Mineral Resources Test

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Farzan Saleem

Name………………………………………………………………….. 9-A Total Marks – 40

Total time -45 minutes
(a) Study Photograph A (Insert).

a) Study Figs 7 and 8 which give information about the extraction of three metallic minerals in
Pakistan in 2010–11

Fig.7 Fig.8

329000 tonnes

Fig. 3 shows quantities whereas Fig. 4 shows percentages

of the total amount

used in steel
Local people would have more employment opportunities, there
would be higher incomes of people that would lead them to live
a more settled lifestyle, there would be more business opportunities
for local . There could be an Improvement to local infrastructure
such as roads and electricity. It could also benefir the ntional economy of the
country, there would be raw material for named sectors of economy like energy, industry
etc. Industries could develop, there would be more taxes for the government, it would
reduce imports of the country and wwould also reduce the national debt.

Mining continues to be a dangerous activity, whether large-scale industrial

mining or small-scale artisanal mining. Not only are there accidents, but
exposure to dust and toxins, along with stress from the working environment or
managerial pressures, give rise to a range of diseases that affect miners. Deforestation
is done to construct roads and mining. Large pits are dug are filled with rain water may
cause flooding. Air pollution is caused due to blasting. Noise pollution is caused due to
use of explosives wild life also disturbs from blasting. Mining waste cause water pollution.
It cause health problems in miners.
(c) Study Photograph (Insert B) which shows a quarry in Pakistan.
(i) Use the photograph and your own knowledge to describe the environmental
Problems that can be caused by mineral extraction.
The photograph shows that that environment is barren and
has been deforestated, it shows extreme loss of vegetation
and land deformation due to soil errosion there is no
farmland and there are piles of rocks.
(ii) How can these problems be reduced?
These problmes can be reduced by doinf reforestation, and planting

more vegetation, there could be laws for not cutting down trees,

land reformation could be done and soil errosion can be stopped by

reforestation it could also increase farmlands etc



It could Increase infrastructure and increase in exports and reduce imports

which could help the development of pakistan and help local industries
to develop, It also increase the employment opportunities for the local
people ans provide more job opportunities, It could also help incrase

education and could also lead to advancement in technology that could

help in many ways to the country. There could be less environmental

damage if only a specific area is selected for mining this would save land
and help the country develop by making more industries there. This could

lead to more earnings and revenue for the government by collecting more

taxes. They woudl also provide fuel and there are many more benfits of

mineral resources that would help Pakistan develop.

Insert B
Question 2
(i)Study the article below from ‘Dawn’, November 4th, 2011.

(a) By how much has forest cover decreased since independence?

Forest cover has decreased by 30.5%

(b) By how much should it increase by 2015 to meet its commitment under the UN

Development Goal?
It would increase by 3.5%

(ii) Suggest three reasons why the forests are being cut down?
Requirement of wood/timber
1 ........................................................................................................................................
lands for factories or roads
2 ........................................................................................................................................
Agriculture for farms
3 ....................................................................................................................................[3]

(iii) Explain the effects of this deforestation.

It would increase soil errosion, the habitat of the wildlife animals would
be destroyed, and overall increase in global warming and global temperature
due to prodection of less oxygen and more carbondioxide produced by humans.
It would increase flooding as less water would be absorbed. Many
species of the ansimal would be extinct as their environment woudl be lost.




(iv) State and explain three effects of deforestation in mountainous areas.

Increase in global warming
Effect .........................................................
Due to a decrease in the production of oxygen and less carbondioxide
Explanation ...............................................................................................................................
Sol errosion
Effect .........................................................
No roots to hold the soil due to less trees
Explanation ...............................................................................................................................

Destruction of habitats of animals
Effect .........................................................
Forests are the homes of many animals so deforestation would mean
Explanation ...............................................................................................................................
destroying the habitat of many animals

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