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yContoh Story Telling Bahasa Inggris Snow

White dan Artinya

Posted in Narrative Text by Ria S Effendi

Contoh Story Telling Bahasa Inggris Snow White dan Artinya – Snow White merupakan sebuah
cerita yang amat terkenal, dan berikut ini saya ceritakan kembali dalam bentuk materi story
telling bahasa Inggris.

Snow White
Long time ago, there lived a beautiful princess in a very big palace. She is very beautiful with her
blue eyes and long black hair. Her skin is white and smooth, thus she was called Snow White.
She had a step mother who was always envious of her beauty. Her step mother was also
beautiful, and the magical mirror always said that everyday and every time she asked.

“Mirror on the wall, who is the most beautiful in this world?” her step mother asked.

“You are the most beautiful woman in this world, Majesty.” The magical mirror answered.

One day, the step mother asked to the magical mirror again. But, the answer of the magical
mirror made her angry.

“Mirror on the wall, who is the most beautiful in this world?” the step mother asked.

“My queen, you are beautiful. But, Snow White is more beautiful than you.” The magical mirror

The step mother was very angry. Then, she asked her trusted servant to bring Snow White to go
away from the palace and kill her. However, the servant did not kill Snow White. He let her go
by herself.

“Please, don’t kill me. I will go to the woods and I will not come back again.” Snow White

“Go away poor princess.” The servant said.

The servant thought that wild animals would eat her and letting Snow White made his heart
relieved and free from the pressure.

In the forest, snow white was alone and afraid. She did not know where she had to go. But,
suddenly she saw a small peculiar cottage. He wondered who lived there, and then she decided to
go inside it. In the cottage, there are 7 beds and a kitchen. Snow white was very tired and
suddenly she fell asleep. In the afternoon, seven of the dwarf who live in the hut, went home.
They were surprised to see a young woman there. One of the dwarves rouse her and asked who
she was. Snow white told them her sad story. The seven dwarves also understood her feeling and
asked her to stay with them in the cottage.

Meanwhile at the palace, the servant went back and told the stepmother that snow white had
been killed. Then the stepmother asked the magical mirror once again who the most beautiful in
this world is and still magical mirror answer snow white who was living in small cottage with
seven dwarves was the most beautiful.

The stepmother was very angry and he planned something bad for snow white. Then, the
stepmother disguised herself as an old woman who sold a bucket of poisonous apples and go to
the cottage. In the cottage, snow white was warned not to open the door to strangers by the seven
dwarves. The stepmother finally arrived to the cottage and began offering the apples to Snow

“I can’t open the door and let anyone come in. The seven dwarves have warned me.” Snow
White said.

“Okay. I just want to give this apple to you.”

“No. I can’t take anything from anyone.” Snow white explained.

Snow white refused to open the door but the stepmother continue to persuade. Ultimately, snow
white opened the door and bought an apple and then she ate it. Therefore, snow white was
poisonous with an apple fell beside him.

In the evening, when the seven dwarves went home, they were surprised. They saw snow white
lied on the floor with a pale face and poisonous apple beside her. The seven dwarves were sad to
see snow white was dying. Then, the seven dwarves decided to make bedding for Snow White
that was made of beautiful crystal to make her alive. Everyday, seven dwarves waited for
miracles that when snow white would be awake.

One day, there was a prince of a kingdom who saw a beautiful woman was laid on the bed of a
crystal. He was also asking the dwarves to tell what happened and dwarf told it.

“Let me have Snow White and I will give you everything you want.” The prince asked.

However, the seven dwarves refused it. They did not want to be separated with Snow White even
though he would pay by gold in this world.

“I ask it really much because I can’t live without seeing Snow White. If you agree, I will bring
all of you, too. I also take you as my brothers.

Finally, the seven dwarves agreed. Then, the prince kissed snow white to show his intention.
Suddenly, Snow White was awake. The fact was that the kiss fro the prince broke the evil spell.
After that, the prince asked her to get married with him. Snow white said yes. Since that day,
Snow white lived in the prince’s big palace happily ever after.



Putri Salju
Pada zaman dahulu kala, hiduplah seorang putri cantik di sebuah istana yang sangat besar. Dia
sangat cantik dengan mata biru dan rambut hitam panjang. Kulitnya putih dan halus, sehingga ia
dipanggil Putri Salju. Dia memiliki seorang ibu tiri yang selalu iri kecantikannya. Ibu tirinya juga
cantik, dan cermin ajaib selalu mengatakan hal itu setiap hari dan setiap kali dia bertanya.

“Cermin di dinding, siapa yang paling cantik di dunia ini?” Tanya ibu tiri.

“Kamu adalah wanita paling cantik di dunia ini, Yang Mulia.” Jawab Cermin ajaib.

Suatu hari, ibu tiri diminta untuk cermin ajaib lagi. Tapi, jawaban dari cermin ajaib membuatnya

“Cermin di dinding, siapa yang paling indah di dunia ini?” Tanya ibu tiri.

“Ratu saya, kamu cantik. Tapi, putri Salju lebih cantik dari Anda. “jawab Cermin ajaib.

Ibu tiri sangat marah. Lalu, ia bertanya kepasa pelayan kepecayaannya untuk membawa Putri
Salju pergi dari istana dan membunuhnya. Namun, pelayan tersebut tidak membunuh Putri Salju.
Dia membiarkan putri pergi sendirian.

“Tolong, jangan bunuh aku. Aku akan pergi ke hutan dan aku tidak akan kembali lagi. “Pinta
Putri Salju.

“Pergilah putri yang malang.” Kata pelayan itu.

Pelayan berpikir bahwa binatang liar akan memakan dan membiarkan Putri Salju sehingga
membuat hatinya lega dan bebas dari tekanan.

