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Under the guidance of
V Uma Maheshwar
Associate professor
Submitted by
Akshitha Suryapeta - 100513736004
Sara Imtiazuddin-100513706013

1.1 Statement of problem
1.2 Importance
1.3 Background
5.a.1. Gas turbine
5.a.2. Turbine blades
5.a.3. Creep
5.a.4. Fatigue

Figure 1 :Gas turbine

Figure 2: Aerofoil shape

Figure 3: Visual examination of crack

Figure 4: Micro structure

Figure 5: Fractured surface

Figure 6: Intergranular fracture

Figure 7: Locations were metallurgical tests are performed

Figure 8: Single grain turbine blade

Figure 9: Bridgman technique

Table 1: Methodology followed


With blading problems accounting for as many as 42 percent of

the failures in gas turbines and with its severe effect on plant
availability there is a pressing need for unified treatment of the causes ,
failure modes and trouble shooting for tackling blade failure problems.
This report focuses on fatigue and creep failure of blades. It also deals
with the crack propagation in a blade. A typical case study of fighter
plane blade was done in which it was observed that initially cracks
occurred due to creep and was followed by fatigue failure. Turbine has
to work at higher temperatures for higher net work output, that is
higher efficiency. Due to elevated temperatures the grain boundaries
which are regions of higher energy potential becomes weaker which
causes failure, in order to overcome this single grain turbine blade is
proposed which has more creep strength. The manufacturing method
like Bridgman technique is discussed.



A gas turbine, also called a combustion turbine, is a type of

internal combustion engine. It has a rotating compression coupled to a
turbine with a combustion chamber in between. To generate
electricity, the gas turbine heats a mixture of air and fuel at very high
temperatures, causing the turbine blades to spin. The spinning turbine
drives a generator that converts the energy into electricity. The gas
turbine can be used in combination with a steam turbine in a combined
cycle power plant to create power extremely efficiently.

Turbine blades would damage after several years of

operation. This blade is identified the most likely component to be
failed due to the operating conditions at elevated temperature. The
blades profile and behavior need to be understood to overcome these
problems. So, this project deals with some mechanical analysis by
simulation to find the possible reason of the failure. There are two
possible causes of the failure of the aircraft turbine blade which are
creep rupture and thermomechanical fatigue.


Whether propelling aircraft through the sky, ships

through the ocean or providing power to the electrical grid, gas
turbines have become incorporated into our daily lives. As the world
moves towards a higher dependence on technology, there will be an
increased demand for gas turbine engines to produce power with
higher efficiencies. The purpose of gas turbine technology is to extract
maximum of energy from the high temperature high pressure gases
and turbine is responsible for extracting energy from high temperature,
high pressure gas produced in combustion.

Hence turbine blade is the most important component

of gas turbine and failures in this turbine blade can has dramatic effect
on safety and performance of the gas turbine. In studies it was reported
that as many as 42% of the failure of gas turbine engines were only due
to blading problems. Therefore it becomes very important to study
about the causes of failure of blades and the methods to overcome the


Rapid gas turbine development accelerated with the

work of Ohain in Germany and Whittle in UK during World war -2. The
major problem experienced during the development stage of the gas
turbines was the failure of the blades.

This report focuses on the investigation on failure of

turbine blade of a fighter plane. And the failure of the blade can be
analysed in 2 ways mechanical and metallurgical analysis. The detailed
discussion of metallurgical investigation is included. The development
of single crystal super alloy in order to over-come metallurgical failure
is explained.


All projections for energy use, predict a sound future for gas
turbine plant so long as the plant continues to use fewer resources by
becoming more efficient and reducing emissions .This sets major
challenges for gas turbine researchers and designers. Future gas
turbines will need to reach 50% efficiency in single cycle and over 65%
in combined cycle. There will be a trend towards Zero Emission Plant
(ZEP), with no emissions to atmosphere and any output (e.g.CO2)
disposed out of it, is in an environmentally friendly way. Even higher
efficiencies will be achieved by combining gas turbines with fuels cells,
once the latter have reached suitable scale, cost and reliability. Of
various means of producing mechanical power, gas turbine seems to be
the most satisfactory power plant due to absence of reciprocating and
rubbing members which reduces the vibration and balancing problem
and high power to weight ratio and low lubricating oil consumption

The importance of gas turbines in future has lead to choose

the topic which can reduce the failure of the gas turbines and longer
life of the gas turbine.


