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TranScan • 1

Number 3, Spring 2001

NCHRP Project 20-36 • Highway Research and Technology—International Information Sharing

Innovative Traffic Control: Technology and Practice in Europe

Good Traffic Management Techniques Know No Bounds

U rban areas, no matter which country

they’re in, typically have one com-
mon characteristic—traffic, and lots
of it. The techniques and strategies
used to mitigate congestion, mini-
mize delays, and improve traffic safety do,
however, vary from one country to an-
other. To take a look a how other coun-
tries are improving traffic operations and
safety—and to identify techniques that
might be useful in the United States—a
team of U.S. traffic engineers traveled to
Sweden, Germany, France, and England
(for a team listing, see sidebar).
The team members classified their key
findings into five categories: traffic con-
trol devices, freeway control, operational
practices, information management, and
administrative practices.
Tiger rail pavement markings on entrance ramp to freeway in England.
Reprinted, with permission, from the Highway Agency, UK

Traffic Control Devices

Two European traffic control practices earned high highly visible, wide buffer between adjacent
marks from the team for potential application in the lanes and clearly indicates the merge point for each
United States. The first is the tiger tail marking used lane. Although entrance ramps using these mark-
on multilane freeway entrances and exits in England. ings must be longer and wider than typical two-
At freeway entrances, the painted pattern creates a lane ramps, safety is enhanced because the poten-
tial for conflict is reduced. At freeway exit ramps,
tiger tail markings can help smooth traffic flow,
Inside: reduce motorist stress, and increase exit capacity.
The second is the system of all-white pavement
About TranScan 4 markings used throughout Europe, (although yel-
PIARC Committee Reports 5 low is used in limited applications, such as work zone
Geometric Design 12 markings in Germany and France and intersection
Earthquake Engineering 13
In the Pipeline… 14 Continued on page 2
Doing Business Internationally 15
NCHRP Project Panel 20-36 16
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2 • TranScan

Good Traffic Management

continued from page 1

markings in England). In the US, in

contrast, yellow markings have been
used since the 1940s as no-passing
lines, center lines, and left edge lines.
The advantages of all-white markings
include greater visibility, higher con-
trast, and lower costs. Team members
caution, however, that three factors
must be kept in mind when consider-
ing using all-white markings on US
• Pavement marking patterns would
need to be modified to provide a
clear “menu” of messages (as is done
in Europe),
Lane control signals on freeway in England.
• Drivers would need to be educated
as to the meaning of the various
types of all-white markings, and
• Highway agencies would have to devote greater yellow diagonal arrow to indicate that the lane is
attention and resources to designing, applying, respectively closed, open, or closed ahead.
and maintaining pavement markings. Highway agencies in the four countries make sig-
“We were quite impressed by the quality of the nificant use of sensors (primarily loops) embedded
pavement marking systems throughout the four in the pavement. By monitoring traffic flow with
countries we visited and how clearly the all-white these sensors, agencies can identify when and where
markings communicated with drivers,” says team queues have formed. That information can then be
member Gene Hawkins. fed (in some cases, automatically) to variable mes-
sage signs and other warning systems that alert mo-
Freeway Control torists to a backup ahead.

The team members recommended that three Eu- Operational Practices

ropean freeway control practices—namely, variable
speed control, lane control signals, and incident and After learning about many promising traffic con-
queue detection and protection—be studied for trol practices of their hosts, the team members rec-
possible implementation in the United States. ommended that two
Variable speed control systems allow highway techniques be con-
agencies to quickly respond to real-time traffic flows sidered for imple-
and weather conditions, using variable message signs mentation in the
to post reduced speed limits and advisories as nec- United States.
essary. Because motorists know that posted limits The first is intel-
reflect actual conditions, rather than arbitrary lim- ligent speed
its, they are more likely to heed the speed limit. (The adaption, a technol-
use of cameras to record speeders on some freeways ogy that alerts a
also helps control speed variance.) driver (with an au-
Lane control signals are also widely used on dible in-car alarm) Examples of symbols
European freeways. These signals, mounted over when he or she is ex- used on variable
each lane, typically use a red X, a green arrow, or a ceeding the posted message signs.

Number 3 • S p r i n g 2 0 0 1
TranScan • 3

speed limit. The system can also be set

up to limit a vehicle’s speed, making it im-
possible for a driver to exceed the posted Team Members
speed limit. The technology, developed
in Sweden, would have to undergo large- Samuel C. Tignor, Chief, Traffic and Driver Information,
scale testing before it could be considered FHWA (team leader)
for use in the United States.
The second technique is self-opti- Linda L. Brown, Transportation Specialist, Office of Highway
mized traffic signal control, in which the Safety, FHWA
green phase is terminated and the right-
J. Lynwood Butner, State Traffic Engineer, Virginia Depart-
of-way is reassigned at rural, high-speed,
ment of Transportation
isolated intersections, allowing more ef-
ficient traffic flow while minimizing traf- Richard Cunard, Engineer of Traffic and Operations, Trans-
fic risk. Although detection hardware for portation Research Board
such a system could cost $10,000 to
$20,000 more than a typical system, “a Sterling C. Davis, Engineer of Traffic and Safety, Utah Depart-
reduction in crashes would more than ment of Transportation
compensate for the extra costs,” says
Hawkins. Edward L. Fischer, Federal Highway Administration

H. Gene Hawkins, Jr., Associate Research Engineer,Texas Trans-

Information Management
portation Institute (reporter)
Timely, easy to read, and easy to under-
stand motorist information is given a Mark R. Kehrli, Team Leader, Office of Traffic Management
great deal of emphasis by European high- and ITS Applications, FHWA
way agencies. “We were impressed by the
Peter F. Rusch, State Traffic Engineer, Wisconsin Department
amount of information that the European
of Transportation
agencies provide to road users,” says Sam
Tignor, team leader. Symbols, or picto- W. Scott Wainwright, Chief, Division of Traffic and Parking
grams, as they are called in Europe, are Services, Montgomery County (MD) Department of Public
extensively used on variable message signs Works and Transportation
to indicate congestion, snow, danger,
workers, slippery pavement, and other Note: titles and affiliations listed here were current at the time
conditions. Geometric symbols are also of the scanning tour (May 1998).
assigned to detours or diversionary routes;
the symbols are posted on variable mes-
sage signs at each fork in the road, mak-
ing it easy for drivers to follow. The team
recommends that US highway agencies
incorporate more symbols in variable
message signs.
Continued on page 4