Di hutan, putrid salju sendirian dan ketakutan. Dia tidak tahu kemana dia harus pergi. Tapi, tiba-
tiba ia melihat sebuah pondok kecil yang aneh. Dia bertanya-tanya siapa yang tinggal di sana,
dan kemudian dia memutuskan untuk masuk kedalamnya. Di dalam pondok, ada 7 tempat tidur
dan dapur. Putri Salju sangat lelah dan tiba-tiba dia jatuh tertidur. Pada sore hari, tujuh kurcaci
yang tinggal di pondok, pulang. Mereka terkejut melihat seorang wanita muda di sana. Salah satu
kurcaci membangunkannya dan bertanya siapa dia. Putri Salju menceritakan sebuah kisah sedih
kepada mereka. Tujuh Kurcaci juga memahami perasaan dan memintanya untuk tinggal bersama
mereka di pondok.
Sementara itu di istana, pelayan kembali dan mengatakan kepada ibu tiri bahwa Putri Salju telah
dibunuh. Kemudian ibu tiri bertanya kepada cermin ajaib sekali lagi mengenai siapa yang paling
cantik di dunia ini dan cermin ajaib menjawab bahwa Putri Salju yang tinggal di pondok kecil
dengan tujuh kurcaci adalah yang paling cantik.

Ibu tiri itu sangat marah dan ia merencanakan sesuatu yang buruk terhadap Putri Salju.
Kemudian, ibu tiri yang menyamar sebagai seorang wanita tua yang menjual ember apel beracun
dan pergi ke pondok. Di pondok, Putri Salju diperingatkan untuk tidak membuka pintu untuk
orang asing Ibu tiri akhirnya tiba ke pondok dan mulai menawarkan apel untuk Putri Salju.

“Saya tidak bisa membuka pintu dan membiarkan siapa pun masuk. Tujuh kurcaci telah
memperingatkan saya.” Kata Putri Salju.

“Baiklah. Saya hanya ingin memberikan apel ini kepada Anda. “

“Tidak. Saya tidak bisa mengambil apa pun dari siapa pun. “Putri Salju menjelaskan.

Putri menolak untuk membuka pintu tapi ibu tiri terus membujuk. Akhirnya Putri membuka
pintu dan membeli sebuah apel, kemudian dia memakannya. Karena hal itu, Putri Salju jatuh
bersama buah apel beracun disampingnya.

Pada malam hari, ketika tujuh kurcaci pulang, mereka terkejut. Mereka melihat Putri Salju
terbaring di lantai dengan wajah pucat dan apel beracun di sampingnya. Tujuh Kurcaci sedih
melihat Putri Salju sedang sekarat. Kemudian, tujuh kurcaci memutuskan membuat tempat tidur
untuk Putri Salju yang terbuat dari kristal yang indah untuk membuatnya tetap hidup. Setiap hari,
tujuh kurcaci menunggu keajaiban agar Putri Salju bias terbangun.

Suatu hari, ada seorang pangeran dari kerajaan yang melihat seorang wanita cantik diletakkan di
atas tempat tidur kristal. Dia juga meminta para kurcaci untuk menceritakan apa yang terjadi dan
para kurcaci menceritakannya.

“Biarkan aku membawa Putri Salju dan saya akan memberikan semua yang kalian inginkan.”
Tanya Pangeran.

Namun, tujuh kurcaci menolaknya. Mereka tidak ingin dipisahkan dengan Putri Salju meskipun
ia akan membayar dengan emas di dunia ini.

“Saya benar-benar meminta banyak karena saya tidak bisa hidup tanpa melihat Putri Salju. Jika
Anda setuju, saya akan membawa kalian semua juga. Saya juga menjadikan Anda sebagai
saudara saya.

Akhirnya, tujuh kurcaci setuju. Kemudian, sang pangeran mencium Putri Salju untuk
menunjukkan niatnya. Tiba-tiba, Snow White terbangun. Ciuman pangeran memecahkan mantra
jahat. Setelah itu, sang pangeran memintanya untuk menikah dengannya. Putri Salju mengatakan
ya. Sejak hari itu, Putri Salju tinggal di istana yang besar milik sang pangeran dan bahagia
Asal Usul Kota Surabaya
Pada zaman dahulu, di lautan yang luas sering terjadi perkelahian antara Ikan Hiu (sura) dengan
Buaya (baya). Mereka berkelahi satu sama lain untuk memperebutkan mangsa di lautan. Mereka
memiliki kekuatan yan hampir sama. Sudah berkali-¬kali mereka berkelahi namun belum pernah
ada yang menang atau pun yang kalah. Akhirnya mereka berdua membuat suatu kesepakatan
yang harus dijalani. kesepakatan itu adalah pembagian wilayah daerah perburuan. Mereka
membagi wilayah berburu mereka menjadi dua yaitu Sura berkuasa di daerah peraiaran dan
memangsa hewan air sedangkan buaya berkuasa di daratan dengan memangsa hewan hewan
daratan. Wilayah kekuasaan mereka dibatasi oleh garis pantai. perjanjian ini tidak boleh
dilanggar oleh siapapun.

Dengan adanya perjanjian ini, tidak ada lagi perkelahian antara Sura dan Baya. Mereka berdua
telah berdamai dan sepakat untuk menghormati daerah kekuasaan masing ¬masing. Namun,
kedamaian itu tidak berlangsung lama. Hingga pada suatu hari, Ikan Hiu, Sura kehabisan mangsa
di daerah lautan. dia mulai mencari mangsa di daerah sungai dan danau yang ada di daratan. Sura
juga memangsa hewan-hewan daratan yang sedang minum di sungai. dia melakukan perburuan
ini secara sembunyi-sembunyi tanpa sepengetahuan baya.