1. This project is implemented with aim to study and analyze

problem those related to the failure of turbine blade that is creep
and fatigue failure of the blade.
2. Analysis of turbine blade: This includes the analysis of gas turbine
blade. Analysis contains the visual examination, chemical analysis,
hardness measurement, metallographic examination and analysis
of fracture surfaces with main focus on metallographic
3. Method to overcome failure due to creep and fatigue that is
crystal pulling method.



A gas turbine, also called a combustion turbine, is a type of

internal combustion engine. It has a rotating compression coupled to a
turbine with a combustion chamber in between. Fresh atmospheric air
flows through a compressor that brings it to higher pressure. Energy is
then added by spraying fuel into the air and igniting it so the
combustion generates a high-temperature flow. This high-temperature
high-pressure gas enters a turbine, where it expands down to
the exhaust pressure, producing a shaft work output in the process.
The turbine shaft work is used to drive the compressor and other
devices such as an electrical generator that may be coupled to the
shaft. The energy that is not used for shaft work comes out in the
exhaust gases, so these have either a high temperature or a high
velocity. The purpose of the gas turbine determines the design so that
the most desirable energy form is maximized. Gas turbines are used to
power aircrafts, trains, ships and power stations.


  The blades are responsible for extracting energy from the

high temperature, high pressure gas produced by the combustor. The
turbine blades are often the limiting component of gas turbines. To
survive in this difficult environment, turbine blades often use exotic
materials like super alloys. Turbine blades are subjected to very
strenuous environments inside a gas turbine. They face high
temperatures, high stresses, and a potential environment of high
vibration. All three of these factors can lead to blade failures,
Figure 1 : Gas turbine

potentially destroying the engine, therefore turbine blades are carefully

designed to resist these conditions.Turbine blades are subjected to
stress from centrifugal force (turbine stages can rotate at tens of
thousands of revolutions per minute (RPM)) and fluid forces that can
cause fracture, yield and creep failures. Additionally, the first stage (the
stage directly following the combustor) of a modern turbine faces
temperatures around 1,370 °C, up from temperatures around 820 °C in
early gas turbines. Those high temperatures weaken the blades and
make them more susceptible to creep failures. The high temperatures
can also make the blades susceptible to corrosion failures. Finally,
vibrations from the engine and the turbine itself can cause
fatigue failures.
An airfoil-shaped body moved through a fluid produces
an aerodynamic force. The component of this force perpendicular to
the direction of motion is called lift. The component parallel to the
direction of motion is called drag. Airfoils have a characteristic shape
with a rounded leading edge, followed by a sharp trailing edge. The lift
on an airfoil is primarily the result of its angle of attack and shape.
When oriented at a suitable angle, the airfoil deflects the oncoming air
resulting in a force on the airfoil in the direction opposite to the
deflection. This force is known as aerodynamic force and can be
resolved into two components: lift and drag.

Figure 2: Aerofoil shape

Creep is the tendency of a solid material to move slowly or
deform permanently under the influence of mechanical stresses. It can
occur as a result of long-term exposure to high levels of stress that are
still below the yield strength of the material. Creep is more severe in
materials that are subjected to heat for long periods. For example
turbine blades are subjected to higher temperatures for longer periods.


 Fatigue is the weakening of a material caused by repeatedly

applied loads. It is the progressive and localized structural damage that
occurs when a material is subjected to cyclic loading. Turbine blades are
subjected to fatigue also.


The case study is on a fighter plane which has undergone

problems during flight and pilot observed excessive vibrations in engine
and landed the plane. The preliminary findings indicated failure in in
turbine blade. To identify the causes of the blade failures, a complete
investigation has to be carried out, integrating both the mechanical
analyses and metallurgical examination. Metallurgical examination can
be very effective in determining whether the failure is related to
material defects, mechanical marks, poor surface finish, initial flaws or
heat treatment.

