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Polynomials And Polynomials Equation 135

- -

polynomial 8
1Find the degree ofthe 2 IC.B.17|
2x"+ Sx 9 =0
by the formula.
Solve the equation

Di. B. '17
C of the roots of the equation x* 5x +c =0 is 4, then

determine the value of c as well as the other

root of the equation.

What is the discriminant ofequation x* + bx +c = 0?
4 ICh. B. '17
5. Determine the nature of the roots of the equation ax + bx + c = 0.
D. B.'171
6. Determine the nature of the roots of the equation 4x* +2x - 1 = 0.
B. B.'19
7 Determine the nature of the roots
ofthe equation x+x+ 1 0. =
Di. B. '19]1
8. Determine the nature of the roots ofthe equation 6x* - 5x - I =0
R. B. '17
9 lfp q=1 then determine the nature of the roots of the equation + D. J. S. Di.'18|
PX qg
10. Determinethe nature of the roots of the following equations (i) 2x*- 3x - 2 0. (ii) 2x +6x +5 0.
(ii)3x+2x -7 0.

11. Ifa, b. real, then the roots of x (a + b)x + ab c 0 will be real. If the roots are
c are -

equal, then
- =

what is your observation about the values of a, b, c?

C.B. '14
12. If a. b are real, then show that the roots
of the equation 2bxs+2(a + b) x+ 3a= 2b will be real.
lCh.B. '10: S.B. "06: R.B. 04
Provethat, the roots ofthe equation (x a) (x b) +(x b) (x c)+(x -

c) (x -

a) =
0 will be always
B.B. 13
14. Show that, the roots of the equation =0 will be real for all the real value of k.
p and q are rational then show that, the roots of the equation (p[ - q)x* + 2 (p* + q)x +p-q = 0
will be rational.
a, b, c are rational and a +b + c 0 then show that, the roots of the equation
(DC-a)x (¢ +a -b)x + (a +b c) 0 will
+ - =
be rational. [D.B. 12: B.B. 021
W thnat, if b = p then the roots of equation x - 2bx + (2b - 2pb + p) = 0 are never real, when b
and p are real numbers.
a t , if a = b then the roots of the equation 2 x - 2 ( a + b ) x + a + bs =0 will not be real.

R.B. 15, '04: S.B. '14, '06: K.B. '14: J.B. '10, '04: D.B. '00, '01
Show that, the
roots of the = 0 always will be real but the roots could
equation a
20. 1f bot be qual without satisfying the condition of a =b= c. IB.B., R.B. '131

E roots of a'x+ 6abx + ac + 8b =

0 are equal, then prove that both the roots or nC
I. 1 J.B. 09; R.B. 02
4b x will be also equal.
that a-algebraic
b= c.yuation (x a) (x b) (x b) (x c) + (x c) (x a) is a perfect square then prove

- -

[K.B. '15; R.B. '13]

Show that,
the a
agebraic expression (h?-a)x-2hkx+ k- b will be a perfect square when
(S.B 10, 'o4
What will be the value of m,whenthe roots of(m -

1) x -

(m+2) x+4 0 are equal? R. B.'19

24. Ifroots ofx* - 2mx + 8m-15 0 are real and equal the find out m?
25. What will be the value ofk, when the roots of (3k + 1)x* (k + 11)x + -

9 =
0 are complex numberS? J.B.'19
26. What
UET 11-12
will be the value ofk when the roots
of equation (k 1)x - -

(k +2)x + 4 0 real and

are eaan
D.B, Di.B. 13: c.B. 12, 01; J.B. '12; R.B. 08 B.B
27. What will be the value of k when the roots of the equation (4 k)x* + (2k + 4)x + (8k +
1) =
0 are
equal? RUET 12-1
28. What will be the value of k when the roots
of the equation (3k 1)x + +(11 +
k)x +9 =
0 are (i) equal
Gi) real and unequal (ii) complex?
29. What is the value of k when the algebraic expression (k + 1)x + 2(k +3)x + 2k +3 is a perfect square)
[KUET' 09-10; BIT '01-02; KB.'06
30. If one of the roots of the
equation 3x -

kx + 4 =
0 is three times of other then find the vaBue of k.

