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Note to Teachers

Born in Lancashire, England in 1900, James Hilton was both a best-selling novelist and a much sought-after
Hollywood scriptwriter. His father, John, was a schoolmaster (on whom the hero of Hilton's Goodbye Mr. Chips is
partly based) and moved the family to London where Hilton attended the prestigious Leys School. Hilton went to on to
study at Christ's College, Cambridge where, at the age of seventeen, he placed an article in the Manchester Guardian,
and later published his first novel, Catherine Herself, in 1920. After a stint at the Dublin newspaper, The Irish
Independent, and the publication of several more novels, Hilton achieved immediate and lasting fame with Lost
Horizon (1933) and Goodbye, Mr. Chips (1934). Hilton moved to Hollywood in 1935 and enjoyed great success as a
scriptwriter, winning a Best Screenplay Oscar for Mrs. Miniver (1942). He died in Long Beach, California, in 1954.

Though most often remembered for its depiction of the mythical paradise of Shangra-La, Lost Horizon can perhaps
most fruitfully be read as a probing character study and a fascinating contrast of eastern and western cultures. The
novel tells the story of Hugh Conway, a brilliant, talented, and immensely complex man. Often misunderstood, even
by those who most admire him, Conway is seen variously as a hero, a coward, a slacker, a wise man, and a madman.
As the novel opens, an unnamed narrator is having drinks with a novelist, Rutherford, and an embassy secretary,
Wyland. Conversation moves to the hijacking of a British military plane in India and the disappearance of a mutual
acquaintance, "Glory" Conway. Rutherford later reveals he has encountered Conway in China and received from him
an unforgettable tale, which he has written down and passes on in manuscript form to the narrator. It is this text, with
its extraordinary account of Conway and his experiences at a mysterious Tibetan Lamasery, Shangra-La, which forms
the center of Lost Horizon.

Once Conway and his companions are taken, against their will, to the Lamasery at Shangra-La, the differences
between western and eastern attitudes-and between the curious Conway and the headstrong Mallinson-become
immediately and sharply apparent. Mallinson feels he has been yanked beyond the bounds of civilization and wants
nothing more than to be returned to it as quickly as possible. Conway, on the other hand, is intrigued by the Lamasery
and its urbane but mysterious host, Chang. He responds deeply to the life of quiet contemplation, the slow pace, and
otherworldly beauty of the mountains of Tibet. Where Mallinson is anxious and aggressive, consumed with what
action they should take, Conway is supremely calm and quite content to remain at Shangra-La indefinitely. This
contrast between assertive action and passive acceptance, which Mallinson and Conway embody, highlights the
differences between Britain, with its worldwide colonial ambitions, its confidence in its own cultural superiority, its
outward focus, and the inward-turned world of Tibetan Buddhism, with its emphasis on meditation, moderation, and
long life.

Indeed, it is the concern with extending human life-spans, and with finding a successor to the High Lama, someone
who will preserve Shangra-La's treasures of wisdom and culture from "the coming storm," that lies behind the plot to
bring the "recruits" to Shangra-La. Conway, because of his remarkable passionlessness, is felt to be ideally suited to
the task. But Mallinson is able, at the very last moment, to convince Conway to help him escape from what he
perceives as a nightmare of subterfuge and sham piety.

Students will likely have strong opinions about whose view of Shangra-La-Mallinson's or Conway's-is more true, and
the novel as a whole can serve as an excellent springboard for getting them to examine their own ideas about western
and eastern cultures, the active vs. the contemplative life, passion vs. detachment. The novel can also offer a way to
discuss such issues as colonialism, storytelling, character, the brevity of life and the many ways humans have dreamt
of-and struggled to find-immortality.

Discussion Questions
1. Why has Hilton chosen Lost Horizon as his title? What does the horizon of the title refer to? In what sense has it
been lost?
2. Why does Hilton frame the main story of Lost Horizon with the conversations between Rutherford and the
narrator? How do these conversations affect the way we interpret the story and understand Conway?

3. Mallinson tells Chang that they want to "return to civilization as soon as possible," to which Chang replies: "Are
you so very certain that you are away from it?" (p. 58). Why would someone like Mallinson think that
"civilization" was more or less confined to Europe and America? What are the dangers of such an attitude?
What evidence of a refined and highly cultured civilization do they find at the Lamasery?

4. To Conway "it did not appear that the Eastern races were abnormally dilatory, but rather that Englishmen and
Americans charged about the world in a state of continual and rather preposterous fever-heat" (p. 83). Is
Conway's assessment, based on what we see in the novel, correct? In what ways do Chang and Mallinson
represent the opposite extremes of calm and "fever-heat"? What are the consequences of Englishmen and
Americans "charging around the world" in such a state?

5. What kind of man is Conway? He "had grown used to people liking him only because they misunderstood him"
(p. 81). How do people misunderstand him? Is he a hero? An underachiever? A rebel? A wise man? What is
unconventional about him? What are his most appealing qualities? What are his faults?

6. When Conway asks how law and order are maintained in Shangra-La, Chang says that there is almost no crime,
since "every one enjoyed a sufficiency of everything he could possibly desire" (p. 113). Is Shangra-La a kind of
utopia, or perfect society? What are its most admirable qualities? What are its less appealing features?

7. Conway says he would sooner live like a Dervish…than go out to dinner every night in London" (p. 127). Why
does he feels such disdain for London society and, by implication, Western culture in general? In what ways is
he more temperamentally suited to life in a Tibetan Lamasery?