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Good Traffic Management

continued from page 3

About TranScan
“One of the most impressive examples of real-
time travel information is in Paris,” says Tignor,
“where more than 200 variable message signs are
posted along the outer ring road and entrance
ramps and the inner ring road.” These signs tell
motorists how long (in minutes) it will take them
to travel to a particular junction in the roadway.
A French evaluation of this system found that
two-thirds of motorists prefer signs that tell them
W ith this issue, TranScan resumes bringing you informa-
tion on the international scanning missions sponsored
by FHWA and AASHTO, but it now also includes news
about PIARC committee activities (based on reports from
US committee members), results of sponsored individual
travel to international conferences and meetings, and activi-
ties of other international organizations, such as OECD and
IRF. It will also occasionally include reports on other signifi-
cant international activities by government agencies, univer-
how long they can expect to travel to point X, sities, and private-sector companies.
rather than signs that merely warn them of con- Information that had previously been published in two other
gestion ahead. “We in the US can learn from newsletters—International Highway R&T Digest, formerly pub-
their example; we can do a better job of commu- lished by AASHTO, and International Road Notes, formerly
nicating with motorists,” says Tignor. published by FHWA—is now incorporated into the broader
editorial mission of TranScan.
Administrative Practices TranScan is published under the direction of NCHRP
Project Panel 20-36, “Highway Research and Technology—
Transportation agency staff in the four countries
International Information Sharing.” (For a roster of panel
visited routinely use marketing techniques to ad-
members, see page 16.) The goal of Project 20-36 is to de-
vance traffic engineering practice. For example,
velop and promote a more coordinated and systematic ap-
several countries stressed safety benefits and im-
proach to international information exchange and technology
proved emergency response times when justify-
sharing by FHWA, AASHTO, and other major users and pro-
ing new transportation programs; these improve-
ducers of highway research and technology.
ments are much easier to “sell” to policy makers
TranScan is aimed at a broad cross-section of transporta-
and elected officials than are the more general
tion professionals in all levels of government and in the pri-
concepts of “congestion reduction” or “improved
vate sector. It will be published quarterly and will also be posted
operations.” ✺
on the Web ( If you’d like to be added to
the mailing list, please send your request to:
The full report, Innovative Traffic Control: Tech-
nology and Practice in Europe (Publ. No. FHWA- Chris Hedges
PL-00-021), is available from the Federal High- NCHRP Program Officer
way Administration’s Office of International Transportation Research Board
Programs (tel: 202-366-0111; fax: 202-366-9626; 2101 Constitution Ave. NW
email: report Washington, DC 20418
is also available on the Web Email:
NCHRP Project 4-28, Feasibility Study for
an All-White Pavement Marking System, is
evaluating the potential for implementing an all-
white pavement marking system in the US. The
feasibility of variable speed limits is currently
being studied in NCHRP 3-59, Assessment of
Variable Speed Limit Implementation Issues.

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Committee and Meeting Reports

World Road Association (PIARC)

T he World Road Association (PIARC) programs

operate on a 4-year cycle, culminating in a
World Road Congress. Technical committees
for the 2000-2003 period were established last
year, in line with the goals set forth in the
PIARC Strategic Plan. The next World Road Con-
gress will be held in Durban, South Africa, in Octo-
ber 2003. More information on PIARC and the tech-
nical committees is available at
Technical Committee on Interurban
Roads and Integrated Interurban
Transport (C4)

March 6-7, 2000—Paris, France

June 21-22, 2000—Weinfelden and Zurich,
Based on reports by James F. Byrnes, Jr., Connecticut
Department of Transportation
The organization meeting of the committee was
Technical Committee on Surface moderated by Jean Paul Coste, secretary general of
Characteristics (C1) PIARC, P. Retour, deputy secretary general of
April 3, 2000—Paris, France PIARC, and M. P. Gandil, coordinator for Strate-
gic Theme 2 (“Road Transport, Quality of Life, and
May 24, 2000—Nantes, France Sustainable Development”) of the PIARC Strate-
January 11-12, 2000—Washington, DC gic Plan.
The committee is one of four technical commit-
Based on a report by James C. Wambold, Pennsylvania tees working under Strategic Theme 2 (which is one
State University of five strategic themes guiding the policy and tech-
The committee will study three topics during the nical work of PIARC). Gandil provided an exten-
2000-2003 cycle: sive overview of the work goals associated with Stra-
tegic Theme 2—namely, better knowledge of the
• Surface condition indicators based on the needs
social, economic, and environmental impacts of road
of the user (with the user defined as highway agen-
transport policies, intermodality, and social accep-
tance of road projects.
• Modeling of vehicle/tire/surface interaction— Gandil stressed that there must be an economic
evenness, texture, noise, and friction linkage between road projects and ancillary eco-
• Measurements of surface characteristics—to in- nomic activity, particularly in developing economies.
clude an experiment in noise and further work on He also pointed out that social impacts (such as
the first two experiments on friction/texture and health effects, social equity, and funding parameters
profilers. in rural and urban areas) are increasingly being scru-
Roger Larson of the Federal Highway Adminis- tinized, and environmental impacts must be evalu-
tration was appointed the English-speaking secre- ated. The availability of transportation services must
tary for the committee. be tailored to the needs of the users and adjusted
Bjarne Schmidt of Denmark was named chair- for pricing levels and methods. The quality of ser-
man of the committee, replacing J.J. Henry of the vices is important, and the key to gaining social ac-
US. ceptance of road projects is to provide comprehen-
sive and detailed information on the relative impacts
For more information, contact James Wambold and benefits of various project alternatives.
(tel: 814-238-7185; fax: 814-238-5895; The discussion then split into three topic areas:
email: intermodality, road technology optimization, and
acceptance of road development and cost manage-
ment. Each group was charged with developing a
draft work plan, with the goal that the work would

