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More About Google Compute Engine

 Persistent Storage, that is made available to your VM is of two types,

namely, Standard and SSD. You can also add Local SSD for high
 The data storage in Local SSD is not safe because when the VM terminates,
data will get erased. Therefore, it is better to consider Persistent Disks for
the permanent storage of your data. The default disk is Standard Persistent
 If you want your VM to spin up with configurations like Installing software
packages on first boot, you can do it with Start-up scripts. There are also
other fields like Metadata, which gives unique information about the VM.
 You can take snapshots of your disk for the backups. Suppose if you want
to do a batch job like analyzing large data sets, then consider options
like Preemptible VM, which saves a lot of money.
 The maximum number of virtual CPUs in a VM is 96, and the maximum
memory size is 624 Gigabytes, which will be useful for heavy workloads
like In-memory databases and CPU intensive analytics.
 GCP also supports a feature called AutoScaling, which allows you to add or
remove VMs. You can also balance the incoming traffic among different VMs
through Load Balancing.

Google cloud storage and bit table

Developers develop many applications that require the storage of large amounts of
data. Data can be in many forms like Media, Confidential data from devices,
Customer account balances, and so on.
Earlier, we read that data can be stored in Persistent disks. Also, GCP provides
other storage options for Structured or Unstructured data, Transactional, and
Relational data.
In this topic, you will be learning the various storage options like Cloud Storage,
Cloud Bigtable, Cloud SQL, Cloud Spanner, and Cloud Data storage .

More About Cloud Storage

 Google Cloud Storage is an Object Storage.
 Google Cloud Storage will store the data in objects, which will be in the form
of an arbitrary bunch of bytes, that can be addressed using a unique key.
 These unique keys are in the form of URL, which makes it easier to interact
with Web Technologies.
 Cloud storage is comprised of Buckets, which is used to hold the Storage
 Storage Objects are immutable, that is, for every new change, a new version
will be created.
 Object Versioning is another important concept in cloud storage. If you
turn ON this feature, it will store every version of the object. Otherwise, the
newer version will override the old one.
 When you create a bucket, you will provide a Unique name to it, specify
a Geographic location to store the data and also choose a Storage
Class by default.
 You can control the access to the bucket using Cloud IAM and Access
Control List (ACL).

About Cloud Bigtable

The following are a few reasons to select Cloud Bigtable as your storage

 Scalability: With the help of Bigtable, you can increase your machine count,
which does not require any downtime. Also, it handles all Administration
tasks like Upgrades and Restarts.
 The data present in the Cloud Bigtable is encrypted. You can use IAM
roles to specify who can access the data.
 From an application API perspective, data is written to and from Bigtable
through data service layers like Managed VMs, HBase Rest Server, or Java
Server using HBase Client.
 Cloud Bigtable will serve the data to Applications, Dashboards and Data
 Data can be read from and written to Bigtable through batch processes
like Hadoop MapReduce, DataFlow or Spark.


More About Cloud SQL
The following example will give you an idea on the benefits of using Cloud SQL.
Consider you have two accounts in a bank, and you want to transfer Rs.10,000 from
one account to the other.
Due to a glitch, the amount gets deducted from one account but is not credited to the
other. Relational databases require a lot of work to set up, maintain, manage, and
administer, but still if you want to protect your relational databases like in the above
case, then Cloud SQL is your choice.

 Cloud SQL offers MySQL and PostgreSQL databases as a managed

service, that are capable of handling terabytes of storage.
 It also provides several replica services like Read, failover and external.
 Cloud SQL instances include firewalls, customer data encrypted on
Google's internal networks, and schedule backups, and it can also be
accessed by other GCP services.
 It can be scaled vertically by changing the machine type and horizontally
through Read replicas.
 If you need horizontal scalability more than what is provided by Cloud SQL,
then you can go for Cloud Spanner.

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