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September 2015

Solving Complex Technical ᷕ⋶Ṣ㮹ℙ␴⚥峊㓧悐

Ministry of Finance People’s Republic of China
and Institutional Problems

to Improve Urban Traffic
Table of Contents

Flow in Wuhan, China Introduction: Dealing with Rapid

Motorization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Contextual Conditions:
Infrastructure and Transportation
Project Data Investment in Wuhan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

PUBLIC Partner Organization: Project DURATION: Tracing the Implementation Process:

Ministry of Finance, China WEST BANK 2000–13 Wuhan’s Traffic Management
NIGERIA AND GAZA System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Organization Type: Project total cost:
Government US$598.2 million Lessons from the Wuhan Traffic
Delivery Challenges: Organization commitment: Management Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Capacity and skills; Government US$200 million
coordination; Design and planning What Traffic Planners Can Learn
Contacts about the Science of Delivery from
Development Challenges:
Rapid urbanization; rapid motorization Case author:
Wuhan’s Experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Zhan Guo Annex. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Hu Chang Hua

Executive Summary
This study focuses on the south-central Chinese city of Wuhan, and examines
how the municipal government undertook initiatives to upgrade traffic
management, thereby improving traffic flows in congested corridors. In
Wuhan, the total number of passenger cars grew from about 470,000 in 2002
to 740,000 in 2006 and then to 1.3  million in 2010. However, household car
ownership, at 0.22 per household, is still one-third that in Beijing and thus has the
potential to grow further. In the early 2000s, urban infrastructure in general and
transportation in particular had lagged far behind the city’s development. Traffic
congestion had become a pressing issue. The local government in Wuhan needed This case study was prepared and researched by Zhan
Guo. Robert K. Yin aligned some of the materials with
to tackle both the challenge of traffic congestion and the associated problems of the structure and flow of a set of Science of Delivery
case studies prepared in May–December 2013.
air pollution and road safety. Jacob Bathanti and Sarah Glavey provided additional
Traffic in China has traditionally been mixed—­automobiles, motorbikes, input on behalf of the Science of Delivery team in
2015. Many individuals contributed to this case
and bicyclists all sharing the same road space. When vehicle ownership is study, starting with the 29 interviewees who provided
context, detail, and insight. Special thanks to the
low, such a mixture can still function well, but when vehicular traffic becomes World Bank Country Team in China, who facilitated
the writing process and contributed to the final
the dominant share, conflicts among various modes can bring about gridlock and edition of the draft: Mara K. Warwick, Kathryn Ann
Funk, Johannes Widmann, Binyam Reja, and Yingnan
severe congestion. Separating the different modes has been a major task in traffic Jia. The following individuals contributed additional
management. The present case study examines the implementation process of assistance: Suiwang Tong, Lixia Xu, Chaohong Dai,
Jing Lu, Gladys Frame, Xianrao Zhao, Ke  Fang, Ed
traffic management improvements in Wuhan, covering the period ­2000–2013. Dotson, Song Liang, and Jun Yu.

Global Delivery Initiative

It examines the transportation and organizational Lessons from Implementation of

issues posed by rapid urbanization and motorization. In Intersection Channelization
Wuhan, improving traffic management included eight
Intersection channelization refers to the separation
components: a pedestrian program, a nonmotorized
or regulation of conflicting traffic movements into
vehicle program, a  bus priority measure, intersection
definite paths of travel by traffic islands or pavement
channelization and traffic facilities, area traffic control
marking to facilitate the safe and orderly movements
(ATC), road safety, r­oad-user education, and road-
of both vehicles and pedestrians. The implementation
marking equipment.
of intersection channelization has reshaped the review
This study focuses on two of these components,
procedure on road projects in Wuhan. Typically, a
area traffic control and intersection channelization.
road project is reviewed at two stages. Stage one is a
It examines Wuhan’s traffic challenges, and how it
planning review of the macro aspects of a project,
overcame them as it adopted a complex technical
while stage two is a design review of the construction
system and had to coordinate among several agencies
details. In Wuhan, the Traffic Management Bureau
to facilitate implementation. Twenty-nine interviews
(TMB) normally attends stage two, but following the
were carried out in 2013 with implementers of these
intersection channelization program initiative, the
two processes to improve traffic. See the annex for the
TMB has been increasingly invited to the stage-one
full list of interviewees. The case study also shows how
planning review as well, and its input during stage one
Wuhan effectively used foreign assistance to benefit from
has been taken into account. As such, the involvement
international experience.
of TMB in the review process of all stages ensures that
The case study addresses two questions:
•• How should the analytic capacity needed to traffic management aspects will be better taken into
design and implement complex technical services be account in major road projects.
organized? Underpinning the implementation of both
•• How should interagency responsibilities and interventions was the development of technical capacity.
relationships be changed to implement complex A more specialized capacity was developed to address
technical systems? intersection channelization, where implementation
was accompanied by the participation of the Wuhan
The two components of the case offer several Engineering Design and Research Institute as the major
lessons on implementing complex technical services. designer for all channelization projects.
In addition to handling the technical challenges, the case
points to the necessity for adjusting organizational and
institutional arrangements. Introduction: Dealing with
Rapid Motorization
Lessons from Implementation of Area
Motorization began to take off in China in the 1990s,
Traffic Control with the pace picking up after 2000. In the south-central
An area traffic control system can improve traffic flows Chinese city of Wuhan, this evolution has been relatively
at major intersections by synchronizing the traffic slower than in the major coastal cities, but the pace is
lights at the intersections, based on their real-time still astonishing. Wuhan’s population grew by 1.2 million
traffic flows, to minimize the overall waiting time. The from 1990 to 2000 and by another 1.5 million from 2000
implementation of ATC in Wuhan has reduced traffic to 2010—a 40 percent increase in 20 years. The growth of
congestion and contributed to a more orderly traffic the built-up area has been even more dramatic, swelling
flow. By the time the third ATC system was operating, from 275 km2 in 2002, to 440 km2 in 2006, to 586 km2
traffic speed on average improved by 11 percent, delays in 2011, effectively adding the size of the U.S. city of
at intersections were reduced by 28 percent, and vehicles Philadelphia in just 10 years.
made 19  percent fewer stops before they passed an Motorization has been similarly dramatic. In 1982,
intersection—measurable evidence that the system was China built only 3,428 cars, but by 2010 that figure
changing motorists’ behavior. had soared to 18 million. China is now the world’s

