Liaison Interpreting Script

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Group Members :

Komang Ary Trisna Wahyuni (0047)

Luh Putu Darmayani Pulasari (0048)

Luh Putu Oisah Valentina (0049)

Guest Traveling to Penglipuran Village

The situation is a tourist who is traveling to Penglipuran village and a tourist asks one of the
traders about where is the best house to be a photo spot.

Tourist : hello madam can you tell me where are good places to take pictures in this
village ?

Dagang : sorry saya tidak mengerti bahasa inggris

Tourist : where is the place to take the best photos in here ?

Dagang : Oh saya bukan tukang foto .

Tourist : No, no. that's not what I mean... just tell me where is the best place in here ?

Dagang : saya tidak mengerti coba nanya ke yang lain yahh saya tidak bisa bahasa inggris

Tourist : Can you speak English? I don’t understand

Dagang : no no saya tidak berbahasa inggris sorry sorry

Tourist : Okay, wait I will call my guide, so you will understand what I say

Dagang : ya ya di telpon dulu guidenya bu

Guide : Ada yang bisa saya bantu bu?

Dagang : Ini Tamunya bikin saya bingung , saya gk bisa bahasa inggris dari tadi saya
kurang paham mau belanja apa mau nanya ini tamunya

Guide : Oh gitu. What do want to ask Miss Tina ?

Tourist : i want to know where is the best places to take a picture in this place ?

Guide : ohh i see wait a minute I'll ask it for you and I will help to translate.
Ibu , tau tempat yang paling bagus untuk pengambilan foto disini ?

Dagang :ohh kalo tempat foto disini biasanya menggunakan rumah penduduk pak karena
di desa penglipuran semua rumah di desain dengan rumah jaman dulu

Guide : The photo area here usually uses people's houses because in Penglipuran village
all houses are designed with old houses

Tourist : Oh that means we can enter all people's homes without paying?

Guide : itu artinya kita bisa memasuki semua rumah penduduk tanpa membayar?

Dagang : Ya bebas tapi inget jaga kebersihan bersama dan tidak boleh merusak desain
desain rumahnya

Guide : Yes it's free, but remember to keep it together clean and don't spoil the design of
the house

Tourist : can I borrow a traditional Balinese clothes here, I use it for take a picture?

Guide : boleh gak minjem pakaian adat bali di pake foto an?

Dagang : bisa aja sih semua rumah menyediakan pakaian ciri khas bali tapi itu kena
biaya ,

Guide : If you want to wear Balinese clothes you have to pay because they are rented out
in every house

Tourist : how much it costs ?

Guide : berapa harganya bu ?

Dagang : palingan sekitar Rp50.000 ribu saja tergantung motif baju saja

Guide : the price is around Rp50.000 thousand and depending on the motif of the shirt

Tourist : Wow that's too expensive , How about Rp20.000?

Guide : itu terlalu mahal ibu , di tawar dengan harga Rp20.000 bisa gak?

Dagang : itu sudah harga standard ok lah bisa di nego Rp.35.000 saja

Guide : it is a standard price, only negotiable at a price of Rp. 35. 000

Tourist : Ok no problem with the price, let me just go into her house and rent Balinese
clothes and than take a picture .
Guide : ok ibu sudah deal , dan ijinkandia masuk ke rumah ibu , sewa pakaian adat bali
dan pengambilan foto

Dagang : ya silahkan masuk langsung nanti di dalam sudah ada yang handle saya jaga
warung di sini, pembayaran sewa baju bayar disini langsung

Guide : Enter the house directly there are people who will handle and for direct
payments with this mother enter the house directly there are people who will
handle and for direct payments here, Ms Tina. you just pay around Rp. 35 . 000

Tourist : Okay thank you , here it is

Dagang : Thank you. Terimakasih bu

Tourist : You are welcome

Guide : Sama-sama bu. Pamit bu

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