8. Mallinson tells Conway "You've gone off your head…. You're mad, Conway, that's what's the matter with you. I
know you're always calm, and I'm always excited, but I'm sane, at any rate, and you're not!" (p. 209). Is there
any truth to Mallinson's accusation? Has Conway "gone off" his head, or is he, in fact, the saner of the two?
What experiences might contribute to mental instability in Conway?

9. Perrault describes Conway as being "passionless"? Is subduing or eliminating one's passions a an admirable
achievement? What freedom and openness does Conway experience because he is passionless? Is his lack of
intense emotions problematic in any way?

10. What do Miss Brinklow and Mr. Barnard add to the story? For what reasons do they each wish to stay in Tibet?
What aspects of Western culture to they represent?

11. Mallinson says that there is "something dark and evil" about Shangra-La. Is he right? Is it possible to reconcile
the fact that treachery and deceit have been used to bring the four Westerners to the Lamasery with the good
intentions of the High Lama?
12. Chang asks Miss Brinklow: "Must we hold that because one religion is true, all others bound to be false?" To
which she replies: "Well, of course, that's rather obvious, isn't it?" (p. 73). Can more than one religion be "true"?

13. Why does the High Lama choose Conway as his successor? What qualities does he admire in Conway?

14. Both Mallinson and Conway fall in love with Lo-Tsen, but for very different reasons. What are those reasons?
What's different about the way each man sees her? What do reveal about themselves in their contrasting
perceptions of her?

15. At the end of the novel, Rutherford claims, of his retelling of Conway's story, that he "invented nothing at all….
I've got a good memory, and Conway always had a way of describing things. Don't forget that we had about
twenty-four hours of practically continuous talk" (p. 221). Is this a credible claim? Is it possible to retell a story
this long and complex without adding or altering anything?

16. As they are considering the truth or falsity of Conway's story, Rutherford tells the narrator: "People make
mistakes in life through believing too much, but they have a damned dull time if they believe too little" (p. 221).
What is the right balance between skepticism and gullibility? Should we believe Conway's version of events,
even though Rutherford could find no definite confirmation? Should we believe the high Lama's story of
extreme longevity?

17. In many ways, Lost Horizon dramatizes the question of how one should live one's life-in quiet contemplation or
purposeful activity. Based on the novel, and on your own experience, how would you answer that question?

18. Would you want to live for several hundred years, as the Lamas in Lost Horizon are trying to do? What would
be the benefits of such a long life? What would be the drawbacks? How does Conway feel about the prospect of
extending his life-span?

19. Why does Conway finally decide to leave Shangra-La with Mallinson? Does he make the right choice? What
does Conway mean when he thinks that "he was doomed, like millions, to flee from wisdom and be a hero"? (p.

20. Lost Horizon was first published in 1933. Why is it still being read today? What aspects of contemporary life
does it still illuminate? What aspects of the novel could you relate to most easily? What parts of the story
seemed most strange or unlike your own experience?

Topics for Research and Writing

1. Research the history of Buddhism in Tibet and write a paper that explores how Hilton has creatively adapted that
history in Lost Horizon?

2. Write a paper that compares and contrasts the personalities of Conway and Mallinson. In what ways are Conway
and Mallinson opposites? How does each perceive Shangra-La? Why does Conway feel such affection for
someone so different from himself?

3. Write a paper about the search for eternal-or at least greatly extended-life. Why is this such a compelling
desire? What forms has this search taken in the past? What do we know of Tibetan practices aimed at extending
life? What other stories or myths deal with this search? In what ways is modern science trying to increase the
human life-span?

4. Research the psychological effects of combat on war survivors and write a paper that explores Conway's
behavior and attitudes in light of his experience in WWI.

5. Write a paper discussing what contemporary Americans might learn from the contemplative Buddhist approach
to life as it is represented in Lost Horizon. Is the typical American lifestyle too frantic, too goal-oriented, too
much concerned with personal gratification?

6. Watch the film version of Lost Horizon, directed by Frank Capra, and write a paper discussing the differences
between the film and the book. Why does Capra change so much of the novel? What point is the film trying to
make? Which version of the story do you find more engaging?

7. Research the history of the British Empire in India and Asia and write a paper discussing how the attitudes of
British colonialism are reflected in Lost Horizon. What role did the British play in the far East? How did the
British regard the cultures of the nations they ruled?

8. At the end of Lost Horizon, Conway's whereabouts remain a mystery. Write a short story about what might have
happened to him. Try to remain true to the spirit and style of the novel, but feel free to imagine whatever
scenario you wish.

9. The High Lama of Shangra-La fears a coming storm will engulf the world, but he hopes to preserve the best of
Tibetan civilization. Write a paper that discusses the 1949 Chinese invasion and continued occupation of Tibet.
Has Tibetan culture survived? How different is life in Tibet today than it was at the time of Hilton's novel?

10. Put yourself in Conway's shoes at the moment when he has to decide if he will stay in Shangra-La or leave with
Mallinson. Write a paper about which decision you would make, and give a full explanation of your reasons.

Suggestions for Further Reading

Charles Allen, The Search for Shangra-La: A Journey into Tibetan History.

Eleanor Cooney, Shangra-La: Return to the World of Lost Horizon.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, The Lost World.

W.H. Hudson, Green Mansions.

Rebecca McClen Novick, Fundamentals of Tibetan Buddhism.

Michael McRae, The Siege of Shangra-La: The Quest for Tibet's Sacred Hidden Paradise.

Michael Peissel, Tibet: The Secret Continent.

Peter Sis, Tibet Through the Red Box.

H.G. Wells, The Island of Dr. Moreau.

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