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The Henley College 62441

Libby Clark 980406

‘A Lifetime in Time’
Short Film

Planning for Theoretical problems

Problems I may encounter when How I plan to resolve these problems
researching and planning
When researching different time periods I will put aside extra time when
for my film I may struggle to find reliable researching this area so I can check the
resources sources and make sure they are

I will look in multiple places for

Unable to find the information I need information when researching. E.g.
books, documentaries, online

I will ask people who have participated

Struggling to find focus group in the past, and ask a wide range of
participants people so I am more likely to find

I will send the survey out on Facebook

Struggling to get survey results groups and to as many people as

Time management I will refer back to my production

(meeting both UAL and Aesthetica schedule and make sure I split my time
deadlines) carefully between tasks

Planning for practical and technical problems

Problems I may encounter during the How I plan to resolve these problems
production process
Covid-19 restrictions may change/stay I will put in place a contingency plan so
the same – preventing me from filming that I can still produce a high standard
as I would like piece of work

As part of the contingency plan I will

Actors not turning up/not wanting to have contingency actors that will step
participate due to COVID-19 in should this happen. I will also make
sure all COVID-19 regulations can be
followed safely when filming

I will make sure all work is backed up

often so I can complete it on another
Technical problems such as my laptop device. I will also make sure I am up to
not working or the Wi-Fi not working. date of what needs to be done so I
don’t have to constantly check online
The Henley College 62441
Libby Clark 980406
‘A Lifetime in Time’
Short Film
I will produce location recces in
Bad weather/lighting when filming advance with action plans so that I can
be prepared for these problems and still
film successfully

Research filming rules and permissions

Locations may be unavailable for before hand and make a note of
filming opening times as well as peak and off
peak times for crowds
Mid project check-up (After research)
Problems I encountered when How I resolved these problems

I asked people who had participated in

Struggling to find focus group the past as planned, but also asked
participants them to pass on the message and find
people they felt would participate. As a
result, I had multiple focus groups with
at least four people.

I looked in multiple places for

information, although I found the
Struggled to find information on specific majority of it online. YouTube videos
topics (e.g. the butterfly effect, specific ended up being one of the easiest
time travel theories) places to find time travel theories,
although I did find a lot of it was based
on opinion so I had to triple check my

End project review

Problems I encountered How I resolved these problems

I asked multiple people if I could film in

Covid-19 restricted me from filming in their bookshop until someone
certain locations. Lots of bookshops confirmed. I also planned to film around
turned me away as they either didn’t the covid-19 restrictions being eased.
want people filming inside before they For example, I waited to film in
re-opened, or they were too busy Bournemouth after day trips to other
preparing to re-open. places were allowed to prevent me
getting in trouble.

I offered to pay some or all of travel

Actors couldn’t make it to locations for fees and also bought food and other
financial reasons necessities so that people could afford
to make it to each shoot
The Henley College 62441
Libby Clark 980406
‘A Lifetime in Time’
Short Film

Before filming began I bought everyone

People were worried about Covid-19 a hand sanitizer and packet of anti-
bacterial wipes, as well as a packet of
disposable wipes in case people
needed them.

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