Continued on page 6

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PIARC Meetings These five areas were then consolidated into

continued from page 5 three topic areas:
• Group 1
• Criteria for selection of pavement/design meth-
be completed in time for the results to be published ods and standards
at the World Road Congress in Durban, South Af- • Innovative pavement design
rica, in 2003. The draft work plans were submitted
to Gandil and will be brought to the PIARC govern- • Group 2
ing body for approval. Once the approval is made, • Selection of materials and recycling/construc-
the work programs will be distributed. tion and control
The three work groups were organized as follows: • Group 3
• Multimodal organization and global impacts of the • Help in choosing solutions in pavement reha-
interurban transport system. This group will deal bilitation
with both passenger and freight transport. The • Recycling of pavements
term “interurban,” as differentiated from “urban,”
will be discussed with Technical Committee C10. Other topics discussed included quality control,
labor-intensive construction, life-cycle costing ver-
• Optimization of the existing road network. This sus limited budget, specifications for performance-
will focus chiefly on mobility, safety, and conges- based construction, and warranty specification.
• Development of the simplified evaluation frame- For more information, contact Linda Pierce,
work. The work group will study both the strate- Washington State DOT (tel: 360-709-5470;
gic level and the project level, taking into account fax: 360-709-5588; email:
not only the decision criteria, but also how the cri-
Technical Committee on Financing and
teria are applied and how the criteria vary from
Economic Evaluation (C9)
country to country.
April 12-13, 2000—Paris, France
For more information, contact James Byrnes at the
Connecticut DOT (tel: 860-594-2701; July 6-7, 2000—Antwerp, Belgium
fax: 860-594-2706; or November 30-December 1, 2000—Cape Town,
Seppo Sillan at FHWA (tel: 202-366-1327; South Africa
fax: 202-366-3988; Based on reports by Albert B. Ari of the New Jersey
Department of Transportation and Sherri Y. Alston of
Technical Committee on Road the Federal Highway Administration’s Office of Trans-
Pavements (C7/8) portation Policy Studies
April 4, 2000—Paris, France Committee C 9’s activities are covered by Stra-
Based on a report by Linda Pierce, Washington State De- tegic Theme 4, the goal of which is to “improve
partment of Transportation the performance of roads administration in the pro-
vision, operation, and management of road infra-
Committee 7/8 will concentrate on the design of flex- structure and its use in accordance with interna-
ible, mixed, concrete, and composite pavements, with tional best practice.” The committee split into three
particular emphasis on durability, economy, and en- working groups, with the task of identifying key is-
vironmental criteria. The committee will focus on sues that could form the basis for a work plan for
design methods and standards; selection of materi- the committee. The working groups were as fol-
als, recycling, needs in materials; and maintenance lows:
and strengthening. • Economics of road assets, led by Ian Melsom of
Five areas were initially identified as areas of study: New Zealand
criteria for selection of pavements, design methods
and standards, selection of materials and recycling, • Pricing and costing, led by Tom Worsley of the
rehabilitation and strengthening, and construction United Kingdom
and control. • Financing, Fundraising, and Risk Sharing, led by
Peter Struik of the Netherlands

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Draft work plan outlines developed by the sub- For more information, contact Sherri Alston,
groups will form the basis for short papers that will Federal Highway Administration
be developed and distributed by the subgroup lead- (tel: 202-366-9232; fax: 202-366-7696;
ers prior to the next meeting.
Tom Worsley of the UK Department of Envi-
ronment, Transport, and the Regions was nominated Technical Committee on Road Bridges
as the English-speaking secretary of the committee. and Other Structures (C11)
Patrice Donzanvilliers of METL-SETRA in France
was nominated as the French-speaking secretary of July 10-11, 2000—Bern, Switzerland
the committee. Based on a report by George Romack, Federal Highway
At the July meeting, the committee continued to Administration
develop its work plan and discussed how to build At its July meeting, the committee further devel-
linkages with other PIARC committees. The De- oped its work plan, in line with the goal set forth in
partment for International Development in London PIARC’s Theme 4 (Management and Administra-
offered its assistance in organizing a committee meet- tion of the Road System). Work groups have been
ing in a developing country or a country in transi- assigned in three topic areas:
tion. • Asset management
The committee’s products (scheduled to be com-
pleted by 2003) will include: • Performance management framework (econom-
• update of a previous report on methods of eco-
nomic evaluation of road projects • Bridge and other structure conditions
• article on economic benefits of information tech- Each working group leader will summarize the
nology information gleaned from questionnaires that are be-
ing sent to each member country, and a definition
• article on valuation of road assets of asset management will be presented for discus-
• workshop on economic evaluation of road main- sion at the next meeting.
For more information, contact George Romack,
• paper on terms, concepts, and principles of cost- Federal Highway Administration (tel: 202-366-4606;
ing and pricing fax: 202-366-9981;
• report on estimation, measurement, and alloca-
tion of transport costs
Technical Committee on Road Safety
• report on pricing instruments and regulations (C13)
• updated report on methods for evaluating public-
February 28-29, 2000—Paris, France
private partnerships.
June 4-6, 2000—Brussels, Belgium
At the fall meeting, the committee further devel-
oped its work plan, which features a series of ques- Based on reports by Marion G. Waters, Georgia Depart-
tionnaires to be completed by committee members ment of Transportation
and articles for Routes/Roads. Nazir Ali, executive Committee 13 falls within PIARC Strategic Theme
director of the South African National Roads Agency, 3, the goal of which is “to improve the safe efficient
described his agency’s program and the funding and use of the road system, including the movement of
institutional challenges that lie ahead. people and goods on the road network, whilst effec-
The committee also agreed to work with Techni- tively managing the risks associated with road trans-
cal Committee 15 (Performance of Road Adminis- port operations and the natural environment.”
trations) on developing an international seminar on PIARC staff stress that the mission of PIARC is to
road maintenance in Morocco in 2002. serve as a support organization to further transpor-
The next C9 meeting will take place in Prague, tation services in emerging/developing countries.
Czech Republic, in May 2001. Sherri Alston of the This is accomplished by identifying best practices,
Federal Highway Administration has been named analyzing those practices, and documenting them
committee chairperson. in a format for implementation in other countries.