Solving Complex Technical and Institutional Problems to Improve Urban Traffic Flow in Wuhan, China

largest automobile producer and consumer. In Wuhan, The case study addresses two questions:
the total number of passenger cars grew from about •• How should the analytic capacity needed to design
470,000 in 2002, to 740,000 in 2006, to 1.3 million in and implement complex technical services be
2010. Yet, household car ownership in Wuhan, at 0.22 organized?
per household, is still one-third that in Beijing and thus •• How should interagency responsibilities and
has the potential to grow even more. This indicates relationships be changed to implement complex
technical systems?
an increasing need to manage traffic and invest in
infrastructure. The questions attempt to address key organizational and
behavioral issues that can accompany the implementation
Development Challenge: Reducing of complex technical systems. Thus, although the data
Traffic Congestion and Attracting and lessons learned all come from a traffic management
Investment perspective, similar questions may be relevant to other
urban services, for example, housing development,
With an increasing number of cars on the roads, traffic environmental regulation such as air pollution control,
congestion had become a pressing issue in many major cities and public infrastructure development.
in China, including Wuhan. Accordingly, infrastructure
investment has been one of the top priorities for many
local governments. The emphasis on transportation Contextual Conditions:
infrastructure also goes beyond just congestion mitigation: Infrastructure and
it is also critical for economic growth.
Transportation Investment in
Delivery Challenge: Designing and Wuhan
Implementing Complex Traffic Systems Geography of Wuhan
under Conditions of Rapid Growth
Wuhan is a city built on the banks of two rivers, the
Traffic management is a function performed by Han and the Yangtze (see map 1). The rivers make for
local governments in China. The initial tasks include natural divisions within the city, especially in separating
defining  traffic rules and ensuring that automobile the Hankou District from the Hanyang District. In any
drivers, motorcyclists, bicyclists, and pedestrians citywide initiative, the separation offers the opportunity
adhere to them. Before 2000, there was often a for traffic management innovations in one district to
single, simple approach to road rules: installation occur without affecting the other portions of the city.
of traffic lights. Rapid motorization in China has
radically transformed this traditional practice of traffic The Evolution of Urban Infrastructure
management into a multifaceted intervention. In Investment
Wuhan, improving traffic management included eight
components: a pedestrian program, a nonmotorized In the early 2000s, urban infrastructure in general and
vehicle program, a bus priority measure, intersection transportation in particular lagged far behind Wuhan’s
channelization and traffic facilities, area ­traffic control, development. Traffic congestion had become a pressing
road safety, road-user education, and road-marking issue in many other major cities in China as well.
equipment. Infrastructure investment was understandably one of
This study focuses on two of these components, which the top priorities for many local governments. Total
illustrate some of the key challenges of implementation. investment in urban infrastructure in Wuhan grew
Each combines a highly technical activity with the need to tenfold in about 10 years, from less than US$1 billion in
assess and influence citizen behavior: area traffic control the early 2000s to nearly US$11.2 billion in 2013.
and intersection channelization. The former shows the
struggle to adopt a complex and expensive technical Features of Transportation Investment
system, using significant foreign assistance, while the This wider context reflects three features of urban
­latter highlights implementation issues. transport planning and investment in China, which also

Global Delivery Initiative

Map 1  Wuhan, China

Note: The circle outlines the most urbanized areas.

apply to Wuhan: it is supply driven, physically oriented, institutions may not have the capacity and infrastructure
and vehicle-centric. The first refers to the increasing (for example, data, models, and the like) to invest in it.
system capacity to meet transportation needs and to The third feature, vehiclecentric planning, means
mitigate congestion. In the early stage, this included that transportation planning and policy making often
investing primarily in roads, highways, bridges, and put vehicles ahead of people (pedestrians and cyclists).
tunnels and in the latter stages expanded to public transit Motorized vehicles (cars, trucks, and so forth) are
systems such as subways, light rail, or bus rapid transit. often perceived as modern and superior transportation
Being physically oriented highlights the fact that technology, while motorcycles, bicycles, and walking are
transportation investment in China, including Wuhan, has viewed as inferior. This vehicle-centric approach has a
often focused on the “hard” part of physical infrastructure special meaning in Wuhan because it is one of the three
instead of on the “soft” aspects of capacity building and bases of  China’s automobile industry. There is a strong
policy making. Local decision makers might not fully local interest in protecting this industry and not limiting
understand the value of the “soft infrastructure,” or local the use of cars.

Solving Complex Technical and Institutional Problems to Improve Urban Traffic Flow in Wuhan, China

Local Institutional Capacity for often not on the radar of local decision makers for major
Transportation Management investments in transportation infrastructure.

