planning process is recognised and it is recorded
for managing the environment, resource availability and technology related resource
requirements. An assumption is explained as a belief which is not true but can be true. The
action of taking power on the responsibility is also explained as the assumption. The role played
by the manager in developing the assumptions for the proposal are based on the criteria shared
for the project by the client and the already available resources. The resources used for the
fulfilment of this project include the financial and the human resources and the fulfilment of
these resources for developing the website is the main assumption of this project. The main
assumption of this project is explained in the bullet points below:

 The assumption of getting all the financial resources and quality check requirement
approval from the company. The investors should provide enough financial resources
for the completion of this project so the project can receive successful level of
 During the peak season, developers and testers will not be available easily so the team
required for developing the website will not be hired immediately after this proposal
gets approval from the client.
 The team members have the required level of skills and resources for the completion of
the project. The completion of the project requires evident level of resources that will
be provided by the client.

Scope of work: The scope of work is explained as the processes that need to be adopted by the
managers for fulfilling the main activities designed for the project. The scope of this project is
explained in the table below:

The part present Responsibility Not a part of the Responsibility Unresolved or

inside the scope scope (outside of uncertain
(Inside the the scope)
The part present The Understanding Looking at the The scope details
inside the scope responsibility of the needs of the specific set of have been
is the the experts for customers. requirements discussed with
development of developing the presented by the the stakeholders
the website. website on the stakeholders in associated with
basis of the the meetings. this project and
requirements they have
presented by the detailed about
managers. the project
elements in
The The Understanding Looking at the No uncertainty is

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development of responsibility of the needs of the specific set of present.
the website after the experts for local community requirements
looking clearly at developing the members that presented by the
the website on the are associated stakeholders in
requirements basis of the with the the meetings.
given by the requirements consultancy firm.
consultancy firm. presented by the

Work break down structure:

Assessment activity B
The development of the activity was part of this project and this activity was performed in
order to develop the website for the consultancy firm. The website has been developed after
looking at the requirements presented by the consultancy firm.

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Assessment activity C
The tests conducted for checking the website include the tests of usability testing, functionality
testing, interface testing, performance testing and security testing.

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