Phrasal Verbs With Go and Get PDF

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Phrasai Verbs with Go

go away go by go down go for

go into go off go on go out
go over go through go up go with
Remember - some phrasal verbs have more than one meaning,

A Complete the sentences 1 People get older as the years

with the correct form of a 2 His first speech very well and everybody clappecl.
phrasal verb with go.
3 I think he's broken his leg, I'll stay with him while you
he1p, -,
4 When I finish my studies, I'll probabiy teaching,
5 Leave me alonel Just _-l
6 As we sat there, the lights suddenly --, plunging the house
into darkness,
7 If you're tonight, Elaine, remember to take your cloor key
with you,
8 Just imagine what the poor man locked up for a crime he
hadn't committed,
9 That meat smells terrible! I think it has
L0 The rate of inflation -, year from AVo to \Vo.
11 --
I'm afraid those red curtains don't the green carpet,
L2 He stopped for a drink of water, and then to finish his
13 Angrily the teacher asked what was-
14 Did you understand that; or shall I _ it again?
15 I'm sure you can do it.'- ! Just try!

B Match each phrase or 1 The building was A go off at midnight 1

clause with the best attacked and
ending, Write the letter 2 House prices in this B went through all his pockets, 2
next to the number on the area
3 He didn't find the C went up in flaines. ô
keys although he
4 I told you not to D went down last year +
5 The bomb was timed E let the fire go out. tr

Now do the same for the 6 He goes through F a cup of coffee now. o
rest of the exercise, 7 She went on talking G to sleep immediately I
8 Let's go for H and we never saw her again, 8
9 The children went off I despite the interuuptions, I
L0 She went away J six pairs ofshoes a year, 10

Phrasal Verbs with Get
get away get by get in get off get on
get out get over. get round gei, through get up
get away with get, on with get out of get round to
Remember - some phrasal verbs have more than one meaning,

A Cornplete the sentences L Bluce made an excuse so that he coulcl doirrg his
with the cotrect form o1 a horrrervorl<,
plrrasal verb with get. 2 I'm catching a plane on Friday evening, so I'll neecl to
--_- from
the office earlier than usua1,
3 How ale the children at school lhese days?
4 The cloo/s loclced, We can't without a key.
5 They haven't got much money, but they manage'to
6 The prisonels must have through that open wirrdow,
? it talces some patients several months to _ bhis type of
B 'When are you going to answer that letter.?''There's no huuy, I,ll
it sometime this weelç.'
I Did you _ to your father on the phone?
l-0 What time clo you usuaily in the morning?
11 I was half asleep on the bus and to _- at my stop,
12 Don't tallcl Just your workl Hurry upl

B Complete the second 1- I hacl a good relationship with my neighbours until last year, WELL
ser'rtence so that it has a I with my neighbours until last year,
similar meaning to the first
one. Use between two
2 The robbers escaped with f2 m.il1ion in banknotes, - AWAy
and five urords, including The robbers t2 million in banlcnotes,
the word given, Do not 3 I simply can't make her.understand, TO
change the word given I simply can't _-- her,
4 Maiik never really recovered fr,om the shocl<, GOT
Maiik never really the shocli,
5 She's g'etting on a bit, isn't she? OLD
She's , isn't she?
6 Saily somelimes pretends to be ill to avoicl going to school, OUT
Saliy sornetimes pretends to be ill going to school

C Fill the spaces with the 1 get a bus to sleep a bike

correct particle(s), e.g, ln 2 get homeworh an exam money fast
all his
û geb a problem l;he rules your father.
4 get ataxi cloing the housewor,lç lrr.ison
5 get an illness a fence your shyness


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