Regarding institutions, all local governments have

established a traffic management bureau (TMB). These
bureaus are effectively units of the traffic police, as all TMB The Chinese government provided almost US$1 billion to
staff members are police officers in uniform. TMBs in China finance the Wuhan Urban Transport Project. In addition,
are responsible for vehicle registration and inspection. since 2004 the World Bank has supported a variety of
However, a TMB normally does not regulate street parking initiatives for Wuhan, including traffic management,
and focuses only on motorized and nonmotorized traffic on road network development, public transport, road
urban streets. Within a municipal government, the TMB is maintenance, environmental management, and capacity
usually under the supervision of the Police Department. A building and technical assistance. It has provided financial,
deputy director of the Police Department usually serves as conceptual, and institutional support to the government’s
director of the TMB. In that sense, the TMB is not a high- initiative and has also facilitated cooperation between
profile agency. However, because traffic is such a pressing Wuhan’s TMB and other relevant agencies.
problem, approaching crisis in most major ­cities, the TMBs
have become increasingly important. They are quite visible
to the general public and are often called on by local leaders Tracing the Implementation
for solutions. However, traffic management and congestion Process: Wuhan’s Traffic
mitigation involve many other government agencies as well.
If a TMB proposes to expand a street sidewalk because it Management System
is too narrow, forcing pedestrians to jam traffic lanes, This study focuses on two components of the Wuhan
the construction itself should be done by a Construction Traffic Management System that illustrate some of the
Commission. If roadside trees are affected, approval from key challenges of implementation: area traffic control
the Park Department is required. If the red line has to and intersection channelization. Both were implemented
change, the Planning Department should be involved. If during the 2000–2013 period (table 1).
street vendors are seen to be contributing to the problem,
the Urban Administration Bureau should become involved.
Implementing Area Traffic Control
If the change affects bus lanes or stops, the Transportation
Commission should be consulted. In addition, the Treasury Systems in Wuhan
Department, Land Resource Department, Development An area traffic control system can improve traffic flows
and Reform Commission, electricity and utility companies at major intersections by synchronizing the traffic lights
could all be involved, depending on the specific project. at the intersections based on their real-time traffic
In some cities, due to the increasing importance flows and minimizing the overall waiting time. ATC
of traffic management, the TMB has been upgraded systems have been widely adopted worldwide since
to become a Traffic Management Commission, a the 1970s, but such systems were still rare in China
coordination unit with representatives from all related up to the 1990s. Two barriers to their installation in
agencies. The TMB in Wuhan was upgraded from the China have been cost and complexity. ATC systems are
lower-­ranking traffic management team in 1989. As of usually expensive, and historically most cities in China
2013, it had around 2,700 staff members, of which 2,000 (including the largest ones) have not had the financial
were field traffic police and 700 were on the management resources to import and install such systems. The
team At the same time, before 2000 traffic management technology involved is also complex: the installation,
in Wuhan had been weak. Its TMB was young, and the calibration, and maintenance of an ATC system are
signal system was outdated. About 20 percent of s­ ignaled often beyond local capacities.
intersections did not have red lights. The TMB had sought The earliest ATC systems in China were often the result
an upgraded signal system but was unable to afford one of foreign government loans and technology from the same
due to the city’s financial constraints. Outreach to the country. Beijing completed its first citywide ATC system
general public was minimal, and traffic management was in 1995 using a British government loan and the British

Global Delivery Initiative

Table 1  Overview of Area Traffic Control Systems and Intersection Channelization in Wuhan, China
Area traffic control systems Intersection channelization

Year Milestone Year Milestone

1991 The WEDZ was established to attract export-oriented 1984 Dadongmen intersection gave priority to left-turn traffic,
businesses. a feature of channelization.
2000 US$500 million loan secured from Spain for traffic 2000 China’s Ministry of Public Security launched the national
management improvement in Wuhan. Smooth Traffic Project.
2002 Small ATC installed in WEDZ. 2001–07 German expert visited Wuhan as part of the China-Germany
exchange program.
2003–05 Spanish ATC installed in Hankou District; started at 195 2001 Wuhan implemented its first formal channelization at the
intersections in 2003 and was completed in 2005. intersection of Xinhua Road and Jianshe Avenue.
2004 World Bank board approved first Wuhan urban 2002 The World Bank’s support began under the auspices of the
transport loan. Wuhan Urban Transport Program.
2007–09 World Bank–funded ATC system installed.
2010 Contract signed for fourth ATC to be implemented in
Hankou District.
Note: ATC = area traffic control; WEDZ = Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone

SCOOT technology.1 Shanghai imported the Australian However, the WEDZ and its Traffic Management
SCATS system in 1986.2 Guangzhou used the same Bureau faced an obstacle: they lacked the capacity
technology and built a small system for 50 intersections in to evaluate various technical solutions and select
1993. The Australian system was subsequently expanded contractors. The WEDZ decided to engage with the
with the aid of a loan from the World Bank. In Wuhan, Wuhan TMB for technical assistance, which was an
the initial adoption of ATC systems was piecemeal, and important inflection point. The TMB had been in contact
early efforts were confined to small geographic areas. with a Spanish firm, which had approached the TMB to
sell its technology. The Spanish ATC technology was one
First ATC System in the WEDZ of the few technologies available in China during the
The Wuhan Economic and Technological Development early years. As such, the TMB recommended the Spanish
Zone (WEDZ), a 14 km2 newly built-up area in firm and its technology to the WEDZ because it was the
Hanyang  District, installed a small ATC system at only option that the TMB had at that time, and the TMB
16  intersections. The WEDZ was established in 1991 to wanted to test the ­technology before fully embracing it.
attract export-oriented businesses and has focused on the The system was completed in 2000.
­automobile industry. The WEDZ is semi-independent from
the Wuhan municipal government. For example, the WEDZ Second ATC System in Hankou District
has its own Traffic Management Bureau, independent from While the WEDZ was building its small ATC system,
the municipal TMB. The WEDZ was able to install its ATC another opportunity arose for Wuhan. The Spanish
system in the Wuhan area for ­several reasons: government was in contact with the municipal
•• As a successful economic development zone, WEDZ government regarding a possible loan to the city. In the
had sufficient financial resources to install a small
1990s, most government loans available to China were
ATC system in 2000.
from Spain and Japan. A loan for US$500 million from
•• As a newly developed area, it had constructed a
Spain was secured for traffic management. However, the
completely new road network and was willing to
explore a modern traffic control system. loan was considered too small for a citywide ATC system.
•• The WEDZ was willing to embrace new ideas from Therefore, a district-level ATC system was proposed,
abroad and to serve as a pilot zone for Wuhan (for with a one-to-one local matching fund. Because the
example, on road traffic management). Hankou District is separated from the rest of the city
by two major rivers, the TMB selected it as the target
1 SCOOT stands for Split Cycle Offset Optimisation Technique.
district for the Spanish ATC system. Installation started
2 SCATS stands for Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System. at 195 intersections in 2003 and was completed in 2005.

