Abel Lalu - Classmate Q A

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Name: Classmate Q&A

Q&A with 9th Grader Rafael Mekonnen

Abel Lalu: What is your favorite color and why?

Rafael Mekonnen: Uhh, sky blue. It's a very calming color, so I like it

Abel Lalu: What is your favorite T.V. Show?

Rafael Mekonnen: Um, either Victorious or iCarly.

Abel Lalu: Aren’t those T.V. shows old?

Rafael Mekonnen: Yeah

Abel Lalu: What do you do in your free time?

Rafael Mekonnen: Um, I either play Valorant with my friends, play minecraft, or honestly just
read manga.

Abel Lalu: What is your favorite movie?

Rafael Mekonnen: I like Pacific Rim or Ready Player One.

Abel Lalu: What is your favorite video game?

Rafael Mekonnen: Probably a tie between Super mario Galaxy and Valorant.

Abel Lalu: What is your favorite sports team?

Rafael Mekonnen: I don’t really watch sports to be honest.

Abel Lalu: What is your favorite drink and what do you like about it?

Rafael Mekonnen: My favorite drink is probably Sunkist. I am a sucker for orange soda, so
Fanta is good too.

Abel Lalu: What is your favorite class, as of right now and why is it?

Rafael Mekonnen: Uh, Geometry. Um, I have always been a math nerd and its been pretty easy
for me

Abel Lalu: What do you want to be when you grow up?

Rafael Mekonnen: Probably an Engineer.

Name: Classmate Q&A

Abel Lalu: In what?

Rafael Mekonnen: Either a bioengineer or mechanical engineer.

Abel Lalu: Why do you like Band so much?

Rafael Mekonnen: I like being able to play instruments and playing as a group, and I just think it
is really cool.

Abel Lalu: What do you think has been your greatest adversity this year?

Rafael Mekonnen: Probably trying to transition from 8th grade to 9th grade, because my 8th
grade year was pretty easy and 9th grade is ...

Abel Lalu: What has been your greatest achievement up until now?

Rafael Mekonnen: It is probably winning the spelling bee or getting A Honor Roll for the whole
entire 6th grade.

Abel Lalu: What do you plan on doing for your Summer Break?

Rafael Mekonnen: I am probably going to stay in and play valorant or just hang out with my
parents and family.

Abel Lalu: What has been a moment in your life that changed the perspective of this world?

Rafael Mekonnen: When I was little, I didn't really get the concept of racism until now, so i’ll
have to say racism.

Abel Lalu: Who is the role model you look up to?

Rafael Mekonnen: Probably my mom, because she has gone through a lot, transitioning from
Africa to here in the U.S., and she has gone through more than me so that I can live a better life
than she did.

Abel Lalu:This Is there anything you would like to add?

Rafael Mekonnen: Uh, No.

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