Continued on page 8

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PIARC Meetings • Innovative construction methods were For more information, contact
continued from page 7 used in response to the community and Marion Waters, Georgia Department of
to protect historic structures on site. Transportation (tel: 404-635-
For example, much of the underground 8038; fax: 404-635-8037;
The June meeting included a field trip structure was created from the top
to the construction site of a multi-use down, so that the construction was in-
transportation facility in the town of visible to the neighborhood. Technical Committee on
Leuven, Belgium. The site, adjacent to a • Many of the items that would be re- Sustainable Development and
bus/train station and a high-density resi- quired in the United States were nota- Transport (C14)
dential and shopping area and sited along bly missing, such as a monitored ven- March 8-9, 2000—Paris, France
a heavily congested surface street, was de- tilation system in the tunnel and a traf-
Based on a report by Shari Schaftlein, Wash-
signed to reduce motorists delays and pro- fic monitoring system for incident
ington State Department of Transportation
vide additional parking, a covered trans- management.
fer area for the buses, improved At its first meeting, the committee pre-
On June 5, the formal meeting of the
pedestrian access to the train and bus sta- pared a work outline, which included the
committee got under way. Several inter-
tion, and office space. following four topic areas:
esting statistics were presented during the
The committee noted the following: • Climate change, mobility, and motor-
welcoming remarks:
ization—determine methods to assess
• The funding for the project came from • Seventy-five percent of crash-related
the implications of greenhouse gas
multiple groups. For example, the fatalities occur in developing countries.
policies on transport and road policies.
parking was financed by the town, the • Crash-related fatalities are recognized
office space and improved transfer fa- • Ecotaxes—assess the impacts and uses
less as a transport issue and more as a
cilities were funded by the transit com- of ecologically determined taxes on car
national health issue in developing
pany, and the roadway and tunnel were use.
being paid for by the Ministry de Flem- • Decision-making processes in the
• In most developing countries there are
ish (i.e., federal funds). implementation of road transport poli-
many health issues of greater concern
• The structure will be built on four lev- cies—investigate decision-making pro-
than traffic fatalities. For example, the
els—three of them below ground. The cesses and their development and rec-
number of suicides in Hungary is three
first level down will provide access to ognition, and then promote effective
times the number of crash-related fa-
the parking facility, as well as tunnels tools to gain credibility in decision-
talities. It is widely believed that many
that allow pedestrians to easily and making in road transport.
of the single-car crashes may be sui-
safely reach the new office buildings cide attempts. • Evaluation and limitation of impacts of
and transfer areas. The second level transport policies—origin and evalua-
• The use of seatbelts is directly related
down will consist of the parking garage. tion of local transport impacts (exist-
to the economic well-being of a coun-
The third level down will house the ing roads and new highways) on health,
try. For example, 90-95 percent of
roadway tunnel, as well as more park- local pollution, biodiversity, landscapes,
motorists use seatbelts in New Zealand;
ing spaces. and social liabilities.
in contrast, only 25 percent (or less) of
• A great deal of planning and compro- motorists use seatbelts in economically An international survey will be distrib-
mise had gone into the design, to make depressed countries. uted to collate information on policy in-
it context sensitive. struments and best practices for these top-
Much of the discussion centered on
• The project planners and builders were ics. A seminar on preliminary findings will
how to transfer technologies and success-
extremely sensitive to public opinion. be held in New Delhi November 8-10,
ful traffic safety practices to developing
An office was set up in a nearby office 2001, and will include discussions with,
countries, particularly those countries in
building to allow community residents and presentations by, regional represen-
transition, where private automobiles are
to view scale models, reproductions, tatives.
just starting to be generally used and
and pictures; the office was staffed with Subsequent committee meetings have
where the opportunity for improvement
people knowledgeable about the design been held in Helsinki, Madrid, and
is highest.
and construction, and who could con- Vienna to implement the work plan.
The committee then split into four
duct tours of the construction site. Shari Schaftlein was named English-
groups to develop work plans.
Most notably, the office was open seven speaking secretary to the committee.
days a week.

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For more information, contact Shari Three broad work areas were adopted A call for papers for the Winter Road
Schaftlein, Washington State DOT by the committee and assigned to work Congress yielded 225 abstracts in 6 topic
(tel: 360-705-7446; fax: 360-705-6833; groups: areas: • Matching needs to outcomes • Winter road policies and strategies
• Positioning of road administrations • Snow and ice management and its costs
Technical Committee on (the nature of relationships with gov-
Performance of Road • Winter road issues and traffic safety in
ernment and other transport providers)
Administrations (C15) urban areas
• Improving internal performance
• Environment and energy
April 13-14, 2000—Paris, France At the July and November meetings,
• Telecommunications technology
July 6-7, 2000—Vienna, Austria the committee further developed their
work program for the next 4 years, con- • Development of snow removal and ice
November 16-17, 2000—Leiden, the Neth-
centrating their efforts in the three work control technology
areas listed above. A regional seminar fo- Pat Hughes was selected as the assis-
Based on reports by Connie Yew, Federal High-
cusing on reform and institutional tant topic chairman for snow and ice man-
way Administration
strengthening is being planned for Mo- agement, and Andy Mergenmeier was se-
The PIARC Strategic Plan 2000-2003 rocco in fall 2002. Key topics are likely lected as topic chairman for development
was a key topic of discussion at the Com- to include performance management of snow removal and ice control technol-
mittee C15 meeting in Paris, France, on framework and procurement. It was pro- ogy. After a review, 215 of the abstracts
April 13 and 14, 2000. Jean Paul Coste, posed that the seminar be held in con- were accepted for presentation at the con-
secretary general of PIARC, presented an junction with Committee 9’s meeting on gress (including 7 from the US). Japan is
overview of the plan, particularly those road maintenance, which is also sched- proposing a special session with the theme
elements relevant to the committee’s uled for Morocco in fall 2002. “Snow, Roads, and Living.” The 2-hour
scope. The committee is classified under session would feature a panel of 6-7
Strategic Theme 4, which has as its goal For more information, contact Connie
elected or appointed officials (rather than
“to improve the performance of road ad- Yew, Federal Highway Administration
engineers/practitioners), 2 of whom
ministrations in the provision, operation, (tel: 202-366-1078; fax: 202-366-3411;
would be from the US. The discussion
and management of road infrastructure
will focus on techniques and strategies for
and its use in accordance with interna- ensuring smooth and dependable winter
tional best practice.” Technical Committee on
road travel, which would improve the liv-
According to Colin Jordan of Austra- Winter Maintenance (C17)
ing environment, and hence the quality
lia, Strategic Theme 4 is about the “ef- March 20, 2000—Paris, France of life, in cold, snowy regions.
fective and efficient management of in- The committee is also preparing a
December 4-5, 2000—Salzburg, Austria
puts to, and operations of, the transport glossary on winter road management.
system to achieve outputs that lead to Based on reports by Andrew Mergenmeier,
The document, which contains 160
desired outcomes. It is concerned with the Federal Highway Administration, and Patrick
terms/definitions in six languages (Rus-
higher level management task of devel- C. Hughes, Minnesota Department of Trans-
sian and Japanese languages are being
oping key elements of road agency capa- portation
added), is intended to assist highway
bility to achieve international best prac- This committee, formerly Working agencies in developing/transitional coun-
tice.” Group G1, met for the first time in March tries.
Committee 15 is primarily focused on 2000. The change to committee status Nine countries have submitted infor-
the organization of road administrations, means that C17 will not only plan a Win- mation for the International Road Snow
joint partnerships, quality systems, opti- ter Road Congress, but also prepare at and Ice Data book being prepared by the
mal resource allocation, and procurement least two reports and several papers be- committee.
methods. Coste encouraged the commit- fore the World Road Congress in 2003. The next meeting is scheduled for
tee to develop its work plan as soon as An agreement between PIARC and the October 2001 (likely in Estonia or Italy).
possible and emphasized PIARC’s desire government of Japan has been signed for
to see material presented and workshops the XI Winter Road Congress, to be held For more information, contact Pat
organized as soon as possible. in Sapporo, Japan, in January 2002. The Hughes, Minnesota DOT
congress site has been selected, and mar- (tel: 651-296-3156; fax: 651-296-6135;
keting is proceeding on schedule. (More ✺
information is available at www.piarc-