Solving Complex Technical and Institutional Problems to Improve Urban Traffic Flow in Wuhan, China

The second ATC in Hankou was the result of a bidding latest technology but required a number of adaptations
process that led to a contract for the best Spanish to fit the local context. By this point, there were more
technology available at that time. The training of local options available in the Chinese market, and the British
staff on system operation and maintenance was, however, system was chosen based on an international competitive
quite limited. procurement process. The technology needed to be
calibrated to local traffic patterns. For example, the “green
Third ATC System with Support from the wave” function, in which traffic lights are coordinated to
World Bank turn green in sequence and enable a smooth traffic flow,
is prevalent in many cities in the European Union (EU)
World Bank involvement in Wuhan’s transportation
and the United States; however, it does not work well
initiatives started after 2000. In 2002, Wuhan initiated
in China because its blocks are normally much longer
talks with the World Bank for an overarching transport
than in other countries. The typical speed of 35–40
program, the city’s first lending engagement with the
kilometers per hour in the EU or the United States is also
Bank. This project gained Board approval in March 2004.
not applicable in most major Chinese cities. The SCOOT
Road construction begun in 2003, which was possible
technology is also a closed system that has difficulty in
because the loan included some retroactive financing.
accommodating new traffic patterns as they emerge from
The ATC system, which did not become operational until
the past pace of urban expansion and motorization in
July 2007, was completed in April 2009. Delays were due
largely to two factors: first, the government of Wuhan
focused on the Spanish system’s installation in the
Fourth ATC System: Returning to the
Hankou District until its completion in 2005; second, due
to the unfamiliarity of the Bank with the local bidding Hankou District
procedure, the bidding process took much longer than Based on lessons learned from earlier experiences, the
expected. The city government and the TMB p ­ repared Wuhan TMB was looking for an open system to replace
the bidding documents with assistance from the World the Spanish ATC system in use in Hankou District, using
Bank and administered the bidding process. The Wuhan the second phase of World Bank funding. The TMB
TMB visited Guangzhou, where a similar system was wanted the new system to be easy to modify, upgrade, and
already installed and in operation, and learned from that integrate with other traffic and transportation systems in
city’s experience. The Wuhan TMB also sent two teams the city. The TMB learned a great deal from the whole
to Germany and the United Kingdom for training. process. For example, training on system software should
The initial World Bank–financed ATC system included occur simultaneously with the installation of the system,
274 traffic signals throughout Wuhan (excluding instead of after the completion of the installation. During
Hankou). The initial approach was to install one set of the operation of the third system, the TMB gradually
traffic signals per block. However, the project team soon learned how the system could be adapted to cope with
noticed that street blocks in Chinese cities are much local traffic patterns. However, the TMB also realized that
longer and that it was both time-consuming and difficult even though the Simons ATC system might have been an
for pedestrians to cross the street. The Bank proposed open system in theory, openness is very hard in practice.
installing additional traffic signals in the middle of the Modification and upgrade are always more complex
blocks. Officials worried that this would slow traffic, but and expensive than one might expect. All these lessons
when this system was tested, it proved not to be the case, should certainly benefit the design and installation of the
as signals were synchronized and did not slow down the fourth ATC system in Hankou in the near future.
traffic flow. The number of traffic signals was therefore ATC systems are expensive and technologically
expanded to cover 426 signals. This was a clear example complex. Originally, Wuhan did not have access to the full
of an adaptation made due to the context. Many other resources needed and so followed an ad hoc approach to
Chinese cities have now adopted the practice of installing implementation. This approach relied on taking advantage
midblock signals. of serendipitous opportunities when they presented
This third ATC system, manufactured by Simons, was themselves rather than on strategic planning. The result
based on the British SCOOT technology, which was the was a piecemeal process and a fragmented system, not only

Global Delivery Initiative

in scope and coverage but also in the types of technology vehicles made 19 percent fewer stops before they passed
adopted. The inefficiencies inherent in this approach an intersection: measurable evidence that the system
have been apparent: the first ATC system in the WEDZ was changing motorists’ behavior. Although the ATC
was installed in an area with only light traffic; the second may have a significant and positive impact on traffic
system in Hankou rapidly became dysfunctional and had congestion overall, the experiment also recorded large
to be replaced entirely just seven years after its completion; variations among the street segments. In one segment
and the third system is relatively rigid and cannot keep up (Minzhu Road at Xiaodongmen and Hongshan Plaza),
with the dramatic changes of traffic in Wuhan. traffic was typically so congested that the ATC system
A number of inefficiencies remain. Currently, when could not handle the traffic load and was frequently
data are exported from the system, the exporting switched to manual function, with the signal operated by
has to be done manually, which is quite complex and traffic police. In another segment (Yingwu Avenue), the
demanding. Simons, the manufacturer of the third traffic was heavily mixed, and the number of stops and
system, did not accept all the requests from the TMB. delays actually became worse with the ATC system than
For example, the TMB requested that a function should without it.
be added to count down the last nine sections before Despite these earlier findings, four years after
a traffic signal changes. According to the TMB, when completion of the ATC, the general belief in Wuhan and
the manufacturer agrees to any upgrades, it tends to the TMB is that the third ATC system has not performed
charge a high price, which presents an obstacle to at the expected level. Wuhan, like many Chinese cities,
modifications. has a large volume of pedestrian and bicycle traffic, often
Ten years after the first ATC system was installed, the mixed with vehicular traffic. Pedestrians and cyclists
TMB finally has a clear sense of the preferred system may conflict with vehicular movements, and the ATC
and has the chance to implement it, but only for one system is often unable to measure pedestrian and bicycle
district (Hankou) instead of the whole city. The city will volumes and to account for them. For example, most
have several distinct sub-ATC systems for an indefinite intersections do not have a red-green light combination
time. The piecemeal, fragmented approach nevertheless for right-turning vehicles or a “no turn on red” signal,
demonstrates an adaptive effort by Wuhan and by the so that vehicles making the right turn and crossing
TMB in particular. From the first to the fourth ATC pedestrians often confront each other. The Wuhan
system, there is a clear learning curve and a set of ATC system performs better in newly developed areas
feedback loops in which previous experiences inform at the urban edge, where vehicular traffic dominates,
subsequent iterations. and less well in the urban center. This has been an
issue for the ATC systems in many Chinese cities. ATC
systems perform better in a few Chinese cities, such as
Effect of the ATC System in Wuhan Chongqing, Dalian, Qingdao, and Xiamen. These cities
To assess the effect of ATC on traffic, Wuhan University are mountainous and do not have much bicycle traffic
of Technology conducted an experiment measuring on their streets. Currently, the TMB in Wuhan also relies
three traffic outcomes, during periods when the ATC on the data collected from electronic toll collection
system was deliberately in or out of operation: average and real-time video cameras in addition to the ATC to
speed, delay at intersections, and the number of stops manage the traffic signals.
needed to pass through an intersection. The experiment
was conducted in April 2009 on 22 street segments for
Table 2  Comparison of Traffic Congestion Outcomes with and
two weeks. In the first week of the experiment, the ATC
without ATC
system was on, while in the second week it was turned off.
Average delay at
Over the two weeks, 11,800 observations were collected. Average speed Stops intersection
Table 2 compares the three outcomes with and without ATC status (km/h) (number) (s)
the ATC system. On 26.77 0.47 13.40
When the third (WB-funded) ATC system was Off 23.72 0.56 17.20
operating, traffic speed on average improved by 11 percent, Improvement (%) 11.39 19.23 28.35
delays at intersections were reduced 28  percent, and Note: km/h = kilometers per hour; s = seconds