There are different factors, which influence blade lifetime,

as design and operation conditions but the latter are more critical. In
general, most blades have severe operation conditions characterized by
the following factors
1. Operation environment (high temperature, fuel and air
contamination, solid particles, etc.).
2. High mechanical stresses (due to centrifugal force, vibratory and
flexural stresses, etc.).
3. High thermal stresses (due to thermal gradients)

The type of damage, which occurs in gas turbine blades and nozzles
after a service period, can be divided into

1. External and internal surface damages (crack formation).

2. Internal damage of microstructure (creep, grain boundary void).

The degree of deterioration in individual blades differs due to several

factors such as:

1. Total service time and operation history

2. Engine operational conditions (temperature, speed)


The fractured turbine blades of fighter plane were subjected to

metallurgical examination. This includes visual examination,
microstructure, grain size measurement, hardness and fractography of
fractured surfaces. Chemical composition was determined with help of
Energy Dispersive Spectrometry(EDS). Grain size was measured using
image analyzer attached to optical microscope. Hardness was measures
by using Vickers’s hardness testing machine. The fracture surfaces were
examined with scanning electron microscope.

1. VISUAL EXAMINATION: the blade had fracture from the region

near the root area. The airfoil portion was not available. The
fractured surface showed two clear regions, a shiny region and a
dark black area each covering 50% of the fractured surface.

Figure 3: visual examination of crack

2. MICROSTRUCTURE: This consists of grains and grain boundaries.
In this material the carbides are within the grains and also present
along the grain boundaries. As the grain boundaries are at higher
potential the carbides are found at the grain boundaries. Inside
grains slip bands were visible in most of the grains appearing as
parallel lines indicating that the part was under high stress.

Figure 4: micro structure

3. FRACTOGRAPHY: Fractured surfaces of failed bladed were
examined in SEM in 2 regions. In first region, the crack starts from
the trailing edge on the airfoil next to the root region. This region
where the cross-sectional area of airfoil reduces before it joins the
root of the blade. As this is the region of minimum cross-section it
is bearing maximum stresses. In second region, the crack starts at
the point “O”. An intergranular surface can be seen at this
location at high magnification. It is predominantly responsible for
fracture. Secondary cracking showing triple point cracks is visibe
in fracture area.

Figure 5: Fractured surface

Figure 6: Intergranular fracture

Figure 7: Locations were metallurgical tests are performed


After the analysis it was found that the blade in made of Ni

based super alloy. These alloys are used for combined high strength
and hot corrosion at higher temperatures.

The two types of failures occurring on the blades were creep

and fatigue.

CREEP(crack formation):

Metal and alloys when subjected to high temperatures, the

fracture path changes from transgranular [fracture that follows the
edges of lattices in a granular material, ignoring the grains in the
individual lattices] to intergranular [fracture that follows the grains of
the material, where cracks that take place along the grain boundary ]
with increasing temperatures. Transgranular occurs at lower
temperatures at which the slip planes are weaker than grain
boundaries. At higher temperatures the grain boundaries are weaker
and fracture is intergranular. The temperature at which fracture mode
changes from transgranular to intergranular is called equicohesive
temperature which varies with stress and strain rate for a given
composition. Above equicohesive temperature coarse grain specimens
exhibit greater strength than fine grain specimens because of lower
grain boundary surface area.

Test of temperature above equicohesive temperature have

revealed two types of intergranular fracture. Firstly, at high stresses
when grain boundary sliding occurs wedge shaped cracks may form at
grain boundary if the tensile normal stresses exceed the boundary
cohesive strength. Second,under low stress condition intergranular
fracture occurs by void formation at the grain boundaries. These
cavities are formed along grain edges rather than the grain corners.


The large over stress area shows that a system of fatigues

was operative on blade. It is found that material is exposed to high
stress above equicohesive temperature. The sliding of grain boundaries
continued to generate initial cracks. The subsequent propagation of
cracks is controlled by cyclic stresses. This region has undergone these
two phenomena that is grain boundary sliding and fatigue propagation.

Blades under consideration were subjected to abnormally

high stresses at elevated temperatures. This situation led to creep fine
surface cracks by mechanism by grain boundary sliding. High stresses
and presence of fine carbides at grain boundaries results in formation
of point cracks. These are initiation sites of fatigue cracks. The blade
finally failed due to fatigue.