Number 3 • S p r i n g 2 0 0 1
10 • TranScan

US Members of PIARC Technical Committees James Weinstein

New Jersey Department of Transportation
C1—Surface Characteristics C5—Road Tunnel Operation 1035 Parkway Avenue, CN-600
Roger Larson Anthony S. Caserta Trenton, NJ 08625
Senior Pavement Engineer Tunnel Engineer Tel: 609-530-3536
Office of Pavement Technology (HIPT) Federal Highway Administration Fax: 609-530-3894
Federal Highway Administration 400 Seventh St. SW, Room 3203
400 Seventh St. SW, Room 3118 Washington, DC 20590
Washington, DC 20590 Tel: 202-366-4593
C10—Urban Areas and Integrated Urban
Tel: 202-366-1326 Fax: 202-366-3077
Fax: 202-493-2070 Transport George Schoener
Director, Office of Metropolitan Planning and
C6—Road Management
James C. Wambold (Chairman, Group B) Programs
James Sorenson
Professor Emeritus Federal Highway Administration
Senior Construction and Maintenance Engineer
Pennsylvania State University 400 Seventh St. SW, Room 3212
Office of Asset Management
PO Box 1277 Washington, DC 20590
Federal Highway Administration
State College, PA 16804
400 Seventh St. SW, Room 3211 Tel: 202-366-0150
Tel: 814-238-7185
Washington, DC 20590 Fax: 202-366-7670
Fax: 814-238-5895
Tel: 202-366-1333
Fax: 202-366-9981
Ysela Llort
C3—Technological Exchanges and
State Transportation Planner
Development Andrew Bailey
Florida Department of Transportation
Stephen Gaj Assistant Commissioner Operations
Virginia Department of Transportation 605 Suwannee St. (MS-57)
Leader, International Technology Exchange Team
1401 East Broad St. Tallahassee, FL 32301
Office of International Programs (HPIP)
Federal Highway Administration Richmond, VA 23219 Tel: 850-414-5235
400 Seventh St. SW, Room 3325 Tel: 804-786-4798 Fax: 850-921-2291
Washington, DC 20590 Fax: 804-786-2940
Tel: 202-366-1559
Fax: 202-366-9626 C11-Road Bridges and Other Structures C7/8—Road Pavements George Romack
Paul Teng Office of Asset Management
C4—Interurban Roads and Integrated Director Federal Highway Administration
Interurban Transport Office of Infrastructure Research Development 400 Seventh St. SW, Room 3212
Seppo Sillan Federal Highway Administration Washington, DC 20590
Senior Engineer Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center Tel: 202-366-4606
Office of Infrastructure (HIPA) 6300 Georgetown Pike, Room T-112 Fax: 202-366-9981
Federal Highway Administration McLean, VA 22101-2296
400 Seventh St. SW, Room 3134 Tel: 202-493-3022
Washington, DC 20590 Fax: 202-493-3442 Dave H. Pope
Tel: 202-366-1327 Engineering and Planning Engineer
Fax: 202-366-3988 Wyoming Department of Transportation Linda Pierce PO Box 1708
State Pavement Engineer Cheyenne, WY 82003-1708
James F. Byrnes, Jr. Washington State Department of Transportation Tel: 307-777-4484
Chief Engineer PO Box 47365 Fax: 307-777-4289
Connecticut Department of Transportation Olympia, WA 98504-7365
PO Box 317546 Tel: 360-709-5470
Newington, CT 06131-7546 Fax: 360-709-5588
C12—Earthworks, Drainage, and Subgrade
Tel: 860-594-2701
Chris Dumas
Fax: 860-594-2706 Geotechnical Engineer C9—Economic and Financial Evaluation FHWA Eastern Resource Center
Sherri Y. Alston 10 S. Howard St., Suite 4000
Director, Office of Transportation Policy Studies Baltimore, MD 21201
Federal Highway Administration Tel: 410-962-0096
400 Seventh St. SW, Room 3324 Fax: 410-952-4586
Washington, DC 20590
Tel: 202-366-9233
Fax: 202-366-7696

