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1. Able to identify the reciprocal relationship between the Christian faith with science and
modern technology in history.
2. Able to explain the significant relationship between Christian faith and science from the
Christian faith point of view .
3. Able to define the nature of technology.
4. Able to identify negative and positive impacts of technology.
5. Able to formulate criteria for the development of science and technology which are
responsible under the Christian faith.


 Science is knowing as much about the world and the universe (Eka
 Technology is the application of organized knowledge to practical tasks
with or through the disordered systems and machines.
As man is a unity which has the intellect, the mind (ratio) and the movement of the heart
(spiritual), then the faith (trust) can not be separated from science and technology. Faith is the human
spiritual activity, whereas science is a follow-up than the human mind. Means of faith and science can
not be separated because of faith believe in science and science to help the faithful to understand the
world, the environment and religion. Therefore, between faith, knowledge and technology should not
be opposed to each other, although to be distinguished. Therefore, through this course students are
expected to be able to understand and appreciate the positive reciprocal relationship between faith and
science and modern technology.

This course should be able to provide the foundation for the development of science and faith in
modern technology for the welfare of mankind and the preservation of God's creation. Terms of
Christian Intellectuals: An Intellectual Christianity and Christian Scientists must have the nature and
character as follows:

1. The fear of the Lord

2. Obedient
3. Loyal
4. Discipline
5. Honest
6. Humble
7. Gentle
8. Hard worker
9. Ability to cooperate
10. Live to glorify God
Christians are called to demand of science and high technology. Where God is the source of the
wisdom of science and technology. So everyone who wants to pursue knowledge and wisdom must
ask the Lord with fear, honor to God and full devotion.


1. The relationship between Faith and Science-Technology

If the claims of God in the Bible are faced with the results of Human thinking there are four things
which become conclusions, namely:

a. No relationship between science and faith (positivism flow).

b. Commonsense as a key reason that can unlock all the secrets
c. The existence of synthesis between faith and human commonsense.
d. Science gave knowledge and understanding.

In order for the four views can be more obvioused it will be described one by one as follows:

a) There are no Relation between Science With Faith.

Potivisme flow starting point on the symptoms of which can be observed. Potivisme flow:
influence of science is not receiving anything and from anywhere (objective). Potivisme affect the
flow of Marxism who believed that knowledge management will be objective and outsmart.

Faced with the statement of God in the Bible then arises the " History Christianity ". They
doubted the historical truth of key events in the history of events such as the sacred nativity of the
virgin Mary, the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead and the others. Potivisme flow is always a
priori with the statement of God that goes beyond the outsmart observation.

b). Being Human Commonsense is the Key of All Secret

Rationalisme: Reason a belief, Science is the result of human reason are considered as
absolute truth. Immanuel Kant (a figure of Rationalism) called for a bold use of reason.
Rationalisme think can answer the statements about God, man and the world simply by reason
alone. Rationalisme deify reason, the motto "Understanding first then trust", for them
understanding of faith is the result of reason.

c). There is Synthesis (Conferences) Between Faith and Commonsense

Thomas Aquinas said: "There can be no absolute contradiction between the faith with
commonsense, because faith guided by commonsense to the fact that the same is truth of God."

The idea underlying this view is God is base and first base of all reality.

According to Thomas Aquinas the truth as we know it can be divided into two, namely:
(1). Natural: that can be known by reason.
(2). Supra-natural: the only known based on the statement of Lord (Faith). Every human being has
both the natural world and supranatural world, in every man of faith and reason be reconciled in a
synthesis to find the truth.

d). Faith Finding Knowledge and Understanding

Anselm once said, "Faith seeking understanding." Christian faith recognizes that since human
beings fell into sin (Genesis 3), then the whole human being including his has fallen into sin, but
by no means paralyzed but his mind is recognized continue to work despite having fallen into sin
because there are still ruins of the "Images God "in man's. Only the direction and workings of the
human mind has been darkened (Ephesians 2:1-2, Philippians 3:19).

Christian faith teaches us that fear God will be able to update the direction and complexion of
people who believe in science. What is different is the base of the mind or the point of departure,
mode of thinking from a Christian with people who are not Christian. In philosophy it is said that
knowledge with the thinking person affected by the point of departure the way he thinks. While
the starting point of thinking it is someone who adopted the belief (belief and faith).