Pada suatu hari Baya merasa heran mengapa hewan-hewan buruannya semakin sedikit. dia pun
mencari tahu apa penyebabnya. kemudian Baya melihat Sura sedang berburu di daerah
kekuasaanya. Perbuatan Sura ini Membuat baya menjadi sangat marah. “kenapa kau berburu di
daerah kekuasaan ku?” tanya baya dengan penuh amarah. Sura pun kaget mendengar Baya
marah kepadanya, “aku tidak berburu di daerah mu, aku berburu di perairan yang merupakan
daerehku” jawab sura. “tetapi kau berburu di daerah sungai. Sungai itu berada di daratan dan kau
juga memakan hewan-hewan daratan yang merupakan mangsaku. kau telah melanggar perjanjian
kita” kata baya. “tidak bisa, semua perairan adalah wilayahku termasuk sungai dan danau yang
ada di daratan!” tambah sura. Mereka berdua saling berargumen dan merasa benar. karena tidak
ada yang mengalah akhirnya mereka berdua berkelahi. Terjadilah pertempuran yang hebat antara
sura dan baya.

Pertarungan ini sangat dahsyat dan mengerikan. Sura dan Baya saling menerjang, menerkam dan
saling menggigit. Tidak ada satupun binatang yang berani mendekat atau bahkan menghentikan
perkelahian mereka. Perkelahian ini membuat semua air di sekitar mereka berubah warna
menjadi merah akibat darah yang keluar dari luka luka mereka berdua. Pertarungan ini
berlangsung dengan sangat lama. Mereka terus bertarung mati¬ –matian mempertahankan
daerahnya tanpa pernah istirahat sama sekali.

Dalam pertarungan dahsyat ini, Sura menggigit pangkal ekor baya. mendapat gigitan dari sura,
baya membalas gigitan Sura. dia juga menggigit ekor Sura. mereka berdua saling mengigit ekor
masing masing dan tanpa melepasnya. Kejadian ini berlangsung sangat lama. hingga pada
akhirnya Sura tidak tahan lagi karena ekornya hampir putus. Suar pun berlari kea rah lautan.
Baya puas telah berhasil mempertahankan daerahnya. hingga saat ini mereka berdua terus
bermusuhan dan Sura tidak pernah kembali ke sungai dan danau.
Pertarungan antara ikan Hiu yang bernama Sura dan Buaya yang bernama Baya ini sangat luar
biasa dan berkesan bagi masyrakat setempat. Oleh karena itu, daerah tersebut diberi nama
Surabaya. Dan dari peritiwa inilah kemudian dibuat lambang Kota Surabaya yaitu gambar ikan
hiu dan buaya yang saling menggigit.
Sleeping Beauty

Long time ago there lived a king and Queen who held a great feast to celebrate the birth of their baby
daughter, Briar Rose. Invitations were sent to all the fairies to bless the princess except to one as it was
presumed that she was dead. Each of them came to the king's feast bringing special gifts for the little
princes. The fairies began to give their gifts. "She shall be beautiful, "said the first".”She shall be wise
"said the second". "She shall be kind, "said the third". Only one fairy was left to give the gift when
suddenly the room went dark. Then after a great flash of light the same the fairy who was left out, came in

She was furious as no one had invited her at the feast. Then she said, "Well heroes my blessing feast.
Then she said, “well heroes my blessing that on her sixteenth birthday she will put her finger on a
spinning wheel and die." Another flash of light came and the fairy was gone. Then another fairy who was
there stepped forward. “My gift for the princess in still left." "My gift to her is life! When the spindle pricks
her finger she will not die but will fall into a deep sleep. That will last for a hundred years. Only a kiss from
her true love will wake her.
The following day the king issued a proclamation, ordering that all spinning wheels and spindles be
destroyed. Over the years the princess grew into a lovely girl. On the sixteenth birthday everyone was
preparing for the Party. The princess decided to go exploring the palace. "I wonder what is in the great
south tower," she said and made her way to it.

She saw a small door with a key on it. She turned the key and the door opened. Then she saw some
stairs and started climbing up. Meanwhile the king and Queen started looking for the princes. Everyone
had seen her but nobody knew where she had been going. The princess had reached the top of the
tower, where she saw another door that was slightly open. Then she heard a strange whirring sound,
which she had never heard before. She went into the room and saw an old woman working at a spinning
label. "What are you doing, asked Briar Rose, the princess?”I have never seen one of those before, what
is it"? "It’s a spinning wheel said the old woman who was the wicked fairy in disguise.

The Princes asked her if she could try and spin on the wheel, in the spindle she went to sleep. And
immediately everyone in the place also fell asleep, the cooks, the maids, the ministers everyone fell
asleep. The princess was now known as sleeping beauty. Year passed…. A king's son would come to the
famous Brior hedge to find out the mystery of the sleeping beauty.

One day the same charming prince, asked some villagers that where can he find the hedge? Just beyond
the village young sir "said the villagers. The Prince went to strike at the hedge, but when his sword met
the thorns great roses bloomed and a path opened for him. The prince entered the palace went to the
tower room and saw the princess fast asleep. He lent over and gently kissed her. Brior rose, the sleeping
beauty flickered her eyes and she woke up. When she saw the charming prince she fell in love with him.
All round the palace people began to wake up from their sleep. The Prince and the princess got married.
The royal wedding lasted for several days ending with a magnificent ball. The Prince and princess danced
and danced all night.

Nama    : betty nurhayati

Kelas    : x 5
No        : 7
Tidur Kecantikan 
Lama waktu yang lalu hiduplah seorang raja dan Ratu yang memegang sebuah pesta besar untuk
merayakan kelahiran bayi perempuannya mereka, Briar Rose. Undangan dikirim ke semua peri untuk
memberkati sang putri, kecuali untuk satu seperti yang diduga bahwa dia sudah mati. Masing-masing dari
mereka datang ke pesta itu raja membawa hadiah khusus untuk para pangeran kecil. Para peri mulai
memberikan hadiah mereka. "Dia akan menjadi cantik," kata yang pertama Dia menjadi bijak "." "Kata
yang kedua". "Dia akan baik," kata yang ketiga ". Hanya satu peri yang tersisa untuk memberikan hadiah
ketika tiba-tiba ruangan menjadi gelap. Kemudian setelah kilatan besar cahaya yang sama peri yang
ditinggalkan, datang dalam pandangan.
Dia marah karena tidak ada yang mengundangnya di pesta. Lalu dia berkata, "Yah pahlawan raya berkat
saya. Kemudian ia berkata," juga pahlawan berkat saya bahwa pada ulang tahun keenam belas ia akan
menempatkan jarinya di roda berputar dan mati. " Kilatan cahaya lain datang dan pergi peri. Lalu peri lain
yang ada di sana melangkah maju. "Hadiah saya untuk putri masih tersisa." "Adalah hadiah saya untuk
hidupnya! Ketika poros menusuk jarinya dia tidak akan mati tetapi akan jatuh ke dalam tidur
nyenyak. Yang akan berlangsung selama seratus tahun. Hanya sebuah ciuman dari cinta sejatinya akan