In order to overcome this problem SINGLE GRAIN TURBINE

BLADE is proposed.


Gas turbines, as with all areas of power production, are

highly dependent on thermal efficiency to effectively produce power.
There are several ways in industry to increase the thermal efficiency of
a gas turbine power cycle. These methods of increasing efficiency are
almost always are limited by the metallurgical properties of the turbine
components. The thermal efficiency of gas turbine can be greatly
increased with components that are able to withstand higher working
temperatures. The use of single crystal superalloy turbine blades allows
for this to be possible. The single crystal turbine blades are able to
operate at a higher working temperature than crystalline turbine blade
and thus are able to increase the thermal efficiency of the gas turbine
Single crystal turbine blades have the mechanical
advantage of being able to operate at a much higher temperature than
crystalline turbine blades. Given the ability to increase turbine
efficiency with higher temperatures, the development of these blades is
very beneficial. The turbine blades are able to operate at these high
temperatures due to the single crystal structure and the composition of
the nickel based superalloy.
Creep is a common cause of failure in turbine blades and
is in fact the life limiting factor as it makes the blades to touch the
casing which makes its running problamatic. When temperatures of a
material under high stress are raised to a critical point, the creep rate
quickly increases. The single crystal structure has the ability to
withstand creep at higher temperatures than crystalline turbine blades
due to the lack of grain boundaries present. Grain boundaries are an
area of the microstructure where many defects and failure mechanisms
start which leads to creep occurring. The lack of these grain boundaries
inhibits creep from occurring in this way. Creep will still occur in single
crystal turbine blades but due to different mechanisms that occur at
higher temperatures. The single crystal turbine blade does not have
grain boundaries along directions of axial stress which crystalline
turbine blades do. This also works to increases the creep strength.

There have been several superalloys that have been used in

attempting to create a single crystal turbine blade that is able to
withstand the highest operating temperatures possible. These
superalloys are generally nickel based and contains several other
elements that all contribute to optimizing the mechanical properties of
the turbine blade under high temperature conditions. The composition
of each element added is constantly being tested to allow for this

Within the single crystal of the superalloy, there are two

phases present, a gamma matrix and a gamma prime precipitate. The
gamma prime phase needs to be greater than 50% volume fraction in
the superalloy to provide the increase in creep resistance. The presence
of the gamma prime phase increases the mechanical strength of the
turbine blade by preventing dislocation motion. The gamma prime
phase has the unusual property of increasing strength as temperature
increases. This is true up to 973 degrees Celsius. This increase in
strength cause by an increased in temperature results in the superalloy
being able to operate under higher temperatures. The lack of grain
boundaries in the turbine blade allows for the superalloy being used to
reduce the presence of elements that are usually used to strengthen
grain boundaries, such as carbon and boron. These elements reduce
the creep strength and the melting temperature of the alloy when
found in more significant compositions. Without the need for
significant concentrations of these elements, the single crystal turbine
blade is able to maintain its strength and use at higher temperatures.


There are several different manufacturing methods that are

used in practice to create single crystal turbine blades. The
manufacturing methods all use the idea of directional solidification, or
autonomous direction solidification, where the direction of
solidification is controlled. A common method is the Bridgman method
to grow single crystals. In this method a casting furnace is used for
crystal growth. In this process, a mould must first be made of the blade.
Molten wax is injected into a metallic mould of the desired turbine
blade and left to set and take the form of the turbine blade. The wax
model is then used to create a ceramic mould to use for production of
the single crystal turbine blades. When the ceramic mould is created, it
is heated to raise the strength of the mould. Once the mould is
sufficient for use, the wax is melted out from the inside of the mould.
The mould is now filled with the molten form of the nickel based
superalloy. The molten superalloy contained within the mould is placed
in some type casting furnace, often a vacuum induction melting
furnace, which uses Bridgman techniques.

