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European Technical Assessment ETA-16/0328


Geometrical characteristics of the mesh
Geometry of the mesh Rhomboid

Size of each rhombus (d x D) (± 0,3%), (mm) 90 x 135

Angle of the loop at the vertex, β 58°

Diameter of the inscribed circle (Ø In), (mm) 70

Total height of the mesh (hTot), (mm) 15,8

Clearance of the mesh (hIn), (mm) 6,8

Nº of turns in the transverse direction, (units/m) 11,1

Nº of rhombuses in the vertical direction, (rhombus/m) 7,4

Mesh edges bended, twisted and undeformable Certified

Characteristics of the steel wire

Nominal diameter of the wire (Ø A), (mm) 4,5
2 900
Nominal tensile strength of the wire, (N/mm )

Type of steel wire (Carbon contain) Medium

Tensile strength of the wire, (kN) 14,3

Mesh standard roll

Roll width x Roll length, (m) 3,0 x 15,0
2 45
Total surface per roll, (m ) Geometrical characteristics of the mesh and characteristics of the wire: Acording to ETA 16/0328
National Patent ES 2 374 127 and International Patent WO 2015/114177
Total weight per roll, (Kg) 189 3STUTOR® EuropeanTrade Mark Nº 011185196
3SGEOTECH®-EuropeanTrade Mark Nº 011184934
Unit weight of the mesh, (Kg/m 2) 4,2

Mechanical characteristics of the mesh and parameters of the System Punctual System
Eagle Plate characteristics Certified European Technical Assessment
ETA 16/0328 from July 8 th 2016
Connection member resistance between adjacent panels, (kN/m) 85

Punching strength directly over the mesh with Eagle Plate (TP), (kN) 100

Vertical displacement at working load (FS=1,67) mm/m 50

Parameters according to GIADE
2 12 (Cantabria University)
Unitary Support of the System, (Sy = 2,0 m x Sy = 2,5), kN/m
Test Report 03/2016
Unitary Support of the System, (Sy = 2,0 m x Sy = 3,0), kN/m 2 10

Unitary Support of the System, (Sy = 2,5 m x Sy = 3,0), kN/m 2 8

GIADE (Cantab ria University) Test Report
Punching strength over the mesh according to ISO 17746:2016, (kN) >278 (300) 07/2016

Bearing resistance against puncturing over mesh and soil (D R), (kN) 400 Parameters of the mesh according to GIADE
(Cantabria University)
Punching strength of the soil (SR), (kN) 130 Test reports (April 29 th 2014).
These parameters are offered only for
Bearing resistance against shearing-off (PR = DR - SR), (kN) 270 comparation purpose with other products.
3SGEOTECH disagrees with calculation models
Bearing resistance against slope-parallel tensile stress (ZR), (kN) 65 which use these values for the design.

Mechanical characteristics of the mesh and parameters of the System Reinforced System
Tensile strength of the mesh in the main direction (Ty), (kN/m) 205

Unit elongation at breaking conditions (ε y Breaking ), (%) 7,3 European Technical Assessment
ETA 16/0328 from July 8 th 2016
Unit elongation at 80% of breaking conditions (ε y 80% Breaking ), (%) 4,0

Tensile strength of the mesh in the secondary direction (Tx), (kN/m) 90

Maximun displacement of the Reinforced System at working load, (mm) < 0,06 Sy

Unitary Support of the System, kN/m 2 (Sy = 3,0 m) 32 According to GIADE (Cantabria University)
2 Test Report (03/2016)
Unitary Support of the System, kN/m (Sy = 2,5 m) 38

Unitary Support of the System, kN/m 2 (Sy = 2,0 m) 48

Corrosion protection
Type of protection TUTOR® Plus 3STUTOR® Plus 3STUTOR® Plus Ultra

Compound 95% Zn - 5% Al 90% Zn - 10% Al According to BEKAERT Report (03/2016)

and ETA 16/0328
Coating mass, (gr/m 2 ) > 300 > 300

Results in Salt Spray Tests (Hours salt spray until 5% DBR), (hrs) > 3.000 > 4.000

Subject to change without notice


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