Keesokan harinya raja mengeluarkan sebuah proklamasi, memerintahkan bahwa semua roda berputar
dan spindle dihancurkan. Selama bertahun-tahun putri tumbuh menjadi gadis cantik. Pada ulang tahun
keenam belas orang sedang mempersiapkan untuk Partai. Sang putri memutuskan untuk pergi
menjelajahi istana. "Aku ingin tahu apa yang di menara selatan yang besar," katanya dan berjalan untuk
Dia melihat sebuah pintu kecil dengan tombol di atasnya. Dia memutar kunci dan pintu terbuka. Lalu ia
melihat beberapa anak tangga dan mulai memanjat. Sementara itu raja dan Ratu mulai mencari
pangeran. Semua orang melihatnya, tapi tak ada yang tahu di mana dia telah pergi. Sang putri telah
mencapai puncak menara, di mana ia melihat pintu lain yang sedikit terbuka. Lalu ia mendengar suara
mendesing aneh, yang ia belum pernah dengar sebelumnya. Dia masuk ke ruangan dan melihat seorang
wanita tua yang bekerja di sebuah label berputar. "Apa yang kamu lakukan, tanya Briar Rose, sang
putri?" Saya tidak pernah melihat salah satu dari mereka sebelumnya, apa itu "?"Ini sebuah roda berputar
ujar perempuan tua yang jahat peri yang menyamar.
Para Pangeran menanyakan apakah dia bisa mencoba dan spin pada roda, di spindle ia pergi tidur. Dan
segera semua orang di tempat tersebut juga jatuh tertidur, para juru masak, pembantu, semua orang
menteri tertidur. Putri itu sekarang dikenal sebagai tidur kecantikan. Tahun berlalu .... Seorang putra raja
akan datang ke pagar Brior terkenal untuk mengetahui misteri keindahan tidur.  
Suatu hari pangeran menawan yang sama, bertanya kepada beberapa warga desa yang mana bisa dia
menemukan pagar? Hanya di luar desa Sir muda "kata penduduk desa Pangeran pergi ke menyerang
pagar, tetapi ketika pedangnya bertemu dengan duri mawar besar berbunga dan jalan terbuka baginya..
Pangeran memasuki istana pergi ke ruang menara dan melihat putri tidur nyenyak. Dia dipinjamkan atas
dan menciumnya lembut Brior naik,. keindahan matanya berkedip tidur dan dia terbangun. Ketika dia
melihat pangeran menawan dia jatuh cinta padanya. putaran Semua orang istana mulai bangun dari
mereka tidur Sang Pangeran dan putri menikah.. Para pernikahan kerajaan berlangsung selama
beberapa hari berakhir dengan bola yang megah. Sang Pangeran dan putri menari dan menari sepanjang
An Untruthful Elephant 

In a country, lived a pair of elephants who love each other. They were Shawn and Honey. They had been
living together since 2 years ago and had two children. Their first child was Andy and their second child
was Danny. Danny was the elephant that often lied and he was always scolded by his parents because of
the lies that he often did.

While their older child, Andy was an elephant who was very honest and made the parents were so proud.
However, although his parents were proud of him, he was not arrogant, so all the elephants liked him. All
those conditions made Danny jealous and did not like his brother. But, he had not made him changed and
he became more and more lying frequently. He was never to be deterrent even though often punished by
his parents.

Meanwhile, his brother, Andy was never bored and stopped to advise him. However, all of the advice and
the punishment he received was never made him wary. A lie that often done by him was screaming near
the river so that someone else thinks he was drowning. In fact, he only intended to pretend and lied.

One day, he wanted to drink the water in the river which was deep enough. Because he was so thirsty, he
did not pay attention to the depth of the river and immediately stuck his trunk into the water. The surfaces
that were near the river were so slippery but he did not pay attention. Suddenly, Danny slipped and he
plunged into the river. There was no elephant that was near river because they were all in the pasture
which was far enough away from the river. He then yelled very loudly and asked for help to all the

The elephants heard it, but he often lied, so that the elephants on the pasture ignored his scream. In fact,
his parents did not pay attention because they thought he was lying. However, his brother was curious and
wanted to see whether Danny was lying or not. When the brother reached the river, he saw that Danny
was not lying and Danny almost drowned.

Andy immediately saved Danny and took him out on the pasture to be treated. The elephants in the
meadow shocked and immediately huddled beside him. A few minutes later, he woke up and he promised
never to lie again.

Artinya :

Gajah Yang Tidak Jujur


Di sebuah negeri, hiduplah sepasang gajah yang saling mencintai. Mereka bernama Shawn dan Honey.
Mereka telah hidup bersama sejak 2 tahun yang lalu dan sekarang telah mempunyai dua ekor anak gajah.
Anak pertama mereka adalah Andy dan anak kedua mereka adalah Danny. Danny adalah gajah yang
sering berbohong dan ia selalu dimarahi oleh orang tuanya karena kebohongan-kebohongan yang sering
ia lakukan.