Christians to the belief that a point of departure the way he thinks, for example:

o The Lord God is the creator of all things (Genesis 1; John 1:1-3, Psalm 8,
o God is love (I John 4:8)
o Humans have fallen into sin and the wages of sin is death (Romans 3:23;
6:23: Hebrews 9:27; Rev. 21:8)
o Salvation is of grace in Jesus Christ through his sacrifice on the cross (John
3:16: Romans 5:8: Ephesians 2:8-9, Acts 4:12)
o Salvation is obtained only by faith in Jesus Christ, who has believed and
accepted Him as Lord and his personal Saviour, rely on Him (Ephesians 2:8-9, Acts 1:8,
Ephesians 1:13-14, Jn. 14:6; 5:24, 1:12, I Peter 3:18, I Corinthians 15:3-4, Revelation 3:20,

The examples above are the main points of Christian faith . Christians will get answers to statements
about God, man, everything. After he was sure the principal beliefs in accordance with the faith of the
Bible so that he would seek to know and understand (II Peter 1:3-8, John 16:13).
So for Christians, faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and the Bible became the foundation of thinking or
the answer as well as providing the knowledge / wisdom and understanding or a solution for this life.

Many things in the Bible that can not be understood even contrary to human logic, but that does not
mean it makes no sense. Because if he can learn that He is not God. How could the creation of
thoroughly studying the Creator? Humans can learn the extent of what He reveals through General
Revelation and Revelation in particular. Human reason has been limited because of sin as a barrier,
the dividing (Isaiah 59:2) so could not understand and the most pathetic is the people themselves shut
down, not willing to learn and try to understand the secret of it (through the two revelations).
The relationship of faith and science are as fundamental relationships, Faith is not the result of
science, but faith that will truly provide knowledge and understanding.

2. The differences between Bible and Modern Science

The Bible is different from science because the Bible is not the result of science but the
revelation of God to each of the writers of the Bible without neglecting the condition of the writer.
Examples are often debated because it is not logical is in Genesis 1-2, heaven and the earth were
created during six days and according to the results of modern knowledge of the heavens and the
earth and everything in it happened through evolution.

How to respond:

The Bible was written by believers in a particular period. What is clear is that the history, ways of
thinking and level of knowledge of the Bible writers must have been very much different from
humans in the present. The Bible is not the result of human learning, but life is a direct communion
with God. This is not to be debated but is believed.

If we want to know and understand the Bible is true then we should willingly accept the Bible and
live it as the voice of God (I Thess. 2:13) and the Bible is the only (Special Revelation) God’s way
delivered His word (John 17:17). The Bible does not conflict with modern science but rather the
testimony of the Bible as the word of God speaks to everyone of all ages. The Bible remains actual
and remain capable of solving all human problems and even the world.
Engineering philosophy in human life does not conflict with Christian faith. The problem to ponder is
the question of technical nature: What's the technique? Why is there a technique? For what techniques
exist? What are the techniques in human life?

1. Understanding of Engineering and Technology

Technical words comes from the Greek word 'techne', which means , good skill in the art and
handicraft. Technique (modern) also interpreted by every human activity is directed to the
manufacture of tools to solve the human physical obstacle in his efforts in achieving certain goals. So
the technique can be interpreted as follows: The technique is working, is a cultural technique,
technique is a skill.

2. Why There's Technique

There is encouragement in life because of the problems and obstacles or challenges in human
life. This is what distinguishes humans with other creatures. Due to human commonsense given (part
of the image and likeness of God).

3. For What Technique is

Technique is needed to address and resolve the problem, the obstacles for human needs or to
fulfill what the Lord's command in Genesis 1:26-28. In other words, the technique is to fulfill the
duties and responsibilities of human beings as creatures who are mandated by God to be responsible
for the other creation. So with the technology, Christian ethics can be interpreted as expressions of
human life in fulfilling the cultural mandate. This also fulfilled the duties and responsibilities for the
maintenance of the welfare of mankind and other creatures of God.
1. Value Crisis in Science Development
Crisis symptoms of values in science is caused science is no longer used as a tool but as a
destination. So many people who deify science and then thought could solve all the problems of
life.They consider and make science as salvation for mankind. This is what should be reminded of
every Christian must not deify science, because science is limited. Science is the result of human
works which have fallen into sin. Nevertheless also reminded that we should not a priori with science.

One who deify Science is atheism with its figure of F. Nietzsche who said, "Christian faith is the
symbol of cultural values garble", because according to him Christian faith means rejection of the
natural. We must insist that Christian faith does not conflict with Science. Precisely, the Christian
Faith gives directives or guidance so that science can benefit mankind. What is important is sticking
to the Word of God! "For fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom" (Proverbs 1:7 a). Therefore the
Christian faith accept science as grace and as a means of praising God.

2. The crisis in the Use of Technology

Essence of technology is a skill and ability to master those aspects of life. One aspect that is
very precious and valuable to human culture is technology. The technique is a gift from God who
became a blessing for human beings if used to fight against hunger, poverty, misery, disease and
others. But technology can also be a tool to do crimes, such as by fraud, war, fraud, and various other

As for the dangers posed by the use of such technology are as follows:

 Use of medical materials: medicine, anesthesia, family planning tools, etc.