Solving Complex Technical and Institutional Problems to Improve Urban Traffic Flow in Wuhan, China

Implementing Intersection First Generation of Intersection

Channelization in Wuhan Channelization, 2000–02
A second component of the implementation process of Channelization is an intersection design standard that
traffic management improvements in Wuhan is considered became popular in Europe and North America after
here: implementing intersection channelization. the 1950s. In China, the concept of channelization also
Intersection channelization refers to the separation or appeared quite early, but implementation has always
regulation of conflicting traffic movements into definite lagged, probably due to the limited vehicle traffic before
paths of travel by traffic islands or pavement marking to 2000. In Wuhan, the first bridge on the Yangtze River
facilitate the safe and orderly movements of both vehicles in the 1950s already channelized certain traffic lanes
and pedestrians. When traffic islands are used, it is at the  entrance intersection. In 1984, the Dadongmen
physical channelization. If only marking is used, it is called ­intersection gave priority to left-turn traffic, a feature
facility channelization. Figure 1 illustrate a three-way of  channelization. However, channelization was rare
intersection without channelization and with physical and nationwide until the end of the 1990s. Before 2011,
facility channelization. the only national road design standard that covered
intersections focused on elevated multilevel intersections
for expressways and was not sufficient to inform the
intersection design for urban roads.
Figure 1  Intersection Channelization Layouts With rapid economic growth, traffic congestion had
a. No channelization become a big problem in Chinese cities by the late
1990s. Change began in 2000 when China’s Ministry
of Public Security (MPS) launched the national
Smooth Traffic Project. The project comprises a set of
programs and policies to improve traffic management
1 and encouraged the TMBs from major cities to adopt
them. The MPS also evaluates the implementation of the
6 project and ranks the cities as being outstanding, very
5 good, good, or satisfactory. The evaluation is based on
b. Facility channelization six criteria, including equipment and facilities, which
covers intersection channelization. To be evaluated as
satisfactory, the percentage of channelized intersections
should be at least 40  ­ percent; 60 percent earns an
evaluation of good, 70 percent is very good, and 80 percent
4 is outstanding.
2 3 However, even with pressure coming from the national
5 government, acceptance of intersection channelization
c. Physical channelization by the local TMBs took time. In Wuhan, the Design
Institute initially lacked sufficient technical preparation
on channelization. A transport expert from Germany
was a major help in that process. The expert, part of the
China-Germany exchange program, stayed in Wuhan
from 2001 to 2007. Wuhan’s Construction Commission
hired the German expert for an initial two years, before
providing a two-year extension. The Transport Planning
Institute subsequently hired the expert for another
two years. The expert helped the institute purchase
Source: microsimulation software and evaluate the effects of
channelization through simulation.

Global Delivery Initiative

Backed by the positive simulation results, Wuhan The World Bank’s support, beginning in 2002 under the
implemented its first formal channelization at the auspices of the Wuhan Urban Transport Program, came
intersection of Xinhua Road and Jianshe Avenue at a fortuitous time and marked a key benchmark for the
in  2001. According to the TMB, traffic capacity at the channelization efforts. This support raised the profile of
intersection increased by 75 percent from 4,000 vehicles channelization and enabled the municipal g­ overnment
per hour to 7,000 vehicles per hour after channelization, to leverage more funds and make channelization one
although details were not available from either the TMB of the eight components of the traffic ­ management
or the Design Institute. Many stakeholders including program With the Bank’s support, in March 2002 the
the TMB were initially concerned that channelization TMB was able to propose channelizing 74 i­ ntersections,
would take away road space from motor vehicles (see of which 32 would be physical ­channelizations. By July
figure 1b and  1c). This early success was important to 2002, the number had increased  to 350 intersections.
the widespread adoption of channelization. The deputy The finalized project included 274 intersections, of
mayor also visited the site, endorsing channelization in which 46 were physical channelizations. Most of
public and ordering related agencies to work together to the physical-junction channelization schemes were
move forward. proposed for Hankou to complement the forthcoming
However, the first generation of channelization was Spanish ATC system.
limited in several respects. First, the approach was World Bank experts also advised on the design of
focused on improving motor vehicle capacity and channelization. The earlier channelization projects
speeds over the whole urban road network but paid had focused on vehicle movement, not pedestrians
scant attention to nonmotorized traffic. Second, it was and cyclists. The Bank team, however, emphasized
disconnected from the ATC signal system despite the fact nonmotorized traffic from the outset, which was an
that channelization is indispensable to it. For example, important shift in emphasis. After numerous discussions
without intersection channelization, the ATC sensor between October 2001 and December 2002, the TMB
may not pick up the turning information on vehicles, so proposed new design principles for channelization: it
that the data collected become inaccurate in estimating would focus on tightening intersections, channelizing
traffic flows. Third, channelization was viewed as a minor vehicles, and bringing stoplines forward. It did not entail
measure and often implemented as part of a larger road intersection widening. After the specific channelization
construction or rehabilitation project. Accordingly, design was completed in 2003, the Bank provided
stand-alone channelization was rare. comments and helped with the revision. The actual
design of the first 23 intersections began in August 2003,
Second Generation of Intersection and by 2010, some intersections had been channelized
Channelization, 2002–10 throughout Wuhan.
When Wuhan began planning for the ATC system in The key features of the new channelization design
Hankou, channelization was part of the discussion, included the following:
•• Physical channelization (and planting) to provide a
given that ATC requires the separation of motorized
safe refuge for pedestrians to cross the road.
and nonmotorized traffic. However, the accompanying
•• Reduction in the uncontrolled areas at an intersection
Spanish government loan was not sufficient to support
to cater to pedestrians with no loss of capacity for
a channelization program, and Wuhan (and the TMB) vehicles.
did not have the financial resources to channelize major •• Physical islands to channelize turning traffic into
intersections in Hankou. According to the estimates short, direct paths to clear the junction quickly.
by the Wuhan Treasury Department, channelizing •• Stoplines brought forward to minimize clearance
intersections costs on average about RMB 1 million each. times.
The major intersections could cost RMB 2–3 million, •• Multiphase traffic signals with special pedestrian
including traffic lights: the costs of channelizing the signals (which run in parallel with vehicle signals with
several hundred major intersections in Wuhan would no conflict) to enhance efficiency for vehicles and
thus be significant. safety for pedestrians.

