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Feature Story 2: Separated Brothers Name:

Daniel Karast pulled back his leg back, knelt down, and was set to run in his track meet, until
he looked to his left and was filled with confusion thinking he was looking into a mirror. The kid
next to him looked so much like him he could have sworn he was looking at himself, but this
wasn’t just a coincidence, there was more to the story then they knew at the time.
After the race, Daniel went up to the kid next to him, that's when he met Southside High
School junior Donald, his brother. When they were babies their mom died from a crash, and
then they were adopted by different families. Since that track meet they have spent a
considerable amount of time together, learning they were alike in so many ways and want to
keep getting to know each other.
Donald and Daniel looked exactly alike. They had the same curly brown hair, same brown
wide eyes, same build, and the same crooked front tooth.
“When i was at the starting line i had one thing on my mind- win the race,” Daniel karast said.
“Then I looked to the left and there I was. I mean we look exactly alike”
Daniel's adopted parents weren't able to have their own children, so Daniel had been an only
child until he met Donals.
“Getting to know Donald has been awesome,” Daniel Karast said. “I've never liked being an
only child, I've always wanted a sibling.”
Donald goes to Southside high school and Daniel goes to leaguetown high school. Southlake
is only 30 miles west of leaguetown high.
“I always knew I would find my brother one day,” Donald Stephens said. “But I had no idea he
was 30 miles away this whole time.”
The boys will play against each other in one more game at the baseball regional playoffs on
May 27.
“At first, my baseball coach was a little worried about me playing against him. He wasn't sure
I'd pitch my best,” Donald said. “But then he saw the improvements I’ve made by practicing with
The boy's biological mother was still alive after the car accident, but her injuries were too bad.
She had a C-section that day so Daniel could live, and then not long after that she died. Daniel
and Donald were then split up by a mix up in the hospital.
“If we had known[about Donald],” Daniels mother Dana Karast said. “We would have adopted
both babies.”

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