Number 3 • S p r i n g 2 0 0 1
TranScan • 11

Edward J. Hoppe C15—Performance of Road Administrations Patrick Hughes

Research Scientist Dan Flowers Assistant Commissioner, Operations Division
Virginia Transportation Research Council Director Minnesota Department of Transportation
530 Edgemont Road Arkansas State Highway and Transportation De- 395 John Ireland Boulevard
Charlottesville, VA 22903 partment St. Paul, MN 55155-1899
Tel: 804-293-1960 PO Box 2261 Tel: 651-296-3156
Fax: 804-293-1990 Little Rock, AR 72203 Fax: 651-296-6135 Tel: 501-569-2211
Fax: 501-569-2698
C13—Road Safety
C18—Risk Management for Roads
Julie Anne Cirillo Stephen Barber
Assistant Administrator and Chief Safety Officer Connie Yew
Policy and Program Development Administrator
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Highway Engineer
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
400 Seventh St. SW, Room 6316 Federal Highway Administration
400 Seventh St. SW, Room 3103
Washington, DC 20590 400 Seventh St. SW, Room 4208
Washington, DC 20590
Tel: 202-366-2519 Washington, DC 20590
Tel: 202-366-6705
Fax: 202-366-3224 Tel: 202-366-1078
Fax: 202-366-7298 Fax: 202-366-3411
Marion G. Waters III James Cooper
State Traffic and Safety Engineer C16—Network Operations Director, Office of Bridge Technology
Georgia Department of Transportation Jeffrey Lindley Federal Highway Administration
935 East Confederate Ave. Director, Office of Travel Management 400 Seventh St. SW
Atlanta, GA 30316 Federal Highway Administration Washington, DC 20590
Tel: 404-635-8038 400 Seventh St. SW, Room 3401 Tel: 202-366-4589
Fax: 404-635-8037 Washington, DC 20590 Fax: 202-366-3077 Tel: 202-366-1285
Fax: 202-366-3302
Rudolph Umbs
Acting Director, Office of Safety Design
C19—Freight Transport
Federal Highway Administration John MacGowan
James L. Wright
400 Seventh St. SW, Room 3407 (HSA-10) Director, Office of Research and Technology
Senior Administrative Engineer
Washington, DC 20590 Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Minnesota Department of Transportation
Tel: 202-366-2177 400 Seventh St. SW (MC-RT)
1500 West County road (B-2)
Fax: 202-366-2249 Washington, DC 20590
Roseville, MN 55113 Tel: 202-366-2187
Tel: 651-582-1349
Fax: 202-366-8842
Fax; 651-582-1302
C14—Sustainable Development and Road
Transport Phyllis E. Young
Gary Maring
Gloria Shepherd Director, Office of Freight Management and Op-
Associate Administrator
Director of Office of Human Environment erations
Research, Technology, and Information Manage-
Federal Highway Administration Federal Highway Administration
400 Seventh St. SW, Room 3212 400 Seventh St. SW, Room 3401
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Washington, DC 20590 Washington, DC 20590
400 Seventh St. SW
Tel: 202-366-0106 Tel: 202-366-9210
Washington, DC 20590
Fax: 202-366-3049 Fax: 202-366-3302
Tel: 202-366-2525
Fax: 202-366-7298
Shari M. Schaftlein C20—Appropriate Development
Deputy Director, Environmental Affairs Leslie Wright
Washington State Department of Transportation
C17—Winter Maintenance
International Programs Officer
PO Box 47331 Paul Pisano
Office of International Programs
Olympia, WA 98504-7331 Leader, Road Weather Management Team
Federal Highway Administration
Tel: 360-705-7446 Office of Transportation Operations
400 Seventh St. SW
Fax: 360-705-6833 Federal Highway Administration
Washington, DC 20590 400 Seventh St. SW (HOTO-1)
Tel: 202-366-9227
Washington, DC 20590
Fax: 202-366-9626
Tel: 202-366-1301
Fax: 202-366-3225

Number 3 • S p r i n g 2 0 0 1
12 • TranScan

Sponsored Participation Reports

N CHRP Project 20-36 provided funds

to support Robert Douglass’s partici-
pation in the 2d International Sym-
posium on Highway Geometric De-
sign, held in Germany, and Mark
Yashinsky’s participation in the US/Tur-
key Workshop on Earthquake Engineer-
ing, held in Turkey. The following sum-
maries are based on their reports from
drivers’ actions, pointing out that drivers
are not machines, and environmental de-
sign factors can cause drivers to react dif-
ferently. He suggested site designs that
would “provoke” drivers into reacting
European researchers and engineers
suggested that speed is the most impor-
tant variable in urban highway safety and
• Should car traffic be concentrated on a
small number of roads, causing the en-
vironmental quality along those roads
to be degraded?
• Should access to shops to restricted (for
example, parking and deliveries) in or-
der to improve safety?
Speed management is a common safety
strategy in northern Europe, and many
those meetings. that traffic calming and speed control
of the papers at the symposium dealt with
were the key strategies for increasing
this topic. Engineers from Finland pre-
2d International Symposium on safety. They also recommended that hu-
sented a comprehensive analysis of the ef-
Highway Geometric Design man factors play a key role in roadway
fectiveness of various types of traffic calm-
design, standards, and safety.
July 3, 2000—Mainz, Germany ing measures, including speed limits,
A representative from the Transporta-
Based on a report by Robert D. Douglass, roundabouts, humps and bumps, roadway
tion Association of Canada (TAC) pre-
Maryland State Highway Administration narrowing and staggerings, signing, and
sented new design guidelines, which fo-
rumble strips. They found roundabouts
Ezra Hauser of Canada opened this sym- cus on a range of geometric solutions and
and bumps/humps to be the most effec-
posium with a thought-provoking presen- the safety implications of each. The TAC
tive measures for calming traffic. They
tation in which he stated that designing design guide looks at safety as a range of
also found that as vehicle speed increased
highways to meet standards is no guar- probabilities, rather than as a single, stan-
above 40 kph (25 mph), so does a
antee that the roads will be safe. He ar- dard value.
pedestrian’s chances of death, thus rein-
gued that all standards, warrants, and The highway design and safety com-
forcing the notion that safety and speed
guidelines should be based on the effect puter model—IHSDM—was the subject
reduction go hand in hand.
on crash rates, and he proposed that safety of a presentation by a representative of
The Transportation Association of
should be defined as the “expected fre- the Federal Highway Administration.
Canada’s recently published Canadian
quency and severity of crashes.” Using IHSDM calculates the statistical safety
Guide to Neighborhood Traffic Calming was
that definition, roads would not be clas- benefits of various highway geometric
also discussed. The report, produced in
sified as safe or unsafe, but rather as more design alternatives. Although still in the
cooperation with the Canadian Institute
safe or less safe. He suggested the follow- development phase, this model promises
of Transportation Engineers, recom-
ing changes to the highway design pro- to be a comprehensive, interactive design
mends processes for developing traffic
cess: guide.
calming plans and engineering details for
• Highway designers should have ready The Dutch have adopted a goal of
a wide range of traffic calming measures.
access to current information about the “sustainably-safe traffic” for urban main/
The processes are very community ori-
relationship between highway design distributor roads and access roads. The
ented, and the key to achieving a plan ac-
decisions and their safety conse- first step toward their goal of reducing
ceptable to both the community and the
quences. accidents to a fraction of today’s number
highway authority is accurate perfor-
is to characterize the function of each road
• Highway designers should be trained mance data for various traffic calming
type. Some of the issues they currently
(certified) in road safety and be edu- measures.
face include the following:
cated in the relationship between high- In Ireland, traffic calming has been
way design and safety. • Should pedestrian and bicycle mobil- applied to interurban arterial roads in
ity be restricted to increase safety (for towns. The first step—creating gates and
• Highway designers should be given
example, by restricting mid-block transition zones where traffic enters the
guidance from politicians and the pub-
crossing)? town—was accomplished through a com-
lic as to what level of safety to aim for.
• Should car speeds be reduced to ac- bination of narrowed carriageways, raised
Werner Brilon of Germany spoke
commodate other road users? traffic islands, extended footpaths, im-
about the lack of understanding about

