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Farzan Saleem 9-A

If you were given 3 wishes what would they be and why?

In many stories, the protagonist characters were given a number of wishes, usually three.
There are certainly many people who want to have some wishes. They can ask what they
really want in life. If I were given three wishes, I would ask great wisdom, peace, and
something. The third wish is a secret. I will explain the reasons why I choose them.

I would ask great wisdom because I think that I can get many other things by having it. If
I had great wisdom, I could make wise decisions in life so that I could be successful, patient,
rich, happy, and many other things. Furthermore, if I had wisdom, I would consider myself,
others, the world, and God. In addition, I would be able to help others with their problems
if I had great wisdom. In short, the advantage I would get if I had great wisdom is that I
would be able to know what would be the best thing I should do in any situation.

I would choose peace as my second wish because peace is one of the most important things
in the world. If this world were peaceful, many problems would be solved and all good
aspects in the world would develop. I am sure that everyone would be happy. Then, if this
world were peaceful, people could make this world a better place for everyone. Peace is
not only for human beings. Animals and environment need peace, too. Thus, people should
keep the animals and environment better.

The third wish is the most difficult one to choose. I get the other two wishes in less than
three minutes respectively. I nonetheless need more than thirty minutes to choose the third
one. Then, for my third wish, I would ask that the two wishes are cancelled and the three
wishes should be given to someone who needs them the most in the world instead. I know
this is probably one of the most foolish wishes you have ever heard in your whole life up
until now. After a deep thought searching for the third wish, I realise that my life is actually
perfect. I do not want to get anything instantly because it will not make any sense. Whatever
I wish, I should try to make the wishes come true. I believe a proverb that says, “Where
there is a will, there is a way”.

I realise that everything I wish will ruin my own life. If the three wishes were granted, this
life would not be exciting anymore. I have been living for more than 15 years in this world.
Fifteen years is enough for me that everything in this life happens on purpose. Moreover,
none of the purpose is disadvantageous for everyone. I realise that many bad things which
happened in my life make me stronger, wiser, and more patient.

On the whole, I have explained about my wishes. They are wisdom, peace, and the
surprising third wish. I have also explained the reasons. I realise that if I were given three
wishes, I should use them well because many people want the three wishes. However, I am
not a protagonist in a fairy tale. My life is absolutely perfect. What else can I wish?

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