31. Find the value of k that the two roots of the DB.'14-15
equation (k -

3)x* + 3kx
(3k 1) + +
reciprocal of
0 are
each other?
CHUET 10-11: BUET04-05; C.B.10: B.B:01
32. a and b are real numbers and if one
of the roots of the equation 2bx* +
2(a + b)x +3a= 2b is double of
the other root then prove that, a= 2b or 4a 11b.
ICh.B. 16, 10: S.B. 06: R.B. 04: D.B. 011
33. If one of the roots of the equation (a -

b c)x* + ax + b+c=0 is double of other root,

then show that, b +c=or
34. If the ratio of the two roots of ax
bx +c =0 are 3: 4, then prove that 12b=
49ac.IButex "04-05: Ch.B. 111
35. If the ratio of the two roots of the
equation px* +
qx + q= 0 are m : n, then show
that. -
RUET '08-09: Di.B, S.B. '15, '12: Ch.B. '15, '09: R.B.
'14, '10, "07, '02: J.B. '14; M.B. 11, 08, 04; B.B 09, 03; D.B. 08
36. If the ratio of the two roots of the equation ax + bx + c =0 are r, then show that, -2ac
CHUET 05-06: C.B. 08: S.B. 0
37. If the ratio of the two roots of the equation ax + bx +c=0 are equal to the ratio of the two roots of tne
equation ajx + bjx+C = 0, then show that,
b ac J.B. '03
38. bx +c=0
If the roots of equation ax + are a, B and the roots ofequation bx? + cx + a=0 arey,8,the
find out condition,= BUET '18-19

39. Ifthe difference ofthe roots ofthe equation x' + (-1)" px +q 0 are 1 then prove that,
Ch. B.
(p +4q)=(1 +29), where, n 2. R. C.
40. Ifthe roots ofthe equation x* - px + q =0 are consecutive integerthen prove that, p - 4q-1
LDi.B. 16, 14, '11: B.B. 16,08; R.B13, 06; c.B. '10% D.B. 07, 02: Ch.B. 05: C.5,

41. Ifthe difference of two roots of the equation+ are r then express p with the help of qa
-X B.
[AII Board.'18; Di.B. '14, 11: J.B. '14, 02; Ch.B. '11R.B. 09, 04: D.B. 09: S.B.08,04
Polynomials And Poiynomials Equation
If one
f the roots of the equation
of the ax+ bx * c =0 is
equal to the
square of another
42 er oot then prov
ac +ac +b° 3abc.

=a(c b)

J.B. 16: D.B. 091

ii. c(a-b)"
Ethe roots of the equation x" B.B. 07:
pX +
q=0 iS equal to the
square of another root then Ch.8. 021
p-5p- )+q* =0. show shthat.
tof the equation 27x* +6x (p + 2) =0 or, 9x* + 2x B.B. 051
- (p +
2) =
0 is equal to the sauare of
it's another root then determine the value of p. CHUET 08-09: BUET 03-04; Ch.B:19
'11, 07: D.B. 19, 06
B.B. 14, 09: J. B. '13,
'09; R.B. 12 S.B. 111
If the two roots of ax* + bx +C =0 are a and B, then find the value of the
follows symmetric functions as

i a+p ii. a+B

i. V.
a B+ aß vi. + a ß

vii. a+a'p? p* +
ix. (aa +b) +
(aß +b)* D. B. '171

46. If the roots of the equation px + qx + r= 0 are a and ß then the equation whose roots are and
47. R.B.17
If roots of 8x* -

6x +1 =
0 are a and b. Find the equation whose roots are a +and bt Ch. B. '191

48. Two roots

of the equation x + bx + c =
0 are a and B. Determine such equation whose roots are a

and B

wo roots of the equation x - 5x +3 =0 are a and B. Find the equation whose roots are and

J. B. 171
0 s of x+ px +q 0, p, q 0 are u and v. Then provethat, theequation qw pxI =0
whose roots areand J. B. '191
51. Find the
equatO whose rOots are two sum and absolute value of difference of the root of the equalion

Di. B. '19

such equa and difference or the two

W n o s e tw0 roots are equal to the positive values of sum
00s of the equation x -2ax+ a - b = 0; where b> 0.
whose roots are a two
roots of 2x 8x 7 =0 are a, B then determine the equation

and p+a
54 If the two roots of ax + bx +C = 0 are a and B, then determine the equations whose two ro0td dre as

a-1,B-1 ii. a a , B B i 4-4a
B.5. 12

Secou Fapu
. If the two roots of x + px +g = 0 are a, B then determine the equation whose roots are (a B)}

(a +B the roots of
+a- b<) =0 are a and Bthen prove that,
If the two roots of x*+
6. ax 4a

R.B. 02
B and a p. a +

x+(a t b)x t ab 0 will be

roots of equation
to the sum and product ofthe
Determine the equation whose
roots will be equal
S1. Ch.B. 02
17x-3x+14 =0. value of the two roots of
bx + a =0 are equal of the reciprocal
that, the two roots ofcx
8 . Show

ax+bx+ c=0. whose two roots are aa + b and

59. If the two roots ofax + bx -

a =
0 are a and B, then form the equation
[D.B. '05
aß +b. then form the
0 (4 2a) and (4 2p),
8q+ r) are