Sedangkan anak pertama mereka, Andy merupakan seekor gajah yang sangat jujur dan sangat
dibanggakan oleh orang tuanya. Namun, meski ia dibanggakan oleh orang tuanya, ia tidak sombong
sehingga semua gajah semakin menyukai Andy. Semua kondisi tersebut membuat Danny iri dan tidak
menyukai kakaknya. Sikap iri yang ia miliki tidak membuatnya berubah dan ia menjadi semakin sering
berbohong. Ia tidak pernah jera meskipun sering dihukum oleh orang tuanya.

Sementara itu, kakaknya, Andy tidak pernah bosan dan berhenti untuk menasehatinya. Namun, semua
nasihat dan hukuman yang ia terima tidak pernah membuat dirinya jera. Salah satu kebohongan yang
sering dilakukan olehnya adalah berteriak-teriak di dekat sungai agar orang lain mengira dirinya
tenggelam. Padahal, ia hanya berpura-pura dan bermaksud berbohong.

Pada suatu hari, ia ingin minum air yang ada di sungai yang cukup dalam. Karena begitu haus, ia tidak
memperhatikan kedalaman sungai tersebut dan langsung menjulurkan belalainya ke dalam air. Permukaan
yang ada di dekat sungai begitu licin namun ia tidak memperdulikannya. Tiba-tiba, Danny terpeleset dan
ia tercebur ke dalam sungai. Tidak ada satu ekorpun gajah yang berada di dekat sungai karena mereka
semua sedang berada di padang rumput yang cukup jauh dari sungai tersebut. Ia kemudian berteriak
dengan sangat keras dan meminta tolong kepada semua gajah.

Para gajah mendengarnya, namun karena ia sering berbohong, maka gajah-gajah yang sedang berada di
padang rumput tidak memperdulikannya. Bahkan, orang tuanya tidak memperdulikannya karena mengira
ia sedang berbohong. Namun, kakaknya penasaran dan ingin melihat apakah danny berbohong atau tidak.
Ketika sampai di sungai, ternyata Danny tidak berbohong dan ia hampir mati tenggelam.

Andy segera menyelamatkan Danny dan membawanya ke padang rumput untuk diobati. Para gajah yang
ada di padang rumput terkejut dan segera berkerumun di samping danny. Beberapa menit kemudian, ia
tersadar dan ia berjanji tidak akan berbohong lagi.
Teks Cerita Pinokio dalam Bahasa Inggris
The Real Story of Pinocchio

Once upon a time, Gepetto, an old woodsman, living in the great Italian pine forest, was lonely.
He always dreamed about having a son.

Each day, he went cutting woods for the town’s people. One day, an idea illuminated his mind,
the idea of crafting a puppet, which he will call it Pinocchio. He crafted that puppet and during
the night, the puppet becomes alive!

One year of happiness and thriller passed, on a Sunday morning, Gepetto told Pinocchio:

‘’It’s my birthday soon, my little son! I hope you didn’t forget it!’’

‘’Euh, sure, I didn’t!’’

Pinocchio felt awkward. He didn’t thought about that. Gepetto’s birthday was coming in only
three days, and he hadn’t even a present.

After a long night of reflecting, Pinocchio finally decided to offer a homemade chocolate cake to
him as a present.

When the sun rose, Pinocchio was already ready to go outside find the ingredients. The main
problem was he didn’t even known the in and the recipe.

So after school, he decided to go ask someone for the ingredients to bake a cake. During his
walk, Pinocchio, the wooden puppet, met the town’s sorcerer.
‘’Hey, little boy, do you need some help for your chocolate cake?’’

‘’Hum…You can help me?’’, asked Pinocchio.

‘’Sure, I can. Follow me!’’

After walking few minutes so, Pinocchio saw a big, big, big candy house. They entered together
and Pinocchio got caught by a big cage.

‘’Mouahahaha!!! I finally caught you! You’ll be mine, you’re gonna work for me!’’, said the evil

Pinocchio was so scared. When the guards came and took him out of the cage, he immediately
ran away very fast and he succeeded to escape.

At the same time, the evil sorcerer, calling all his troops with him, ran after him and he took out
his magic wand. The evil devil changed the little wooden puppet into a chocolate cake!
When he came back home, he told the entire story to his father and they went to find the god

After a long trip, they finally find the god fairy and they got the magical potion for Pinocchio.

Terjemahan Cerita Pinokio dalam Bahasa Inggris

Sekali waktu, Gepetto, seorang penebang kayu tua, yang tinggal di hutan pinus besar Italia,
merasa kesepian. Dia selalu bermimpi tentang memiliki anak.

Setiap hari, ia pergi memotong kayu untuk orang-orang kota. Suatu hari, ide muncul di
pikirannya, ide membuat boneka kayu, yang ia akan menyebutnya Pinokio. Ia telah membuat
boneka itu dan pada malam hari, boneka tersebut hidup!

Satu tahun kebahagiaan dan film thriller berlalu, pada hari Minggu pagi, Gepetto mengatakan

” Ini hari ulang tahunku, anak kecilku! Aku harap kamu tidak lupa!”

” ya, tentu, aku tidak akan melupakan!”

Pinocchio merasa canggung. Dia tidak memikirkan hal itu. ulang tahun Gepetto atang hanya tiga
hari, dan dia bahkan tidak mempersiapkan hadiah.

Setelah sepanjang malam berpikir, Pinokio akhirnya memutuskan untuk menawarkan kue coklat
buatan sendiri kepadanya sebagai hadiah.

Ketika matahari terbit, Pinokio sudah siap untuk pergi ke luar mencari bahan-bahan. Masalah
terbesarnya ia bahkan tidak tahu bagaimana membuatnya dan resepnya.

Jadi sepulang sekolah, ia memutuskan untuk pergi bertanya kepada seseorang tentang bahan
untuk memanggang kue. Selama berjalan-jalan, Pinokio, boneka kayu, bertemu dukun kota.

” Hei, anak kecil, apakah Anda membutuhkan bantuan untuk kue cokelat Anda?”

” Hum … Anda dapat membantuku?”, Tanya Pinocchio.

” Tentu, aku bisa. Ikuti aku!”