Solving Complex Technical and Institutional Problems to Improve Urban Traffic Flow in Wuhan, China

The implementation of channelization following the Traffic Capacity and Safety

World Bank’s involvement seemed too slow to the TMB,
Intersection channelization is intended to improve
especially after 2002 when a new infrastructure financing
traffic capacity and safety and to simplify traffic flows.
system had been established. Wuhan launched a major
However, it is very difficult to evaluate these outcomes
campaign around road building and acquired sufficient
in the Wuhan case: none of the start and completion
funding to carry out many road projects. Because most
dates were recorded for the channelization sites attached
of the money had been raised by the government, it
to a road project. It is difficult to separate the effect of
could move more swiftly than had been possible through
channelization from that of the entire road project. For
the World Bank–funded project. Eventually, most of
stand-alone physical channelization, the expectation is
the channelization sites were completed by the local
that the outcome should be positive and significant, but
fund, independent of the Bank initiative, as part of road
there are too few to establish data on the traffic patterns
construction or rehabilitation projects. For example,
before and after the channelization. One single accident
by November 2003, 11 intersections in Hankou had
may completely change the safety record at these
already been channelized. By the time the World Bank
intersections from year to year. However, even without
project was approved by the Board, an additional 17
the data on traffic patterns, the channelization effects
physical channelizations and 130 facility channelizations
may become evident from viewing the sites themselves.
had nearly been completed. In contrast, stand-alone
Photograph 1a and 1b show the situation before and after
channelizations—not attached to any road projects—
intersection channelization at one of the sites.
were delayed significantly. Stand-alone channelization
Before, the junction was inefficient and unsafe. There
is often more complex than other channelization
were no clear paths for vehicles to travel through the
projects. Although most other channelization projects
intersection, and turning vehicles chose their own paths
had been completed by 2005, nothing happened to the
under the flyover piers. Traffic signal stoplines were set
four stand-alone channelizations until 2007. By March
far back, resulting in long clearance times. Pedestrians
2008, two had been completed and another two were
crossing the wide carriageway had no safe refuge in the
under construction. All four were completed in 2010.
center and had to negotiate disorderly turning traffic
This outcome reflected the different attitudes of the local
that could run between any of the flyover piers. Because
government toward major road projects, in contrast to
the pedestrian phase was not long enough to cross in
the relatively “minor” adaptations at intersections.

Photo 1  View of the Intersection of Jiefang Avenue and Jiefang Park Road before and after Channelization

a. Before channelization b. After channelization

Global Delivery Initiative

one stage, pedestrians became stranded among the often signaled by a flashing yellow light, which can create
traffic. After the channelization, pedestrian flows have conflict with crossing pedestrians, a condition that could
been separated from vehicle traffic. The long walk in an be addressed through a switch to a red light–green light
uncontrolled area is divided into several short crossings combination.
connected by pedestrian refuges, significantly reducing The channelization projects in Wuhan (Bank
pedestrians’ exposure to vehicular traffic. or ­ non-Bank sponsored) have contributed to the
Another important sign of improvement is the reduction emergence of a new local and national design standard
of field police officers at channelized intersections. for intersections. Wuhan has become a front-runner
According to the TMB, before channelization, one in creating design standards for intersections in China
major intersection normally needed two or three traffic due to the presence of strong transportation programs
police officers to guide traffic. One of them had to stand at the local universities. University researchers were
right in the middle of the intersection, facing traffic heavily involved in the making of the National Standard
from all directions (photograph 2). This was not only for Urban Transportation Planning and Design
unsafe but also unhealthy, given the noise and pollution, (GB  ­50220-95) issued in 1995. However, this standard
particularly in bad weather. After channelization, a did not cover many of the urban road intersections.
single traffic police officer has often been sufficient. A national standard specific to urban roads was in
Before channelization, a citywide cadre of 125 traffic preparation back in the mid-1990s but was delayed
police officers usually had to  be on site during peak significantly after numerous rounds of consultation
hours. This number fell to 70–80  after channelization. nationwide. The standard was finally adopted in 2011
Not only has the number of police needed changed, but (GB 50647-2011).The influence of the local standard
also their field tasks differ. Field traffic police now focus seems to have spilled over to other major cities as well,
on accident management and drunk driving instead of such as Shenzhen, Guangzhou, and Nanning; all these
being preoccupied by the basic order of traffic, as they cities adopted a standard similar to Wuhan’s before the
were before. Thus, the apparent improvement has led issuance of the national standard.
to reduced traffic congestion and more orderly traffic—
and possibly fewer traffic accidents at the channelized
intersections. Lessons from the Wuhan
Despite the general acceptance of, and praise for,
channelization, design and management could be still
Traffic Management Project
improved in many ways. For example, fences at some The two components of the Wuhan traffic management
intersections are too long to allow vehicles to change case offer several lessons on the implementation of
lanes into traffic channels. Right-turning traffic lights are complex technical services. In addition to technical
challenges, the case points to the importance of the
associated organizational or institutional developments
needed, as elaborated below.
Photo 2  Traffic Police at an Unchannelized Intersection

How Can the Analytic Capacity Needed

to Design and Implement Complex
Technical Services Be Organized?
The examples of intersection channelization and area
traffic control both show the importance of developing
technical capacity. The more specialized capacity was
developed to implement intersection channelization,
where application was accompanied by the emergence
of the Wuhan Engineering Design and Research
Institute as the major designer for all channelization

Solving Complex Technical and Institutional Problems to Improve Urban Traffic Flow in Wuhan, China