 The use of radioactive materials
 Fuel, gas and pesticides
 Deforestation is a massive
 Catch fish in the sea with modern equipment
 Denudation of the mountains, etc.
Human nature who is not responsible for the use of technology is what makes the crisis of
values in modern human life. Consequently, trends in the annihilation of personality: it does not
believe in yourself, do not have the decency and common responsibilities of human life, human
became into a puppet and robot technology. As Christians we do not hate on technology, but we are
called to direct the results of technology for human welfare and for the glory of God. The Book of I
Corinthians 10:31 says: "... If you eat or drink, or if you do something else, do all to the glory of God.

3. The crisis in the Arts Development

Art is appreciation and disclosure of wonderful beauty of nature. Art that includes the beauty
of natural scenery, the beauty of literary, musical beauty, the beauty of paintings and sculptures, etc..
For example in understanding the crisis of values in art is the art of drama and music.

a. Dramatics
One form of literary appreciation and expression of beauty from the play on stage that can
provide a wonderful and positive message about human life is the Dramatic Arts.The crisis occurred
when the dramatic arts are used for covert putronizing action. That is moral decline. Often indecent
plays and scenes, even the art used in an attempt also gives instruction for the crime. Similarly, the
film industry do.

b. Music Arts
In music people often fall in erotic tone and drama, such as dangdut. Similarly, the hard rock
aroused violent and anger or demands for depraved freedom that is negative and low. Traditional
music which is still valid primitive that generates confidence in the worship of ancestral spirits, such
events can bring in Toba Batak gondang trance, as well as traditional drum Karo, Simalungun, Java,
etc.. Abuse of music can destroy human civilization.

c. Fine arts
Fine art includes sculpture, painting, art drawings. The crisis in art or sculpture is people
could fall on the apotheosis of the results of fine art or to use the fine art results in worship of idols.
Fine art and sculpture is the work results of humans, so it was not for idol or worship. Remember
Exodus 20:4, "Do not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above, or that is in
the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth." Compare also with Romans 1:23, "They
replaced the glory of God that no mortal with a picture similar to a mortal man, birds, animals or the
four-legged beasts that creep."
Humanities is a science education that are considered means to create whole human beings. In
other words, humanize the Indonesian people . Humanities education in Indonesia will be done
through the lessons of classical literature, history of the struggle of Indonesia, Pancasila Moral
Education and Religious Affairs. Humanities in the light of Christian faith does not conflict with
theology. Because of Theology also talked about literature, history, morals and responsibilities as
citizens. Humanities will be fulfilled in the light of Christian faith in Jesus Christ where the broken
humanity restored (Romans 5:12-21). In Jesus we become a new man (I Corinthians 5:7, Ephesians
2:10) and has been recreated according to the will of God in righteousness and true holiness
(Ephesians 4:23-24). Faith Christian view of humanity as the image of God and as Christ's life
experiences. Theology is not part of the humanities, but the humanities are part of Theology. In Jesus
Christ Humanities objectives have been realized. Christian faith can accept the science. Studies
included in the Humanities: Philosophy, History, Languages, Literature and Art. But all sciences
Humanities will not be perfect if not completed with Theology.

The method is suitable for the substance of this study include methods of inquiry and critical
reflection. Through a variety of sources assigned readings, students first explore in small groups how
the relationship of faith and science in a historical, to be able to identify the tendency to dominate the
other and thus inhibit each other. Then students challenged to conduct inquiry, how meaningful
relationships built between faith and science, technology and art, in the sense of responsibility to
develop religious commonsense exploitation, development and utilization of science, technology and
art for the sake of human welfare and environmental conservation.


Assessment system based on the ability of students to conduct inquiry and critical reflection about
the naturally relationship of faith and science in historical perspective, and gives examples of efforts
to dominate each other resulting in a hamper each other. Also, assessments are based on student
ability to develop a theological Christian reasons against the human responsibility in the business,
development and utilization of science, technology and art and also can provide concrete examples in
the context of human welfare and environmental conservation. Suggested paper or a writing group
from the group of critical reflection can be used as part of the assessment system.

I Formative tests
1. Why are the secrets in the testimony of the Bible we often do not understand?
2. What is the relationship of faith with science and theism?
3. As modern people how we respond to the events in the Bible that can not be understood
by our commonsense?
4. Write down and enroll results that its use of technology and misappropriated art in human
5. How is the humanities relationship with Christian theology?

II Feedback: Duty (Follow Up)

1. Find and write down the results of science, technology and art ranging from a low to a
high value.
2. Please list one by one its impact on human life, which are positive or negative.

1. Herlianto, Alkitab dan Ilmu Pengetahuan, BPK Jakarta in 1981.
2. Sianipar F.H Satu Jawab, CPC Jakarta in 1973.
3. Verkuyl, J. Etika Kristen dan Kebudayaan, Volume II/4, 1979.





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