60. If the two roots of px* 8(q -p)x 4(4p + + -

equation whose roots are roots of a, B. +

61. Ifthe tworoots oftheequation x
+ px +q=0 are a and B
and two roots of equation 2x
are a+4 and B+ 4 then determine the value of p and q.
+ 2bx +c 0 are a and Band the two roots of Ax +2Bx + C =0 are (a +8)
of ax

62. Ifthe two roots

and (B+8) then provethat, a c

whose roots are a" and p".
63. a and ß are the roots the equation x* bx - b=0. Find the equation

RUET 18-19

3x +5=0 are a oots are

and ß then form the equation whose two roots are and
64. If the two roots of 2x* +
KUET 05-06

+q=0 are oa and B, then form the equation whose

roots are and
65. Ifthe two roots of x* px

P-a P-B
KUET 07-081
Explain why the required and given equations are

66. If the two roots of x* + 2bx +c=0 are a and B, then form the equation whose roots are a and B.
KUET 06-07

67. If the two roots of 7x - 5x -3 =0 area and B, then form the equation whose two roots are+ and

KUET 04-05

68. If a t VB are the roots of x* + px +q=0 then show that, the two roots of (p-4q) (p°x+ 4px) - 16q=

ICHUET 07-081
will bea
D. B. '19
quadratic equation whose one roots is (2 2y3i)
69. Find a
root is 2 +y3 i.
70. Determine the quadratic equation whose one
71. If one root of a quadratic equation formed
with real coefficient is 3 +2i then determine the equation.
Polynomials And Polynomials Equation 139

whose one root is SUST. '07-081

equation with rational coefficient

72 Form a quadratic

such a quadratic equation whose roots are 5, -3.

13, Form

quadratic equation with rational coefficient whose one

root is(5+V2).
14, Form a

a quadratic equation with rational coefficient whose one root is -4 +-3.

75. Form IRUET 04-05|
1. Prove that z z - 2.
ofthe equation r(1 r)

the complex roots

76. Z and z2

+ bx +c=0 are a, B then express the roots of cx* -

2bx + 4a =
0 using a, p.
17. Ifthe two roots of ax" 06: c.B. 05: C.B. 021
R.B. 11: Di.B. 10: J.B. 07, 05: Ch.B.

0 B then express the roots of the equation

78. If the two roots of the equation px +
qx r =
are a,

+ 4 q x + 16p = 0 in terms of a and B. R. B. '19|

bx 0 and ß then express the roots of the equation

79. If the two roots of the equation ax
+ c are a

ac(x+1)-(b'- 2ac)x =0 in terms of a, B. RUET 12-13: Ch.B. 13, 09: C.B:13: c.B. 03: S.B. 02)

80. If the two roots of the equation x + bx +

c =
0 are a. B then express the roots of the equation
(x+ 1)- (6 - 2c) x = 0 in terms of a,B ICh. B. '17

81. For which condition ajx* + bjx + C = 0 and ax* + bx + C =0 have a common root? ICh.B. 03
82. If the equations ax + bx + c = 0 and cx* + bx + a = 0 have a common root then show that, c + a =tb
Ch.B. 08: J.B.021
83. Ifthe equations rx -2nx + 4m=0 and mx + nx r=0 have a common root, then show that

|D. B. '19
(2m-r+2n 0 or 2m +r= 0.
84. If x + kx - 6k = 0 and x* - 2x- k = 0 have a common root then find the value of k.

KUET 08-09; S.B. '13: D.B. '12, "00; R.B.07,01: B.B.07; Ch.B.01|
85. If the roots of t h e equation x - bx + c = 0 and x' - C x + b = 0 differ only by a constant then prove that,

b+c+4=0. J.B. '13, 08: S.B.C.B.12, 09: D.B. 10: c.B. 06: B.B. 04: Ch.B. 01|
86. Ifone root ofthe equation ax + bx + c = 0 are the double of the one root of the equation cxs +bx + a = 0

then show that, 2a = c or, (2a+ c) = 2b .B11, 06: D.B B.B 11, 03: c.B. '11: S.B. 07, 01: C.B. "05; R.B. '00)

1. lfa root
of equations fx) =
ax*+ bx+c and g(y) cx* + bx + =
a. f(x) 0 is twice of a root of equation

g) =0 then show that 2a =

cor (2a + c 2b. =
the equations x'+ px +q =0 and x + qx + p=0 have one common rootthen show that, it's other
wO roots will be equal to the roots of equation x +X+ pq=0. Di.B. 12 BB. 11]
Xbx + ac = 0 and x +cx + ab = 0 have one common root then prove that. a+b+c=0; Again

prove that x + ax + bc =
0 will be satisfied by their other two roots.

then prove
that, the equations x+ px +qr= 0, x* qx +rp =0 and x +x+ pq= 0 +

common root in each

91. Ifx+px +9 pair.
9=0 and x +gx+p=0 have a common rootthen determine the root of the equation

92. 2x+(p+q-2)x =(p+ q-2.