Setelah berjalan beberapa menit sehingga, Pinokio melihat rumah permen yang sangaaaaat besar.
Mereka masuk bersama-sama dan Pinokio tertangkap oleh kandang besar.

” Mouahahaha! Aku akhirnya menangkapmu! kamu akan menjadi milikku, kau akan bekerja
untukku!”, Kata penyihir jahat.
Pinocchio sangat ketakutan. Ketika penjaga datang dan membawanya keluar dari kandang, dia
segera lari sangat cepat dan dia berhasil melarikan diri.

Pada saat yang sama, penyihir jahat, memanggil semua pasukannya dengan dia, berlari mengejar
dia dan dia mengeluarkan tongkat sihirnya. Iblis jahat mengubah boneka kayu kecil menjadi kue

Ketika ia kembali ke rumah, dia mengatakan seluruh cerita kepada ayahnya dan mereka pergi
untuk menemukan peri dewa.

Setelah perjalanan panjang, mereka akhirnya menemukan peri dewa dan mereka punya ramuan
ajaib untuk Pinokio.

akhir cerita pinokio dalam bahasa inggris ini bisa jadi pelajaran untuk anak-anak kita agar tidak
mudah berbohong karena kebohongan mengandung konsekuensi buruk meskipun bukan dalam
bentuk hidung kita yang akan panjang seperti cerita pinokio dalam bahasa inggris ini.
Malin Kundang

Cerita rakyat from West Sumatra

Once upon a time, on the north coast of Sumatra lived a poor woman and his son. The boy was
called Malin Kundang. They didn’t earn much as fishing was their only source of income. Malin
Kundang grew up as a skillful young boy. He always helps his mother to earn some money.
However, as they were only fisherman’s helper, they still lived in poverty. “Mother, what if I sail
overseas?” asked Malin Kundang one day to his mother. Her mother didn’t agree but Malin
Kundang had made up his mind. “Mother, if I stay here, I’ll always be a poor man. I want to be a
successful person,” urged Malin kundang. His mother wiped her tears, “If you really want to go,
I can’t stop you. I could only pray to God for you to gain success in life,” said his mother wisely.
“But, promise me, you’ll come home.”

In the next morning, Malin Kundang was ready to go. Three days ago, he met one of the
successful ship’s crew. Malin was offered to join him. “Take a good care of yourself, son,” said
Malin Kundang’s mother as she gave him some food supplies. “Yes, Mother,” Malin Kundang
said. “You too have to take a good care of yourself. I’ll keep in touch with you,” he continued
before kissing his mother’s hand. Before Malin stepped onto the ship, Malin’s mother hugged
him tight as if she didn’t want to let him go.

It had been three months since Malin Kundang left his mother. As his mother had predicted
before, he hadn’t contacted her yet. Every morning, she stood on the pier. She wished to see the
ship that brought Malin kundang home. Every day and night, she prayed to the God for her son’s
safety. There was so much prayer that had been said due to her deep love for Malin Kundang.
Even though it’s been a year she had not heard any news from Malin Kundang, she kept waiting
and praying for him.

After several years waiting without any news, Malin Kundang’s mother was suddenly surprised
by the arrival of a big ship in the pier where she usually stood to wait for her son. When the ship
finally pulled over, Malin Kundang’s mother saw a man who looked wealthy stepping down a
ladder along with a beautiful woman. She could not be wrong. Her blurry eyes still easily
recognized him. The man was Malin Kundang, her son.

Malin Kundang’s mother quickly went to see her beloved son. “Malin, you’re back, son!” said
Malin Kundang’s mother and without hesitation, she came running to hug Malin Kundang, “I
miss you so much.” But, Malin Kundang didn’t show any respond. He was ashamed to admit his
own mother in front of his beautiful wife. “You’re not my Mother. I don’t know you. My mother
would never wear such ragged and ugly clothes,” said Malin Kundang as he release his mother

Malin Kundang’s mother take a step back, “Malin…You don’t recognize me? I’m your mother!”
she said sadly. Malin Kundang’s face was as cold as ice. “Guard, take this old women out of
here,” Malin Kundang ordered his bodyguard. “Give her some money so she won’t disturb me
again!” Malin Kundang’s mother cried as she was dragged by the bodyguard, ”Malin… my son.
Why do you treat your own mother like this?”

Malin Kundang ignored his mother and ordered the ship crews to set sail. Malin Kundang’s
mother sat alone in the pier. Her heart was so hurt, she cried and cried. “Dear God, if he isn’t my
son, please let him have a save journey. But if he is, I cursed him to become a stone,” she prayed
to the God.

In the quiet sea, suddenly the wind blew so hard and a thunderstorm came. Malin Kundang’s
huge ship was wrecked. He was thrown by the wave out of his ship, and fell on a small island.
Suddenly, his whole body turned into stone. He was punished for not admitting his own

Long time ago in West Java, lived a beautiful girl named Dayang Sumbi. She was also smart and
clever. Her beauty and intelligence made a prince from the heavenly kingdom of Kahyangan
desire her as his wife. The prince asked permission from his father to marry Dayang Sumbi.
People from Kahyangan could never live side by side with humans, but his father approved on
one condition, when they had a child, the prince would transform into a dog. The prince accepted
the condition.

They get married and lived happily in the woods until Dayang Sumbi gave birth to a baby boy.
The prince then changed into a dog named Tumang. Their son is named Sangkuriang. He was
very smart and handsome like his father. Everyday, he hunted animals and looked for fruits to
eat. One day, when he was hunting, Sangkuriang accidentally killed Tumang. His arrow missed
the deer he was targeting and hit Tumang instead. He went home and tells her mother about the
dog. “What?” Dayang Sumbi was appalled. Driven by sadness and anger, she grabbed a weaving
tool and hit Sangkuriang’s head with it. Dayang Sumbi was so sad; she didn’t pay any attention
to Sangkuriang and started to cry.