Initially, Wuhan’s Design Institute was reluctant to might be critical to the construction project. Wuhan’s
accept the task because the new type of channelization experience illustrates the growth of the necessary
was unfamiliar to its staff members. In addition, organizational capacity in traffic management; these
channelization design costs more, but the institute patterns may be relevant for related technical services
could charge only what it charged for its other domestic beyond traffic management.
projects. The initial design was rejected by the TMB In traffic management, to understand how well a “soft”
several times before it was finally accepted. element has been developed in a locality, it is necessary
The Design Institute now trains its staff members to ascertain whether and when a transportation planning
at the local universities and augments channelization institute was established and when and how often a
practices by conducting channelization projects. Staff regional travel survey is conducted. A travel survey is the
members have learned new techniques of road and foundation of a regional transportation model that plays
intersection design and have become better prepared a key role in transportation project evaluation and cost-
professionals. The Design Institute has also begun to benefit analysis.
benefit from its experience with channelization. In Table 3 lists these two indicators in several major
2012, it established a traffic division and is now the cities in China. It shows that many major cities
leading agency in this field nationwide. When the established a transportation planning institute after
consulting market began to emerge, the technology the 1990s. Except for a small minority (for example,
spilled over to other firms through staff transfers. At Beijing, Guangzhou, and Shanghai), most cities
present, Wuhan has an active consulting market with conducted their first household travel survey after
more than 100 transportation and infrastructure 2000. Given that it takes time to process the data and
consulting firms. Most are capable of designing the new calibrate a regional transportation model, for many
type of channelization. major cities—including Wuhan—these technical
A broader capacity developed in relation to ATC, tools were probably not fully used for transportation
where expertise is needed to cover the “soft” aspects of planning and policy making until the mid-2000s. When
data collection and analysis of traffic patterns in addition the World Bank project started in Wuhan in early 2000,
to the “hard” aspect of physical infrastructure. The local the city’s experience with using household travel data
governments were willing to spend billions of dollars on for planning was limited.
road construction but were reluctant to spend several In another example of boosting capacity in Wuhan,
million dollars on data collection and research that since 2010 the TMB has worked with a local university

Table 3  Transport Planning Institutes and Travel Surveys in Major Cities, Various Years, 1981–2013
City 2010 population(million) Year transportation planning institute established Years of travel survey
Beijing 18.8 2002 1986, 2000, 2005, 2010
Chengdu 7.4 1986* 2009
Chongqing 17.2 2005 2002, 2007, 2010
Dalian 4.1 2004 1988, 2011
Guangzhou 11.1 1986 1984, 2005
Hefei 3.3 2013
Jinan 4.3 2011
Nanjing 8.0 1996
Qingdao 4.6 2002, 2010
Shanghai 22.3 1990 1981, 1995, 2004, 2009
Shenzhen 10.4 1996 1995, 2001, 2005, 2010
Tianjin 11.1 1989* 1981, 1993, 2000, 2011
Wuhan 9.8 1993 1998, 2008
Wuxi 3.5 2003, 2013
Xi’an 6.5 2000, 2011
Note: A transportation unit is stationed within the local planning institute. The unit itself may not have the full capacity to conduct the regional survey and develop a transportation
model. Empty cells indicate nonexistent or missing data.

Global Delivery Initiative

to develop a training course in traffic management. Urban Administration Bureau (UAB), the Sanitation
The course is taught twice a year and targets TMB Department, and others. The likely conflicts among
staff members at the mid-managerial level. Training these departments can be better managed by the
also occurs internally within the TMB and focuses commission if it administers channelization. Stand-
on language capability (primarily English) and traffic alone channelizations are administered by the TMB,
management. because such small projects are outside the realm of
the Construction Commission.
How Might Interagency Many agencies oversaw a portion of the stand-
alone physical channelization, but none have had full
Responsibilities and Relationships
ownership. The TMB normally deals with road markings,
Be Changed to Implement Complex
not the physical construction. Indeed, Wuhan is the
Technical Systems? only place nationwide where the TMB alone carries out
The examination of channelization offers the main lessons physical channelization. The UAB is responsible for the
on interagency responsibilities and relationshiops. The maintenance and repair of facilities, such as fences or safety
channelization experience has reshaped the review islands. It has conducted between 10 and 20 maintenance
procedure on road projects. Typically, a road project is projects each year at a total cost of RMB 1 million.3 The
reviewed at two stages. Stage one is a planning review Park Department handles the planting inside the safety
of the macro aspects of a project, while stage two island or on the sidewalk. When the TMB assumed
is a design review of the microconstruction details. ownership of the channelization project, it had to foster
The TMB normally attends stage two, but its input is coordination that had not existed before. The process was
advisory only; the Construction Commission, which not straightforward. For example (as seen in figure  1),
administers the whole review process, does not need the sidewalk moved outward and probably removed a
to follow the TMB’s suggestions, although it often portion of green space, as happened in Wuhan. At the
does. Given that channelization is quite technical and intersection of Luotu Road, the Park Department refused
affected by some macro aspects of the project, the TMB to remove plants for the channelization. This delayed
has been increasingly invited to the stage-one planning the process by almost six months. At the intersection
review, and its input at stage one has also been afforded of Xiaodongmen, channelization required the change of
greater weight. the red line, and it took some time before the Planning
The wider involvement of the TMB in the review process Department revised its plan to allow it.
ensures that traffic management is taken into account Resistance to the new type of channelization procedures
in major road projects. For example, road construction occurred even within the TMB. The district police brigades
and traffic management have traditionally  been largely were concerned about the loss of traffic space. The general
disconnected. The Construction Commission planned, belief at that time was that the wider the intersection, the
designed, and constructed the road and then delivered better the traffic flow. To overcome this resistance, the
it to the TMB without any surface markings or signals, TMB commissioned the China Management Science
which the TMB subsequently prepared itself. In the new Research Institute to model the proposed design using
process, marking and traffic management facilities are a microsimulation program, assisted by the German
planned, designed, and constructed at the same time expert mentioned earlier. This simulation showed that
as the road. As a result, road projects administered by the design would not only improve pedestrian safety but
the Construction Commission that once dealt only with also increase capacity.
materials and labor are now beginning to include traffic
lights and other equipment in one package.
Other institutional changes also have occurred.
3 The demarcation between the UAB and the TMB is a subtle one. For example,
Road projects were traditionally administered by for spills from trucks that transport construction waste on urban roads, cleanup
the Construction Commission, which oversaw the is performed by the UAB, while any fines and the cancellation of transport
certificates are the territory of the TMB. If a street vendor blocks a bike lane, the
Park Department, the Planning Department, the TMB can move them, but the fine is levied by the UAB.