Ifax +2cx+b= and ax +2bx +C0 have acomno root then find the value of a +4b +4c.
Ch.B. 03]1

RUET '09-10|
Polynomials And Polynomials Equation 149

theorem that occurred when equation 4x* + 2x +3x -6 is
I. Fir
the remainder applying the remainder
dividedby X- 2x- 3x
rema applying the remainder theorem that occurred when equation 2x* - -

6 is
Find the
2. divided byx+4.
that, x -2b is a factor of equation 2x* 2bx 2bx -4b

theorem show
With the help of factor of the following equation and with the help of that
factorize the related
Find the rational root
enuations. (i)12x° 8x*- 17x +5 =0, (i) 2x -3x+3x -1 =0, (ii)x+2x-9x-2x+8 =0.
IC. B. '19
Ifthe roots of the equation
x' + 2x* + x + 3 =0 are B, y and find value of Eo'.
x'+px* +qx +r=0 are a, B and then determine 2a'. R.B.10, '06; Ch.B.061
A Iftheroots of theequation
Di. B. '191
1 of mx' + nx + qx + r=0 are a, B, y then determine Za.
Ifthe roots
then find the values of
8.Ifthe roots ofthe equation x px* qx-r=0 are a, b, c
+ -

ICh.B. 14; S.B.09; J.B.06; R.B.00|


9. Iftheroots of the equation x' px


+qx -

r are o, Band y then determine o +B + +B+.

and o

10. Iftheroots ofthe equation x' + bx +c =0 are a, Band y then find the value of +P+
B+y Y+a a+B
1. Ifthe roots ofthe equation x + qx +r=0 are a, Band y Then find the values ofthe following expressions:
i. (+) (y +a) (a + B) ii. (-+(7-a +(a -B ICh.B.051
ii. (+y-a)(y+a-B)(a +B-y)M.B.06 iv.
a+B a+B-Y B+y-a y+a-B
Iftheroots of the equation x+ qx +r=0 are oa, B, y then show that, (B -= =
ITextile '02-03]
If 2i is one root of x +x + 4x +4 0. Solve the equation. S.B.'19
the a root ofthe equation x - 13x +61x - 107x + 58 0 is 5 + 2i then find the other roots ofthe
equation. B.B. 171
equation. of the cubic equation is -

2 -23i and the product ofthe roots is 80 then determine the

O TOOt ofthe equation 2x - 9x+ 14x 5 0 is 2 - i. Form a quadratic equation with the real
of the equation and another root is
Dr real value of a, roots of the equation x +3ax +x+ l = 0 occur in an arithmetic
18. progression.
BUET 14-151
the adition for which the roots of the equation x' - px + qx- r=0 occur in an arithmetic progression.
19. Solve condit
20. the equa
quation 32x*-48x +22x-3 0 whose roots occur in an arithmetic progression.
Find the solution of the equation 3x- 26x+ 52x - 24 0 whose roots occur in an geometric
progression. IC.B.041
Second Paper

150 Higher +63x - 2 7 -

find the
solution of the equation
8x -
progression then IB.B. 12: J.B. 07; D.B.
in a geometric
then find the other roots.
0 is 1
x-5x2+ 17x 13

of the equation find the other roots.
+88 0 is then
aroot of the equation 3x3- 4x+ x
* x - 7x* + 8x + 10 0.

roots the equation of

then find the other
a root equation is 1 +
of the of whose two roots is 5. C.B.1
. Find the solution ofthe equation 3x3-
13x2- x +6 0 sum
then find the solution ofthe
16x- 9x 36=0 is zero
equation 4x'+

40. IT the sum of the two roots ofthe Ch.B.'14; C.B.03

equation. another root then find the solution
+ 45 0 is double of its
of the equation 24x- 14x- 63x

lf a root C.B.'12
of the equation.
24 0 is 3:4 then find the solution ofthe
of the equation 2x x-22x

28. Ifthe ratio ofthe two roots

equation. Ch. B., C.B.13; Di.B.'11; S.B.'10, '07; R.B.07; J.B.01

x' 9x+14x +24 0 is 3:2 then find the solution ofthe
29. If the ratio of the two roots of the equation

30. Form such equation whose roots are 2, -3, 7.
31. Form a cubic equation ofrational root whose two roots are -5, 3+y7
cubic equation ofreal root whose two roots
32. Form a are
33. If a,B.y are three roots of cubic equation 2x +3x* -

x I =
0 then form such cubic equation

roots are I
2a 28 2y
4 If a, B,Y are three roots of cubic equation x* +
are , a+y
px +q=0 then form such cubic
equation whose roos

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