Sangkuriang feel sad and also confused. How can his mother love a dog more than him?
Sangkuriang then decided to go away from their home and went on a journey. In the morning,
Dayang Sumbi finally stopped crying. She started to feel better, so she went to find Sangkuriang.
But her son was no where to be found. She looked everywhere but still couldn’t find him.
Finally, she went home with nothing. She was exhausted. She fell asleep, and in her dream, she
meets her husband. “Dayang Sumbi, don’t be sad. Go look for my body in the woods and get the
heart. Soak it with water, and use the water to bathe, and you will look young forever,” said the
prince in her dream. After bathing with the water used to soak the dog’s heart, Dayang Sumbi
looked more beautiful and even younger.

And time passed by. Sangkuriang on his journey stopped at a village and met and fell in love
with a beautiful girl.He didn’t realize that the village was his homeland and the beautiful girl was
his own mother, Dayang Sumbi. Their love grew naturally and he asked the girl to marry him.
One day, Sangkuriang was going on a hunt. He asked Dayang Sumbi to fix the turban on his
head. Dayang Sumbi was startled when she saw a scar on his head at the same place where she,
years ago, hit Sangkuriang on the head.

After the young man left, Dayang Sumbi prayed for guidance. After praying, she became
convinced that the young man was indeed her missing son. She realized that she had to do
something to prevent Sangkuriang from marrying her. But she did not wish to disappoint him by
cancelling the wedding. So, although she agreed to marry Sangkuriang, she would do so only on
the condition that he provides her with a lake and built a beautiful boat, all in one night.

Sangkuriang accepted this condition without a doubt. He had spent his youth studying magical
arts. After the sun went down, Sangkuriang went to the hill. Then he called a group of genie to
build a dam around Citarum River. Then, he commands the genies to cut down trees and build a
boat. A few moments before dawn, Sangkuriang and his genie servants almost finished the boat.

Dayang Sumbi, who had been spying on him, realised that Sangkuriang would fulfill the
condition she had set. Dayang Sumbi immediately woke all the women in the village and asked
them to wave a long red scarf. All the women in the village were waving red scarf, making it
look as if dawn was breaking. Deceived by false dawn, the cock crowed and farmers rose for the
new day.

Sangkuriang’s genie servants immediately dropped their work and ran for cover from the sun,
which they feared. Sangkuriang grew furious. With all his anger, he kicked the unfinished boat.
The boat flew and landed on a valley. The boat then became a mountain, called Mount
Tangkuban Perahu (Tangkuban means upturned or upside down, and Perahu means boat). With
his power, he destroyed the dam. The water drained from the lake becoming a wide plain and
nowadays became a city called Bandung (from the word Bendung, which means Dam).***


 Cerita rakyat from East Java

Raden Putra was the king of Jenggala kingdom. He had a beautiful queen and concubine. Unlike
the queen, the concubine had bad personalities. She was envious and jealous with the queen, so
she planned to make the queen leave the palace. The concubine then asked the royal healer to
help her in her plan. One day, the concubine pretended to be ill. Raden Putra called the royal
healer to give the concubine treatments. “What is her disease?” Raden Putra asked the royal
healer. “I’m very sorry, My Majesty. She is sick because the queen put poison in her meal,” the
royal healer lied.

Raden Putra was shock and angry to hear the explanation. He called the queen and asked her if
the story was true. Of course the queen denied, but Raden Putra won’t listen. “Please Your
Majesty, have mercy. I really didn’t do anything,” cried the queen in her tears. Raden Putra’s
anger ended in a decision. The queen should be banished to the woods and terminated. He did
not know that the queen was already pregnant. Raden Putra commanded one of his general to do
the punishment. The queen was banished to the woods, but the wise general didn’t have the heart
to kill her. He built a simple house in the woods for her. On his way back to the palace, he
smeared his sword with rabbit blood, so Raden Putra would believe that he had killed the queen.

After the general left, the queen lived by herself in the woods. Several months later, she gave
birth to a healthy baby boy. The baby was named Cindelaras. He grew up as a nice, healthy, and
handsome boy. One day, while Cindelaras helped her mother to collect some fire woods, an
eagle dropped an egg. Cindelaras brought the egg to be brooded by a chicken behind their house.
The egg hatched into a chick and then it slowly became a strong rooster. The rooster is no
ordinary rooster. The rooster could sing. Every morning, the rooster woke Cindelaras up with its
beautiful song, “My master is Cindelaras. His house is in the woods. He’s the son of Raden
Putra.” The rooster often sang that song.

Cindelaras always woke up early in the morning and listen happily to his rooster’s song. He
didn’t realize the meaning of the song until one day, he started to think. “Who is Raden Putra?”
he asked his mother. The queen then told him the whole story. She also told him why they were
banned from the kingdom and lived in the woods. Cindelaras was very surprised. He decided to
go to the palace to meet the king, his father. Cindelaras asked her mother’s permission to go to
the kingdom and to tell the king what really happened. He also brought his rooster that grew
bigger and stronger each day.

On his way, Cindelaras stopped at a village. There, he met some people who were involved in
cockfighting. They challenge him to see how strong his rooster was. “If your rooster wins, you’ll
get a reward,” said the man who challenged him. Cindelaras accepted the challenge. In a few
minutes, his rooster defeated the opponent’s rooster. He was challenged again by other man, and
one more time, his rooster won. He won again and again.

The news about Cindelaras’ rooster quickly spread to the whole Jenggala kingdom and made
Raden Putra curious. So, he invited Cindelaras to the palace. “What is your name, boy?” Raden
Putra asked as Cindelaras arrived in the palace. “My name is Cindelaras, Your Majesty,”
Cindelaras answered. He felt both thrilled and happy to see Raden Putra.