Number 3 • S p r i n g 2 0 0 1
TranScan • 13

National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Project 20-36

provides funding for travel costs for state highway agency representatives who
have been invited to participate as a speaker, panelist, session chair or modera-
tor at international meetings on highway technologies, but who are unable to
proved delineation between carriageway do so because of funding constraints. Participants who receive travel funding
and parking, and environmental enhance- are required to submit a trip report, which consists of a description of their
ments. involvement in the meeting, a summary of what they learned or accomplished
To see effective traffic calming mea- at the meeting, a list of benefits that may be transferable to highway transpor-
sures firsthand, the symposium partici- tation practice in the US, and suggestions on how this information could be
pants took a technical tour to the disseminated or implemented within the American Association of State High-
Neustadt neighborhood in Mainz. The way and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) and its member departments.
City of Mainz is committed to pedestrian To ensure that the information gleaned by those participants is available to
and bicycle transportation as a matter of the entire US highway community, summaries of the trip reports are included
public policy and treats pedestrians, tran- here.
sit, bicyclists, and cars as equals. For more information on a particular meeting, contact the individual listed
A new comprehensive guide to at the end of the meeting summary.
roundabouts has been prepared by the For more information on NCHRP Project 20-36, contact Chris Hedges at
Netherlands, which has more than 1100 the Transportation Research Board (tel: 202-334-1472; fax: 202-334-2006;
roundabouts. Joe Bared of FHWA pre- email:
sented a paper on the agency’s new guide
to roundabouts (more information on that
report is available at
safety/00068.htm). The Dutch research-
ers also presented a concept of using US/Turkey Workshop on Engineers from California Depart-
lighted roadway markings that could be Earthquake Engineering ment of Transportation (Caltrans) and
easily changed when necessary (such as FHWA provided instruction on seismic
November 6-10, 2000, Ankara, Turkey
at peak periods) to convert shoulders to bridge design using specifications from
travel lanes. They are also using vehicle Based on a report prepared by Mark Yashinsky, AASHTO and Caltrans. They also de-
simulators to test driver reaction to traf- California Department of Transportation scribed procedures for designing tunnels
fic markings and calming. The workshop, titled “Lessons Learned to withstand the effects of earthquakes.
Researchers from the United Kingdom from Recent Earthquakes,” was spon- Other presentations covered soil-
have concluded that the zebra crossing sored by the General Directorate of structure interaction, facilities for testing
outfitted with build-outs (bump outs) to Highways (KGM), the Turkish Road As- very large damping devices, seismic ret-
reduce the length of the crossing was the sociation (TCK), and FWHA. A key fo- rofits for long-span bridges, pushover
most effective pedestrian crossing (except cus of the workshop was the expensive analysis, and repairing bridges after earth-
in locations with high pedestrian volumes, failure and near-collapse of the Bolu via- quakes [paper presented by Yashinsky].
where signalized crossings may be pre- duct #1 and the collapse of the Bolu tun- This workshop addressed all aspects of
ferred). nels during the November 1999 Duzce highway damage, from seismicity to re-
Researchers in Sweden studying the earthquake. (The tunnels were about 70 covery. The workshop proceedings will
use of a cable barrier along the center of percent complete when the earthquake be a valuable addition to the library of
two-lane rural roads with shoulders to hit.) Discussions centered on how to re- anyone concerned with bridges, tunnels,
create a two-lane road with passing zones pair and retrofit the 2.3-km viaduct #1 and earthquakes.
have found good safety results. and the 3.3-km tunnels so that they would
For more information, contact
(Information on ordering the sympo- survive a future earthquake. Engineers
Mark Yashinsky at Caltrans
sium proceedings is available at tti- from the consulting firm that had de-
(tel: 916-227-8719; fax: 916-227-8898; signed and built the damaged structures ✺
were in attendance.
For more information, contact Robert
Douglass at the Maryland State High-
way Administration (tel: 410-545-8888;