Solving Complex Technical and Institutional Problems to Improve Urban Traffic Flow in Wuhan, China

What Traffic Planners Can Techniques for Gathering Evidence for

Learn about the Science Designing the Systems
A number of techniques were used to assemble an
of Delivery from Wuhan’s evidence base to inform the design of Wuhan’s traffic
Experience management systems. These ranged from harnessing
outside expertise (such as the German expert embedded
The Wuhan case study offers traffic planners and related
with multiple agencies in Wuhan and collaboration with
officials helpful insights into creating, delivering, and
the World Bank team), to learning from past experiences,
managing citywide transportation systems and their
to  performing evaluations and experiments to assess
complex technology, especially under conditions of rapidly
the  impact of projects and guide work in these areas.
increasing urbanization and automobile ownership.
This evidence base was key to creating systems that could
address Wuhan’s particular needs.
Area Traffic Control and Channelization
Outcomes Importance of Leadership
The case study covers two components of traffic
The Wuhan Traffic Management Bureau took a leadership
management in Wuhan, each of which has a major
role in the process, over time becoming more influential in
impact on the quality of life for people who use Wuhan’s
the planning and implementation of major road projects
roads, both motorists and people using nonmotorized
than is typically the case, given the traditional dominance
transportation. In both cases, the system was designed
of road construction priorities. The channelization
with these improvements in mind and measured and
projects contributed to the emergence of a new local and
evaluated in line with these goals. In the case of the first
national intersection design standard, specific to urban
component—the implementation of ATC systems—a
formal evaluation found improved traffic flow and reduced
congestion. With regard to the second component—
Adaptive Implementation
intersection channelization—field observations showed
safer separation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic and a Implementation relied on shifting away from a supply-
need for fewer police to guide intersection traffic. driven, physically oriented, vehiclecentric orientation,
as well as on the gradual emergence of university-based
institutions with the high-level analytical capacity
Multidimensional Response among
to conduct regional travel surveys and computer
Agencies Involved in Traffic
simulations. These changes occurred over a period of
Management time and in an iterative manner. In addition, successive
The traffic management initiatives required a experiences with traffic control systems afforded the
multisectoral and multidisciplinary combination of municipal government the opportunity to learn and
planning, engineering, and collaboration among agencies improve with each iteration. The size of the city, along
responsible for road construction, traffic police, road with the high costs of installing new traffic control
markings, facilities such as fences and safety islands, and systems, meant that only smaller subsystems were
plantings inside safety islands or sidewalks. In addition, installed. Such incremental changes enabled the planners
Wuhan officials partnered with the World Bank to develop to learn from each subsystem and to improve the designs
traffic management strategies and institutional capacities. for the newer ones.

Global Delivery Initiative

Annex Names, Agencies, and Titles of Interviewees on

Field Trips
Field Trip 1, May 2013
Name Agency Title Date/Time
Wei Li Project Management Office Deputy Director May 28, pm
Mr. Zhang Provincial Treasury Unit Director May 28, pm
Mr. Hu Traffic Management Bureau Director, Research Department May 28, pm; May 29, am; May 30, pm
Mr. Tong Traffic Management Bureau Party Director, Research Department May 29, am; May 30, pm
Lixia Xu Project Management Office Director, Rusiness Development May 29, pm
Jin Qiu Project Management Office Procurement May 30, am
Jun Zhou Design Institute Assistant Director May 30, am
Mr. Chen Traffic Management Bureau ATC System Technician May 30, pm; May 31, pm
Mr. Liang Traffic Management Bureau Texting Program May 30, pm; May 31, pm
Education Department
Mr. Shao Design Institute Director, Transportation Department May 31, am
Mr. Wang Design Institute Director May 31, am
Traffic Management Bureau Accident Department May 31, pm

Field Trip 2, June 2013

Mr. Shao Design Institute Director, Transportation Department June 17, am
Mr. Li Transport Planning Institute Title unknown June 17, am
Jing Lu Transport Planning Institute Title unknown June 17, pm
Mr. Hu Traffic Management Bureau Director, Research Department June 17, pm; June 20, am
Mr. Tong Traffic Management Bureau Party Director, Research Department June 17, pm
Mr. Chen Traffic Management Bureau ATC System Technician June 17, pm
Mr. Huang Design Institute Chief Designer June 18, am
Ms. Xiao Construction Commission Director, Construction Management June 18, pm
Ms. Gladys Frame World Bank ATC Expert June 18, pm
Jin Qiu Project Management Office Procurement Division June 19, noon
Ms. Luo Treasury Department Deputy director, Finance Division June 19, pm
Ms. Yu Urban Administration Bureau Director, Facility Management June 19, pm
Xianyao Zhao Wuhan University of Technology Professor of Transportation June 19, pm
Lixia Xu Project Management Office Director, Business Development June 20, am
Mr. Li Project Management Office Party Director June 20, am
Edward Dotson World Bank Former Task Team Leader (2002–06) June 28, pm

Solving Complex Technical and Institutional Problems to Improve Urban Traffic Flow in Wuhan, China

Bibliography Xu, Ya Guo, and Jing Li. n.d. “Guangzhou Intelligent

Transportation Management System’s Application and
World Bank. 2004. “Project Appraisal Document on a Prospect in Asia Games.” Intelligent Transportation
Proposed Loan in the Amount of US$200 Million Network.​
to the People’s Republic of China for a Wuhan 58&id=6318.
Urban Transport Project.” Report No: 25590-CHA.
Transport Sector Unit, East Asia and Pacific Region, Yang, Dong Yuan. n.d. Smooth Traffic Engineering. Tongji
World Bank, Washington, DC. University, Professor Dong Yuan Yang’s Personal Page.​/­report40.htm
Wuhan Evening News. “Wuhan Mass Construction Enters
Zhao, Xin. n.d. “Change.” Beijing Traffic Management
the Harvest Period.” October 21, 2011. Xinhua Hubei

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data on China’s economy. This includes information such as previous economic growth rates in China, central government debt and
borrowing, and many other indicators regarding the Chinese economy.

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