Raden Putra challenged Cindelaras with one condition. If Raden Putra’s rooster won, Cindelaras’
head would be cut off. But if Cindelaras’ rooster won, Raden Putra would share half of his
wealth. Cindelaras accepted the condition. The competition was held in the front yard of the
palace. The two roosters fought bravely. But in just a few minutes, Cindelaras’ rooster won the
fight! Raden Putra shook his head and stared at Cindelaras from his seat, “That rooster is no
ordinary rooster, and the boy is not an ordinaty boy either. Who is he exactly?” he thought.
Raden Putra was about to asked when suddenly Cindelaras’ rooster sang the song, “My master is
Cindelaras. His house is in the woods. He’s the son of Raden Putra.”

Raden Putra was surprised. “Is it true?” he asked. “Yes, My Majesty. My name is Cindelaras and
my mother was the queen,” said Cindelaras. Raden putra called the general who had banished the
queen. The general then confessed that he never killed the queen. Later, the royal healer also
admitted his mistake. Raden Putra was so shocked. He immediately went to the woods to pick up
the queen. Ever since, Cindelaras and his parents lived happily together. As for the concubine,
she was sent to the jail as punishment.***

Timun Mas

Long time ago in the island of Java, Indonesia, lived a couple of farmer.  They had married for
some years but they had no children.  So they prayed to a monster called Buta Ijo to give them
children.  Buta Ijo was a ferocious and powerful monster.  He granted their wish on one
condition.  When their children had grown up, they had to sacrifice them to Buta Ijo.  He liked
eating fresh meat of human being.  The farmers agreed to his condition.  Several months later the
wife was pregnant.

She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.  They named her Timun Emas.  The farmers were happy. 
Timun Emas was very healthy and a very smart girl.  She was also very diligent. When she was a
teenager Buta Ijo came to their house.  Timun Emas was frightened so she ran away to hide.  The
farmers then told Buta Ijo that Timun Emas was still a child.  They asked him to postpone.  Buta
Ijo agreed.  He promised to come again.  The following year Buta Ijo came again.  But again and
again their parents said that Timun Emas was still a child.

When the third time Buta Ijo came their parents had prepared something for him.  They gave
Timun Emas several bamboo needles, seeds of cucumber, dressing and salt.
‘Timun, take these things’

‘What are these things?’

‘These are your weapons.  Buta Ijo will chase you.  He will eat you alive.  So run as fast as you
can.  And if he will catch you spread this to the ground.  Now go!’

Timun Emas was scared so she ran as quickly as she could.  When Buta Ijo arrived she was far
from home.  He was very angry when he realized that his prey had left.  So he ran to chase her. 
He had a sharp nose so he knew what direction his prey ran.

Timun Emas was just a girl while Buta Ijo was a monster so he could easily catch her up.  When
he was just several steps behind Timun Emas quickly spread the seeds of cucumber.  In seconds
they turned into many vines of cucumber.  The exhausted Buta Ijo was very thirsty so he grabbed
and ate them.  When Buta Ijo was busy eating cucumber Timun Emas could run away.

But soon Buta Ijo realized and started running again.  When he was just several steps behind
Timun Emas threw her bamboo needles.   Soon they turned into dense bamboo trees. Buta Ijo
found it hard to pass.  It took him some time to break the dense bamboo forest.  Meanwhile
Timun Emas could run farther.

Buta Ijo chased her again.  When he almost catch her again and again Timun Emas threw her
dressing.  This time it turned into a lake.  Buta Ijo was busy to save himself so Timun Emas ran
way.  But Buta Ijo could overcome it and continued chasing her.

Finally when Timun Emas was almost caught she threw her salt.  Soon the land where Buta Ijo
stood turned into ocean.  Buta Ijo was drowned and died instantly.

Timun Emas was thankful to god and came back to her home.
Roro Jonggrang

Long time ago, there was a kingdom named Prambanan. All the people of Prambanan lived
peacefully. But then, Prambanan kingdom was attacked and occupied by the Pengging kingdom.
Prambanan then was ruled by Bandung Bondowoso of Pengging kingdom. He was a mean king.
He also had great supernatural power. His soldiers were not only humans, but also genies.

The king of Prambanan had a beautiful daughter named Loro Jonggrang. Bandung Bondowoso
fell in love with her and wanted to marry her. “You’re very beautiful. Would you be my queen?”
asked Bandung Bondowoso. Loro Jonggrang was shocked. She didn’t like Bandung Bondowoso
because he was a mean person. She wanted to refuse, but she afraid that Bandung Bondowoso
would be angry and endangered the people of Prambanan. Then, she came up with a plan. “If
you want to marry me, you have to build a thousand temples for me in just one night,” said Loro
Jonggrang. “What? That’s impossible!” said Bandung Bondowoso. But he did not give up. He
consulted with his advisor. “Your Majesty can asked the genies to help built the temples,” said
the advisor.

So, Bandung Bondowoso summoned his entire genies soldier and commanded them to help him
built a thousand temples. The genies worked in unbelievable speed. Meanwhile, Loro Jonggrang
heard from her servant that the building of a thousand temples was almost finished. She was so
worried. But again, she came up with a great idea. She asked all of her servants to help her.
“Please prepare a lot of straw and mortar. Please hurry up!” said Loro Jonggrang. “Burn the
straw and make some noise pounding the mortar, quickly.” All those servants did what Loro
Jonggrang ordered them; burning straw and pounding the mortar, making the genies think that
the sun is going to rise.

“It’s already dawn. We have to go,” said the leader of the genies to Bandung Bondowoso. All the
genies immediately stopped their work and ran for cover from the sun, which they afraid of.
They didn’t know that the light was from the fire that burning the straw, not from the sun.

Bandung Bondowoso can’t stop the genies from leaving. He was angry. He knew Loro
Jonggrang had just tricked him. “You cannot fool me, Loro Jonggrang. I already have 999
temples. I just need one more temple. Now, I will make you the one-thousandth temple.” He
pointed his finger to Loro Jonggrang and said some mantras. Magically, Loro Jonggrang’s body
turned into stone. Until now, the temple is still standing in Prambanan area, Central Java. And
the temple is called Loro Jonggrang temple.

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