Number 3 • S p r i n g 2 0 0 1
14 • TranScan

In the Pipeline
The Conference on Accessing International Trans- • Highway Safety Improvement Programs in Eu-
portation Information Resources Worldwide, rope—fall 2001. Team leaders: Bud Wright,
scheduled for July 29-31, 2001, is expected to draw FHWA, and Terry Mulcahy, Wisconsin DOT.
about 100 leading information specialists, suppliers, • Traveler Information Systems in Europe—fall
and users to St Petersburg, Florida. The conference, 2001. Team leaders: Bob Rupert, FHWA, and Jim
which will focus on road-related and intermodal in- Wright, Minnesota DOT.
formation, will be part of the 2001 International Sym-
• Winter Maintenance—January 2002; Japan. Team
posium on Transportation Technology Transfer (see
leaders: Paul Pisano, FHWA, and Rick Nelson, Ne-
vada DOT
Sponsors include FHWA, TRB, Bureau of Trans-
portation Statistics, AASHTO, Special Libraries As-
sociation, World Road Association (PIARC), and In March 2001, the AASHTO Special Committee on
OECD/International Transport Research Documen- International Activity Coordination and the FHWA
tation database. Scanning Task Group selected 10 scan topics for fis-
Registration is $300 before June 29, 2001 ($350 af- cal years 2002 and 2003. The scans are jointly funded
terwards). The conference will be held at the Hilton by AASHTO and FHWA.
St. Petersburg. For more information, contact FHWA’s • Advanced technologies and winter operations man-
Office of International Programs (tel: 202-366-9636; agement
• Policies, practices, and systems used to link safety-
related databases into a comprehensive transporta-
tion safety information system
The Workforce Development scanning team re-
cently returned from an intense, two-week series of • Signalized intersection safety
discussions with public agencies and private firms in • New methods in planning, environmental analysis,
Sweden, Germany, France, and England. The team and design that will improve the environmental re-
was led by Joe Toole of the Federal Highway Admin- view process.
istration and Pete Rahn, secretary of the New • Review of information technology in bridge man-
Mexico Department of Transportation. agement, bridge inspection, bridge rating, truck per-
A summary of the team’s findings will be included mitting and routing, and bridge analysis and design.
in the next issue of TranScan.
• Innovative technology for accelerated construction
of bridges and embankment foundations
Seven international scans are scheduled for 2001 and
2002: • Underground highway systems—construction, op-
erations, and safety
• International Freight Logistics—May 25-June 01,
2001; Netherlands, Brussels, Italy, Germany. Team • Performance criteria for asphalt pavement warran-
leaders: Harry Caldwell, FHWA, and Randy ties
Halvorson, Minnesota DOT. • Superior materials, advanced test methods, and
• Contract Administration—June 8-24, 2001; Por- specifications
tugal, Netherlands, France, United Kingdom. Team • US/Latin America freight logistics
leaders: Dave Cox, FHWA, and Ron Williams, Ari-
zona DOT.
The 14th International Road Federation World
• Techniques for Pavement System Preserva- Congress will be held June 11-15, 2001, in Paris,
tion—July 6-22, 2001; France, South Africa, Aus- France. For information:
tralia. Team leaders: Tom Beatty, FHWA, and Frank
Danchetz, Georgia DOT. The 5th International Conference on Manag-
• Ecosystem Management and Transportation/ ing Pavements will be held at the University of Wash-
Reducing Wildlife Mortality on Highways—Oc- ington, Seattle, from August 11 to 14, 2001. For in-
tober 5-21, 2001; Europe. Team leaders: Fred Bank, formation:
FHWA, and James Yowell, Kentucky Transporta- pavements/.
tion Cabinet.

Number 3 • S p r i n g 2 0 0 1
TranScan • 15

Tips and Information for Transportation Firms

Interesting in Doing Business Internationally

G etting a toehold in the global economy

can be daunting for small and medium
sized US businesses. It’s not easy learn-
ing how to compete in different cultures
and amid unfamiliar regulations and cus-
toms. Companies thus often shy away from
marketing beyond US borders. But with world
trade growing at more than twice the rate of
the US economy, the global marketplace is too
Transportation Industry,
helps companies learn
how to:
• Find industry-specific
and country-specific
information and trade
• Explore financing op-
tions available
valuable to overlook. The World Bank, for ex-
through the US Ex-
ample, estimates that East Asia will invest
port-Import Bank and
about $240 billion in transportation infrastruc-
other institutions,
ture between 1995 and 2004; Latin America
will spend at least $14 billion annually for • Track down sales
transportation during that period. leads,
To help firms overcome the real and per- • Deal with foreign gov-
ceived obstacles to doing business overseas, ernments and regula-
FHWA and the American Road and Transpor- tions, and
tation Builders Association (ARTBA) teamed • Market goods and ser-
up to prepare a guide that describes the nu- vices through US-
merous resources available to small and me- sponsored trade shows.
dium sized firms interested in selling their
It also includes a list of
goods and services abroad. The guide, Doing
associations and other re-
Business Internationally: A Resource Guide for the
sources on marketing in-
The publication is available from FHWA’s Of-
fice of International Programs (fax: 202-366-9626;
email: The publica-
tion is also available on the Web at ✺

Abbreviation Key
AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
FHWA Federal Highway Administration
NCHRP National Cooperative Highway Research Program
TRB Transportation Research Board
DOT Department of Transportation
PIARC World Road Association
OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
IRF International Road Federation
Number 3 • S p r i n g 2 0 0 1
16 • TranScan

TranScan (ISSN 1095-5593), published pe-

NCHRP Project Panel 20-36: Highway Research and riodically by the Transportation Research
Board, reports news and information result-
Technology—International Information Sharing
ing from National Cooperative Highway Re-
search Program Project 20-36, Highway Re-
search and Technology—International
Byron Blaschke (Chairman) Eugene McCormick
Information Sharing. This publication is also
Texas A&M University Parsons Brinckerhoff Quade & Douglas
available through the Internet (
Texas Transportation Institute trb).
Martin D. Pietz The Transportation Research Board is a
William P. Carr Washington State DOT unit of the National Research Council, a
Consultant, Washington, DC private, nonprofit institution that is the prin-
T. Peter Ruane cipal operating agency of the National Acad-
Carol Cutshall American Road and Transportation Builders emy of Sciences and the National Academy
Wisconsin DOT Association of Engineering. Under a congressional char-
ter granted to the National Academy of Sci-
ences, the National Research Council pro-
Robert Ford C. Michael Walton
vides scientific and technical advice to the
Office of International Programs, FHWA University of Texas-Austin
government, the public, and the scientific
and engineering communities.
Francis B. Francois Robert L. White
Editor: Kathryn Harrington-Hughes
Consultant, Bowie, MD Consoer, Townsend, Envirodyne Engineers
fax: 301-982-1131
email: kathrynhh@
Larry R. Goode
Send comments, questions, and address changes to:
North Carolina State University FHWA Liaison: Michael Moravec, Office of
Chris Hedges
Research and Technology Services NCHRP Program Officer
John Horsley Transportation Research Board
AASHTO AASHTO Liaison: Robert Cullen 2101 Constitution Ave., N.W.
Washington, DC 20418
Merritt Linzie NCHRP Staff: Chris Hedges
Minnesota DOT Notice: The opinions expressed in articles appear-
ing in TranScan do not necessarily reflect the views
of the Transportation Research Board. The Trans-
portation Research Board and TranScan do not en-
dorse products or manufacturers. Trade and manu-
facturers’ names appear in an article only because
they are considered essential to the object of the

National Cooperative Highway Research Program

Transportation Research Board
2101 Constitution Ave., N.W.
Washington, DC 20418

Number 3 • S p r i n g 2 0 0 1

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