Figure 8:Single grain turbine blade


The furnace is set up with an area of high temperature which is above

the melting temperature, controlled by heaters, and low temperature
below the melting zone, with a gradient zone where the solid-liquid
interface occurs. The superalloy is initially entirely within the high
temperature zone in molten form. The superalloy is then lowered
extremely slowly, at rates of about a few inches per hour, so that the
solid liquid interface rises slowly up the mould. The superalloy solidifies
from the base up. The slow rate of solidification causes grains to grow
as dendritesin the direction in which the mould is pulled from the
furnace. The dendrites form only as columns in the one direction
because of the effect of constitutional undercooling. As the solid begins
to form, a varying solute concentration is found just ahead of the solid-
liquid interface. The variance in solute throughout the liquid causes a
change in the equilibrium solidification temperature. At this point the
temperature of the liquid is lower than the equilibrium solidification
temperature causing an undercooling effect. Undercooling causes heat
to be transferred from solid protrusions to the liquid promoting
dendritic growth. The rate at which dendrites grow is directly related to
the amount of undercooling present. Dendrites that are aligned at an
angle have to grow faster to keep up with the dendrites taking a more
direct, vertical direction. To grow faster, a greater amount of
undercooling is needed which means these angled dendrites grow
further back from the solid-liquid interface. Eventually the more
favourable vertical dendrites overtake the angled dendrites that are
further back. To remove grain boundaries from the turbine blade, a
grain selector is attached to the bottom of the wax mould. The grain
selector is a spiral shaped tube that is not much larger than a single
dendrite grain. As the vertical dendrites grow at the base of the mould,
only one dendrite will be able to fit through the spiral and eventually
into the turbine blade mould. Thus once the solidification is complete,
the turbine blade is created entirely from one grain and becomes a
single crystal turbine blade.

Figure 9: Bridgman technique


The problem with the Bridgman method is that a

complex, expensive casting furnace is needed to produce the desired
product. Another manufacturing method has been created that takes
away the need for the sample to be slowly pulled out of the furnace.
This simplifies and speeds up the process making it more cost efficient.
The mechanical properties are also improved as the solidification is
more rapid causing a reduction in the amount of segregation amongst
the sample. This process uses a mould made of Al 203 ceramic, which is
coated with a layer that inhibits nucleation from occurring. The sample
is set up so there is controlled heating keeping it molten all the way
through with a water-cooled chill plate set at the base of the sample.
The spiral grain selector is used in the same way in this method. The
heating is turned off and as the furnace cools down, solidification
begins. The layer of the mould delays nucleation from occurring until a
substantial amount of undercooling is produced. At this point
nucleation begins at the base of the sample and dendrites form in the
same way. A single dendrite passes through the grain selector and the
single crystal turbine blade is produced. The controlled heating and
amount of chilling at the base can be varied to optimize mechanical



STAGE 1 Prerequisites that is Background study of
about the gas the gas turbine and
turbine and turbine turbine blades done
blades. from books and the
STAGE 2 The typical case Information collected
study of the failure from a research
of turbine blade of paper and other
fighter plane due to experimental results
creep and fatigue shown
STAGE 3 Single grain turbine The manufacturing
blade introduced to and the material
overcome above used are studied
problem thoroughly via
Table 1: Methodology followed


23-Oct 31-Jan 10-May

Collection of data

Study of prerequisites

case study of fighter plane START DATE

study of failure of blade by creep and fatigue

single grain turbine blade study

final discussions and results


The study of gas turbine blades and failure due to creep and
fatigue is discussed with the help of a typical case study.

Blades under consideration were subjected to abnormally high

stresses at elevated temperatures. This situation led to creep fine
surface cracks by mechanism by grain boundary sliding. High stresses
and presence of fine carbides at grain boundaries results in formation
of point cracks. These are initiation sites of fatigue cracks. The blade
finally failed due to fatigue.

In order to overcome this problem the suggested method is to

use a single grain turbine blade. The manufacturing and the
composition is discussed above.


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3. M.Gell, D.N.Dhul, A.F.Gaimei, Development of single crystal
super alloy blades, Super Alloys 1980.
4. Cyrus b Meher Homji, Turbine blades failure – Causes,
Avoidance and Trouble shooting, Proceedings of 27th
turbomachinery symposium.
5. Khairul Anuar Bin Ahmed, An investigation of turbine blade
failure in aircraft turbine engines.

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